although i’ve been LOVING doing the radio show lately, i’ve been feeling rather uninspired in terms of blogging.
i think it is maybe because the start of fall has proven to be a highly emotional time.
today marks 2 months since my mom died and although i’m not wanting to bore any of you today with my thoughts, feelings, sadness etc.
i do want you to know that i think about blogging ALL THE TIME but have been lacking ideas of what to even blog about (other than my loss!).
im just feeling generally uninterested in doing the things i would ordinarily be blogging about.
of course, that’ll pass, as it always does – alexis and i have the premier party for whatever, martha! wednesday so im hoping i’ll have something to show/write about that!
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
I looked at the clips from “Whatever, Martha” adn the show looks good. I look forward to seeing the show. Hope you guys are a big hit.
Your blog is both inspirational and a balm for many of your readers. Your aching loss is something some can relate to and others sympathize with. I enjoy reading about you husband and children, too! What seems typical in life is often what makes for real, good reading- and blogging!
Jennifer, just write what’s in your heart. There is no law anywhere that says you have to blog everyday. Looking forward to watching the show. The both of you made me laugh just watching the clips.
Jennifer, I don’t know how anyone else feels about it, but I for one, am not bored when you blog about the sadness that you are going through. Isn’t that what a blog is supposed to be anyway? It’s you and your thoughts/feelings at the moment, and what’s happening in your life, happy or sad. I know that for me, and I’m sure for many others who are going through a similar situation, it is a real help to know that what we are feeling is normal. I know that I am not alone; just look at all of the posts that your posts inspire! I think you are doing a real service not only for you, but for all of us. I would rather check out your blog and see something written, rather than nothing. I know it’s difficult to find inspiration at this time, but please blog – even if it’s not about happy, happy things. Fans are interested in what you have to say, and if they are not, they are free to not read the post! Hey, it sure beats all of the negativity that erupts when people respond to Alexis’ political views!
Agree with all of the above. Blog if and when you feel like it – any topic is fine.
It is getting a little repetitive. Maybe you should get some proper therapy?
Jennifer, Your blog is for you and we are the guests. Don’t feel forced to blog every day. Only when you feel like it. We understand completely!
No worries, Jennifer. Your fans understand. Do what you feel. We don’t expect anything else. Hang in there!
If you don’t feel like writing in the blog then don’t do it. It’s ok to take a break, I will still listen and so will the rest of us. Take some pressure off yourself. It’s ok.
Jennifer, you wall be missing your mother and all your loved ones and pets who have passed, until the day you pass. I lost my mother almost 15 years ago, and things sill pop up that reminds me of her. The loss and sadness in time, will become a part of you, that part will be more loving, caring, giving,and most of all will not take life, people, pets,or even seasons for granted. Jennifer just enjoy all that is good in your life, even if they do make you a little sad, being sad is sometimes just what we need to pause and remember our loved ones who are no longer here.
Take care
Your blog is from the heart, and you will have new topics as they come to you. The tv commercials on FLN look great and I have set my TIVO to season pass the show! Have fun at the party!
Jennifer may not FEEL like sharing all of the intimate details of her life on this blog, or anywhere for that matter. To assume that she is not “getting help” is presumptuous to say the least.
have keithy blog for a bit, until you feel better.
Dear Jennifer, I lost my mom three years ago. Try not to be so hard on yourself, or rush something that can’t be rushed. Grieving someone so important is not a linear process. You will get to the “new normal” with time, don’t worry about “boring people.” You should be proud of yourself. xoxo
Don’t make any excuses…for God sake.
It’s “just” blogging.
Your mom just passed away and it is only natural that it’s fills your heart at the moment.
Don’t feel like you should please everybody around you.
You shouldn’t feel any pressure and sometimes you don’t realize your loss until a couple of weeks, even months after the loss.
It’s your brain trying to protect you so you only take it in, little by little.
Hope you will allow yourself to greif at this hard times. Sream, cry or “knock” down some walls, only you knows whats right , right now.
Please do that for yourself!!!
don’t feel like you “have to be funny!!”
All the Best.
PS. Please excuse the spelling I’m from DK.
Blog when you want & about what you want. Anyone who has a problem with what you blog shouldn’t be here. The best part about the show & the blog is that you are open and honest with your feelings…that is why I listen and read.
I wanted to post on both sides of the whatever blogspot…I LOVED the video clip and am very happy that you both come across in the same genuine nature that you share daily on the radio.
Oh, and screw those who tell you to get over it and get proper therapy. Clearly, they haven’t experienced a profound loss in their life. Do what you want – it’s YOUR blog. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to read it. The ‘caring majority’ want you to keep doing what you are doing – being honest and open about your feelings. Thanks!!!
Oh my…I didn’t see the comment from “get help” before now after I’ve posted…How arrogant is She/he…
– proper therapy…. whats wrong with people now a days???? I’ts ok to have feelings, it’s not a bad thing …anyway- not where I’m from.
So maybe “Gethelp” should get some help!!!!!
Jennifer…your loyal listeners know what you are going through and we understand that things are not easy for you. Blog when you want and we will understand if you can’t do it as much as you once did. I do want you to know, however, that when you do blog it makes our days a little better:) Your insight, humor, and sincerity is appreciated!! We are here for you, whatever you want to blog…happy, sad, mad, hurt, funny, gross, random, etc….
The passing of your mother has been something that has deeply toched your heart and soul. She was a wonderful mother and you were a wonderful daughter. Give yourself time to heal. If you don’t feel inspired to blog for whatever reason then, don’t blog. It isn’t mandatory that you blog and you shouldn’t feel that you are letting anyone down. We all understand. It has only been a few months since your mom passed away. I was a basket case for months after my mom died and sadly, I didn’t have any where near the relationship you had with your mom. Give yourself time and do whatever is comfortable for you. Noone expects a blog everyday.
I hope my words help a little and reassure you that you are a perfectly normal and beautiful person.
Jennifer when my brother Todd died 10 years ago I couldn’t do anything for 6 months. I was a wreck. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It takes time to heal from your loss. I feel your saddness and your pain. I know when my mom was sick at the beginning of the year I always worried about her dieing. She didn’t but I often wonder how I made it through those months of her heart illness. I had a really hard time to work or do anything. I just wanted to be by her side. I hope that you will soon feel better, enjoy life more and not have so much sadness in your heart. I bet your mom is looking down on you right now and saying “go Jennifer” with all your new endeavors. I have to say it’s very hard to be cheerful and act happy when you have this kind of sadness and pain in your heart. I know I’ve been there. Amy
Remember: this is YOUR blog. If we fans don’t like it, we can always read that other person’s. However, if you’re simply lacking ideas, here are a few: the Fall TV schedule (what to watch and what not to watch), Summer movies (what to watch and what to kill yourself for having watched), your new Winter coat (lamb’s wool vs. duck down vs. standard poodle)…
I asked you before to go speak to a shrink…
just do it damn it!
You will feel so much better….
My mother ,Father sre dead.
The worst was my sister dying at age 44 of brain tumor & cancer which spread through her whole body.
We did not know she had cancer till one day she was getting out of the car and her leg would not move.
The cancer was a surprise.
She could not be saved.
i know really i do how sad it is.
But you must see a shrink…
Nothing else will help…
I know…:)
and get a damn plant or tree from your MOM’S yard..
I think you need flowers or something alive she loved…
have a botonist help you propagate something
well worth it this weekend..
Could you ,your brother and sister
go into the yard or house and ask your Dad if you can start some new plants from some of your Mom’s plants ?
I agree – a blog should reflect what you are feeling and going through. Your blog has been a great help to me that these feelings are normal and that I’m not going crazy…. if it’s boring to some they don’t have to read it!
Im not bored by your blogs, however a video blog would great even if it’s talking about your mother.
Jennifer, keep baking and keep blogging!!
Hi Jennifer: I just lost my Mom two weeks ago today. I was her caretaker for the past 5 years and I can’t belive she is gone. Everyone keeps telling me things get better but for right now I don’t belive them. Don’t be hard on yourself right now. Take some time to adjust to your new situation. I know for me it’s going to take a long time. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that she is really gone.
Hang in there.
I never find your posts boring. I’m grateful you share when you do. Continue to honor what you are feeling and if it’s uninspired that’s just where you are, and it’s totally fine! Love you and love the show! The premier party will probably be interesting. The tv show looks great!
It’s only been two months, and even though I know it feels like an eternity, you’re doing fine. It’s going to take time. Talk when you want to, and don’t when you don’t want to. You don’t owe anyone anything. I do want to say though, that you’ve probably helped more people than you realize. The whole experience of loss is so hard to understand, and so hard to make your way through. You’re being honest about how it feels for you, and by doing that, you’re helping others who are just as lost and scared.
Take Care.
Jen… You are doing an amazing job coping with your loss. It may not feel like it to you, but from the outside looking in, you’re very strong. I’ve lost both my parents and my brother committed suicide. Let me tell you, after my brother killed himself I was a complete basket case. It has been a year and half and I still have rough days. Everyone will have an opinion of what they think you should be doing to help yourself heal… Keep in mind, opinions are like Starfish (you know what I really mean) – Everybody has one!!! Stay Strong Miss Jennifer!
Jennifer, You are emotional and uninspired because you are grieving. You lost your Mother only 8 weeks ago.Please blog about whatever YOU like.The haters can go fuck themselves!
Whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The start of fall? When did that happen?
jen, i am not bored by your emotions. i do respect your honesty more than anything. and by the way, i cannot wait for the FLN show! You are hilarious.
I thought this was therapy for all of us……Jennifer when your mom was ill and then passed away I wrote about losing my mom 20 years ago, I was 29 then and my dear dear friend Jill passing away in April, both of their deaths have shaped me in many ways. It took me many years to come to this point of view………no one promised I would have my mom forever but I certainly was not “done” with her and would give everything to have her back. At the same time Jill’s youngest was 13 when she died this spring, I had 16 extra years. I don’t want to diminish your loss in any way, it hurts alot, I know this but I am thankful for every minute I had. Take care, write what you want, when you want and worry NOT about what others think. You will still cry, I do for both my mom and Jill, but it’s okay, as someone once explained, those tears are liquid love. ( a few months later he moved away and I cried over him-how stupid was that!)
I always look forward to your blogs–no matter what you have to say. I have missed them.
To blog or not to blog…that is the question.
What do you think about global warming, the national debt, education (the republican way), population explosion; all these subjects in reference to the impact on your kids and potentional grand kids. What did your mom think about these subjects and her offsprings future; what do you think she would say? It sounds like she was a great and a thoughtful leader in her own way.
I would really like to know.
Thanks for consideration of these questions.
Jen…Called my cable company to add FLN so I could see the show when it premieres. My cable bill is already $77 a month so I was hoping it won’t go up much. Great news! I already had FLN, but since the channel was added into the system it didn’t come up on my menu. Long story short the nice cable guy took me through my system and we added FLN at no charge. Just thought I would share in case other viewers might be in a similar situation and not even know it. Enjoy the radio show and look forward to the TV. I can relate so much to you and Alexis and even when I don’t (politics) I enjoy the discussion. You rock!
I love all your blogs Jennifer…the sad ones, and the happy ones..I hope you know we ALL understand. You and Alexis…with the show…seem like family, or good friends…strange, but true.
It’s okay, Jen. It seems that Alexis has been doing enough blogging to cover the both of you! Thanks, Alexis! Hope you feel better soon. Fall is a beautiful season, but I can totally see how the changing of the season could affect you negatively at this time. We love you!!!!! XXOO
I don’t think anyne should tell Jennifer what she should do (e.g., a few posters said she needs to see a therapist)…maybe she is doing that or maybe she isn’t….it’s really none of our businesss unless she chooses to share. Also, to the person who said to get a plant from her mom’s yard (I think her name was actually Jennifer too)…while it’s a lovely idea, maybe the Whatever Jennifer just doesn’t want to do that because she knows that it will not make her feel better. Good for you if it helped you, but don’t act like everyone should make plants from their loved ones plants to grieve appropriately. Jennifer, do whatever you need, share whatever you feel comfortable, ignore any comments that are stupid. We love you!!!
Jennifer, just go have fun with your new show. It looks so terrific and you and Alexis are going to be so busy. If you want to blog do. But if not we are always here and will remain so because we really like you. I loved the Bird and your dog. Your recovery through the loss of your Mother has been very healing for me as I am going through things myself. We can’t always be swinging from the trees.
I love your blog. It’s a totally different blog from Alexis and its fun to hear about the family. I think your mom would want you to keep it up. Love ya.
Hi Jennifer,
Do you know about this blog on NPR:
It started out being Leroy’s cancer blog, but he passed away a few weeks ago, and his wife is writing the blog. She writes every day about how much she misses Leroy. Noone tells her to “get over it” or get therapy. They all embrace her and hold her up.
May we do the same for you.
Love, Susan
hello jennifer
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I too have lost my mom, I also lost my dad, both to cancer. When you say your mom had a persistent belly ache, can you describe it to me? Since I lost both parents to cancer I feel like cancer is stalking me, I cant stop thinking about it. for some time now I have had stomach aches, mostly off & on. but enough to worry about it ,not sure if its an ulcer from my nerves or something else.So I was just asking if you could describe for me how she was feeling so I can compare. Thanks so much for your time & take care.
You can always just post a sexy photo a day. That never gets boring!
Saw the promos for “Whatever Martha”…looks like so much fun…sing, Jen, sing…I like your voice…could add a whole new dimension to the show…maybe Alexis will try singing as well.
hi cec,
you are probably fine so take a deep breath. my mother had radiating stomach pain… like a band of pain. it was fairly constant.
if you suspect you have an ulcer, go to the dr. anyway- ulcers often need treatment. and go to the dr. to ease your mind if need be.
sorry you are freaking out- i totally get the “cancer stalking me” feeling too… sucks! xxxx
Jennifer i really enjoy when you blog about your mom, i find all of it interesting (hell, it sure beats your sidekick’s obsessive compulsive baking etc.) You blogged briefly how your mom had a bad stomach one summer and then the next summer your were dealing with her cancer. I lost my mom to breast cancer and when I’m with my support group we always discuss the symptoms before during and after the diagnosis. I don’t think you realize how much this helps others going through the same situation as you. I also love hearing about Bunny and what she enjoyed in life and when you give us some Bunnyisms. You don’t even realize how happy you sound when you do talk about your mom. I wish you would talk more about your pain and how your family and father are doing. People really care. Don’t beat yourself up about it, your normal to feel the way you do. It’s normal to go on and on about your mom and to cry, no matter what Alexis says or how many times she rolls her eyes at you. Shes just jealous that she doesn’t love anyone as deeply as your family did.
Take it from me, Jenny, depression isn’t something you can talk yourself out of or simply “shake off”, so please don’t be so hard on yourself… Think of it this way: your heart has officially highjacked by your mind; it’s taking you on a wild/dangerous ride, and all you can do is wear your seatbelt. What’s a seatbelt? Well, sometimes it’s taking medicine. Other times, it’s taking a long hot bath when you’re already clean, a 4 hour nap when you’re already rested, eating ice cream on a cold day or wearing a bulky sweater on a hot one – in other words, if it makes you feel better, DO IT. Stop rationalizing. This is an irrational situation. Intelligence and common sense won’t help you here. Do not apply normal logic, as this is not the norm. May God bless you, alwasy (I think my dyslexia kicked in for a second there). BP
Jennifer, it has been 15 years since I lost both my parents and I miss them everyday. That doesn’t mean I cry (much) anymore but I always think of them and in my head/heart talk to them when I need a little comfort. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done because you see… my dad passed and two hours before his wake we found out my mother had died. We greeted people at the wake saying… “Thank you for coming and oh… by the way… mom is gone too.” Feel better? When I get sad about them, I figured out a way to “touch” them. I put my hand over my heart and remember their love. It gives me peace. Okay, it’s goofy. Kind of like when Carol Burnett used to pull her ear lobe on her show to say hi to her kids. Love your show! The two of you give me something to laugh about every day!
Dear Jennifer,
I work so I cannot listen all the time but I just read your blog and am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I listened a few months ago when you were discussing your daily hospital visits, but today you were speaking of different web sites, but not a word about your mom. I so enjoy both you and Alexis. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
Listen brat, everyone, everyone, unless they died first, loses their mother.
Listen, we are fine with you feeling how you’re feeling… Just want to let you know that you don’t need to apologize.
I have been impressed with how brave and strong you have been through the ordeal of losing your mom. After my dad died 7 years ago (when I was only 23), I just went numb. I couldn’t go out, couldn’t talk to friends, almost lost my job because I had trouble going to work, etc. Some days I just walked around in a daze, crying at everything. For God’s sake, don’t be so hard on yourself. If you don’t feel like blogging, don’t freaking blog. The people who have been there will understand. If you need to, write “my mom is dead and life blows” every day and we’ll be fine with that. You are amazing!
Who’s the brat?; sounds like you are the worlds biggest one. Brats have no heart; Jennifer has the worlds biggest heart.
Ahhh, that feels good.
Dear IRKA and GET THERAPY: You are both morons!
Wait a second…”Jennifer has the worlds biggest heart”? Really? Literally, or figuratively? Literally, as in her heart is larger than an elephant’s? Than a blue whale’s? Or figuratively, as in its bigger than Mother Theresa’s? Than the Dali Lama’s?
Come on, people. Ditch the hyperbole and get some perspective
go firka yourself
You spent three days doing nothing but denigrating Sarah Palin, and have taken every opportunity since to make snide remarks about her (and anyone who dares support her, including your audience), but you’re offended that Elizabeth Hasselbeck made an obscure reference to Michelle Obama? You’re a hypocrite.
Don’t worry about it. You are honest and that’s all anyone can ask of you. I would rather read this than some completely contrived crap you think you “should” write.
Irka is quite funny don’t you think? I know, let’s make fun of IRKA – that could be fun. I don’t know about you but it might make me smile.
Jennifer, you should try to smoking pot. you are in a much different place than you were when you tried it in college. the effects will be different. send your kids to your sisters or some other friends and just relax with Keithy.
Oh my the bitterness! It’s a blog, people. It’s about whatever Jennifer wants it to be about, sadness, grief, music, sex, cookies…whatever! (coincidence that’s the name of the show?). And, if you’ve listened to the show for any amount of time, you shouldn’t be taken aback by Jennifer’s or Alexis’s political views. I think they’ve both been pretty open about that from day one. Get over yourselves.
hi jennifer,
thank you for the info.
remember time does ease the pain. there are days where it will be worse than others. I think the worst thing is the fact that I never “feel” like their around. thats the worst, but we have to beleive that they are with us & that they are comforting us when we are hurting. take care and thanks so much for your comments. :o)
please dont post the nasty comments. i have to deal with too many sh*$t heads face to face. i don’t want to come to jennifer’s blog and read comments by ignorant nasty subhumans. dont give them the attention, dont post their comments. its not necessary.
I agree with Alexis…
She is no doubt in a ditch:(
Casey sucks….for real/
Just steal my blog and post it as yours. I waive all my copyright bullcrappy so you can do it. It’s a tad crude though.
Hey jennifer,
Go a little easy on yourself. It took an entire year for my family to get over my dad’s death. Trust me, we (five kids) had a really hard time. you are doing great! hang in there – it’s a one day at a time thing. you don’t want to move on too soon – hang on to the memories that you will always have and you will move forward when it’s right for you. Don’t apologize.
You don’t have to appologize or blog….I look to see, but you shouldn’t have to do what doesn’t feel good. You really need to just be good with not feeling like doing the things/anything that remind you of your sadness. This is my FAVORITE time of year and it originates from the things my mom did when I was young. Just be still with your favorite memories and be happy you have them and stop apologizing.
I can sympathize with you, Jennifer, on the horrible disease that took your mother. My mother died of the same disease, pancreatic cancer. It is very insidious and debilitating, no one should have to endure it.
I can relate to your feeling at the recent loss of your mother. Mine died six months ago and I’m still having meltdowns. It’s hard to believe she’s really gone. They say it gets better. I sure hope so.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your mother. I particularly relate to what you said about missing her phone calls and support. I used to catch myself saying, “I can’t wait for Mama to hear this,” and then afterwards thinking, oops, can’t happen. I just hope it helps that there are many people out here who can sympathize with you.
Let me say this for your mother, “I saw the clips of the new show, and you and Alexis are a scream. LOVE it! Break a leg!”
Sheila (SAP aka Southern American Princess) 😉