hi everyone!
i suppose we could set up a place where you can ask questions and we can answer them, but isn’t that what the radio show is for?
alexis and i love when you call in with any questions!!!!
that said, i will inquire with our web people whether a question/answer thingy is possible for us to do a la rosie’s blog.
also, thanks for the nice comments re: my video blog. i appreciate the kindness as you all know what a sensitive girl i am.
and…kenn who comments that i look thin…not so fast- it’s easy to look thin from the neck up!
yes i am working on it as you all know (zone) and i am not where i want to be yet. i will ultimately succeed- though i suspect it will take much longer than paulie who seems to have the weight just fall off!
back to vacation- tune into the replay…
Hi Jennifer, guys metabolisms are usally faster thats maybe why Paulie is losing weight so fast. My friend has been taking an all natural product called 50 HTP ( Hydroxy Triptifan ) by Nature Sunshine (Great brand) and has lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks while nothing else was working. It is also for stress. Have a great vacation
I’m so curious to know how much weight you have lost. I think you wrote that you don’t know your weight. Sheesh that would drive me crazy! I would have to see some sort of number result at the scale in order to continue. Well keep up the good work and enjoy your vacation.
Keep the blogs coming … they are so much fun!
stop working and have some fun!
u seem to be a lot more committed to this effort than your co-host. You are great! To blog on your vacation is awesome. OK, now you can defend Alexis …
Don’t you just hate it when you’re on the same diet with a guy and they lose soo much more weight than you do??? My husband lost 20 pounds in two months, and I lost 10… totally unfair!! And we were both on zone… maybe it’s that the size of the portions is the same for both women & men??? In any case, good luck with your diet!!
Hey Jennifer, why is it that with guy’s the weight just falls off. We go through all the pregnancy stuff you would think we could get a break. Have fun chilling’ at home.
Alot of times you guys “let people go” mid question.
Alexis has seemed particularly cranky lately. You are a good friend for putting up with her moods! It must be hard sometimes, but you handle it so well! We love you, Jennifer.
jennifer – I hope you’re having a great vacation so far and that you’re doing lots of fun things with your family! Don’t worry about the diet – it will happen for you.
Take care – can’t wait to have you back!
Jennifer, I love your humility and like your style. You are NOT phoney and I “feel you”! I think if Alexis ever has a baby, she will turn into Mother Nature, breast feed and micromanage that baby. I had a friend who never wanted children and after 8 years had one. She even made her own baby food and quit her job! Alexis only thinks she knows everything. She will have to use her powers for good instead of evil…
Karenska– You would be cranky too if you had to work with Jennifer everyday, what hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Jennifer. Did you know that Paris Hilton is also in Hawaii? Hmm Alexis and Paris, now that would be a fun meeting.
Hey, Lisa, WTF!
Jennifer -hang in there with the diet. my husband and i have been trying to loose weight and of course he lost ten punds in like two days and I have lost two pounds in like a month………..don’t worry what other people think on your video blogs, brush off the negative comments -don’t even read them
Why put up a quesiton and answer area.. the only thing that would happen would be people would ask questions and no one would answer them… This is nothing like the rosie blog.