hi everyone!
alexis and i were on good day ny yesterday and when we arrived we were put in a group green room/holding cell…
the riff raff was out of control!
here’s ernie saying hello.
ernie and bert clearly nervous about being on tv!
and elmo…happy as usual.
after our appearance on good day ny (steve posted a link to it on the "media appearance" section of our bulletin board) i went to get a pedicure…
clean feet!
and then i went for a teeth cleaning…and OMG… look at what happened when i spit!
(tht doesnt sound good…)
in the afternoon alexis and i appeared on fox business on the show with liz and dave… i don’t know if there is video- i haven’t seen it. but just so you can see how glamorous it all is (isn’t) here is the food backstage in the green room.
yummm! NOT!
and alexis and me waiting to go on. don’t we look SO happy?!
aim: whateverradio
To Alexis and Jennifer: Great picture of you both!
I love you. I love your bloody phlegmy spittle. But please with the feet. Egads!
Yes you two look like deer in the headlights in that last pic. BTW my birthday is at the end of the month. DO I get a cookie?
I attempted to call-in yesterday but at the last minute (due to time difference) something horrible happened which I will tell you when I call tomorrow (crosses your fingers), it could be “funny”… I could be jinxed or something. I am not superstious but I believe in signs or whatever.
Anyway, the Fox bit was so good – it’s such a generous cause. In fact, I went to Alexis’ link to the soldiers thing. I might try that out from here. You ladies are admirable.
The drain picture, don’t freak out, that’s normal amount of blood. You won’t bleed out.
I love your pedicure! So snazzy. It’s my favorite thing to do when I go to the salon… That and getting waxed.. I haven’t decided what I like more than the other.
When did Alexis go blonde?
Bert and Ernie must be botox junkies these days. Not a line on their faces.
STOP with the stubby little toes, already! Nasty. No one really wants or needs to see your little feet. I mean REALLY! Stick to the baking!
Your news appearances have me thinking….If you ever come/drive through/crash land in Iowa, you will have a better time if you appear on one of my newscasts! Maybe you should do remote radio broadcasts driving across the country this summer in Alexis’ Astin a la Oprah and Gail! Wishful thinking I suppose….
You look like you’re waiting for the electric chair!
Jennifer, you’re so pretty but oy, that hair! I don’t know if it reminds me of Farrah Fawcett in the 1970s or Charlene Tilton in the 1980s. What I do know is that it is too much now. You would look so much more current with a bit more edgy style. I know people are going to accuse me of being mean, but I’m just trying to help. A new haircut does wonders for a woman.
THANK YOU! For using correct grammar when captioning the photo of you and alexis! I’m so sick of people misusing pronouns it is making me go out of my mind. Now, when I see something said or written correctly I want to scream thank you to the person. Not that I didnt think you would, just saying…
If you had written “Alexis and Myself” or some stupid shit like that I wonder if I would have liked the show as much anymore.
By the way, the picture is great; it is making me giggle out loud.
I agree with Lena ………. I vote for a new haircut.
you both look alot younger than you say you are. Alexis, you posted some pics of yourself a while back, passport photos. Frankly, you don’t look like you have aged much. Good for you. You both look great.
I third the hair cut….while it is lovely shiny hair, its just not in style anymore. I think it ages you.
Your toes are fine. My God.
I tried to call again today but the crazy phone company said something about it costing me extra so I shall keep trying to figure out how “much” extra. Is there any other number? Per chance not so expensive that my phone company gives me the “You should do so and so to call,” lecture?
The reason I didn’t get through yesterday was because I called: 001 where it should’ve been 011. It’s kind of funny, in a pathetic way.
If you change your gorgeous hair, I’m going to be pissed! Your hair is hot.
It would be nice if the people who had you on their television programs actually knew something about your show!! It was obvious that the woman who interviewed you knew nothing about your show and it was the same thing with Neil Cavuto and Alexis a couple weeks ago. I understand no everyone can listen all the time, but if they are going to take the time and effort to have you on, they should at least do their homework. That’s my pet peeve!!! Love the show!!!
If you are calling from the US it is a free number. 1-866-675-6675.
My kids even know this number by heart…LOL
wouldn’t you love to see pictures of the people who commented on your hair. and for the beauty who said she wasn’t being mean, yes you are.
You two are so much fun! Thanks for the entertainment!
I thought the tv segment was great. Both of you did a great job explaining the point of sending the boxes. I will be sending out a box in the next week. jennifer do not change your hair, it is beautiful. Only if you want to change it should you. these people are idiots that make nasty comments.
Your hair is fabulous!! I love the color, length & style. Young women are paying big $$$ for extentions to create that look! Don’t pay attention to those haters! They probably have “mom hair” & wear “mom jeans”!