hi everyone!
you all know i love my keithy, but he just refused to turn off the very inappropriate for children snl oprah skit from last night- while my kids were in the room- so i screamed "shut it off..pause please" and he did NOTHING.
so now my kids are asking to see it again..hear bill clinton say "sex" again and another animated character say "dump" again.
am i too strict? should i not adhere to the recommendation tv-ma on the screen????
ugh! men.
Keep up your values, don’t forget, it takes men longer to catch on.
But they do come around eventually. With my husband I had to calm down because I found it so irritating, then talk to him when I was more rational- it took years, but I just kept planting the moral high ground for nuturing our children. Well, we will agree with our grandchildren at least.
Keep up the good work
There is too much crap on TV and it is the parent(s) responsibility to monitor what kids watch. AND even if people do not agree with the current President of our US, we still should not disrespect the office with jokes and satire. It is shameful. You’re a good Mom, Jen.
I completely agree with you. Recently my husband has become obsessed with boxing and I don’t like it on around my 15 month old. I caught it the other day and tried to act like he didn’t notice. Sometimes you just have to keep at them so they will learn. However, screaming is not the answer. You should probably speak to him in a rational manner about it later.
No Jennifer, you were right, Keithy was wrong. Men never grow up and stay in the adolescent state forever. The day you marry, you get your first child. To change the subject….Jennifer, you have an awesome singing voice. I love to hear you sing (and I love when Howard sings, too!).
Jen – I know you want to protect your kids and I know you are a great mother. I’m not sure anyone should ever see some of the stuff in movies and on TV these days at any age. I agree that it’s inapropriate. However, they are going to see it sometime anyway and maybe it’s best to see it with you in your home as a family. By no means am I saying that you should go and show them dirty movies or adult TV shows but if they happen to see it, it’s a good opportunity to teach them values that you believe in about the content they just saw. If they are going around repeating that stuff, I would let them watch that with you. They will see your reaction to the “comedy” and learn a bigger lesson. If you don’t let them watch it now, they’re just going to be curious and eventually try to sneak watching it. I hope that makes sense. I think you’re a great mom and not too strict but you do want to be open and talk to them about things like that if it happens.
My husband did something similar this afternoon. Could not see that what he was watching was completely inappropriate for my THREE year old! OY VAY!
Men…can’t live with ’em, can’t shoot ’em! Go figure!
Hey, Dana, shoot this!
Shut up!
Jen, it won’t be the first time your kids will see or hear something that is inappropriate but I agree, you and Keithy need to be on the same page. What happened the other night is small potatoes compared to other issues on which you and Keithy will need to create a ‘common front’. Too strict? It’s all relative but if you’re not comfortable with it, then set the limits.
Yes you’re being way too strict. I just watched it on youtube and firmly believe that SNL was doing a good public service by educating our young people about the political process using an animated skit. Hey, it worked with Schoolhouse Rock!
You are not too strict, but I would think that you would be able to let him know that it is inappropriate without screaming and making a big deal of it. Try to discuss it and come to an agreement in private so that you can present a united front.
Mothers these days are WAY too overprotective. They need to get a grip, and then get a life! Bruises, bumps AND bad language have been around forever… It didn’t seem to cause you any permanent damage, so why should it cause them?
What were the kids doing up at that hour?
When you want something done, do it yourself, without complaining.
I certainly don’t cosider myself an overly protective or strict parent, but I have to wonder why your two young kids were awake and watching TV with you after 11:30 at night. Was it recorded, and were you watching it the next day?
your kids are such brats why do you care??
Did you ever think that maybe you making a big deal about what was on the tv is what is making your children so curious. If you are yelling about it and acting all anxious it can not help but make them curious and probably pay alot more attention then they normally would because, mom is getting so excited it must be a big deal. I agree that parents need to make sure that what their children watch is appropriate but in truth they probably wouldn’t have cared about it at all if you hadn’t gone so crazy about it. That is what makes them interested because it lets them know that it is something that you don’t want them to watch.
Why were your kids up watching that crap anyway. Good mom’s don’t let there kids stay up and watch crap shows like that!
hi everyone!
we were watching snl on tivo…
the next day.
fyi…i did not let my kids stay up so late…
Tivo – sure!!! Why do you try so hard???
Hey, wait a minute. Didn’t Keithy accuse YOU of bad parenting yesterday about the soccer game???? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I think you were right to set limits on what the kids should and should not see.
OH TIVO! Maybe you should still hold off on watching SNL until the kids are either in bed or otherwise occupied. Just a suggestion…
Hi jennifer, I dont think what you did at the baseball game was wrong. I think I would have done the same thing. getting hit in the chest is dangerous. how were you supposed to know if he got the wind knock out of him or if he had a broken rib or something wrong with his heart. I dont think what you did was wrong you love your son and was worried that he was hurt. any mom would have done that
so dont feel bad for being a concerced parent. there are not enough of them out there these days
Jen, I think your card is adorable!
Hey! I’m not fat! I’m just big-boned!
The bigger issue is getting on the same page about this – Keithy needs to support you (especially in front of the kiddos). If he doesn’t have a good reason FOR letting them watch something, then he should humor you and turn it off if you have a good reason AGAINST them seeing it.
The code phrase I use is “wildly inappropriate”. Kids being kids, mine will now call “wildly inappropriate” on any show they don’t want to watch. It’s cute when a 4 year old tries to say it as dad attempts to watch a documentary.
I am NOT a hater. OK? I stand up for myself and speak my mind. So what! Last time I looked that wasn’t illegal. But hey, look at Imus – the right to free speech is on its way down the drain!
I know jenny hutt admires me that alone would turn me into a hater