hi everyone!
i have been running around like a maniac- from alexis’ birthday to kids’ school events, to barmitzvah parties – all non stop…
and now i have LARYNGITIS!
any remedies for this????
salt water? honey? help!!!!
obviously, i won’t be talking much today UNTIL the show tonight.
Steep a piece of ginger. Drink tea all day.
ICEY, SLUSHY , SLURPEE type drinks!!!
Doctor recommended to me when I haad Layngitis for over a week. The cold shrikns the swelling of the vocal chords.
It is the ONLY thing that works!
Feel better soon Jen. You probably know these remedies, but if not:
Tea with honey. Warm, not hot liquids — broth. Watch the milk, cut it with tea.
Add a shot of whiskey to tea with honey before bed.
Take care
gargle with warm water and salt. The pics of Alexis and Martha are (as Martha says) “fintastic.” She says “fintastic.” We love her and your show! Keep up the great work!!!
well honey dont takethis the wrong way but you need to relax your vocal cords.meaning no speaking.drink tea and honey.that way the swelling will go down. there are some spays but they are only a temp fix.so relax and make little signs to hold up .sort of like wile cyote.lol. no really the best thing is to keep as quiet as u can. no soda.water tea and honey and nothing to hot.
Quiet, quiet, quiet. Room temperature liquids and gargle with salt water.
Chloraseptic Spray, available in any pharmacy. Numbs everything so you can talk.
Yes, tea & honey. But really they say to rest your voice. I was always prone to getting laryngitis. Especially when I had a job that talked on the phone all day long. Please rest your voice. Feel better soon.
Honey and lemon mixed together and heated for a few seconds.
Sleep with one of the ski neck warmer things on. I guess a scarf would do the trick too
liquids, liquids, liquids… Nothing too hot, tea, honey, cough drops would sometimes work for me for some reason – perhaps all the sucking got phlehm down in the pipes (gross I know), but as the previous notes say, TEAS AND REST THAT VOICE. Whisper today. Or get really, REALLY close to the mic. LOL!
Do not whisper! That makes it worse. Write it down until your voice comes back.
So Jen, please tell us what worked???
Cepacol lozegens.
Throat Coat tea is very soothing too! Feel better soon!
Permanent cure for laryngitis sore throats and such………lay off the sweets!
Just don’t talk.
Seeping fresh ginger in a cup of boiling water is the best. Seep for about 3 minutes. Add honey if desired. you sound so Demi Moore
do not like to call the show, but yesterday topic of fear of flying I so relate to you! I was horrified of flying, although I am in the airline industry! How silly, IT started as a fear and then it escalated to total panic, and if I new I had to fly a month before I started agonizing over it, it just got worse with time, finally I thought I was going nuts and went to my wonderful dr. he totally understood and with certain medication, I am totally ok w/ flying now. Talk to your dr. sometimes our brains just get crossed signals and the result
Are unrealistic fears. Let’s face it, the fair of flying is not a logical fear, all the statistic show is very safe, yet if you have that fear no amount of reasoning will change it. Fears are fears. I have a friend that will get on a plane before she takes a trip by car! Go figure.
her fear is cars.
Sorry I’m late with this response. There’s an herbal tea called Throat Coat. It’s made by a Traditional Medicinals. I’m a singer and this “ess” has saved me on more than 1 occasion. Feel better, Jennifer.
You sure sound bad girl….
well the voice not you..
ya know??
My vocal cords were injured when I was
a kid forget the age..anyway that is why I can’t call my voice breaks a lot and the call would take twice as long as a regular call..
luv yuns girls and the show of course!