hi everyone!
i am ready to scream.. absolutely scream… how bout SCREAM!!!!
i just wrote two blogs… TWO LONG HEARTFELT BLOGS…and both of them got lost in cyber space… gone.. caput..not to be found.
i will try to recap…
some dimestore effing shrink emailed the show asking alexis if she’d like his help with her "weight problem" and "anxiety". he read that she was on "weight watchers" and would love to help her with her problems. DUDE…those are MY issues. alexis suffers from neither anxiety nor fatness. so of course alexis responds to his email with a witty retort that she is thin- and he emails AGAIN..well i’m happy to help you anyway.
because alexis doesn’t need HIS help..cause he’s a yodle head…she doesnt respond to his second solicitation.
here is where the story should end right?!
well….no, this stupid eff emails us again- this time addressing it to ME asking if I’D like his help because i have anxiety and suffer from fatness…GEEZ. does he really think i want sloppy seconds of a douchebag psychologist…"i’d love to help you with your issues and in the event you’re not interested i can always come talk on your show.." ummmmmm…. how bout NO! i didn’t email him back. don’t think i should… should i?
there were more irritating things i blogged about like my getting my period friday (good thing) causing me to be extra hungry (bad thing). i blogged that i bought all these organic vegetables only to find out they were "nightshade" vegetables which are really fruits and considered toxic to those who follow a macrobiotic way of life. i ate the ratatouille (sorry couldn’t deal with taking pictures) i made from them ANYWAY. i’ll just pray for the best now i guess.
i have 90 whoopie pie halves that are frozen for me to thaw, fill and wrap by tuesday morning 8am.. i am having a hard time figuring out when to do what. my plan is to thaw them out monday evening- unwrapped….then get up 5am tuesday morning to make the filling and fill the pies…then i will wrap each one individually in these cute little bags i bought online. feel free to offer time line options for me if you have any.
oh and i need my hair colored desperately as i am VERY gray. yuck.
this wednesday is our show’s 2nd birthday…and i cannot believe it’s been 2 years that we’ve been on the air. all of you who listen to the show, email us and visit our website have made doing the show an absolute pleasure. thank you.
May I be the first to wish you both a “Happy Anniversary,” of my favorite show. You make my workdays an “absolute pleaseure.”
wb BP 😉
wow – i thought that was an alexis doppelganger who wrote the first part — HILARIOUS!!!! some people are schmucks. ya just gotta laugh at them (especially since you just know he is short, fat, bald and his girlfriend is probably his right hand).
I wouldn’t wait until 5am Tuesday to make the filling and expect to get them all done and wrapped by 8am. You aren’t leaving yourself any wiggle room. Make it the night before and be sure you have ALL the ingredients before you get started. Don’t forget to tie your hair back or wear a grandma’s hairnet….
I think I would leave the cakes frozen till you fill them. I think they handle better that way. Also they are small & will thaw out fast. Isn’t it hard to believe that it has been 2 years?? Love to listen everyday. You guys rock!!!
jennifer,love the show as you can tell, by all my calls. i think you are great don’t change a thing. and please keep in my mind, when you have a radio show, and a blog you are going to get negative replies. Sooooooo just accept it, your hair looks great, Take care, and I still hate joel osteen, saw his books all over the bookstore today 30 percent off. Asked for a life size poster for you, but they wouldn’t give it to me. Just keep Keith.
That psych sounds like a quack! Have no advice on thawing, sorry! Happy Anniversary! You guys are the best!
Love the RANT blog! Gets all my anxiety out of me after reading about yours! Keep’m up!
Jennifer, a douche bag of any kind isn’t worth your attention or energy. Good luck with the whoopie pies and congratulations on the second anniverary of Whatever. You guys are great and the show is one of the highlights of my day!
I can’t even believe it has been two years already. WOW!!! That has flown by!!!
Well that psychiatrist is a real piece of work, ay? Yeah and then he’s going to grace you with his presence of appearing on your show!?! Wow!!! What a man!!! Lucky you!!!
I agree with Olivia on the timing of the whoopie pie filling. I think I might try to at least make the filling the day before but you can probably fill them all between 5am and 8am on Tuesday. Everything always takes longer than you think it will for some reason. When you’re in a hurry something can come up and screw up your plan.
Good luck with everything!!! I love the show and am sooo glad you’re both on!!!
When an organic tomato is considered “toxic” we need to take a breath and get a little perspective. Geez.
Don’t email the douchebag shrink. He is as dumb as a rock and there is nothing witty, biting, sarcastic or truthful that would get through his thick skull…
Hi Jennifer! I was impressed that you like Joel, I think he helps and gives hope. My personality is much like yours (anxious) – He delivers a nice message with little Biblical reference. Happy Anniversary!
Joel Osteen is quite scary. Any person (and creepy “religious” types in suits are prone to this) who has a perma grin is just wrong. Please find the story about is wife getting kicked off a plane (on X-mas and her way to Aspen) because she threw a big fit about her jewerly case having to go in the overhead. Klassy! Also your show is great and it has been fun. As my children get older I have to turn it down more because they repeat all the naughty words. Thank goodness for the replay! Good luck with the pies, I think Barbara has good advice.
let them thaw wrapped. it will keep them moist, no? then open them and fill them and put them in the cute bags. then again maybe you should check with martha, JR.. the baker of the stewart family!!!!!
no, thank you jennifer and alexis for so many fun and funny shows in the last 2 years. wow, 2 years! congratulations and here’s to another 2 ATLEAST!!!!
Do the public a favor and out the Wacko Psych. I dont mean have him on your show but post his name on your blog or his credentials. Can you imagine that he is actually treating patients. This is how he solicites new clients – outrageous.
Sounds like you have alot to do with those whoopie pies. I would do them the night before with everything prepared the day before that, then whatever you don’t finish the night before do the morning off. Happy 2 year anniversity and will you post pictures of your dinner out. By the way forget about those negative people. Their always has to be someone who will say your are a copy cat or your stuckup or something stupid. When in fact we are all humans and my favorite saying ” If I cut myself with a knife I will bleed just like you.” Amy
Great I just realized my organic vegetable garden doesn’t, in fact, contain any vegetables.
Congrats on 2 great years. Thanks for the enjoyment.
That organics website is pretty nutty. I’m sure that just about anything when “eaten in sufficient quantities” (is that a truckload?) is pretty damned toxic, whether organic, nightshade, fruit, vegetable, or whatever.
Thanks to you and Alexis for 2 years of fun during lunchtime and my drive home!
WOW! 2 years holy crapp. as for the cookie thing do them the night before or u will freak out in the am. as for the e-mailing shrink he had to have gotten informaition from someone else.cause anyone who listens knows that alexis is a health nut. and why would u want advice from someoene you dont even know who is. and u are looking really really good.i was loooking at the video blogs. i never really thought u were fat. then again i am not the type to judge a book by the cover. ya personality shines right out there. HAPPY 2ND YEAR!
I would like to offer my help for Alexis’ low self-esteem and enablity to express herself sexually thru text messages. hehe
Happy 2nd Anniversary, Jennifer and Alexis! Your show is my favorite on the radio. Thanks for being so honest and real.
I love you =)
Wait a minute…you are making 90 whoopie pies and you are worried about toxins coming from your organic veggies. Take a deep breath and relax!
It’s funny you should talk about dying your hair because I had a horrible dye situation this weekend. My Mom booked me an appointment with some random chick who decided to tint my brown hair BLACK! And I mean super duper black. Then, I made the tragic mistake of letting that same lunatic (who HAS to be related to Edward Scissor Hands) cut 4 inches off my shoulder length hair… I now look like Elvis on estrogen. p.s. I learned the hard way that Tide can fade your hair color one shade at a time.
No way!
That person is just horrible,,,,
that person needs a shrink themcelves
Whow, you’re really worked up today 🙂 Gotta love it!!
Take a nerve pill and everyone and everything around you will calm down. Trust me, this works:)
If you ever DO decide to take an anxiety pill, ask your doctor to prescribe Ativan (or Lorazapam if you buy generic). Limit your dosage to 0.5 milligrams… It will kick in within 20 minutes and can perform miracles.
Oh girls!!
i must say Thanks for the blog updates…I enjoy every one of them and my fellow listeners to the show comments and all your pics and stuff…
hi to my fellow Whatever fans
sorta have an ongoing interactive
blogging fanthingy going here/
Happy Anniversary!
Are yuns gonna put up some party pics here? I gotta see paulie with the chopsticks…
I do not use them myself i always get my food take out[ home] so I can eat without getting laughed at ha ha..
Happy Two…hey is this the terrible two’s??
Ok….well…I guess I will be listening to a happy show today ha??
Luv yuns even paulie….
Love the show..the shrink sounds nutty. I went through 5 before I found mine – he’s incredible.
Happy Birthday! I love you guys. You make my drive home the best part of my day!