hi everyone…
enough with the speculation in the comments. alexis didnt request her firing nor did i give her a "pink slip"… paulie addressed her leaving on the whateverradio message boards and i quote paulie…
"no one is to blame for anything….emily did not get fired. we all have managers here and their job is to put people on shows where they can excell and produce. (emily’s) manager had some shows that emily would be a perfect fit on. she is a very desirable employee here and there are many people that want to work with her. she is doing fine and i wouldnt be surprised if one day you hear her name as the next big producer on sirius. she is very talented at what she does and there are a lot of people here that can learn from her."
stop with the conjecture and move on…. we have.
update 5:39pm: did any of you think maybe we CANNOT discuss emily’s departure on air? if you know dishing is one of our favorite things to do then obviously there must be a REASON we arent dishing. oh and this blog was not meant in any way to be punitive nor scolding…
Glad to hear she didn’t get fired; however, she was a little slow in posting the show recap. Paulie did great when she was on vacation.
Well, i’m glad you’ve cleared it up, I was kind of wondering what happened to Emily. All the best to her!!
The thing is – you talk about everything else, but not a peep about this. Paulie is a nice addition, but we expect one of YOU (from whatever with ALEXIS & JENNIFER) to say seomething ON the show. You can’t have someone talk regularly on the show and say nothing when they move on (for whatever the reason may be)
Thanks for clearing up what happenned. While I don’t think people should have been jumping to wild conclusions, not everyone reads the message boards. So thanks for addressing the issue. If it had been done a while ago, I don’t think there would have been such a feeling of mystery. Best of luck to Emily!
I feel like you scolded us. WOW! Lauren’s right: not everyone reads the message boards. Will the show soon be called: “Whatever with Alexis, Jennifer and Paulie.”
you guys talk about everything and anything– do you think listeners who bother to tune in everyday deserve to hear from YOU BOTH what happened to Emily???? Good grief.
So she is basically advancing in her career. No secret or shame there. The abrupt nature of her departure, and the failure to explain it were bound to cause speculation. The show is appealing to me, because of its honest nature…from head lice, to booty calls, not much is off limits!
no matter what u say jenn ya gunna get crap for.people are gunna think what they want.and there are something that shouldn’t be talked about.people forget this is still a business.and there are hippa laws that even sirius has to follow.so i understand why it wasn’t talked bout..
oh by the way YOU ARE LOOKING HOT!!
Tasha hit the nail on the head…to think we wouldn’t notice Emily’s departure from the show is bizarre. That one afternoon when Emily and Paulie spent quite awhile exchanging (what sounded like) angry digs at each other was really strange. And very uncomfortable to hear from the listener’s side. But Paulie is a great addition to the show. All the best to Emily as she moves on.
The last I remember hearing you two discuss was Emily was off to Greece for some family business, then on the sly Alexis began making remarks that made it clear she was happy that Emily was not in the studio. So I think you all began the speculation, instead of allowing Emily tell everyone she was moving on or the two of you give her a respectful send off. I mean we had to hear all about the drunk intern on her last day.
As much as the show is about Jennier and Alexis, as soon as you add other regulars we become attached, so allow us the closure that Jennifer wanted her children to have when the Nanny left without so much as a goodbye.
bye emily, good luck in everything.
If someone left because they were in such high demand and/or moving on to something better (especially within Sirius), then you would be able to talk about it. The reason you CANNOT talk about it is pretty obvious. We’ll move on, when you move on from the Rosie subject.
I agree that you could have let the listeners know about Emily. Not everyone reads the message boards…we have a life…but love to listen to the show. Emily was in Greece last I heard and then poof!!! We get attached to people on the show and wehn they are not on we are curious…Paulie is a great asset to the show and I hope he stays?????
FYI – HIPPA has to do with privacy of HEALTH data
Ok folks since I may have started this as a joke its turned to being a cya campaign on the part of Jenny. 1st. My comment about Emily leaving was submitted about 30 min before my comment on Jenny’s vidblog. Jenny probably didn’t want to post the 1st comment but I referred to it in my 2nd post. But it’s listed in reverse, HMMMM. 2nd. Jenny’s Sept 6th blog should have settled everybody’s thinking. But then she updates it at 5:39pm about “maybe we CANNOT discuss…on air?” Come on folks do you really think they couldn’t say on-air that Emily was simply moved to produce another show?? What’s so taboo about THAT? NO there is something more to this than Jenny/Paul are letting on. So maybe I hit to close with my comment Sept 5th. 143 Alexis.
Is the show falling apart? Those ghetto recaps from random listeners are totally worthless. There’s no consistency, they are on such a time delay and are written in fourth grade English. Can’t there be a specific time frame for them to be posted – like within 24 hours??? The Howard Stern show posts their show recaps within hours of the shows completion….
I heard the Emily silence is because she is suing you ladies for harassment. All those conversations pressuring her to talk about her lack of sex with her “boyfriend” must have finally gotten to her.
How stupid do you think we are, if Emilys departure was on a good note she would have been happy to share it on the air and it would not have been so abrupt. BTW, alexis did slip in one of your shows, something about Emily looking for a tape she lost, so Jen stop over doing the applaud for Emily we can all see right through that bull crap. I find Paulie to be the most annoying thing on the show, he adds way too much and has had too big of a spring in his step since Emily has left. This was a firing and you Paulie and Alexis had everything to do with it. At least be honest you coward. You are soo fake it is nauseating. Paulie get over yourself, you really are not that good of a producer and talk through the show too much. Jennifer go pound sand and Alexis as you like to say at your gym when someone requested another towel–Go find another DOCTOR if you want to get pregnant. 3 Biatches!!!!!!!!!!
I just read your update from 5:39 on Thursday. Sounds like more scolding to me- despite what you say to the contrary. I am a loyal listener, but I like Alexis and Jennifer, not Alexis, Jennifer and “Paulie.” Just an opinion. You offer the option of adding comments, so, I took the liberty! Cheers!
I liked Emily although it was clear she was not a good ‘fit’ on your show. Wish her well and move on. Thanks for the clarification.
I agree. Really Jennifer, how stupid do you think we are? BTW, lawsuits are public records. You could just say…”we’re being sued and can’t talk about emily’s departure on the air.”
If it was an amicable departure I’m sure you would have explained it on the air with Emily saying good bye and that she was moving to such and such.
This kinda stinks girls.
I, like most listners, never looked at the message board before this issue came up. It seems like there’s only about a dozen people who actually post on it so there’s no way we could have known about Emily. I agree with the comments Lucy S made about the recaps. They were written so well for a while and now they are almost unreadable. Also, everyone stop being so hard on Jennifer & Alexis about not discussing Emily’s “departure”. There are laws (not hippa) that prohibit employers from disclosing private information about personnel matters. While they did open the box by hinting at a drama you can’t blame them for not taking it further and discussing it on air.
Deanna’s recaps (Iloveshoesanddogs) are damn GOOD!!! Thanks Deanna. Enough about Emily she’s long gone. I did like her better than Paulie though.
Who cares? I know I don’t. Emily was okay, just jeez…I like Paulie better. He’s more fun and interesting.
i agree with “whatever”. Jenny you are so fake!
I have to say we shouldn’t be hearing Paulie so much. It does feel like I’m listening to a show about three people instead of two.
Team Emily, enough said!!!
We love Emily, why did you girls feel it necessary to gang up on her and expose her love life and embarass her. What did she ever do to you? Team Emily!!! I hope her all the best
there is something not right with Emily’s departure, the recaps have been horrible. Pualie’s imput in the show is so boring, the guy loves to hear himself talk. Change the name of the show to Alexis, Jennifer and Pauline show or tell him to shut the eff up. I think it’s a riot if Emily is taking you gals to court, it’s about time somebody shut you up. GO EMILY
I have to agree about the recaps. They’re so bad now you shouldn’t even bother with them. They read like a 4th grader wrote them.
Team eamily, get rid of Paulie, who goes by Paulie as an adult anyway?
How stupid do you think your listeners are?? Enough with the effen BS…biatch!
I was wondering what had happen to Emily today when I was listening to your show, and decided to catch up on your blogs and found out. GOOD LUCK to Emily, she seemed to be a very talented lady and hope she finds happeness in whatever she does
I liked Emily’s laughter in the background,I will miss her and I wish her good luck.As for Paulie…I think hes very good too and Im looking forward to the day that he finally gets to abuse Alexis’s pink little body.
it’s too bad that it didn’t end more smoothly and on a good note w/ emily… i enjoyed emily’s bantering w/ the girls but felt very embarrassed for her w/ the whole sex thing (her greek family must’ve been beside themselves over that!) i’m not a prude but i feel that jen spends way too much time discussing sex, having sex, not having sex, vaginas, penises, orgasms…same old stuff over and over (like stern)-but jen gets grossed out hearing details of it.i got sick of it w/ stern & don’t want to w/ your show & my kids get so uncomfortable when they’re in the car w/ me & the girls start talking about it constantly. not everyone has a hot & heavy sex life.we get into ruts, the craziness of life, depression or whatever! it just seemed like there was a pink elephant in the room by not discussing emily.way too much paulie…would prefer him to discuss things much less — just my opinion
good gawed. its done its over we need to move on.its a show and a company people get moved or fired.
hmm fyi hippa also extends past health care.that is why if u call someones job.thy by law can nlly tell u they work there. no other information can be give. so get ya facts right.
Wow. Everytime I think you can’t possibly be anymore condescending in your undeserving role as a radio ‘host’, you prove me so wrong.
“DID ANY OF YOU THINK”…no jennifer none of us ever think. I try so hard not to read your side of the blog, I’ve already had to stop listening to the show because of you. It’s too bad, I think most people tune in for Alexis but many of us just have to pass because of your consistently fake, extremely annoying radio personality.
Please find another hobby so Alexis can find a more suitable partner for the show. Please??!?
Good luck Emily, I wish you all the best and agree the girls were very cruel to you especially Jennifer. When you see her you should walk up to that short fat red head and slap her right across the face and then kick alexis in her big lipped mouth
I have an idea, bring back emily, get rid of the other 3 and let emily have the show so she can tell us the real deal. Then maybe you would have some listeners, I hope Sirius dumps you girls. Emily could write a great book titled Working with 2 fantastic Morons.
This is radio.
Too many years ago I was a promotional/sales employee and my husband has/had worked for public radio for 20+ years. People come and go.
When I was new in the biz it was very strange to me to see employees move on. The usual way to deal with departure in radio is to not talk about it…you’re getting new listeners all the time and they might not know who the hell Emily is, or care. Or, you might have legal problems. My limited view of it is, it’s petty.
I hope emily has moved on to bigger and better things. It was awful listening to you torture her with all those invasive questions about her personal life. She didnt’ sign on as “on air talent” did she.
to My two cents: Why on earth would you listen to the show with your children? I employ teenagers and don’t listen to the show when they work. What’s wrong with you???
As a former HR manager, hippa only refers to medical issues, there are other laws and reasons employers cannot divulge information regarding former employees. Emily is gone….get over it! If you want to hear her so badly listen to the Scotchbrite ads.
I agree that if the girls had just mentioned that Emily was moving to different opportunities, we wouldn’t have all been so curious about her departure. She was obviously uncomfortable with all the prying into her personal life, especially the prodding into her sex life. It was like pulling teeth trying to get her to give up the information, so you’d think the girls would have realized she wasn’t comfortable with it. On the flip side, she’s an adult and could have just told the girls to butt out.
the last time i heard emily on the show jennifer and paulie really ganged up on her. it was uncalled for. alexis knew what was happening and didnt get involved by keeping her mouth shut. that’s the second person on your show that left on a sour note. i love your show and listen daily. have emily come on the show and clear things up. jennifer and paulie just apologize(she deserves it) all this because paulie cried to jennifer and alexis about not being involved to book a priest. jennifer you really gave it to her. listen to the show and maybe you’ll realize how badly you treated her on that show.
I wonder if Emily’s departure was because of Jennifer…I always thought she was so mean to her on the air.
If I left any job under circumstances that were remotely uncomfortable, I would not want my departure discussed on a radio show. Respecting Emily’s privacy isn’t a bad thing.
Another thing, Paulie laughing LOUDLY in the background at anything remotely funny, is getting annoying. Maybe a little toooo much Paulie these days.