hi everyone!
so i am on this zone diet- and i really like it- i do. i find that when i feel my eating is in control, i feel happier- or maybe when i’m happier my eating is in control?! regardless, i am glad to be taking better care of myself.
no, i haven’t weighed myself since i started but according to keithy, it’s working because (and i quote) “i can see you’ve lost weight around your eyes…” geez…he doesn’t disappoint does he! he says i lose weight around my eyes and it moves down…i never thought i had fat eyes! If this doesn’t work with me, there’s the dr oz guide for forskolin that i will read.
then, of course, he grabbed under my ass…just under the cheeks which he refers to as “foie gras” and says he can definitely tell i am thinner…
people, i couldn’t make this stuff up if i wanted to.
lucky for me, keithy cannot tell when i am thinner (or fatter) really…he thinks he can, which is fine, but i know he can’t. he is too close to me and loves me as is… which i think, is probably one of the reasons i married him.
even when i feel crappy- fat and ugly- he is there to boost my spirit and self worth.
yes, i know self esteem comes from within and i agree…but isn’t it important to have a partner who makes you feel better about yourself than worse? i know plenty of women who’s husbands make them feel like shit- to me that’s not ok…
that said i wouldn’t want keithy to be a “yes” man either- and he’s not, he’s quick to point out when i am not paying enough attention to him or when i am seemingly unavailable and self consumed- he lets me know when there is not enough food in the house and i have neglected to get the dog bathed…all of these things are important for me to know…but
he always tells me i’m beautiful and sexy.
he’s pretty darn hot too.
I lost 78 lbs last year by following a nutrionit’s plan designed for me. Whatever plan you choose keep in mind that although family and friends support is very important, the positive feedback you give yourself is crucial to success.
Good luck!
From my experience you do start to lose weight first in your face and arms, then it moves to other places. No scientific evidence but that is how it has worked for me when I lose weight. You are very lucky to have Keithy, not many men like him.
Good for you Jen – congrats on your weight loss. Keithy sounds like a keeper to me.
I don’t think it’s right for husbands to rip on someone’s confidence either. Women do it too and just tear down their husband’s self esteem or worse yet, drive them away so they end up cheating.
Marriage can be a great thing but it will only work if both people know who they are first and do not believe that the other person is going to fill a void or fix them in some way.
That’s awesome that the diet is working! I think you can tell behind someone’s eyes because they lose weight in their face.
Glad the zone is working! And Keithy is working for you, as well. Good men are hard to find! He’s a keeper! I have one like that too! We are lucky!
gooooo jean!
Tells you when the dog needs bathed and when there isnt enough food in the house? I think a woman with a law degree might be able to figure those things out on her own. Its great he compliments you, but sounds like its mostly about him, Jen. Tell him that if he loved you, he would bathe the dog when you cant and shop too. He may not attack your weight, but he’s still attacking your self esteem, telling you what your doing isnt adequate. Tell him you need a partner, not a critic.
I want to marry a guy that makes me feel like Keith makes you feel. 🙂
Veronica is 100% correct!! BRAVO, Veronica!
Does this guy have a job? Maybe HE can find time to hit the grocery store and take the dogs to the groomer in his busy day?
becareful of the Zone. I did it and having the food delivered is very addicting! then when you’ve spent enough money on the food you decide to stop and it’s hard to eat that way when you have children. the weight starts to creep back on. the concept of the diet is a healthy diet but the food they give you is not always enough calories. you will lose weight fast and then you will be very hungery. just be careful and smart about it.
I applaud you for taking your weight issue into your own hands… Takes real balls.
I am going to get my weigh down too so I will be with you all the way. Maybe a walk in the evening after dinner would work too as it lows your blood pressure and you breath in fresh air. good luck we are behind you no punt intended Lenore
Jen, I applaud you for going on the zone diet! My husband and I have just modified how we eat and he has lost 33 lbs since January and I have lost 17. I can also totally identify with the “losing weight in the eyes” comment, after I lost a few lbs. my hubby told me I didn’t “look Chinese any more”! Who knew! Your Keithy sounds wonderful; almost as wonderful as my husband! We’ll keep our sweet guys and get the dogs bathed! (mine does go to the grocery and enjoys it — I even get little suprises) Anyway, it does take two to get everything accomplished.. By the way, I can really tell you’ve lost some weight!