hi everyone!
i miss the live radio show… SO MUCH! things keep happening and i think.. omg what are all of YOU thinking about blah blah blah (for instance..poor ted kennedy! and sydney pollack and did any of you see dina lohan and her daughter ali on the view?!)
alexis and i have been filming the super secret tv shoot (we will be back in studio live on friday!) and it’s totally cool…although i was complaining tonight because i feel SO self conscious on camera and alexis is beautiful and thinner than a praying mantis! (i swear it’s as if she has given up eating! no…NOT REALLY!) but she always seems thinner and i stay the same… JUST THE SAME!
so keithy (who i was complaining to duh…) says "waa…poor girl fliming a tv show complaining…waa…." and he’s completely right! i’m an AHOLE!
at the very least filming this show is an awesome experience…and maybe just maybe it’ll turn out well…and i won’t look like CRAP! and the ppl working on the shoot are incredibly kind. and alexis and i have had a lot of laughs so far…OFF CAMERA!
so now i am under my covers… used my clarisonic..no not in the naughty place…and i am thinking about coming back to sirius on friday…and really looking forward to it.
glad i miss the radio show so much…
what have all of you been up to????
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
well, we are all wondering what is this secret tv show? when will it be on? alexis is thin cuz she’s pretty much a veggie eater and works out all the time and you have had children and you are a nice Jewish girl (like me) who LOVES food. A praying mantis tho.. HA HA HA (sorry alexis, it’s just a funny description, you are a knockout.) The show repeats on Monday were classics. Miss you guys.
Come back soon, we miss you!
Can you at least say if this tv show has potential to be ongoing or if it is limited time period? If it’s been said and I missed it, please forgive.
Really miss the live shows too. I am doing the same thing too…wondering what you might be thinking about on current stuff. Did you get to see Recount on HBO? I am watching it for the 4th time!!! It is really good. Have fun!
“Whatever” it is you are filming, hope to see it soon. Miss your live show, yet not hurting too much via the replay.
You are lucky your shows are so entertaining, or your listeners would revolt!!! Seriously, hope the tv gig works out and we get to see you on the small screen….it better be cable, because I don’t think network tv is ready for you guys! The censors heads would be spinning!
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I think it sucks that your radio show is of so little importance to you!!
My feelings are (not that it really matters to you) that you can do all the extra stuff you want but not if it interferes with the show. Take one week for vacation to do a tv show or whatever, that I could understand, but three weeks….I feel it is unfair.
Oh, and what about the other famous Sirius radio host who filmed an entire movie without missing his show.
Don’t bite the hands that feeds you—Oh wait your show doesn’t feed you it is just for kicks.
i don’t know if “fair” is the correct word but rest assured that we went back and forth with ppl doing the tv show about the schedule. we tried VERY hard to be able to do the shoot and not disrupt radio…RADIO IS SUPER IMPORTANT to us…doing tv could (potentially) raise the profile of the radio show and that would be excellent.
the production people are condensing the time of the shoot to get it done quickly through LONG days so we do not have to miss any more (hopefully) radio after next week.
we will be there friday…live. call in then to complain if you’d like.
I think it’s faboo that you’re doing this exciting super secret tv show and that you and Alexis are still blogging while you’re off the air. I hope the “terrestrial” world can handle you two! No censors either…..
Considering that MSLO Radi is one of the lowest rated channels on Sirius (According to the latest ratings) you would think that live programming would be of the utmost importance right now.
I like the show, but this is a sellout move.
You are beautiful just the way you are…it’s sad that we women tend to compare ourselves to our friends and everyone around us. I was talking with a friend about my own body self image and she said, “I don’t think I know a women who DOESN’T have food issues.”
Here’s to loving ourselves the way we are and to not looking back 20 years from now and hating ourselves that whole time.
i’ll be so glad to have you guys back live in studio. i hope the show is going well but we miss you in radio-land. also, don’t beat yourself up about being next to alexis. i spent the weekend with my uber thin sister and wanted to throttle her. so i know how you feel. in the end, it’s about who we are as people. not what size it says on the label. xoxoxo.
we miss you guys live…can’t wait til friday!
I don’t know what I’ll do if you guys switch from radio to tv! I NEVER watch tv because I’m too busy. That means I won’t get to see/hear you anymore. Sob, sob. Your show is such a treat for me. I can plan my errands for when the show is on and I feel like I’ve done something nice for myself.
Please don’t leave me!!!
You’re a gem – really. I don’t have Sirius, but I read both of your blogs and I’ve been a “stewart” fan from 1990 – and I that’s no joke. Anyway, I think your genuine concern is phenomenal – I get the biggest kick out of your blogs. I totally get your concern of the comparison (re: you & Alexis). My two best friends are sticks like Alexis and I’m “full-bodied” and yet, both of them never for a minute think less of me. They love me for me (ok – gross, sounds so ’70s) but you get the point. I love that, all of Alexis’ sour points (that we all love) leaves you with this place of pure honesty that all your fans just adore. So in closing, forget your size on camera. Haven’t you read all the blogs???? Everyone sees your beauty (your LONG red hair, and your total devotion to family and friends). That makes you a treasure. Don’t doubt it. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
the real unfair element is the top secret side of your tv project.. we (your loyal and faithful fans) deserve to know..or at least have video on some more behind the scenes….after all, when you do get your pilot or talk show or clarisonic super commercial out there who do you think will be supporting you? US! and lastly.. tell the left side of the screen to get up and running.. whats up with that? we know shes baking.. home improving.. and generally complaining so why no blogging? jeezzzzz.. cut your fans a break..xxoxoxo
Hey Jennifer!!! I miss you guys!! I really enjoyed yesterday’s marathon – you guys have come a long way! My day doesn’t seem complete without my WHATEVER fix. You may remember I called in about the stuff in my hotel room being moved without my knowledge..?? I ended up getting a GREAT package from them and if Friday is open phone lines I will call in and tell you girls all about it (if you’re interested). Good luck with the super secret taping, I can’t wait to find out what it is. Oh, and forget all of these negative people! I think you guys are great and you make me laugh all the time!!
Hey Jennifer! I really enjoyed the marathon on Monday! I loved the first shows – they made me laugh and gave me my WHATEVER fix! Personally, I want you guys to be as successful as you can because your show is GREAT and I enjoy it immensely. I don’t get why everyone is so negative on here! Get a life, people! Oh, and you may remember I called in a couple of weeks ago about my stuff being moved while I stayed in a hotel room while I was in business and I have an update – I’ll call in on Friday and tell you all about it! Can’t wait to have you back live! 🙂
I’m curious Jennifer, & not to put too fine of a point on it. However is the production (tv show) really using film, or is it digital video tape?
I’ve been working with this incredibly talented hair designer. She was trained by Sassoon (the original) incidentally she even knows Alexis’s stylist. She’s one of these enchanting & timeless creative people from the 60’s. But she’s definitely not stuck in any time period.
You can see samples from the new shoot at my website: http://www.bearzimages.com & also I added a blog too!.
I’m sure you both look great & are doing just fine.
Have fun & seize the day!!!!~
hi bearz and everyone else!
it is probably digital… i think.
and i will do my best today to video blog with alexis again.
we aren’t telling you about the project yet because WE ARE NOT ALLOWED to tell…really it’s making more of a big deal than it really is the whole not telling thing. we’d rather give a play by play but (unfortunately) we are still underlings!
and amanda, it is my understanding that the martha channel is doing quite well…
Amanda is an idiot!
I purchased Sirius radio for the 100 plus channels. Dang, tune into something else for the time being.
I hit on the Chill Channel for the first hour of repeats and then head directly to Derek and Romaine on OutQ.
Give Derek and Romaine a try….they might just help you get your panties out of a bunch.
Still looking for the green rice recipe….anyone?
Jenny- Good luck with the ‘secret’ project! I’m sure it will be as fantastic as everything else you guys do. I miss the show, but I know you’ll be back soon with a ton of great stuff to talk about. Now, as for the people who are complaining about the time you’re taking off — “F” them!! You guys shouldn’t feel bad about missing a few radio shows. You are working hard to build your audience. I say “Kick Ass” with everything you do! As your fans, I think we owe it to you to give you the leeway to let your stars shine as brightly as possible. How amazing would it be if you had a TV show as well? I know you guys are gonna blow up like supernovae. Just don’t forget about us when you become SUPERSTARS!!
We miss you!! It’s ok, just try to relax and take it easy. You’ll get a kick out of it when you remember it later on and really love the memories.
We miss you guys, too! I can’t wait until Friday. And I’m finally pregnant again! YAY! Love you guys.
So are you acting in the television show or is it a reality show? Is it on a major network channel?
We miss you. you should have just told everyone that you were going on Holiday. Radio or TV i like you both either way. Just try to have fun! You know Alexis isnt eating just to try to piss you off.
I have been baking like mad! Over the holiday weekend I made Lemon Squares, Iced Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, and Citrus Cornmeal Shortbread Cookies…all from Martha’s book and everyone LOVES them!!
You are a pretty girl and your personality makes you even cuter.
Read A New Earth.
Amanda in Illinois…….shut up!
The baking, baking, baking,baking…..my daughter had a friend with an eating disorder who didn’t eat but ‘fed’ herself by baking for others obsessively.
Miss you totally. Forget about the negativity! Are people this hard on Howard Stern when he takes time off? Have fun with your project and we all look forward to you coming back live and finding out in the future what this show that you’re filming is!
Check the ratings. I heard the rating two weeks ago and MSL Radio was not even mentioned!!!
We miss you guys sooo much! Glad you guys are having fun:)
Give your self some credit! NOBODY looks like Alexis. But that doesn’t mean you look like a lump next to her! You are a very pretty, funny girl and I am sure that will shine through on TV even more than it does on the radio.
We miss you guys, we can’t wait until you’re back again! 😀
why don’t you film it on your vid cams behind the scenes so you can show it after the unveiling of the ?? show. Stern does a lot of that and it keeps us in the loop. That way you are not giving away any secrets because it gets shown after it is all done.? Anyways Billy Joel the 31st at Mohegan, anyone going besides us? We will be with the Front of house sound guy for a while then by the stage.
standing by for updates.. thanks for the response. and p.s. alexis may be rail thin, but you’re crazy beautiful. that hair alone..
Jennifer, thin is not always more beautiful!! You are a truly beautiful person…a wife, a mom, a daughter, and a genuinely decent and good human being. Stop comparing yourself to others…especially Alexis. PLEASE!! You are a thousand times more attractive and gorgeous…and your personality is amazing…be thankful for what you have and be grateful…things could be so much worse off for you. Own what ya got and love who you are…so STOP IT. The ONLY thing Alexis has got on you is she’s a little skinnier…so what!….big deal..that DOES NOT make her a better person and it certainly does not make her more beautiful. You are much more beautiful. ok?
my whole life I felt that way about my body too, now I run a couple times a week and I’m one of the normal size people. It’s possible, it’s just takes some dedication!
Jennifer, my dear. You ARE attractive. You are also highly intelligent, funny as hell, so smooth on the radio (if I had to talk on the radio I’d throw up!). I say: be happy that you are able to wake up every morning, put your feet on the ground, and greet your hubby and kids. You have a wonderful home life and a wonderful personality which, as we all know, makes a person beautiful!
I miss you gals. I was on vacation last week with hubby and missed hearing Whatever!We brought our Sirius but could not get a connection in our hotel room, when we were in the car, you were not on. I loved the MD Marathon. Can’t wait till you get back on air on Friday.:)
Let’s see…what have I been up to?
Baking! I made Monkey Bread for an office party today (baby shower). I also made Lemon Bars over the weekend while at my vacation home in Maine. *sigh*
Looking forward to seeing this special project you girls have been working on!
I agree that you, Jennifer, are prettier than Alexis. (No offense, Alexis!) She is attractive in her own way, but you’re more my style. Cutie!!
“i miss our listeners!!!! so much!!!!”
We miss you too. I listen to Sirius Disorder or Sirius Left all day, but at 5 Eastern, Me and my wife are listening to Sirius 112, please don’t leave us for TV, but , on the other hand, good for you two, if you get a TV show, you deserve it!
Miss you both lots…your voices and stories light up my day! I honestly do not think I have missed more than one week since you have been on the air (yep, from day one..).
Can hardly wait to see your t.v. deal…so exciting!
not sure if I’m the one breaking the news to you or not…but, Rosie O. was on Derek & Romaine today…
would think everyone would want us to know in advance the show you will be on to increase viewers, with all this secrecy many will miss it who really are interested only because you are on it.
Ugh. Enough, already. We get it… You both want to be rockstars with a fan base that rivals Howard Stern’s and are willing promote fancy products over the radio and prostitute Asian teenagers on the bulletin board to achieve it. Ok. Fine. Accepted. But what about all your other fans who have been with you since the begining? You know, the ones who had to sit in a hot, idyling car just to hear your show at 12:00 noon (?!) simply because you weren’t popular enough to warrent online access? The ones who had to CREATE their own fan site because you didn’t have enough money (?!) to build one yourselves? Or this particular asshole who traveled to New York, called-in and sent gifts before ANYONE
hi hmmm…although i am pretty sure i know your actual name…why are you thinking some fans matter and others don’t? when i talk about missing listeners i am referring to any and all listeners…old and new.
we could never forget the ones who started with us.
it upsets me that anyone would think that we would.
i am as appreciative today almost three years later of all interest taken in us as i was in the beginning. isn’t it normal that we’d want the show to grow?
Yeah, why would they even bother being on the radio if they didn’t want people to listen? What’s wrong with you people? So into yourselves and what you want. Also, the negativity in these comments is just making me sick.
Welcome back Ladies…..
I thought you both were hanging at Howard’s Hampton’s manson
since he has a Bowling Alley and other stuff/
welcome back!!
Thanks for the hugs and the affirmation, Jenny, you are a sweet and loyal soul… p.s. julieAZ, don’t comment on what you don’t understand.
You miss the show??? You miss the show??? Let me tell you about missing the show…..I have a new job and work until 7, got rid of my car (so no Sirius) and all I have to get my Alexis and Jennifer fix on is the blog!!
OMG – Amanda, you are so negative!!! If you dont like MSLO, don’t listen!!! then we won’t have to read all of your negative comments. WHATEVER is a GREAT show, never miss a day, and we MISS YOU guys!!!!! not the same when we can’t call in to talk! hope that the TV thing is going great. xoxo
The first year shows give a lot of insight to us newer listiners.
I’ve always loved the ‘XOXO’ salutation you use, Jennifer… It’s so cute and so you! Stay sweet. 🙂