intern julia is responsible, reliable, smart and nice.
who would’ve expected she’d also be freaky.
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
ps. i am not posting overtly mean comments about julia- it’s not right. she’s just an intern!
that is the stupidest form of self-mutilation i’ve ever seen. what is the point of that? does she think it’s cute?
WHAT THE %^&^$ is that?
So she’s studded??? What is that crap?
I really would like to know WHY this was done. What is the statement; does it serve any purpose? Julia, please tell us what message you are conveying?
I really am trying to understand what motivates this type of “WHATEVER”.
I think it’s pretty kick ass…why be so judgemental everyone? I know someone who has two lines of hoops down each side of her back, then she laces a ribbon through them so it looks like a corset. She has matching piercings down the back of each leg that she also laces with ribbons and it looks like fancy stockings.
It’s really not attractive at all. Looks like she’s craving attention. Whatever.
Whoa. Some explanation is necessary for those of us who don’t live in the freakshow capital of the world.
Intern Julia: Forget Hazel Hutt being under seige: you look under seige by a piercing gun. Oh, well, Whatever.
Why do people do that???? How are they ‘installed’? Ouch!!! It makes me cringe.
Why all this self-mutilating? They remind me of the tribes in Africa, each tribe gets mutilated differently so they know where they belong. And the ones on the left look infected. Why such redness around them?
What keeps them from falling out? Not disapproving just curious.
They look like the peel and stick type.
does anything ever get stuck to them like clothing, hair or whatever? ouch.
can you hang from the ceiling with those studs? i think it is pretty cool looking. but could never do it to myself. now on to more important things, who is gonna do the recaps? please find someone that can do a more detailed recap. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
the top left one looks infected….
Ok, so here’s the information you guys seem to be looking for…
-I got them because I wanted something that no one else had and I didn’t want a tattoo that I was going to regret in five years (like a lot of truly stupid people do all the time). They come out, and I will probably take them out once I graduate and get a real job.
-They’re not infected, my back is just a little sunburned.
-To keep them in there’s a bar that runs underneath the skin. That how they were put in, bottom hole first the slide up to do the top.
-Every once in a while I’ll catch them on a towel or something, and yes, that hurts.
-There isn’t really a story behind it. Some people started calling them my “angel wings” so that’s what I call em when people ask. But no, they don’t represent anything.
-No, I can’t hang from the ceiling.
That’s all. Overall my internship has been a really great experience that I’m very happy to have had.
And no, I’m not really a freak. But quite the normal 20 year old college student. If you’re curious, just check out my MySpace: myspace.com/metalmistressjulia
<3 Intern Julia
She’s young and she likes it. It’s no different than piercing one’s navel, or eye brow or nose….it just looks so freaky because it’s on her back. it’s most likely a bar bell that is similar to a navel piercing. it would be a long bar that has two open ends that are threaded so she can screw in the ends.
Everyone has to rebel a little bit. If she otherwise is a very responsible person than who cares if she did this to herself. It’s a better choice than being promiscuous or doing drugs.
Thanks for taking the time to explain… I still don’t get why, but whatever.. obviously you like it..
I thought the nice girl on the outside “wild and crazy” on the inside thing was OVER!
so many people so quick to judge. what’s up with that? they do remind me of angel’s wings and i think it looks cool. it’s not mutilating. mutilating would be the ear gauging where they stretch the ear lobe out and leave a giant hole.
okay – having hoops in your back and legs that lace up with a ribbon does not somehow validate having studs in your back. both are weird and stupid.
I think they are rad !
i like it. i get piercings now and again to replace the craving of a permanent tat that i’ll regret. if u don’t like it, don’t do it. but don’t be all weird about it. it’s just like an earring, just in a different place.
Intern Julia is a Nightwish fan. NICE. I saw they are playing in NYC next month. Hope she gives us a review. Love her musical taste but the Franken-back, not so much. (She can wear that critique with honor because it comes from a middle-aged guy.)
Ok, so that is not my thing. But come on, it’s just a piercing, not permanent, like a tattoo. She’s young, let her enjoy herself.
It looks like on the weekends you can reattach your angel wings there! You know, when you’re not confined by week day clothing!!!
Interns get paid right so no starving artist college student here I guess. Intern Julies has “exercised” judgment and chose to invest in metal. ” I wanted something no one else had ” Are you saying truly stupid people have sense and taste as well ?
She thinks they look good????? She’s so very young.
Julia is a beautiful girl and outside of a small stud in her nose, she has not mutilated her face or covered her body with ugly permanent tattoos. Compared to some of the really disgusting things I see kids do, like tongue and eyebrow piercings and earlobe spacing, this is actually quite mild- and can be covered up!
Don’t bash all tattoos some can be very beautiful.
I think the piercings are interesting. Hey it is her body let her do what the hell she wants.
Her piercings look great & she has a lovely back. Give my regards to Syracuse!~
i think they look really cool. be you!
Don’t listen to all the crap Julia. You go and put an extra hole where ever you damn please.
I like the piercings, but am curious as to how they are maintained and cleaned. They look hard to reach!
She looks like a beautiful girl! I would like to see her face. I think the piercing are bizarre, but kind of cool looking. It’s what all youngsters are into these days…. ;o)
OUCH! But unique. I have never seen anything quite like it. Ya’ll are educating me!
i’m not judging- they just don’t look very symetrical which would drive me nuts…..
Julia’s got great looking skin.
I like the angel wings note…it gives them a sweet, feminine look. you go girl.
joan you seem so misinformed, watch more Oprah.
Kids these days . . .
Now she has four exit points just in case she gets hit by lightning —look it up on the internet— body piercings and lightning
She should spend her money more wisely. I’m sure she has student loans up the caboose.
why do that? i wish she’d have donated whatever she paid to have it done to a soup kitchen to feed people . . .
I still don’t get how they stay in. Where are the bars? Are they permanently under the skin? Do you worry about scar tissue forming back there if the bar stays in?
Julia is a Dean’s List student, she’ll take out the studs when she gets tired of them, her face is gorgeous, she’s a very public service minded person and someday i’ll see her accepting an award for something in communications. the studs are silly, but it’s something she’ll work out by herself! she’s awesome!!!!
love the piercings. Yes julia, they are different but also tasteful and well placed. Freaking… no way. you want to see freaky, just watch a few episodes of MTV or take a stroll on the west side late at night. i consider myself a pretty open parent and have 2 over 17 year old daughters. One has one small tatoo and the other has one medium and too very small tatoos. Not to big on the piercings although the 17 year old has many ear piercings. I would have no problem with the back piercings as see in picture. Sometimes different is better and it shows charachter to do something a little out of the ordinary. Julia, continue to be a leader, not a follower. Good job this summer.
Weird, but who gives a F***! I have my nose pierced and three tattoos. It’s not for everyone, but if it’s on YOUR body and YOU like it, who cares what other people think? Jeez, some people are so judgemental. UGH.
from behind, julia looks very beautiful. Beautiful skin, beautiful hair. Wish we could see her face.
whow… I wish I could say: thank you for the image of a freaky corset… but, sorry, just can’t…
I dont care about the piercing, how you express yourself is your business. But I checked out your myspace and I was so shocked. You are so pretty!!!! Not that I thought you were ugly, but you are so quite and you seem shy on the radio when alexis and jenny talk to you. Your voice dosent do you justice. I wish you all the best. P.S I agree about the tattoo idea too, at least you can take yours out when your bored with them.
Thanks Julia! You made a great intern/board-op/call screener. You really took care of things when the show was in Vegas. I am sure you will excel at anything you do. I like the mods. I checked out your MySpace. Tool doesn’t even get a mention? I’m getting old…
good god, this is disgusting. a bar running under her skin? Why, why why? She looks like she got attacked at a Bedazzle factory!! it’s so gross, it makes me want to vomit.
Wonder, how long she has had them?
To Julia’s Mom; the left side looks kinda red; she should have it checked out, (if you blow up the picture the upper left side definitely looks irritated). Having them in the back, you are kinda dependent on having other people tell you what’s going on back there.
Can you have the girls post a pic of your friend? Sounds Ffffreaky!!!
I was gonna be nice about Julia’s stupid ass piercings until I heard her speak. lol She’s just as fuckin judgmental as everybody else here, saying “truly stupid people” get tattoos.
Please…some people who appreciate certain images/art get tattoos. People who aren’t afraid of looking different forever. You’re just a wimp, as it turns out. lol
Okay, it’s not my thing but I can deal with it and agree with her, they are not permanent. She’s in college everyone, take a step back and remember all the crazy shit you did then.
Im not into piercings but if Intern Julia is so be it,it’s cool in some strange way.I think she would be very fun to party with,I’m sure she has lots of cool stories…
What I meant about tattoos is that truly stupid people get tattoos that they regret in 5 years. I love tattoos, they’re just not for me. If you put thought into it and are lucky enough to love it forever, then props to you! But a lot of people my age don’t THINK about tattoos when they get them and it becomes something that they regret. That’s it!
Yea let’s see her face, or is she a butterface?
From intern Julia:
“I didn’t want a tattoo that I was going to regret in five years (like a lot of truly stupid people do all the time)”
Hmmm, very open minded. Glad you’re not one of the truly stupid.
I think we should see a photo of Paulie’s nipple rings and tattoos! Bring it on Jennifer!!!
Airport security must be a bitch.
ma’am, would you please turn around and step through there again? *beeeeeeep* ma’am did you take everything out of your pockets? Ok, step through again please *beeeeeeep* Ma’am could you step over here please? 1adam12 I need backup in security, suspect failed metal detector numerous times permission to do cavity search. “oh for god’s sake, they’re studs in my BACK!” Ma’am, do you realize how that turns me on? Suddenly, lights go out, flashing disco ball lowers, fog machine erupts, security guard raises the roof while singing “Oh hot damn, this is my jam, keep me partying til the a.m. ya’ll don’t understand make me throw my hands in the ayer, ay, ayer, ayer, ay, ayer”
OK…I take back what I said about you being judgmental, Julia. I suppose it was just the way it sounded.
WOW, well done Laura from Arkansas!!!! BRAVO!
Live and let live…
AND all those kinda words
wait till those get hooked on something and rip a big strip of skin outta your back.
I’m guessing that she didn’t get enough attention when she was little.
Julie rocks. Period. End of story.
ha – thanks Paulie! I get bored at work.
Hey Laura how stupid are you?? Do your earrings make it through airport security? What’s the difference if the studs are in your ears or in your back? What an a-hole…
I like intern Julia. She has always been friendly when answering the phone — very welcoming. I think I like her even more for her explanation for having various piercings. She wasn’t defensive about it. She was simply honest.
And another thing (I wrote a previous comment before scanning through the other comments, so this is in response to the comments I scanned)…why are so many people who I assume are fans of this show so judgmental? How could you love the honesty of Alexis and Jennifer and be so freaked out by Julia’s piercings?
I usually don’t post things on blogs or bother to address other people’s postings, but as someone who has known Julie for a long time (I graduated before her in high school but she has remained a very close friend), I needed to show my support. Julie IS a beautiful girl, inside and out (if this hasn’t been reiterated enough). Not only that, but she’s young and wants to express herself. It is not self-mutilation – and if you seriously think it is, perhaps you should research what self-mutilation really is. She is simply enjoying her life and doing what makes her happy, and as she said, she can always remove the piercings should she later change her mind about them… And to Cathy: Julie gives a great amount of time, money and blood (donations) to charity. As someone who has always been an avid volunteer since the age of 3 and works in the non-for-profit sector, I can tell you that she is genuinely interested in others’ welfare and does what she can to help others – more so than most young people her age. Additionally, if you seriously think that she should have donated the money used to get her piercings for charity, then I strongly suggest that you stop buying Internet and satellite radio and invest THAT money into charity.
Well CLARISSA – seeing as everyone was bashing the kid thought some humor would be in order, it has nothing to do with real earrings but thanks for pointing out my stupidity by calling me an a-hole for no apparent reason. And p.s., I can’t wear earrings thanks to a fire when I was a kid, so actually no, my earrings don’t make it through security. However, my god-daughter was frisked and humiliated in the airport thanks to the metal decoration on her underwear – so suck it.
why did i do? this now my image is out there. hopefully, some one will understand my culture and heritage calls for youthful body piercing experimentation some people color the hair, some wear it long some people train for the Olympics
They look really cool and different. I got my older daughter snake bites for her sixteenth birthday. ( lower lip rings ) She loves them,and they are eazy to hide with clear plastic studs, almost invisible. Taken out long enough they will grow over. Much less painful than paying for having a tat lazered off later.
you’re the a-hole, some of us got the humor in what Laura said and who invited you to this party anyway?
You are a brilliant and articulate writer – don’t listen to the haters.
julia is so smart and together and hard working….way more so than I was at 20…i think spending what I am sure was a very nominal amount of $ on something she likes which IS NOT actually permanent is beyond fine – soup kitchen? are you kidding me? people are still allowed to do/get stuff they want/makes them happy. why does it always come back to charity? julia donates blood (I know – who’d want it? lol) as often as they’ll let her and has done so for a long time. WHAT’S WITH THE JUDGING OF SOMETHING SO SMALL AND HARMLESS? dont get me wrong , I think everyone should feel free to say they like them or they dont, but she should not get them cause the money would be better spent at a soup kitchen? get off this site, stop wasting time, and go dish out some soup!! jesus h!
WOW, was your sense of humour removed at birth, or was that a recent surgery you had? If it was recent, I think I would go back to the hack and ask for it back. How do you get through life???? Way to go Laura in Arkansas, you should write in here more often. Always liked people from Arkansas.
what’s the big deal? good luck to you, julia.
Qualifications I can fetch coffee expresso, lattes Ventis grandes mocha latte green tea etc.
I know where all the dry cleaners are to PU apparel, I know where all the corner drugstores are I can plug in cell phones to recharge I can sharpen pencils you use pencil– I am very good a sharpening pencils. I say yes I can do that or What needs to be done I can do that.
I can operate a video camera so you two can have more video blogs posts you really need someone to help you build up your video blog archive oh did i say that oops whatever
Very cool! One of the best piercings I have seen. But it seems like it would hurt! Adorable
lol – thanks for gettin’ my back you guys! I wouldn’t call my sarcasm anything other than sarcastic, no where near brilliant by any means. I was, however being an a-hole in my response to Clarissa and I apologize. I’ve never been called an asshole, even playfully so I stooped to an asshole’s level (not meaning her, just assholes in general) and came back with a bullshit answer to prove a point about assuming things of people we don’t know. So I’m sorry, Clarissa I read that first thing in the morning and reacted in a sleepy hormonal way – now that’s all the fuzzy shit I can put up with at the moment…
Here’s another hint – I do write on here a lot, just don’t use my name… I feel like I just
Why is it all about charity??? okay let me try to offer an explanation…. Okay, studies have indicated volunteering and charity work, if you will, is beneficial to one’s health.
And well, it goes back to the Good Book. For God so loved the World, that he gave His only begotten Son, that Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life/ Now that is a Bible verse John 3:16 you often see me at Football games holding a sign with those numbers and well– there is something else about lost souls but I won’t go there Okay– does this help and do I look fat on TV ? oh never mind just asking.
You to me they look like those magnets that they put on you to supposedly heal pain and stuff. ha ha ha I think I tried it once and I didn’t think it worked but of course they want you to keep coming back and paying a fortune for them to stick magnets on you and apparently the more you go the more it works. If the pain goes away it’s probably because you spent thousands of dollars and the pain in your empty bank account is so much stronger that you think the magnets actually helped! Ha ha ha
the top left one looks a little enflamed.