oh the wedding.
viva las vegas‘ pink cadillac wedding…FANTASTIC!
i will have their professional photos soon enough- and i have a dvd to show our kids but for now i have the pictures alexis took…
arriving at the chapel.
getting ready for the wedding- every bride needs a veil!
the big entrance in the pink cadillac.
elvis singing to us.
the girls having fun!
now we are married!
then off to dinner at restaurant charlie in the palazzo.
LOTS of delicious courses.
here alexis helps one of the talented chefs.
my turn.
and who else is at dinner with us? (keith took this picture)…
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
Congratulations! Looks like it was fun! Is that Alexis’ shtup peeking from behind her head! Glad he showed up!
I just love the picture of you in front of the mirror with your veil. The look on your face is great! You look very Priscilla Presley circa 1967. Glad you had a good time!
Aww thanks for sharing about your trip- makes me so happy to see you guys having a good time!
Enjoy the rest of the trip!!!
Jen!!!! OMG! What were you thinking! I wonder how many other gross heads have sported that veil before you… weren’t you creeped out by that thought??!!!!
Lovin ya!
You do look sooo beautiful in your veil! I LOVE my veil! I too wish I could wear it every where all day every day! Thanks for all the updates!
Thanks for sharing the photos! I love it. Enjoy the rest of your trip, you guys.
ok how high Paulie must have felt going to breakfast ALONE with Alexis.
Mazel Tov! So good to see you smiling again. The change of scenery and distraction are just what you need now. Thanks for sharing the great photos!
You did what my hubby and I want to do – renew our vows 25 years in tacky Vegas style – nice to see you smiling!
Looks like fun. So Alexis admitted she got lucky this trip. Umm I guess there may be some more road trips ahead? The show went great today. I will try the restaurant Charlie’s next time in LV. Awww Alexis and Paulie didn’t get hitched. Oh well at least you all had fun and we as listeners did too. Post the rest of the pixs.
Awesome pics. I listened to a few of your shows out of vegas, fabulous! Congrats on your wedding vow renewal. My husband and i got married at that chapel by Elvis almost 5 years ago. We invited about 25 people. It was a total blast, hula girls, smoke machines, and all!
What fun! A happy time for you-just what you needed. Looks like a blast.
Jennifer and Alexis, what a fun week you must have had,,, it was certainly fun for the listener. Thanks for sharing Vegas with us!!!
What a fun time you all had. Viva Las Vegas Baby!!
Congrats on renewing the wedding vows.
What a hoot! Sounds like your adventures ranged from tacky to tasteful.
Thank you for staying with me, my walls enjoyed your voice echoing from them. Yes, I, the Pala(T)zzo, am so happy you stayed here. I just loooove being the Pala(T)zzo, I’m so cool. I’m also happy you said my name correctly, a lot of people don’t understand my name – I’m sure my friend the pi(T)zza will understand that one. So Jennifer (and Co) please be sure to come back to me any time you’re in Vegas, Gra(T)zie…
who’s the mystery guy?
What camera do you shoot your snaps with? I know Alexis has a Leica digi-lux you gave her. You might be interested in the new Sigma DP1 & or Panasonic LX3
Jennifer: can you call Brian and see if Arties o.k.?
I have heard that HOWIE & BETH may be getting married that’s why nobody can be found and also FERREL has caceled his friday show?
Seems pretty clear to me plus the Howard 100 news would have reported Artie being sick or we would see it on the SFN board.
i say H is getting married this weekend trying to keep it quiet..
Does anyone know what song is played at the end of the show?
I can tll you the song. What day of the week was it?
Congratulations. It’s nice sharing your happiness with me. Nice picture.
Jennifer, did Keithy take that last picture of you? That’s only a look that a wife can give a husband and they both understand eachother! You are adorable!
adorable! you and keithy are too cute
Paulie, it was Tuesday. The song also get used in some of the bumpers as well. There arent any lyrics (or, at least if there are, the song doesn’t get played long enough to get to them), or I’d google it. Its got a hiphop/R&B feel. Thanks!
hi ariel!
yes…keith did take that picture!
so funny..