above: the almost birthday boy! he is the greatest boy. he turns 8 tomorrow. he is sweet and really cute in his hockey clothes. he is learning how to skate and we can all learn from children. he falls down and gets right back up. i love my boy! (and my girl too but it is my son’s birthday).
here is the butter/brown sugar for the chocolate chip cookies i made during the week… i used alexis’ chocolate chip cookie recipe.
yummy chocolate chips!
batter on parchment paper.
extra batter.
baked cookies! yummy.
i’m a messy baker.
flour for my son’s birthday cupcakes for school.
real vanilla
lovely cupcakes.
still nice.
rejected cupcakes.. good thing i made extra!
icing is turning blue…
cakes for tomorrow morning’s birthday breakfast!
cake is almost frosted.
it’s a blue birthday cake! messy but delicious.
You are to the culinary arts as Hitler is to Polish Jews.
Best regards,