hi everyone!
i went to a party friday night- and videoblogged a little just before it….i’m so damn boring! so boring that i almost didn’t post…but then i thought- aren’t i supposed to be showing how lame i am?!
in preparation for the party i baked lots of biscotti/cookies…
i love this cantucci recipe from nick malgieri’s cookie book because the only fat in it comes from the almonds and the eggs…there is no oil, no butter, no shortening.
the candied biscotti (however) from biscotti have a stick of butter and more butter for making the candied almonds.
and alexis’ chocolate chip cookies…..well…might as well slap a pound of butter right on your ass if you are eating these…and they really do taste amazing.
here is the cantucci batter:
and then ready for baking:
and then out of the oven:
baking again:
i baked candied almond biscotti as well…
here are the candied almonds- made with butter and sugar.
and the biscotti before it went into the oven:
and out of the oven the first time:
and after second bake:
then i made alexis’ chocolate chip cookies.
here are the ingredients:
and done!
i did have some wine at the party…and felt crummy all day yesterday. then last night..keithy and stayed up super late watching “jackass 2” omg that movie was completely disturbing!
never saw “jackass 1“…bummer!
today i plan to cook chicken and dumplings- there is a big football game tonight (go giants) and comfort food seems in order!
aim: whateverradio
“Might as well slap a pound of butter….”. That is hilarious. Good one, Jennifer. It’s 11 degrees out (but feels like -6 according to weather.com) here in upstate NY. Making soup and cantucci are what I’ll be doing today. By the way, how much wine made you feel crummy?
I’ve made those chocolate chip cookies too. They are so good. Yours look great as well!!
Boo Giants, go Packers, it is -3 here, we are slow cooking a brisket for the game tonight
jennifer, loving the food blog (just want to devour the cookie dough!) never really was into the biscotti, but they do look good.. you look so pretty too– just wanna say it makes me feel better to hear someone like you also has social anxiety since you are so outgoing and social and funny~ i still suffer with that too (also had school phobia) i always need to drink before a party to feel less awkward. you are not alone!
You are such an inspiration. Love the blogs!!! Keep ’em coming…
i always use Alexis’ CCC recipe…I’ve tried so many different recipes over the years, but once I tried Alexis’ (and I’m not trying to just kiss butt here), it really was SO much better than the rest. They look delish!
Ugh…social anxiety is my middle name. When I was younger the booze helped but now it just makes me feel a bit sick. And if it’s red wine it will keep me awake later. Anti-anxiety pills help but not worth taking unless it’s an important event. TO LEE ANN: school phobia? Sounds all too familiar (double ugh!)
Jennifer – Isn’t biscotti wonderful – not hard and very impressive to people – I make Lemon Pistachio Biscotti – you always make me laugh – keep it up!
Social anxiety….I just stay home!! Your cookies look great. I love your blogs, BOTH of you!!
I was feeling crappy on Saturday too…one too many cocktails! Your baking is awesome. You may want to consider opening a bakery. Those chocolate chip cookies look super tasty. I can’t wait to hear about the chicken and dumplings you made. Looking forward to hearing you on Monday! 🙂
THAT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH LOOKS AMAZING … I CAN TASTE IT RIGHT NOW! Smooth and creamy. Oh how I love cookie dough! Very good looking cookies indeed.
That was a hellava game GO GIANTS!!!
OMG Jenny you look so hot in your video! That weight watchers is really working for you. I have one suggestion for next time though. If you are going to a party where you will be drinking, video blog when you get home! Speaking on behalf of all your listeners — We want drunk Jennifer blogs!!!
Okay, what the crazy!? I made those cookies over the holidays and they were good but they were way flatter than yours. How did you keep them from being too thin? Also, ditto on the social anxiety thing, I’m 35 and I still need reassurance that I’m not the only insecure person in the world. By the way, this is the first time I’ve ever left a comment but I’ve had fun checking out yours and Alexis’ Blogs and Video Blogs. Wish you guys could do more video blogs!
Don’t get me wrong, I love reading your blog, however, the baking/cooking thing is what Alexis does. Do your own thing.
hi jo!
i agree…baking/cooking is much more alexis’ thing but i am trying to better myself by learning and doing…and i feel like people like to see someone else trying. if i can do it (or kind of do it) then anyone can.
as i said in one of my posts last week, i blog whatever i am doing…and i’ve been baking/cooking lately. it’s better than ordering in or going out to eat.
and derek in vegas…i’ve been off the wagon a bit on the whole ww thing…but i’m trying to get back on track- so thx for the encouraging words!
Cooking and baking are a part of our existence…..food is for sharing. I applaud ANYONE who actually prepares meals from scratch for their families. It is almost at though it has become a ‘lost’ art….people claim they are too busy to cook for their families, etc. We learn from our friends and if it was Alexis who inspired you to cook…so be it. I LOVE your food blogs.
I made Giada’s Lentil with Beef soup this weekend…try it…super easy and very good.
How can one think that cooking is only an Alexis thing? The rest of us should not cook and go to Alexis’ place to eat since she’s the only one who’s supposed to cook now? What an idiot. Your pictures look just as good as anyone else’s, I love seeing pictures of each step. I cook from scratch (and work 40 hrs.) 5 or 6 days every week, always have and hope I always will. Keep up the good work!
It is your blog…you do your thing. Who does not like it does not have to read it! I love everything about you and happen to enjoy seeing what you are preparing.
Jennifer, you look beautiful on the blog and I’m sure you had a great time at the party. Why do you feel guilty when you want to drink if you are not the driver…live it up once in awhile.
Thanks for all the posts!
Love it!
I like your pictures and I think it’s very brave of you to make all this stuff, I like to cook from scratch too, and am trying to get my daughter to do the same. Keep up the good work.
Jennifer, it is your blog so do what you want. Why not cooking, it should not matter that Alexis has it on her’s. I personally love cooking so I’m happy to try recipes from both of you. Have fun, life is to short to worrie.
Ignore Jo, You can certainly cook your own things, blog about it and show us.
We love learning about what you do in your off time.
About Alexis’ cookies. I’ve tried that recipe, it didn’t work for me. But you insired me to try it again!
Much love to you and Alexis. You girls make my afternoons bright!!!
So is Alexis prego???
Nevermind those who say you shouldn’t blog what you cook — you just go right on ahead doing what you’re doing, honey!
Did your biscotti turn out hard as a rock? If not tell us where you found the recipe and if it was from the cookbook Biscotti. Every time I make biscotti, okay, 3 times, it turned out quite hard. Today I used a Apricot-Pistashio Biscotti recipe from ???? I forgot to put where I found it…..maybe Martha Stewart.
Could you please share the cantucci recipe not just where you got it because it looks so-o-o-o yummy!
hi marti!
just google nick magieri and you will find his website.. you may be able to find the cantucci recipe there… enjoy!
hi jenny — found it – thanks for sharing!! Hope mine turns out as good as yours looked!