Jennifer: When are you going to understand that people write negatively on the blogs to wind you up! You let them get to you, and to their credit, they succeed in winding you up. The whole “calm down” comment from you is unnecessary. As Dr. Browne says: remain cheerful and stupid. You’re too good for the negative comments.
Hey girls and all!
I need a cookie recipe for some
old fashioned cookies.
My grnanny made them.
They were like biscuits but were cookies/
They actually were looking like buiscuits but had more sugar in them and were not too sweet.
anybody ever have them?
I think they were a southeren cookie?
My folks are from Decatur Alabama originally..
Alexis Jenny Help me find that recipe!
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this Jennifer, but hope you are reading this. Here is your cold sore solution: Take a fresh onion (any kind, I use a red onion) and cut a wedge/piece, kind of a thick piece or at least big enough to cover your sore. Wrap the onion piece in a wet paper towel and microwave it for about 1 minute or until very warm, but not too hot. Then place the warm onion, with the paper towel still wrapped around it, on you cold sore and hold it there for 10 – 15 minutes. Discard the onion and by the next morning the sore is completely gone! I thought this cure was a bunch of b.s. when someone told me about it, but it worked! You can do the same for a cold sore inside your mouth by discarding the paper towel after heating the onion and just suck on the warm onion piece. Try this. It works!
Hey Jennifer, just read Leann’s solution for cold sores.
I haven’t tried this yet, but, my dentist gave me this stuff called Viroxen. It’s suppose to be a miracle drug. As soon as you feel the cold sore coming, apply one full capsule and it will go away. Also, try the supplement called Lysine. Take one every day and you shouldn’t get them at all. Keep away from almonds and excessive amounts of citrus. Can you tell? I’ve been battling cold sores forever. The lysine and diet work really well, as I haven’t even had to try the Viroxen.
Good luck
Hope you guys have a fantastic break. I can’t wait to see what 2008 has in store!
Jennifer: When are you going to understand that people write negatively on the blogs to wind you up! You let them get to you, and to their credit, they succeed in winding you up. The whole “calm down” comment from you is unnecessary. As Dr. Browne says: remain cheerful and stupid. You’re too good for the negative comments.
Very cute, but I don’t remember what the Jacked one is?
Much more entertaining than most
“Best of”
Hey girls and all!
I need a cookie recipe for some
old fashioned cookies.
My grnanny made them.
They were like biscuits but were cookies/
They actually were looking like buiscuits but had more sugar in them and were not too sweet.
anybody ever have them?
I think they were a southeren cookie?
My folks are from Decatur Alabama originally..
Alexis Jenny Help me find that recipe!
love it. can we add a pix of alexis baking & say: hotty. I think it’s real shit the way people talked about her baking photos. really.
hey, merry Christmas, I think those are called Tea Cakes. and yeah, I think they are southern
Both of the ladies seem to be alot more conciderate of the upcoming holiday after that fight with John,Jenny was nice,God Bless Her
Thanks for the flashback. BTW, whatever happened to that ambiguously gay guy? He was a almost a fixture on the show for a short time.
Good job Derek! Wow, that Jarod is really a supergay! I’d forgotten his picture.
Love this! I’d forgotten some of these. Just need to add the Paulie’s naked picture and it’ll be complete!
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this Jennifer, but hope you are reading this. Here is your cold sore solution: Take a fresh onion (any kind, I use a red onion) and cut a wedge/piece, kind of a thick piece or at least big enough to cover your sore. Wrap the onion piece in a wet paper towel and microwave it for about 1 minute or until very warm, but not too hot. Then place the warm onion, with the paper towel still wrapped around it, on you cold sore and hold it there for 10 – 15 minutes. Discard the onion and by the next morning the sore is completely gone! I thought this cure was a bunch of b.s. when someone told me about it, but it worked! You can do the same for a cold sore inside your mouth by discarding the paper towel after heating the onion and just suck on the warm onion piece. Try this. It works!
Linda, I think the “jacked” pic is of the Flesh Light. Jennifer should be able to confirm….
Hey Jennifer, just read Leann’s solution for cold sores.
I haven’t tried this yet, but, my dentist gave me this stuff called Viroxen. It’s suppose to be a miracle drug. As soon as you feel the cold sore coming, apply one full capsule and it will go away. Also, try the supplement called Lysine. Take one every day and you shouldn’t get them at all. Keep away from almonds and excessive amounts of citrus. Can you tell? I’ve been battling cold sores forever. The lysine and diet work really well, as I haven’t even had to try the Viroxen.
Good luck