hi everyone!
alexis and i can be heard at different times (don’t know what times!) all day today on
client 9 radio sirius channel 126.
Blog Home of TV & Radio Personality Jennifer Koppelman Hutt
by Jenny 27 Comments
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unfortunately i listen online and that chaneel isn’t available online yet unless i’m missing something.
have a good week. miss you : (
Hi Jen I just wanted to ask you a quick question regarding the jam squares. In your photo next to the eggs it looks like there is some milk, but I did not see any liquid in your receipe post. Just wondering. Thanks
hi rebecca!
it’s sugar! just looks like milk…
I listen online as well and can’t get the station you mentioned.
Also, if 2 hours a day, 5x a week is too much with your schedules, you should quit Sirius because it really is disappointing to hear you are on vacation again so soon after your last one.
I’m going to go sit in my car the rest of 3/17 to listen. It’s too good to miss all the extra air time with Alexis and Jennifer. Maybe, I will sleep out there. Yes, that’s it. Have to get all the Jennifer positive vibes I can! Jennifer is so cute inside and out!
Dear “slackers” – what a great idea, go ahead and cancel. We will not miss you!!
Slackers….get a f-ing life!! And lay off the caps!
Apparently “slackers” doesn’t know how to use the shift key. Hehe…
Miss hearing you, but hope you’re enjoying the time off!
Isn’t that Eliot Spitzer’s claim to fame?
Hey I wonder if poster “slackers” knows that if they want to type exclamation points they have to hit shift plus the one key. Allow me to demonstrate !!!!!
that comment from slacker is uncalled for. Y’all deserve a break whenever ya want one and if someone cant deal with that well then they need to get a life!!!
Have fun all and enjoy your time off!
Dear slackers, Is $12.00 a month good money? Go to the store, buy some milk, a few apples, and maybe some cheese. Oh sorry, your $12.00 is gone. Since you have Sirius radio why don’t you just change the station to 102 and listen to Jay Thomas, he is great. Then when the Slackers return you can tune in. There your problem is solved, and they really aren’t slackers.
Hi. Just heard the repeat show. I wish I had called in for that one. Married over 40 (like Charley) and happy. At one point my wife and I worked together for several years. It was good but it did take something from the family life for the kids. We were 24 x7 involved in business talk and it took the kids out of the equation for a bit. My last company she worked with me only 2 out of the 8 years. She spent quality time instead with the kids growing up and my daughters wedding preparations. It was time well spent to make up for that lost time before. I think Alexis may be able to understand this and relate. Now my wife and I are still are happy, loving, feel younger than we are (and look younger too) and we are still even good friends. She gets veg time with crosswords and books (shopping also) and I get playing with my toys (radio control airplanes). I still do some business type work and get to travel sometimes to exotic places on business. We actually enjoy being with each other and miss each other when we are apart. I guess it all works for us. My Mom and her parents when we got married said it wouldn’t last but here we are out doing their broken marriages. (BTW Alexis is right about the wedding, I don’t remember much about mine but the 250 person affair for my daughter I do remember and yes it could have been 25 people on a beach in Costa Rica for a hell of a lot less- my wedding cost $6 grand and my daughters north of $30 grand). However, it seems that our kids have the same way with their keeping relationships. We also have kept have a good family relationship. All the kids were here this weekend, it just happened. We decided to do the Easter dinner Sunday while everyone was in town. Sitting there while the two sons talked about the music industry I was feeling really good that we did OK. I think you and your family are a lot like us Jennifer, at least from what you say. I hope Alexis can see it can be achieved and all men aren’t as she has seen them. There are still a few out there that are in it for the long haul. Maybe she will see that sometime and stop just looking at the surface in relationships. Looks and money aren’t as big a deal it is a lot more. Sure it helps but true friendship and love is out there. Maybe she will get the second chance she seems to be looking for. Hey have a nice vacation kids. Oh and don’t listen to Slackers post he fell off the Stern truck. You are doing just fine. Oh we got the Martha cookie book. I am saving your posts and adding them to the book.
If you cancel you are only punishing yourself…don’t you listen to anything else?
You are truly a loser.
Just go listen to Howard, that’s what I do.
Good God Slackers–Get a f’n life.
Have a great vacation Jennifer!
Are you really in need of attention? Get a freakin’ life. :::rolling my eyes:::
this is great.
I too, like Howard from Boston, listened to the repeat and wish I could have called. I am not a guy but I can speak for my husband. He, also like Howard, does not remember the details of our wedding which was only 5 years ago, and he is not given to hyperbole or gushiness so if you ask him if it was the happiest day of his life he would look at you like you have two heads. I can tell you however, that he was happy that his parents were happy, that his old aunts and uncles were all there, that I insisted on having a rabbi marry us to honor his religion and his family even though I am not Jewish, that I did not make him go with me to boring things like looking at wedding cakes but I did bring him samples that he devoured in bed one evening, that I did take him to a store to choose wedding gifts because he loved using the inventory gun (he’ll never grow up), because even though he said he didn’t want a bachelor party I went ahead and planned a get together at a bar for just him and his friends the night before the wedding and he had the best time; because the band was so good, the food so delicious, the venue so perfect and the guests were so happy that if you ask him if it was the best party of his life he will say yes and if you ask him if he’s happily married he’ll say: “I should have listened to my friend Alan who said ‘Hank, don’t ever get married'”. Then he’ll say: “it doesn’t matter if I’m happy because my friend Danny said ‘Hank, if the wife is happy the marriage is happy'” Well, I now speak for myself and I can say that I am the happiest I’ve ever been.
One more thing: I heard Alexis in the same segment using Eddie Murphy as an example of how men lie when they say that their wedding day was the happiest day of their life. A birdbrained celebrity telling the paparazzi what they want to hear is not exactly what I would use to make a blanket statement like that. Alexis, Alexis…you are supposed to be smart.
slackers do you get vacation time away from the job? Your attitude sucks ..you miserable low life..
I am trying to figure out who is more pathetic, slackers, or the 10 or 12 other people who voiced equally hostile opinions against slackers. To all who responded, keep in mind that your remarks make you no better then the person who us angry to start with. I seriously do not think Jen or Alexis need any bloggers defending their actions.
Do you get 2 weeks vacation per month or don’t you work either?
People,calm down and take a chill pill.I think we all agree that if the girls didn’t take a vacation once in a while the show would get a little boring.When they get back I’m sure they will have all kinds of interesting stories to tell us…they better or I’m cancelling my subscription!
We did teh opposite I got married in a church (lightning didn’t strike my relatives or mu mom as expected). We had several problems with a mixed marriage. Least of all was my mom screwing up the best man sizes. My brother was told by mom he wasn’t going to be best man. I chose my friend Dick Heatherton. Well mom just before the wedding calls into the tux place and changes sizes to my brother. She tells no one. I get to teh radio station and my other friend Rich and I get Dick dressed while he is on the air. This because of the time we needed to get out of there. Nothing fit right. I finally figured the size was my brothers. called mom and found “oh yeah”. So Dick has to go to Rockville Center and get dressed in suit. Rich was an Usher and his outfit fit so did mine. So we had to round up my brother. He knew of none of it. We got him dressed in tech Church toilet (funny it fit). We rushed out side to greet guests and the rest went smoothly. My mom I know did this on purpose. Over the years I wormed it out of her. She expected we wouldn’t last long. I out did her marriage. We have been together over 40. Like I said my kids learned from us and they are in it for the long haul when they get married. (I keep telling Alexis). Anyway I really only remember I was hungry and got one bite of a meatball during the cocktail part. We have shared many good times and bad. We have met a lot of celebs and non celebs. Made and kept many friends. I am still working and will in fact be off to San Juan Tuesday. hasta
sorry for the spelling errors I didn’t proof read before I sent it.
Your “typos” are forgiven. The only problem we had with the mixed marriage was trying to find a rabbi willing to perform the ceremony because the ones that do were all booked! (Apologies to Jennifer for using her blog for this little exchange with Howard. I will stop now) Bye Howard, buen viaje.