hi everyone!
i have a new food obsession…onigiri. (i found this picture on restaurantwidow.com)
they are rice balls (really triangles) wrapped in seaweed and there is about 2 tsps of some sort of something inside..like salmon, or seaweed, or shrimp (tempura- so not ok), or plum paste. there are probably others but i haven’t seen them yet. each one has about half a cup of white rice. it is so salty and so delicious. i just had to share. i would give them each about 4 ww pts…unless it’s got the fried shrimp then it would be more.
they can be found in japanese markets.
I commend you on your bravery. I’m just not sure what prompted you to try such a strange looking package of food. Green triangle in shrink wrap from another country probably wouldn’t have been one of my choices… It looks like it’s sold by the pound.. Are those hazmat symbols?
SO NASTY! HAZMAT is right! Very, very odd looking.
no! these are really good! the green is the seaweed and they have this smart packaging that keeps the rice and seaweed separate until you eat it!
OK, don’t go crazy – I know how you feel about canned meat – but there is something very similar that is called Spam Musubi. It is the same concept as what you have described, but it has a piece of Spam inside. I believe that it was developed in Hawaii during the war when meat was not very plentiful. If given the opportunity, you should try it! Love you both.
These are so good. In Japan these are sold everywhere. They make great snacks. I can’t find them back home in Ohio
When I had them in Tokyo it was always a suprise what the inside contained because I could never read what the packages said in japanese.
The packaging makes it looks like an illegal substance!
It really sounds good. Anything with seaweed and rice is usually good. I’ll have to try these.
These sound soooo good! I googled onigiri and found a method for making these that looks pretty easy. I’m going to try it out. Here’s the link:
After you roll a joint with that stuff, roll one for me too.. ha,ha!
I eat these daily for lunch when we vacation in Hawaii. Now we can buy them at Famima, the Japanese-style convenience store that’s popping up all over So. Cal. Do you have these in NY?
The best, believe it or not, is Spam Musubi. Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.
They look so good! I just started Weight Watches this past Saturday (it’s now Monday) and I’ve already lost 2.5 pounds (this is baby weight). I’m so excited. I hope I keep going at this rate. Where can you get the yummy rice balls wrapped in seaweed???