hi everyone!
here is the website where the celiac community is bashing us…saying we are terrible people blah blah blah.
please post to the contrary…
Blog Home of TV & Radio Personality Jennifer Koppelman Hutt
by Jenny 47 Comments
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That was a great show. I was laughing and gasping in disbelief at some of the callers. Alexis is exactly right…these are people who never had to be self aware and are suddenly made to think about what they put into their bodies. Hey though, thank god “there’s so many companies that make stuff they can eat”. HA! The best, best line was “Yeah, it’s annoying but not as annoying as cancer where you die.”
If you just inform yourself then maybe you could make accurate statments. We just don’t want people to assume that we are ordering our food this way because we want to….We don’t have a choice….we get VERY sick from Gluten.
Let it go. They’re not worth all of your effort, if they can’t even get the replay correct. Those of us who listened know what you said. Those who didn’t …misquoted.
I’m a Cancer survivor, trust me , I wish that I hadn’t had to do the Chemo thing to survive. But I did, and I am!
Trust your listeners!
We love you!!
who cares about the celiac commuity, sorry they have a problem, doesn’t everyone. OK now that is out of the way. NEW GAME, have viewers call in with people they would like to invite to dinner, {just a fantasy game}, they have to be in the media, super stars, sexy, whatever. Example Tom Selleck, Rosie, Meredith, Martha, Alexis and Jennifer, and Alex Baldwin. I think that diner party would be quite interesting just to sit back and listen
I can’t believe the person that started all this didn’t even hear it herself. I think that just sunk in for me…
I hope she’ll listen to the re-play tonight. I don’t think I can bear hearing my own awful call-in to the show today. I don’t know how you ladies do it every day, it’s so stressful! 😉
I have this “disease” and it is my problem. I absolutley can not stand when everyone feels they have to cater to me because of my intolerance. I feel sorry for the holier than thou people that feel that the world must cater to them because of their problem. Alexis you are not insensitive – just blunt but who cares – I don’t – I think you are sexy 🙂
ahh jenny dont be botherd by them.tehy have nothing better todo.the perso who wrote the blog dont even own sirius.its like 4th hand information…
What a cruddy website. I left a reply, but where it ended up, I do not know! The Celiac website is cruddy that is!
The complaint was absurd! Glute them!
You guys are great, don’t worry about the idiots that are out there twisting words, you have to remember the uneducated idiots that live in this country, they are not capable of reading or listening, just look at our leader, do I need to say more?
I don’t think of it as a bash, it could have been worse…I call it fame
Well I understand where you are all coming from…yes, it’s not as horrible as having cancer. But it is very debilitating to us when we get sick. We are blessed to hear about resturants that can cater to us. I certianly don’t expect them too, as I can bring my own goodies or just order a salad if I need to, but it’s always so great to know that a meal is going to be most likely safe for us to eat! You guys are fun to listen to and I’ll continue to listen!!!!
you need alittle tougher skin like howard, rosie, etc.. look at it for what it is, alittle publicity! this won’t be the last time aomeone misquotes you, atleast let’s hope not!
People these days need to grow some thicker skin and get over themselves.
I can’t beleive that this all started because some people can’t eat certain foods. Where are all the people who can’t eat nuts? Rise up! Rebel, oh my, you can’t eat PB&J, they make a substitue? Not good enough! They must make a pill so that I can stuff my face with whatever I want!
I agree with alexis, I think a lot of people like to say they have allergies – it’s an attention getter – they’re special. I do understand there are some that do suffer from allergies – but there are far greater that want others to think they are.
Whomever wrote that postive response to the Celiac community’s bashing of your show is BRILLIANT! I especially loved the part where he/she asked the ‘community’ to call Alexis by her name, rather than her station – Martha’s daughter. It was brilliant, I tell you… Just brilliant.
Ridiculous! You two are the best, they can kiss your arses!
“Alex” Baldwin?
I like to eat glutes. Why all the hate for people who don’t eat ass?
wah, wah, wah, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.
Sorry, but there are a ton of us out there who can’t eat gluten. Too bad you don’t like to read about it in the paper, but it’s a tough diet to live with- and it is out of necessity rather than choice. You have thousands of restaurants you can safely eat at, so for us to have one isn’t such a big deal.
It doesn’t mean you are terrible people, you just seem fairly uneducated about celiac disease. And to those of us who live with it every day, its a pretty serious thing.
Are you kidding me? I didn’t see anything in their ONE post that said you were “terrible people.” If you call that a bashing, what the hell do you call what you & Alexis do EVERYDAY on your show???? Grow up
why does it suprise anyone that they would say something like this,why didnt anyone say anything when Alexis said they sould put all the kids on a plane that crashes,you all stress the little stuff.they are only trying to get there name out there.you all here on this site are boring boring people this show is really really bad not funny i love lime114 sorry girls have a great day
You are all so funny and witty. I think Martha’s daughter and that other chick should pick a disability to make fun of for each show. It would be HILARIOUS. Personally, I would start with Closed Captioning. I mean, I hate it when I sit on the remote and it comes on and I can’t get it off. If people can’t hear they should just suck it up and deal. It’s so annoying to have to look at all those black letters. After all, it’s not like they have cancer.
Stand tall, stay strong, and whatever you do, do not apologize. It would make you too human!
Alexis and Jennifer didn’t do anything wrong. Because they were talking about a restaurant, gluten free, with a bad exterior, they were not making fun of people who suffer with the problem. Now I know how the news works, get a little info, say it on tv, and let everyone screw it up as much as they can/so the same thing happens with radio. Alex Baldwin
I have Celiac Disease and, although it’s definitely not as bad as having cancer, it can ultimately lead to cancer. The person who said that you were bashing the celiac community may have heard it incorrectly. But, I read the blurb on your archive and it certainly wasn’t very sensitive either. 1 out 133 have Celiac Disease and 97% are undiagnosed and, therefore, slowly dying. And, it is extremely difficult to live with. I, for one, am thankful that restaurants are willing to help those of us who cannot safely eat anywhere but in our own homes (and sometimes that’s even debatable). I’d also like to say that Celiac Disease is not an allergy it’s an autoimmune disease. When I wrote the show, I received an extremely hostile response. I guarantee you that both myself and my family and friends will forever be non-listeners.
Thank you for your segment on Friday and I apologize for being upset earlier. It runs in my family (celiac) so your segment on it was very interesting.
Thanks again ladies!
FYI, it’s not a website, it’s a listserv, which is an electronic mailing list. The link you provided merely takes you to the archives, where you can review messages sent out by listserv members to other listserv members. (Just to address Ariel’s issue with the “cruddy” website.)
Many of these comments demonstrate the concern people with celiac have expressed. That b/c of what was said, restaurant employees will be less careful (e.g., Ariel saying “glute them).
Read up on the long-term complications, even WITH the gluten free diet, from the years of damage inflicted before the condition was diagnosed: cancer of the intestine, osteoporosis, miscarriage & congenital malformation of the baby, short stature (when a child has it and is not diagnosed), and seizures, to name a few.
Educate yourselves!
I’ve gotten some responses to my post on the Celiac website and they’ve ALL been really sweet, and apologetic for reacting before they actually heard for themselves! I’ve gotten about 10 emails today and they are all really positive and very nice! And to Hmmm, thanks luv!
I don’t think we’re uneducated…we just don’t give a shit.
Elizabeth Hasslebeck????????????
Why do people get all crazy and bent out of shape of things such as this?? I personally know of a relative and a relative on hubby’s side that has it and they just manage their diet. I totally agree with Alexis’ comments. Geez, it is manageable it is not life threatening! Shame on the parents that are so upset their precious kids can’t it crap like McDonalds! Get over it!
Did you even read the original post to the website? No one misquoted anything or twisted any words. The poster pasted the summary of the show directly from the show’s website! There it is, right there in black and white. (However, there has been some editing of the original on the website since then!)
And if one listener heard them as “bashing” food intolerances, you can bet that others listeners heard it this way as well. Just like those who read the show’s website summary found it offensive.
To Whatever….
We know you believe we understand what you think you said, but we’re not sure you realize that what you said is not what we heard….think about it!
Someone is bashing back?!? Big surprise. Proof that what you put out comes back to you. The universal is always fair!!
I only see one message about bashing. Am I on the right website?
Wah! I have to eat gluten free. Wah!
samantha, you have to take them for what they are, two girls/ woman doing a radio show. why are you going to tune out when you can learn so much from them. they are funny, I love slexis’s sarcastic remarks, and jennifer’s sincerity. It just works. By the way Alexis and Jennifer how are you doing in the rating pool. Pretty Good,right Now Martha can be proud. I think you might carry the station
just a point of info. Martha had Erin McKenna of Babycakes in NYC baking gluten free, allergen free mini brownies on the Martha Show dated Wednesday, May 30, 2007. The food sensitivities of Ms McKenna and some of her family members gave her the inspiration for her bakery, with successful results.
Wah! I can’t have a baby. Wah!
First off-Brian, you are an idiot-Jenny’s had two. I agree with Alexis. The parents whining about kids not “getting” to eat at McDonald’s, give me a break. Feed your kids real, whole food, not crap!
regarding your show summary ‘update’ for the 08.08.2007 show…
Alexis saying she ‘pretty much’ eat gluten-free is pretty lame. Oh, i’m ‘pretty much’ a vegetarian (except when i eat chicken 5x’s a week).
there really is no health benefit to strictly eating gluten-free unless you have an allergy/intolerance. you might ‘think’ it’s healthier but you can still eat crap if you like. Cool Ranch Doritos, gluten-free. Slabs of fatty bacon, gluten-free. Butter, gluten-free.
And there’s a difference between noticing you don’t eat bread or processed foods with gluten and being restriced for your entire life to NEVER again eat certain foods or even put lipstick on without checking that it’s ‘safe’.
I’m not complaining about having Celiac, just pointing out WHY you might be offending some people. That and I’ve read some of Alexis’ responses to people which are admittedly ‘not that nice’, certainly compared to the kind reply I got from Jennifer.
and grandmajo, thanks for pointing out the martha ep with babycakes, I loved that segment!
Gluten intolerance: how appropriate the word intolerance is in this case. This whole episode started, if memory serves, with Alexis ranting about people who invent allergies and other ailments in order to avoid certain foods at restaurants or parties; instead of being honest and saying either “I’m on a diet” or “I don’t like cilantro” they resort to some attention-getting lie. Let me say that, in such situations, people who have manners and good sense will not resort to lying or even to telling the truth: they will politely decline what’s being offered without making a fuss and, if the need arises to have to ask a waiter to keep some ingredient out of a dish, this can be discreetely accomplished without having to explain further. Alexis was not happy with someone’s lying about having cilantro allergies. I understand that this can be annoying if you are sharing a meal with such a person but it is a perfect example of (her) INTOLERANCE of other peoples’ foibles. Alexis feels that the whole world should behave a certain way and when it doesn’t she takes it as a personal affront. She also thinks that the New York Times should only publish in its food section the kind of stuff she wants to see. Having an article about a gluten-free restaurant is not something she is interested in so why have it at all. So then, she put together the cilantro lady with the people who, according to her, lie about being gluten intolerant (in order to avoid getting fat from eating bread) and the NYT having an article about an unsightly restaurant (the nerve!) and well…here we are.
Pretending that mainstream America knows jack about Celiac is plain ridiculous. Why would they? There is no pill for it – there are no big companies to make money from everyone getting diagnosed correctly. Think about it. If there ever is a pill the pharma companies will make everyone think they could have Celiac. And fyi, Celiac is certainly life threatening – ever hear of non hodgkins lymphoma or stomach cancer? The good news is that those of us that are diganosed can prevent these diseases by staying gluten free. The rest of you – the 90% of Americans walking around with Celiac who don’t know it – well sorry you aren’t going to be able to prevent getting some pretty bad things…you can thank our misinformed medical community for that. In Europe the average time it takes for a proper Celiac diagnosis is 3 months – in the US it’s 9 years. And the other poster is using old stats – 1 in 100 American have Celiac (10% of them know it). And most Celiac specialists think as many as 20% of Americans have health issues directly related to consuming gluten. My only symptom was anemia – any of you have that or know someone who does? I hope those that posted so insensitively never get diagnosed with any food allergy. It would seem that you’d never be able to deal with the daily stuggles we do with any grace at all.
This is to Brian…
Wah! I have a small penis and an even smaller brain. Wah!
Ariel, I read your post on that cruddy website, so it is there.
Good job. I was a private chef for a year and my clients also claimed to be “allergic” to cilantro. What a pain, they ate bottled salsa that contained cilantro, so I agree that there are many people that say they are allergic, but, really just don’t like something. Also, having worked in a restaurant, it seems to me that people are “allergic” so they can get extra attention. I’m sure there are people who truly are allergic to things, but, they probably don’t want to attract attention to themselves. I live in the middle of nowhere, and there are plenty of places to buy “gluten free” foods. Also, if you can get on line to blog, you can get on line to order stuff.
You’re really needy for a pampered rich girl. Oh well, here’s some strokes–
You’re so pretty! You’re so smart and witty! You and Alexis are going to be superstars!!
kiss kiss