hi everyone!
so here are the pictures of paulie’s, dare i even call it this, CORNBREAD! here are some words used to describe the taste and texture…
"like the stuff you use in packing" "styrofoam(sp?)" "cardboard" "tile".
oooohhhh…sounds yummy huh? how does it look to you??
and which is more appealing??? the cornbreads or the pretzels??? i know which one i’d prefer…
poor poor paulie.
but we do love him!
im about to figure out the points in the lemon squares alexis made (see her side)…i ate one. keithy ate two…YUMMY! update: lemon squares are 6-7pts per square…totally worth it!
please get rid of bug pictures. super creepy.
what happened to emily?
Oooo, give Paulie a break, at least he tried. Mail it to a few of us and let us judge…lol Good try paulie!!!
Poor Paulie. Well did it taste good at all? It looks like one of those things that might not look so pretty but could taste very yummy. Don’t tell him it sucks or he’ll never try again.
wasn’t Paulie supposed to bring photos of step-by-step preparation of said corn bread? he really is a day late and a dollar short.
Space shuttle patch?
WOW it’s hard to compare the cornbread side to the lemon bar side…packaging and ALL! Would not blow any points on the cornbread –would use them ALL on the lemon bars FOR SURE!!!!!!
you guys are so mean to Paulie!! He tried, didn’t he? Jennifer, maybe you should bake something and bring it in for everyone!
Jennifer..when was the last time YOU made cornbread??
You got to give the guy credit for trying. I personally never made cornbread.
He’s such a nice guy. You guys, in all honesty, tool on him. It gets old.
ok, for a while I thought Paulie was gay, after seeing the packaging and presentation of his product, I now know I am totally wrong. Paulie, keep trying! Also, the way you were calling Stevie “Steffi” was hilarious. You guys totally made my day yesterday and your show was brilliant, wish you were on for 4 hours instead of 2. Mel triple the girls salary and extend their time.
Jennifer has been on “the Zone” food plan long enough that anybody’s cornbread should be irri….I just realized that I can’t spell irrisistible or can I.
You know Jennifer, your daily Weight Watchers points are supposed to come from healthy foods, not Lemon Squares. The occasional treat is OK, and by occasional I mean every few months, not days. You won’t lose weight if a lot of your points come from sugar and fat. The idea of Weight Watchers is that it’s NOT a diet; not a temporary thing. It’s a lifestyle and a way of eating for the rest of your life. You really have to believe that your body is not a garbage dump, so you will never put garbage food into it again. I’ve lost 30 lbs in 4 months following the WW points system. It really works if you commit to it 100%.
jenny from ohio – give me an effing break!! You are nuts!! Some people like the occasional treat to satisfy their cravings…isn’t that why people use weight watchers? because it allows for this kind of thing?
I love it when you guys respond to blog comments (both the good AND the bad ones). It makes me feel like you’re reading every single one of them. Keep it up!
Just do a little more exercise to work off the lemon square…totally worth it. Right Alexis??!?!?
I wonder how quick Jenny from Ohio gains the weight back when she snaps from no treats for 4 months!!
Poor Paulie!!! I’ve learned that you have to give praise for trying. My husband “cooked” for me 1 time in the 14 yrs we’ve been together. He says he will never do it again because I wasn’t impressed with the banquet salsbury steak and boxed mashed potatos he prepared. (disgusting, maybe its good he doesn’t cook!)
You go Alexis you tell that Jenny!! – I have been on WW since July 21 and have lost 9lbs – I would love to try your lemon squares – maybe a small piece – to satisfy the sweet tooth – everthing in moderation and portion control – tell Jennifer to keep at it – it is worth it – I am in shorts I couldn’t fit into last year – I do WW online.
Jenny, Stop the fake stuttering, it’s incredibly annoying and makes you sound like you can’t speak or haven’t fully thought out what you intend to say.
jennifer, i am sure you take all of the above to heart. fuck them, you know howard stern never goes on his website, because his so called fans are so mean.(i only know that from my husband) QUESTION did EMILY move on to bigger and better things, or was she fired from Whatever. Sleep Well
That’s hysterical!!! Haha! Salsbury steak – I didn’t even know that was legal anymore! Awww, that was sweet that he tried! I’ve been with my husband that long as well, and I too have never seen him make dinner. Warm up a can of soup, or fry some eggs, that’s about it! Love the story!
why would he embarass himself like that?
I love your show and love listening to you. And, I also struggle with my weight.
But, your approach to WW is wrong.
You must eat all of your daily target points and your activity points that you earn that day. Now, play with your flex points try eating as many as you can while still losing weight. The more you eat now the more you will be able to eat when you get to maintenance.
Please make sure you are getting all of your 8 HG items in: fruits and vegies, water, healthy oils, dairy, protein.
The plan works, work the plan.
Luv ya.
Jennifer, any food plan that has fewer calories than your body needs at rest will result in weight-loss, if you follow the plan. But, only if you follow the plan. Not your wants, cravings and desires. Just the plan. I love ya, kiddo and I know, I know.
I just thought I’d drop you a little note to brighten your day! So here it is: You are a kind, sweet soul. It’s what sets you apart from everyone else. Please don’t ever change or let life harden your heart – there are enough assholes out there to keep every proctologist in business for a lifetime. In the words of Robert Frost, stay ‘gold’.
where is the friggin leavening?
i was just cruising the weight watchers review board and came across this….talk about a waste of points! Jennifer, Eat the lemon bar and enjoy it!
Black Bean Brownies
15 oz Can of black beans
1 cup water
1 box brownie mix
Puree beans and water in blender. Stir into brownie mix and bake.
How gross!
I was just trying to give Jennifer some advice, I’m sorry if it came out sounding negative.
But now that I’ve read the nasty comments back to me, I’ll never make the mistake of offering advice again. (You people are so mean!)
Good luck Jennifer, wishing you success.
what does bitch plus bitch equal
speaking of “where’s Emily?”
How about “bipolar Christie”? I haven’t seen any blogs in a while. Has she called in at all? Sorry, haven’t listened to the show much lately. (schedule conflicts!)
Jenny haven’t you figured it out yet…Alexis & Jennifer love to dish it out but its VERY DIFFICULT for them to take it
I don’t know about weight watchers but I used http://www.calorie-count.com for about 1 month and I highly recommend it. It’s not THAT easy but it’s free and it worked for me. I lost about 10 lbs. (still losing) and really learned about the value of what I’m eating (both in calorie and nutrition). I was exercising too of course… It’s a good site also because it doesn’t let you set unrealistic weight loss goals.
I’m alive and well… But after my three phone calls in May were never put through, I gave up trying. I would love to participate again, but I don’t think I’m allowed. Thanks for inquiring about me!