here is the famous black and white donut talked about on the show. paulie LOVED it!
alexis thinks it looks like poop.
also, fine living network has put up a whole bunch of clips etc of whatever, martha! on their site..chk out fln!
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
It looks awesome. You are both so funny.. I hope it’s a big hit. I can’t wait to see it on TV.
Yep – it does look like poop. Great! Now I want one. No I don’t…yes I do. Grrr.
Loved the clips! Can’t wait to watch more. Hope you post them cause I don’t get FLN.
A very sick person’s poop.
the clips look awesome! but the donut does look like poop…
It looks moldy. (but I’m sure it tastes good)
OK – the clips up on FLN’s site are hilarious! Can’t wait to watch the show, girls – i’ve already set the DVR!
How much does it weigh?
Who makes the donut? I mean is it a brand or is something that just sold as is in a stand? Also, I love your outfit!
It looks like it was found behind the sofa a few weeks too late! Can’t hear ya on the radio BUT looking forward to seeing you gals on TV.
OOOh Lala
THat mon ami is beignet smut
. Do not confuse with corn smut but you can google corn smut. I suggest you do a wikipedia entry for beignet smut
Now, Dr. Oz may consider the specimen– which does not conform to a letter J in appearance– as desirable– but if it ” passes” the Paulie test— I say go for it!!!
Jennifer, you get an E for Effort! lol
Looking forward to the TV show!
That’s some yummy looking poop! Gross! HAHAHA! Jen, I love your outfit (that is you, right?)
Oh shit! It does look like doody!!!
The show clips are funny and the picture of you guys with Martha is so cute!!I love the slide show pics you can click on.
I remember watching the knitting segment with the kids. I was doubled over laughing when she scolded the little girl about dropping a stitch. There was another one where she held up two cantaloupes and said “Do you want to know how to pick a perfect melon?”. Those things endeared her to me. I can’t wait to see them, but I do hope they show up somewhere other than FLN, I don’t get it.
Uhm….that looks like a skanky, moldy piece of bread….but I bet it tastes GREAT!!!!!!
Hmmm I checked the FLN guide on Comcast for the 16th, and it doesn’t list you guys…it’s just Martha’s show, and some real estate dude….Whatever….
Hey Jen, It dose look like a huge, slightly molded pile of poo but I love donuts and would probly eat it. It probly tastes soo good. My mouth is watering. Im taking it that its you in the picture and I love you shirt. I love flowy tops, its all I wear. If you dont mind telling, who is the made the shirt/where did you buy it? The color is great!!!!!!With your hair color it probly looks even better than just seeing the shirt itself. Great color choice for you.
What the hell kind of being would poop like that???? It looks gross! I have to say over the last few days you girls are driving me nuts! Politically we don’t agree at all. I am not some psycho redneck, just someone who values the money I ‘earn’. That said, your new TV show looks freaking AWESOME!!!! Please be slightly nicer to opposing views so I don’t hate you so much that I stop listening/watching the new show.
Jen, how come there arent any “grown up” pics in the slide show of you on the fln website? What gives? There should be as much of you as there are of of Alexis. I love Alexis just as much, but whats up?
Hmmm… Almost as offensive as A’s carrot.
Ugh, a big poop. That would really hurt.
Jennifer, I won’t be able to see the show on my cable network and I really want to… you think Season I will be made for DVD or will the episodes eventually go online?
So, the girls should just agree with you and not have opposing views just so that you “like” them and watch/listen to the show??? There are others that also “value the money” they earn, but we don’t want another damn Republican in office. Get over it. Not everyone can agree on everything.
thanks for the link! the clips are really funny:-)
SA, I’m with you. Unfortunately, they’ve already made me “hate (them) too much” and now I don’t listen. I certainly won’t be watching their show, either.
I can NOT wait for the show!!
I’d eat that thing in a FLASH…GONE..
Erica, maybe you need to understand reading comprehension. I did not say that they need to agree with me. I said that they should be more respectful of opposing views. There is no right/wrong view. I don’t say the kind of shit that Alexis says about Republicans. It is downright offensive, rude and full of sterotypes.
That thing is HUGE! Biggest Doughnut I think I have ever seen!
It actually looks pretty damn good… Does I taste like a glazed, chocolate doughnut? If so, YUM!
It does look like POOP LOL
is it so good you can actually enjoy eating it?
What is it actually called?
The clips are AWESOME– sooooo funny!- I rarely laugh at stuff on TV, so I really am looking forward to your show!!!!
jennifer Fiona Hughes is back on GH. do you still watch? Are you certain the donuts were actually from Fiona Hughes?
Yum, that donut looks good.
What is the recipe for the black and white donut? I can’t find it!
If you find them so offensive, SA, maybe you shouldn’t listen to the show. It’s their show and they’re being bluntly honest about how they feel. If you don’t like it, that’s too bad…don’t listen. It’s so easy to turn the dial or hit the power button. I find it funny that those of you who are so upset by what the girls are saying are still either listening to the show and/or posting comments on their blogs. Lots of people feel the way they do, we just don’t have a safe way to express it. Life isn’t always nice and shiny and pleasant.
First off-that thing would definitely clog the drain IF it were a poo. It’s no beauty queen, but maybe a good cup of coffee would help redeem it’s looks. This could be along the lines of don’t judge a book by it’s cover…
Hi Jennifer,
Keep your chin up sweetie! I know what you are going through in the loss of your mom! I lost mine at age 54 from COPD – I was 32 and not even close to ready for that. Hold that family close and take one day at a time!
Agreed, the biggest donut I’ve seen in a while.
You are a political moron, so stick a Twinkie in your pie hole and blow it.
Looks like a moldy, crusty mess…not appetizing at all. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a poop that looks quite like that though.
I think I know why Paulie likes it…Because it reminds him of the deposit he made at his girlfriends house “BERTHA”.Maybe we should nickname the donut “BERTHA”!!!
Thought it looked more like a fish.
I was thinking that if i did not look at the doughnut for a few days it would maybe look better?
it still looks like a poop log ew…