
U have 2 read Whateverradio.com’s, (Jennifer’s) latest blog COMMENTS.
There r many ppl who completely agree w/U. Refreshing and encouraging 2 c so many people r AWAKE!
Peace 2 U and yours!
rosie’s answer:
their thought
it is only i
who thinks as i do
they r wrong
my interpretation of rosie’s blog is that the media thinks rosie is the only one with her point of view….but they are wrong because people like alexis and i agree with her position on imus… and also, i think rosie is tired talking about imus and other bull crappy since there are other people in our country who should’ve been fired already but all our media deals with is imus!
what do you think?????
and fyi… i think imus is a big creep… a giant jerk….a total ahole…a racist pig…but i don’t think he should’ve been fired….
Jen: I needed Rosie’s response interpreted, and it makes sense now. Thank you.
Jennifer, you look gawgeous! And Keithy is a total hunk! Now let’s set a photo or two of GUY?!?
I missed Friday’s show, and can’t wait to see the video on marthastewart.com when they post it. It’s great that they can put the show online so we don’t even have to tape or tivo it!
Many people agree with your POV on Imus. Rosie is the most visible with TV and her blog, but many others have spoken out in the papers this weekend. I just wish the men that started the whole commotion were honest about their own racist remarks in the past.
Hope you’re keeping dry on this wet Sunday!
i agree with your interpretation of rosie’s blog. i read it all the time. i was so excited to see you mentioned. apparently alot of people think his firing was extreme.
i love rosie. it’s infuriating to read how she’s constantly misquoted. she’s got such a big heart and is so smart! i guess people find that threatening.
you look lovely in the pictures!!!thanks for the sunday blog but what the hell else can you do in this weather!!!
Yep! Sounds about right to me…
that is totally what she meant to say. I am addicted to rosie’s blog and now I am to yours as well
Yay!! I think I need to buy a lotto ticket today…I must be lucky, for once!
Love the pics Jennifer! You and Alexis are both beautimous! Thanks for posting my Q to Rosie! Loves!!
Imus sparked more outrage than the suffering of people after Katrina.
Rosie O. is one of my favorite people on earth. She is brave and smart and appears to be a great mom. I love her creativity and she is a patriotic American who loves freedom.
Perfect interpretation! 🙂
Am I the only one that thinks Keith looks like Howard K. Stern in the first photo?
I don’t think Don Imus should have been fired either. I think Don Imus is a stupid old man who should have been allowed to continue making a fool out of himself.
no you are not the only one who thinks keith looks just like howard k stern, i thought the same exact thing. Does he ever work??
🙂 I agree Jennifer, I think you have it just right about Ro’s blog. That is actually what brought me to your blog..(the post about you on Rosie’s)
I have very much enjoyed reading here. I wish you guys had a podcast for us poor midwesterners who dont have Sirius 🙂 *hugs*
well just noticed that jenn is reall short..she is soo cute…lol..they were great on the show..as for imus he is past it. i dont agree with him but hehas not said anything that no one else has said before.people over react. like most things this shall blow over…..as for other being fired.oh lord yeah like mr bush.he needed to go .and al those men who run the gas and oil companies.they are taking what litle money we have for no reason.what has this world come to.its a shame most people can not even afford to go to work cause gas is to much money…
what do u think…
Saw you on Martha you both were great! The teleprompter comments kept cracking me up!!I like that you support Rosie that is what brought me to your blog. You both seem real.
Tonight, my hubby decided to watch the recordings of your appearances on the ‘Martha’ show this week. He said he loved them all! And, even though he already met the pair of you at the “Good Things Event” in NYC, he said it was very nice to finally be able to put the faces with the voices that I communicate with on a regular basis. And, no, he wasn’t referring to the ones that live in my head. ha,ha.
On Imus, wouldn’t listen to him but some do and firing him is chilling to free speech, it’s all niche markets now anyway,, the question is, during the 60s civil rights thing, people learned new things… didn’t make them less prejudiced at home but at least they heard different elsewhere, maybe, out of all this Imus stuff, a message has made it out – loud and clear, no matter how fox or others try to spin it.
On Rosie’s blog – the ‘media’ knows Rosie isn’t the only one with her point of view. We are the ones who have to demand more of OUR media by not buying it if it is no-news no-value no-real info just sensationalist crap.
You looked beautiful on Friday. It was soooooo much fun to see you both all week. Makes your show just more fun to listen to when I can imagine how you guys are sitting when you are doing your show. You and Keith are a gorgeous couple.
Those are great pictures! Gotta agree with you, I’m not a fan of Imus but he should not have been fired.
Love the pictures! You look great and I loved watching you guys on Martha! I also agree with your take on what Rosie said and think the same way you do about the whole Imus thing. He’s a complete blowhard but he shouldn’t have been fired for it.
I saw you guys on the Martha Stewart show for the first time this past week and after just one viewing I felt that I would like to make a comment on your blog.
I don’t agree with everything that you had to say and I think that you allow Alexis to demean you and treat you as if you are ignorant and uncapable of having an intelligent thought.
I have observed that a great number of liberal lifestyled people tend to preach “tolerance” but yet they are the ones that show the least amount of “tolerance” to everyone that thinks, lives, loves differently than themselves. Alexis doesn’t understand your loves and desires in life (family) because she doesn’t value those things in the same way as you.
I feel that you better represent the American People…not Alexis.
Speak up and Always Stand Strong for what you believe.
Jenny….i LOVE the ‘oh it’s me’ shot….you’s a lookin good gurl!!!!!!! re: imus…at least you got mentioned on page 6. i think they would have mentioned you on there regardless of whether you were pro/con Imus.
Sounds about right—–
I don’t support Imus either and what it comes down to is if he can get fired for his free speech (no matter what a big creep that he is), anyone can. I’m so thankful Whatever is on Sirius.
I find it SHOCKING that media can’t point out what Alexis pointed out which is totally RIGHT ON – Imus will still have a job if advertisers weren’t pulling out as quickly as they were. It is, all about the circle of cash flow.
If you get a chance, read Michaelangelo Signorile’s of OutQ’s comments about it too – https://www.signorile2003.blogspot.com/
Great photos!!
my interpretation of rosie’s blog is that she is retarded.
i love you girls and i don’t understand what’s the fuss about rosie. seriouslyyyyyy. move on, please.
“a said…”
well, a, brave name that, you called Rosie a retard — is that the extent of your ability to contribute to this discussion?
If you have a point, calling someone a name doesn’t tell us what you think or have to say.
I know you can’t comment on all blogs, but PLEASE humor me today…if Imus is a big creep, giant jerk, a total ahole and a racist pig and you still think he should NOT have been fired, What the H would he have to do to be fired in your opinion????!?!!!!!!!!
Am I the only one that LOVED your notes Jennifer? When the camera zoomed in on your notepad – it was adorable and endearing. I hope you both become regulars on the show – you looked gorgeous and both of you were a BREATH OF FRESH AIR!
yeah, i agree, sometimes the WRONG people get fired.
Eva has a fine ass.
PS LOVED the backstage pics!
Since you asked…
Imus is an ahole and all else. But the reason I agree with his firing is that I don’t see it as a 1st ammendment issue. He is paid by a corp to make money for them. If he sufficiently pisses off listners and loses sponsors and puts the corp at risk for lawsuits I believe they (cbs and msnbc) are well within their right to fire him. Sorry on this one, I don’t agree with you girls. Besides, they are much nobler causes out their to fight for other than saving Imus who as I have read had this coming to him for awhile.
You two girls on the show at least once a month would be nice. Who knows, if you get pretty good, maybe Martha would let you fill in when she is on vacation instead of watching reruns
Margot, I wasn’t referring to the content of her post.
I totally agree with you about Imus!
i hate to disagree with you, jennifer, because i agree with you on most things. but the imus issue isn’t about free speech. imus and every other racist/misogynist can spew hateful remarks on the street or in their own home anytime. however, if one is an employee and says these words AT WORK, the employer should fire the offending employee, especially if it causes upset among other employees. it’s not about free speech; it’s about proper workplace conduct 🙂
aside from that, keep being groovy, man!
ummm…dont think we can agree…Imus was PAID, and paid well by his employers, to do what he did and he did it many, many times before that day
What the hell is a “nappy headed hoe”anyways?
rosie’s in a different league than you guys. playing a different game. she’s an incredibly charitable person, with her time and money, and is trying to get the word out about what she thinks is happening to this country in her blog and the opening segments on the view. you two are just having fun. nice that you agree with her but who really cares what you think, really!
Jennifer – your hair and makeup was STUNNING on the Martha show. You looked amazing. U definately should wear makeup every day!