hi everyone!
so here’s another video….
it’s not my prettiest day and i was WAY close to the damn computer but whatever…..and i haven’t slept in a few days due to anxiety issues….ugh.
here ya go!
alexis just had a retrieval as well…
ok…the blackberry…you can get your email in pretty much REAL time ANYWHERE….yes, from outlook or any web mail. it has great internet browsing capabilities. totally worth purchasing if you like to be connected all the time…which i do!
I am getting a Curve too, mostly because you mentioned it, I looked it up, and now I am obsessed with it. Thanks!
I’ve been debating if I should get a blackberry. Can you go on line with it? What if you are out of town? Can you send your emails from your outlook express to it? Hmmm!
Take deep breaths
QUESTION: What is the usual time you get to work each day before the live show?
Great blog… Alexis actually looks sweet and gentle after an egg retrieval and she’s all druged up.
Congrats on the Curve girls. The Curve is the nicest looking BlackBerry and most user friendly. Jennifer did you send me an email from it today?:)
yes jimmie i did!!!!
smarty pants…..
Sold! I have to admit – I’ve been a little scared to get something so “powerful” but now I’m on my way right now to get that cool Blackberry. I think you should do a tutorial weekly!
You guys are funny!
My husband and I just ordered two Pearls last night. Now I’m even more excited to get them after seeing this! Can’t wait ’til they get here tomorrow. Keep up the great v-blogs!
Don’t know if you have panic attacks, but go to health food store and get rescue remedy. Try a few drops at bedtime.
Also great book from Lucinda Bassett called Panic to Power. Available on amazon.
I have a Treo. Maybe I’ll get that next and give the Treo to my husband. ha ha! The problem is that as soon as I get one, there’s always something cooler and better that comes out right after that. What is so great about the IPhone really? Does it actually do anything better than than the Treo or the Blackberry or does it just look cool?
Jennifer – you HAVE to talk about this on the show… “www.wholesomewear.com” -I want to know who wears this crap? The models look like ugly transvestites.
And to answer Ariel’s question… Yes, you can surf the web, but it’s not an exact science – not every page displays the way you think it might. Some sites, e.g. “tmz.com” and “weather.com” have ‘mobile’ pages specially designed to work flawlessly with phone displays. As for e-mail… you can typically set a BlackBerry to send/receive e-mail with multiple accounts (usually up to 10). The BlackBerry only pulls ‘copies’ of the incoming messages so when you open Outlook or Outlook Express at home, it will still download the actual messages – or if you use a web client like g-mail your messages will be there. One BIG caveat… if you leave your computer running 24/7 … close your e-mail program when you’re not using it or else you risk the e-mail downloading to your computer before BlackBerry services pull the message and push it to your phone. (But I know you wouldn’t leave your computer on 24/7 because Alexis would give you a spanky for wasting energy. Hey Alexis! I’m going to bed now and I’m leaving my computer ON. Come & get me!)
I’m afraid of what my life will become if I’m that hooked up….Yikes!
I heard Martha say she was getting an iPhone…does she like it better than her Blackberry?
I’m surprised that neither of you have an iPhone. Can you tell us why you prefer the Blackberry to the iPhone? I would like to get the Curve, but my husband (who has an iPhone) thinks I am wasting my time getting a Blackberry. Your thoughts?
Wow, thanks for the info! Sorry for this stupid question, since you answered so much above, but does this mean, if I had that blackberry and I went to a different state that I could access for example, bellsouth, and get my emails and be able to respond to them? How does it get on line if you’re not by a wireless thing? (See, I said I don’t know much about computers!) But the thought that I could go on vacations and have my work at my fingertips (OR BY THE POOL!) is great! Thanks so much for your answers!!!
I’m a Crackberry addict. I’ve had each generation of BlackBerry since they were launched. I got the Curve on launch day and love it the best of all previous models. I also have a Treo 650 and am ditching that for a second-generation iPhone.
The BlackBerry is so handy when you travel. You can pull up weather radars if you are out biking, etc., look up a restaurant on google and hit the phone number link embedded in the url – and voila, you are ordering out!
Living in tornado alley, I also have severe weather bulletins (and CNN news alerts) sent directly to the Curve. VERY handy.
I absolutely LOVE your sense of humor! I wish there were more cool posters like you. Seriously…
Ariel – Blackberry coverage is typically as good as the regular cell network – but being based in a metro area makes it difficult for me to appreciate voice and data coverage in other parts of the US. Check with your preferred carrier – Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, etc. Coverage may vary from network to network. If you plan to travel internationally you may want to consider the the upgraded phone like Alexis has. If you want to take a laptop with you and are not near a WiFi network – you can use the BlackBerry as a tethered modem for net access – addt’l fees may apply. And to “Hmm” – thanks for the comment – needless to say I didn’t get my spanky but it’s nice to have goals in life.
i feel so technologically challenged.
Thanks! I may just get the nerve to “move on up” in the tech world!
Philly Dave!! OMG wholesomewear.com, It looks like it may have been designed for the Amish. How many do you think are online?? Jen, I think you should get one for Alexis!!
Is life the same after a Blackberry arrives?
Tell Alexis to eat lots of pineapple after transfer!! Supposedly helps with implantation. I have 3 IVF babies, and 3 losses (only ate pineapple with the 3 successes!! 🙂
Keeping her in my prayers for a success!
Hmmmm. I see why Alexis is only worth the occasional booty texts with sometimes a follow up shtup if its convenient.
As another fan had mentioned From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett, is honestly an excellent book! Lots of great suggestions and it will really get you thinking!
holy crap, just checked out wholesomewear.com. Totally looks like Amish garb. What I want to know is how Philly Dave came across that site. Wish I could get a blackberry, but, I’m in the middle of VT with no cell phone service!!
I sent an email a few weeks back but never got an answer. My question: A caller was talking about a recipe book containing all kinds of cakes recipes and suggestions for icings for the cakes. Could you please tell me the name of that book; I would love to buy it
Did you get your sons flat screen tv hung under $2000.00?