hi everyone,
i feel so sad about the virginia tech shootings..(and i also feel so sad about how many people have died in this war…this unnecessary war.) it’s all so sick. all so depressing.
i don’t know how to deal with it… and the way the press covers all of it…so much of the discussion in the press is meant to tittilate….
one newscaster was asking a girl about the virginia tech shootings and
the girl said (i’m paraphrasing here), "so i heard gunshots, lots of gunshots, it was hell, it was scary"
newscaster says, "did you see the gunman?"
girl says, "no, i didn’t see him, i heard the shots, had to be like 100 shots at least."
newscaster says, "did he try to come into your room?"
girl says, "uhhh, no he was in the stairwell…we were just being quite."
i felt like this newscaster was trying to get more drama out of her story- wanted the girl to say she was almost killed but wasn’t…
the newscaster seemed almost disappointed that the gunman didn’t try to get in to the girl’s room… i don’t get it.
this story is horrible….nauseating…just so upsetting.
it is too damn easy to get a gun in this country.
I agree – the media has invaded the lives of those students who are in shock from this entire event. I have visited the VA Tech campus and it just doesn’t seem possible that something like this could happen in such a peaceful environment. I also agree with you about the guns – when will this stop!
I can tell you from experience that taking your child to college and leaving them in a strange new place isn’t easy and now after this I feel sorry for the parents that will take that journey next fall!
Please keep the VA Tech family and friends of this tragic event in your thoughts and prayers!
The happiest guy in the nation right now is Imus. He’s been knocked off the front pages by a horrific incident in Virginia. You’re right about the media: they’re done with Imus and on to the shootings. So incredible. Hang in there, Jennifer. The show’s great.
I am 2 hours from VA Tech. All of the media coverage makes me want the media to cover the family, friends and lifes of the soldiers that are dying every day (more than 33 in one day) so that this country can get outraged by their deaths to the same degree. I want that on TV 24/7 just as this sad, sad event has been. People need to realize that alot of the soldier that have died in this ‘war’ are college age and younger. *Some even in the military to be able to PAY for college, and instead are dying!! Doing what? Not going to class, but guarding gas stations in Iraq and patrolling oil drills in the ocean surrounding the middle east. LETS GET OUTRAGED ABOUT THEIR DEATHS (too)!!!
Diane Sawyer interviewed a guy whose twin brother was killed in the dorm. She asked him “What part of your twin are you feeling this morning” WTF?
And another anchor said “The University President IS UNDER FIRE for the delay in response”.
Under fire? Could you please choose some different words, you idiots?!
Well Jennifer – you are a mother – and as mothers we feel the fear and sadness. The media almost seems EXCITED that there is new news. There has been only Anna Nicole and Imus news as of late – This is horrible that they now have REAL news. Today – we are all Hokies – and I wish my son were home from college so I could give him a big hug.
Dear Bill W- I agree. The best thing to happen to Don Imus IS Virginia Tech. Just like the best thing to happend to that intern-screwing, wife-cheating, California Senator Gary Condit, was 9/11. Remember when the FBI had just found Chandra Levy’s decomposed body in Central Park (and they were about to tell us how she died and who the actual killer was), the 9/11 attacks happend? No, I didn’t think so…
During the 1966 campus massacre at the University of Texas at Austin, in which Charles Whitman climbed to the 28th floor of the Texas Tower and randomly killed off 18 students with his trusty deer hunting rifle, NO ONE bothered interviewing the remaining traumatized students… Instead, the media left them to mourn their loses and study for their exams. Good times.
Virginia Tech must be a wonderful school. The students that I have seen interviewed are the most mature and articulate young women and men. I am so proud of all of them. The killings are senseless and will never be understood. There are crazy people in this world and they hurt the ones that do not deserve such trauma. I have renewed hope for the future by watching and listening to the Virginia Tech students.
I totally agree. I don’t know what to feel anymore. It is all so depressing and i am feeling so helpless.
I’m sad for all the people that were killed and hurt but I’m truly not surprised that this happened. The surprising thing to me is that it doesn’t happen everyday. It’s just to easy for any and everyone to buy a gun! We all need to wake up and know that this is what is going to happen if we don’t change our country. Stop being surprised and make a Change!
I have a feeling that the people who comment on this blog, and claim to feel “…upset and nauseated by this horrible story and senseless act” are the SAME people who support abortion. Because if you ask me, an abortionist is far worse than the Virginia Tech shooter; for at least two reasons: 1. When those dead students were face to face with their murderer, they had a sporting chance to run and/or hide from their attacker… That poor innocent baby, who is permanently trapped in another person’s body, never got that sporting chance. 2. At least those dead students will be comforted in the knowledge that they died at the hand of a strange attacker… Again, with a self-centered, spineless, murderer for a parent, what poor innocent baby could ever stand a sporting chance, if its attacker is ALSO its mother?! Think about it, people. There are mass murders taking place Every. Single. Day. Don’t those actions warrant your attention and outrage? Shouldn’t those actions make you feel equally “…upset and nauseated”? Or do you just like picking and choosing who will or won’t die, just like your Virginia Tech shooter friend?
I wonder how this is all affecting – and will be affecting – the korean community… several radio shows in large cities have advised the oriental asians to be careful of the possible outcome of hate crimes…
why is it that if the perpetrator was an american citizen – we need better – or more gun control laws? and it it’s a permanent resident – resident alien – it suddenly becomes an immigration issue?
Hi Hypocrites – you choose THIS forum to post such a ridiculous response to a discussion on the sadness of the VT massacre? How old are you – 12? Why don’t you take some time to find the proper BLOG area for your statements. Your ignorant BLOG nauseates me more than the coverage of the horrific VT events.
I feel for how strongly you believe in being against abortions. But the truth is, if you have an abortion early on, as is I believe required by law, you are aborting cells. Cells that are still in the midst of splitting. There is no developed brain. There is no fear, or terror being experienced by the baby. So, to compare the fear and terror these people felt being attacked by a gunman to a grouping of splitting cells that isn’t aware of anything, is kind of insulting to the people who were attacked. There are too many people in the world. I wish more people, if they get pregnant by mistake – condoms break, etc. would get an abortion. There’s just not enough space to go around.
When a student is so “disturbed” that you have to a) isolate him from other students b) tutor him private c) call the cops on him d) post guards outside a classroom to make other students feel safe and e) arrange a code word to use if the student is in your office, then guess what – KICK THE KID OUT OF SCHOOL. I think trying to be politically correct and sensitive all the time is causing us to be sort of stupid. HELLO, sometimes you must believe someone if they themselves are telling you they are crazy.
Totally agree with Bill W. BiPolar: can’t tell if you agree or not.
Dear vj- Don’t worry, the Korean-Americans are safe. The same goes for any Asian immigration issues… The ONLY immigrant the U.S. government is interested in harassing/building a fence around is my fellow Mexican immigrant. p.s. The Statue of Liberty should relfect all of the new (ridiculous) legal limitations placed upon our new wave of immigrants. It SHOULD now be referred to as: The StatuTe of Liberty. p.p.s The U.S. government says that when a Mexican enters the United States, he steals a job that could have belonged to an American. Well let me just say this for the record: I have NEVER been interested in mowing a white person’s lawn or cleaning a white person’s toilet! But, if it means that he can eat a hot meal in the morning and sleep in a safe place at night, then let it me known that he can gladly have ‘mine’…
That abortion posting is sickening. To equate a tragedy like the shootings at Virginia Tech to an abortion is reprehensible.
The Supreme Court’s decision is just the beginning of the end of women’s choice. Now more than ever the “hypocrites” in the government and the conservative movement want to legislate our private behavior and our morality.
Well, I love you both. You are so refreshing and smart. I am addicted. I listen to the program every day and I have talked so much about the program, that my daughter (same age as Alexis) reads your blogs every day even though she does not have Sirius radio.
Keep speaking out!
i had to stop what I was doing and comment after hearing you talk on the radio about the person comparing abortion to the shooter. The conservatives like to complain that we liberals get upset because of the lone shooter but no complaint about abortion, I think liberals do hate abortions but only because they had to resort to this option. But liberals believe women should have that right. No one is looking forward to an abortion.
But I wonder why conservatives want nio laws about holdings but lots of laws about women’s rights to abortions or about two men wanting to marry. I don’t think conservatives get to pick and choose which laws affect us socially.
I love your show and how you go from topic to topic. And yes there are gays and liberals in Oklahoma who believe in women’s rights and gay marriage. we also believe nut jobs like Don imus can say what they want because our moms taught us words might sting but they can’t really hurt us.
Hypocrites — do us all a favor and scoop your uterus out. Anyone that thinks like you needs to not add to the gene pool any more or ever.
Lou- I DO agree with Bill W. Also agree with you… 😉
Let me just say that the ‘Whatever’ radio show in general, and THESE blogs in particular, have always maintained a certain kind of freedom of speech. And I have always respected the girls for it! It would, therefore, be hypocritical to dictate the terms and topics that are (or are not) suitable for discussion, and then claim a freedom of speech stance outside the radio show or blogs… That being said, a partial-term abortion (as defined under Clinton’s administration) was an abortion perfomed in the late stages of a woman’s pregnancy in which the viability of the fetus was certian, but the mother’s viability was not. BUT, because the baby is able to live outside it’s mother’s body without any kind of symbiotic relationship, it is now considered a HUMAN BEING and may not be killed under our existing criminal penal code; without legal reprecussions attached. So, if it makes any of you left wing liberals feel any better, just think of the Supreme Court’s decision to ban partial-term abortions as an extension of the ‘Laci and Connor Law’ (which Bush enacted and everybody supported) when Scott Peterson killed HIS unborn baby. *Jennifer, I dare you to post this.
You are correct – we do all have the gift of Freedom of Speech in this Country – the comparison was ridiculous – so I excercise my freedom of speech to say you are ignorant and small minded. You don’t have a SPORTING CHANCE of realizing how inappropriate your blog was.
I can’t believe the news continues to show the killer’s photos and videos. They are doing exactly what he wants. It’s maddening that everytime I go online his stupid photo pops up. I can only imagine how this is encouraging others to something similar.
This isn’t the best comparison but baseball stopped showing fans on tv who would run on the field. I remember when ESPN would sometimes even show the footage. Well I think they finally realized that they were only encouraging people to do this so they stopped showing them. The news and media companies should realize what they are doing and stop this as well. Focus on the victims or how about any of the other horrible things going on in the world.
I encourage everyone to email the news organization and ask them to stop.
Move on already –BLOW JOB BLOW JOB–!
I agree with ‘The News Is Stupid’!!
There are many more psycho’s out there that have nothing to live for and think their lives are meaningless…but now they see exactly how to become notorious and sensationalize any random message they want by ending their life as well as many others with them.
I have sent a message to CNN, since I don’t watch Fox.
Thanks NBC for giving the killer even MORE post-massacre acclaim. I know the video would have leaked anyway, but I wish it would have landed in someone’s hands that would have *accidentally* destroyed it. What about responsibility to the victims? Ratings must trump that. What about thinking “any more attention is going to further inspire our own local terrorists”. Advertising revenue must trump that. Damn. What a clusterF.
HEY! I just nominated whateverradio.com’s blog for a bunch of categories on http://www.bloggerschoiceawards.com
Once it shows up (should be up on their homepage by Monday) everyone needs to go vote for the girls. Alexis & Jennifer you guys can put the ‘Nominated Blog’ “Badge” on your site too, if you like…to bring voters to vote for you. LOVES!!!
*You can also go there to vote for Rosie.com’s site as the best ‘Celebrity Blog’. 🙂