Are you starting to wish you hadn’t aired your whacked-out political views during the weeks leading up to the premier of your show? Think of how many more viewers you could have had…
my closet is
itty bitty
and dark..
and all cramped up
at least you can sit in there…
and find stuff
cleaning is not my thing either and neither is throwing or giving stuff away…
I have my favorite old and I mean old
can not even think about throwing out my old sneakers..
ya do not have ta be all happy if you aren’t…
Check out Entertainment Weekly–your show is highlighted to be watched in Tuesday’s section for TV for the week, and EW gave it a B which, I think, is really good!! Shows that are given an A+ by EW are usually too pretentious for most Americans, so anyway, I think the B is good, and I told my Mom to watch it too. 🙂
To “obama” (what?, no capitalization):
P.S. Lose some ignorance, we are all stocked up in this country. Oh, and exactly how would it benefit you for Jennifer to lose weight? IDIOT.
To SarahP (how original): Just so you know, J-Hutt just said to me this afternoon, “Golly-gee, I sure wish I hadn’t expressed myself all these weeks with my wacked-out political views, now all those voters will never know how funny it is to watch MS make a ribbon rose. Maybe I could redeem myself by hitting the ‘ole law books and rewriting the the Freedom of Speech ammendment. That’ll get me some viewers for Whatever, Martha. Then we can do a segment for SarahP on how to make a rose from a moose skin!”
Are you fucking kidding me?! All Alexis ever does is complain! And, she only LOOKS confident… Deep down inside, she wishes she could be as well-loved and well-adjusted as Jennifer. p.s. Don’t sweat it, Jenni, you’ll be grrrreat!
What is wrong with you negative posters? Go somewhere else!
Jennifer – I’d be nervous too! I can’t even imagine. Good luck. I’m sure once you get past the first couple of episodes you will feel better. I’ve got my TIVO all set!
You are obviously in shape and pencil thin. I also bet you are a positive person in real life. Wow, why are you so negative here?
Jen, why did you allow that nasty reply? The show will do great!! and I really hope somebody gets the shows on the internet for those that don’t get the channel..luv you guys..Jen you are perfect.
Liz on Long Island
hi liz,
i am NOT thin at all but i am working on it.
statistically if one doesn’t give up, no matter how many ups and downs there are, statistically those are the ones who ultimately succeed. (i know my grammar isn’t perfect here but you know what i mean).
i allowed that comment because it relates to this post and so i posted it.
as painful as it is to read…i posted it.
Thanks Connie to your response to “BO” Why is this “BO” even on this blog if he/she can’t stand them. It’s OK Jennifer we love you and Alexis. Sitting in the closest is great. OB will have answer to the man above (well actually he/she probably won’t make it up there). HA!!!
Jennifer, you are beautiful and we all
need to get over this weight obsession
if you are not pencil thin you are not
worthy. We waste so much time living
and laughing because we are miserable
and on a diet. Sieze the day , I just
ate some candy bar and will go off to celebrate my daughters (adult) bday.
Will smile and laugh today, tomorrow
is another Monday!!
I do not think you will have much luck with your show and I was going to watch it, but not now or ever. You and Alexis have managed to run off half your listeners with your idiotic political spatter. You are a hate monger, and lack the intelligence, substance and character required to hold the attention of a drunk goat. What goes around comes around and you should keep that in mind when blowing your hate filled rhetoric. I used to like you, but you have recently exposed your true colors and I do not think you are a very good person. I feel sorry for you because your just sad.
Hi Jen! Good luck on the show – I know it will be great. The person who posted about Alexis never complaining cracked me up!!! They obviously do not listen to the show!!! I luv Alexis, but what doesn’t she complain about?!?!? lol…
Remember the type of person ‘Obama’ is- unhappy/jealous/very very low self esteem…
don’t let it get you down.
I don’t personally know you, but no matter how crappy of a mood you are in, you still seem to inject me with some sort of positive energy… don’t try and change Jen you are beautiful inside & out!
I actually thought that your face looked quite thin behind the bubble! There is a picture and a couple of paragraphs in the current TV Guide about the show. Which i can’t watch-Cablevision- unless they put full episodes on line. I have emailed FLN twice, but no response so far.
I think you might have misinterpreted Liz’ comment. She is actually on your side… She was asking that pencil dick, obama, if HE was pencil thin. And since he’s so free with his criticisms of overweight people, he certainly had better be! We love you, Jewy Jen.
I haven’t been able to listen a lot this week, but when I did I was happy to hear Alexis and Jennifer discussing what’s going on in the world as they always do. If they were to ignore the presidential election but discuss pop culture, something would be wrong . . . or it might just be a day where they didn’t feel like it. Those days are welcome too. Thank you for coming to work, Jennifer. You make my drive home a lot better!
The first thought in my head when I hit play was that Jenn looks GREAT! Not just great… thinner. You can see it in her face. I know it can’t be just me who sees it. Jenn, you are beautiful! hugs
Hi Tina, You can’t possibly truly really mean the scurrilous things that you posted about Jennifer and Alexis! Have you listened all this time and just now arrived at your opinions? Whether or not you agree with them politically, they are undisputedly two highly educated women. You dismiss their opinion because it differs from your opinion? A.&J. do a remarkable job 5 days a week, entertaining those of us who choose to tune in. They address a wide range of subjects. They must have made you laugh or think at least a few times or you would not be so bothered. You obviously hold passionately different points of view about some of their statements, fine. Civilized people can have a clear headed intelligent exchange of views and opinions, disagreeing or not and still get along, can we not? Oy this is long, sorry…just had to vent. Tina, I wish you peace of mind.
You look beautiful Jennifer. I saw your commercial last night for Whatever, Martha and you looked so cute, it was on the Style network. People Magazine gave you guys two out of four stars and said you were weirdly watchable! I think the show will be great!!!
I don’t agree with your political views but I think you and Alexis are very real.. everyone is entitled to their opinion.. I will be watching the show… and BTW, you look great.. your face looks thin.. obviously you are doing something right.. Keep it up.. Good Luck with the show.. can’t wait to see it.
Great video. I agree with you I would be somewhat nervous and anxious this week for you for a variety of reasons. All that you talk about on the radio is all I know of. But keep doing what your doing, I think you look great. And your closet is way too clean. You should see mine. Disaster area. Hopefully while I’m out of work with my neck thing, I can at least, as my husband says, “pick up the channel boxes.” Amy PS When my brother Todd died any happy moment or when something really good happened, I just longed to tell him. I would be so sad that he wasn’t around. How I ever made it through thos days is a blurr to me. Mostly things I can’t even remember. Sometimes my mother and I would sit at the kitchen table and just cry. We couldn’t even say anything. You have a much larger family than I do and for me to get over that time in my life it was my mother and my husband who helped me through it all. I bet your sister helps you along with your husband and kids. That, the kids are a blessing for you too, I have no children and always new Todd would have like 20 boys. Separate issue through. I’m sure your family is all their for support. I hope this helps. Sometimes I just ramble. Amy
Why do women lie to one another about how they look? I love Jennifer, but she doesn’t look “great”. Its not even an issue of her not looking like society’s idea of unattainable beauty – she looks unhealthy and she knows it. They dress her in moo-moos for goodness sakes. She is pushing obesity, and she needs to get it under control before she starts to develop health problems.
Jennifer – You no more need to lose weight than GWB needs another asshole (since he is an effin’ asshole). You are a beautiful woman as you are! Please, enjoy it! And enjoy your premiere! Whether the show is well received or not, it is an adventure and you deserve it!
I do not know if it is a true diet tea but it is less calories than reg tea jennifer.
Without the sugar & milk
I am allergic to tea so i have to add sugar & milk to drink it since I have HBP and Coffee cand caffine mess with
Well…about weight.
maybe hiring a coach?
you may need a coach to help you get on track?
Maybe going to a gym is what you really need?
maybe interaction with someone/
Our son was a plumpy..all his life after getting dissed by the last lady who liked his personality but wanted to be friends he has lost over 100 lbs!
now he is so thin I hardly know him..
He cut out
but he eats lots of plain but grilled chicken
no pasta and stuff
I do not look at myself in the mirror anymore and i shower in low light so yes I have weight and FUGLY ME issues…
hang in there1 jennifer you are young yet.
A word of adivice ok?
Do not let the weight weigh ou down and above all else!
Get a grip on it before the age of 49 cuz 50 you go to bed one night and wake up fat as hell…
thanks for all the advice!
i am certainly “working on it”…
appreciate the people telling me that i need to lose weight… i didn’t know that! (kidding!!!!!)
to bhonest: i know, i know! but they didn’t dress me in moo moos. i dress myself and not in moo moos. whatever.
isnt there something to say other than i need to diet? hasn’t that already been determined and discussed?
I love your radio show. You are both hilarious. I was listening to your show one day and someone called in about how disrespectful it was to use the “N” word. This person was very offended, not that either of you had used this word, but just the issue of anyone using this word and I agree. I don’t understand how you can agree with this person when I have heard Alexis use God’s name as some ordinary slang word, thrown around like a piece of trash. How disrespectful does it get! I love the radio show, and I know she doesn’t care, but I hate it when God’s name is so misused.
Jen, you look so much younger than your years. Gotta be that Clarisonic lol! I’m soooo looking forward to seeing the first show. Congrats on the great reviews. Best of luck!
Screw them all Jennifer! I love you girls and have been listening since day 1. I am so excited for your show tomorrow – got the DVR all set – and for Martha’s show too. Good luck to you both – you are my afternoons!
Hypocrite. You can spend hours at a time picking on people for any number of things (Palin’s CHILDREN, etc.), but once someone turns that attention towards you, you whine about it.
You look so fresh and pretty without any makeup on in your closet. Very cute video! I can’t wait to see the show tomorrow night. Don’t be nervous… will be awesome. Cheers!
i wanted to so badley comment today ,but was on the road without a phone.raced home to quickly write in about the rude comments that you had received recently,. this last one was about weight, , I just hope you both continue to rise above those comments and those people who pen them. Please use your platform to show these people how they could be better people if they could shut their bitter mouths for a second to think first before they unnecessary inflict pain onto another human being with feelings. Its so very grade schoolish,(not that you were even really bothered by the comments) but its likely these women that make comments like this have young girls in school continuing the same ugly cycle today. Its so very sad to see the hurt that our young girls and boys have to endure because there are not enough adults out there to teach the simple art of kindness. You two gals continue doing exactly what you have been doing by putting yourselves out there and bringing us some light hearted laughs along with thoughts to ponder with your humor and intellegence and compassion. just maybe it will wear off of some others who so badly need it!
Just looked at Martha’s blog (9/15) with pictures of the party last week. We can’t all be tall and thin like Alexis, but Jenny, picture #6 of you is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!
I am amazed at how many hurtful comments are left here for you. I listen to your show often and don’t agree with your political views, but I would NEVER think to be so unkind. If I didn’t want to listen, I would change the station. If I didn’t want to look at you, I wouldn’t come to this website. And we wonder why there are wars in the world? Come on people, think just a little bit before you “speak”. Yes, you are certainly entitled to your opinions, but why do you have to be so unkind? I just don’t understand and it makes me sad. I do believe in karma and I don’t even wish anything bad for those who find it necessary to post the mean-spirited comments. Where does the need to be unkind come from? If you can’t help yourself from thinking such things, at least help yourself from posting them. Jennifer, you have been through enough pain this past year. Remember, “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” — they love WHO you are and don’t care about the unimportant things.
been there done that kids food is not adult food kids want to grow up be treated like adults feed kids adult food adult food grilled salmon get a bar-b que you have a bar b que ??cook out a lot salads fresh fruit no chips maybe some hummus bagel chips maybe those hard flat things more advice later oh yogurt plain yogurt no sugar gloppy fruit already in i t yogurt bad– Plain yogurt good– really– you be surprised how good carbonated water no sugar selzter water for bubbles bubbles
Luv you all….you make my nights so fun (rebroadcast). Looking forward to tonights premier, DVR is set. Don’t listen to the insecure comments…that’s just petty childish behavior. Keep up the banter.
Alexis and Jennifer – just saw you 2 on Martha, both looked fantastic. You guys compliment each other so well. Loved when Martha said you probably wouldn’t win the cooking contest, kept rewinding that part, made me laugh so much. Can’t wait to see the show tonight!!!!!! Congrats. Jeff
Just saw you on Martha this morning. You looked great by the way. I am so pissed that our cable here carries a different Fine Living channel than in the states, and will not be carrying your new show. I was so looking forward to watching you two tonight. Hoepfully it will be available in another format later. Good luck with the show tonight.
he was horrible and the worst father ever in the whole world.
molesting MF er he was….
plus beatings almost everyday..
HELL is too good for that Bastard!!!
Watched you two on the Martha Show. You are both so hysterical!!! I love how you very passively “F” with Martha.
One thing I noticed is that Martha may be in some type of competition with Alexis. The comment she made about “still being able to frost a cake better than Alexis” or something of that nature. I felt bad for Alexis. She is so beautiful and so talented. Jennifer, I love the color of your hair – Alexis also, you both are really beautiful and funny. Can’t wait to see whatever Martha tonight!!!!
Jen–you look great. The moron at the beginning who told you to lose some weight needs to remember that beauty comes from inside. You can lose weight and they can lose/gain/fall in front of a truck, you will always be gorgeous, they will always be an ass. (that cannot be fixed. ever!) Honestly the last full length photo I saw of you (long blue dress) I thought you should have chosen something shorter to show off your great legs! Hang in there. More of us love you then hate you.
I watched both shows tonight and have to say, I’m was very entertained! Loved it. Great job!!! My boyfriend sat in on some, and he even laughed out loud. I’ll be watching again! Thanks guys.
I was hesitant about the show since I LOVE the radio show so much but it wasn’t bad…really:-) Actually, I watched two shows and by the end of the second one was getting used to seeing you both instead of just listening. I actually think I’m going to like it…Good job!
i think you are an attractive woman and a pleasure to watch and listen to. your husband is a very lucky man and your mother was and is proud of you.please be confidant. you can’t control what others think, say, or do. but you can control your reactions, and you do that just by being yourself.
I am a devoted fan of both Martha Stewart as well as “Whatever with Alexis and Jennifer” on Sirius. This show combined the best of both worlds. Honestly, I have loved Martha for well over a decade now, I have every volume of her Magazines as well as a first edition of every book she has published. I worship the ground she walks on, but i have enough of a sense of humor to laugh with Alexis and Jennifer on the new show. This show has Martha’s blessing. It was HER idea. In fact, Martha has said a few times that she knows a few of her fans will dislike this show. Her response if “well, they don’t have to watch”. I am glad Ms. Stewart has taken a chance and went forward with developing this show.
My personal aside to a few disgruntled fans is don’t confuse your appreciation and respect for Martha with a need to stand up for her to Alexis. She welcomes this, she has a great sense of humor about herself. Let Alexis and Jennifer off the hook, pull the stick(s) out of your @$$(es) and just have fun.
Just when you think it couldn’t get any better, here comes effing Peanut Butter the clown and Frederic Fekkai… what a riot. We had a real fun hour watching the show and hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time. You girls looked amazing and beautiful.
You guys were great last night! I watched both shows and cracked up. I can’t believe that Alexis dropped the “F”bomb….that bleep barely covered it up! And Martha’s outfits painting the porch???? That stylist must have been smokin some great stuff!!!
I’m looking forward to seeing more of you guys on FLN!
Watched the shows last night and LOVED them. Very entertaining to watch you two instead of just hearing you on the radio. I am so glad FLN has taken the chance with this show and allow you to talk about anything, it looks like. Great Show! Hope you have a lot of viewers.
I am soooooo bummed…my cable doesn’t have Fine Living!
Can’t watch the show. Is Fine Living going to include Whatever Martha in with the shows that can be seen on their website?
Watched the show and really enjoyed it. But I now find it ironic that you’re so against posting nasty comments here on your blog when you can be nasty on the show (the whole naked women in locker rooms thing – who gives a fuck? It’s a LOCKER ROOM and they’re not there to turn you on. Plus, even with clothes on you could be considered a little rough on the eyes, so just fuck it and let people look like whatever they look like and quit letting it bother you so damn much).
I never listen to your radio show, so I didn’t realize you can be catty, Jennifer, but if you ARE that way then at least own it like Alexis does and don’t sweat it when people direct their cattyness toward you.
But like I said – very entertaining TV show! You two seem like a lot of fun.
I watched the show with my husband and we both laughed. Some of those clips were hilarious! The Peanut Butter dude was just too much. I thought that the chat about the booty call and locker rooms were in keeping with the radio show, but a bit out of place in the context of the show. Great job ladies and very entertaining!!
I loved the show last night. I laughed through the whole thing! The ones that didn’t like it probably never likes any kind of humor. AGain…it was GREAT. you didn’t say anything that we all don’t think sitting in our living rooms.
I really, really, REALLY enjoyed the epilogue of the show in which you and Alexis discuss risque topics (e.g., Booty Calls). I wish there could be a whole show dedicated to that…
Why is your new show Whatever, Martha! on a pay per view station? I alrady pay for satelite, so I’m not going to pay additional for another show. What about the E! channel?
Loved,loved,loved the premiere last night. I laughed so hard at some of the things I am sure were thought to be so cool “back then.” Peanut Butter was a freak but Martha in her shorts and the tucked-in sweat shirt sent me reeling with laughter but how brave. I think that was the first time I ever remember seeing MS’ legs. Great shows can’t wait for tonights episode.
LOVED THE SHOW! It is truly hilarious. My 15 year old son had to leave the room for part of it. No worries, gave us good stuff to talk about later in a light-hearted way. Hope you celebrated, you deserve it.
to everybodysacritic,
i dont write about my kids very often because i love them like crazy and i try to protect them and respect their privacy. but i am not perfect and sometimes do discuss my kids! although i may not seem very “mother-ish” to you, rest assured i take being a mother very seriously! my life is spent between family and work and little else.
thanks for the concern…
OMG!!! Saw the show last night…f’ing hilarious! The Peanut Butter face painting segment…I was literally crying…so f’ing funny! Can’t wait for the next show!
Loved the show, very funny, can’t wait for tonight. The only thing I didn’t like were your clothes, too matronly, doesn’t suit your beauty and youth. I will be telling everyone to watch!
Great new show idea..Jennifer and Alexis talking about artists and televion shows! Too bad they are too busy with their successful radio show, new television show and REAL lives to consider it. You should look into getting one of those!
Cheryl, It’s the end of the world! Two women with a sense of humor having a good time entertaining those who choose to watch Whatever, Martha! Relax already. Do you think that Jennifer’s father doesn’t know what the show is about? It even has Martha Stewart’s blessing.
Are you starting to wish you hadn’t aired your whacked-out political views during the weeks leading up to the premier of your show? Think of how many more viewers you could have had…
I can’t wait to see the show. My DVR is set! I’m sure you’ll be great, Jenny. All the clips I’ve seen so far are funny. -Lisa
why are you always making excuses for yourself?
I have never heard alexis complain. She is so confident.
P.S. Lose some weight
my closet is
itty bitty
and dark..
and all cramped up
at least you can sit in there…
and find stuff
cleaning is not my thing either and neither is throwing or giving stuff away…
I have my favorite old and I mean old
can not even think about throwing out my old sneakers..
ya do not have ta be all happy if you aren’t…
How delightful to see you doing the video blog again! There’s gotta be a way for you to get some kind of tax deduction for your home studio.
Check out Entertainment Weekly–your show is highlighted to be watched in Tuesday’s section for TV for the week, and EW gave it a B which, I think, is really good!! Shows that are given an A+ by EW are usually too pretentious for most Americans, so anyway, I think the B is good, and I told my Mom to watch it too. 🙂
To “obama” (what?, no capitalization):
P.S. Lose some ignorance, we are all stocked up in this country. Oh, and exactly how would it benefit you for Jennifer to lose weight? IDIOT.
To SarahP (how original): Just so you know, J-Hutt just said to me this afternoon, “Golly-gee, I sure wish I hadn’t expressed myself all these weeks with my wacked-out political views, now all those voters will never know how funny it is to watch MS make a ribbon rose. Maybe I could redeem myself by hitting the ‘ole law books and rewriting the the Freedom of Speech ammendment. That’ll get me some viewers for Whatever, Martha. Then we can do a segment for SarahP on how to make a rose from a moose skin!”
Are you fucking kidding me?! All Alexis ever does is complain! And, she only LOOKS confident… Deep down inside, she wishes she could be as well-loved and well-adjusted as Jennifer. p.s. Don’t sweat it, Jenni, you’ll be grrrreat!
i luv bubbles o oo ooo o
o o oo ooo
oo o o o oo
What is wrong with you negative posters? Go somewhere else!
Jennifer – I’d be nervous too! I can’t even imagine. Good luck. I’m sure once you get past the first couple of episodes you will feel better. I’ve got my TIVO all set!
You are obviously in shape and pencil thin. I also bet you are a positive person in real life. Wow, why are you so negative here?
Jen, why did you allow that nasty reply? The show will do great!! and I really hope somebody gets the shows on the internet for those that don’t get the channel..luv you guys..Jen you are perfect.
Liz on Long Island
hi liz,
i am NOT thin at all but i am working on it.
statistically if one doesn’t give up, no matter how many ups and downs there are, statistically those are the ones who ultimately succeed. (i know my grammar isn’t perfect here but you know what i mean).
i allowed that comment because it relates to this post and so i posted it.
as painful as it is to read…i posted it.
Thanks Connie to your response to “BO” Why is this “BO” even on this blog if he/she can’t stand them. It’s OK Jennifer we love you and Alexis. Sitting in the closest is great. OB will have answer to the man above (well actually he/she probably won’t make it up there). HA!!!
Jenny you look great!
Jennifer, you are beautiful and we all
need to get over this weight obsession
if you are not pencil thin you are not
worthy. We waste so much time living
and laughing because we are miserable
and on a diet. Sieze the day , I just
ate some candy bar and will go off to celebrate my daughters (adult) bday.
Will smile and laugh today, tomorrow
is another Monday!!
Jealous haters…unhappy…with no life…go away! Jennifer you rock!!!!!!!! It is nice to see you video blogging again !!!
I do not think you will have much luck with your show and I was going to watch it, but not now or ever. You and Alexis have managed to run off half your listeners with your idiotic political spatter. You are a hate monger, and lack the intelligence, substance and character required to hold the attention of a drunk goat. What goes around comes around and you should keep that in mind when blowing your hate filled rhetoric. I used to like you, but you have recently exposed your true colors and I do not think you are a very good person. I feel sorry for you because your just sad.
Good Luck Jennifer!!! Can’t wait to see the show!!! We are with you!!
Hi Jen! Good luck on the show – I know it will be great. The person who posted about Alexis never complaining cracked me up!!! They obviously do not listen to the show!!! I luv Alexis, but what doesn’t she complain about?!?!? lol…
Just thought I would let you are GORGEOUS!
Remember the type of person ‘Obama’ is- unhappy/jealous/very very low self esteem…
don’t let it get you down.
I don’t personally know you, but no matter how crappy of a mood you are in, you still seem to inject me with some sort of positive energy… don’t try and change Jen you are beautiful inside & out!
I actually thought that your face looked quite thin behind the bubble! There is a picture and a couple of paragraphs in the current TV Guide about the show. Which i can’t watch-Cablevision- unless they put full episodes on line. I have emailed FLN twice, but no response so far.
I think you might have misinterpreted Liz’ comment. She is actually on your side… She was asking that pencil dick, obama, if HE was pencil thin. And since he’s so free with his criticisms of overweight people, he certainly had better be! We love you, Jewy Jen.
I haven’t been able to listen a lot this week, but when I did I was happy to hear Alexis and Jennifer discussing what’s going on in the world as they always do. If they were to ignore the presidential election but discuss pop culture, something would be wrong . . . or it might just be a day where they didn’t feel like it. Those days are welcome too. Thank you for coming to work, Jennifer. You make my drive home a lot better!
The first thought in my head when I hit play was that Jenn looks GREAT! Not just great… thinner. You can see it in her face. I know it can’t be just me who sees it. Jenn, you are beautiful! hugs
Tina, Go fuck yourslf…
Hi Tina, You can’t possibly truly really mean the scurrilous things that you posted about Jennifer and Alexis! Have you listened all this time and just now arrived at your opinions? Whether or not you agree with them politically, they are undisputedly two highly educated women. You dismiss their opinion because it differs from your opinion? A.&J. do a remarkable job 5 days a week, entertaining those of us who choose to tune in. They address a wide range of subjects. They must have made you laugh or think at least a few times or you would not be so bothered. You obviously hold passionately different points of view about some of their statements, fine. Civilized people can have a clear headed intelligent exchange of views and opinions, disagreeing or not and still get along, can we not? Oy this is long, sorry…just had to vent. Tina, I wish you peace of mind.
I’d be in the closet too. I’m nervous like you however, look at all you have accomplished. I really do envy all that you do!
You look beautiful Jennifer. I saw your commercial last night for Whatever, Martha and you looked so cute, it was on the Style network. People Magazine gave you guys two out of four stars and said you were weirdly watchable! I think the show will be great!!!
Seeing as you most Vlog from your closet, how about a tour once you’re finished cleaning?
Is she topless? Is she TOPLESS? (She leans back and shows she’s not topless at the end.) DANG it.
You look great…your face looks skinnny. You go girl!
saw you smile and heard you laugh…AWESOME!!!!
Best wishes for the premiere!!!!!
I don’t agree with your political views but I think you and Alexis are very real.. everyone is entitled to their opinion.. I will be watching the show… and BTW, you look great.. your face looks thin.. obviously you are doing something right.. Keep it up.. Good Luck with the show.. can’t wait to see it.
Jennifer, you do look thinner and fabulous! Love, love, love the v-blogs!
You are adorable! I can’t wait to see Whatever, Martha. Looks like a lot of fun.
you go girl, can’t wait to see the show. i know you guys will be great!!!by the way,you look great in the closet!
Great video. I agree with you I would be somewhat nervous and anxious this week for you for a variety of reasons. All that you talk about on the radio is all I know of. But keep doing what your doing, I think you look great. And your closet is way too clean. You should see mine. Disaster area. Hopefully while I’m out of work with my neck thing, I can at least, as my husband says, “pick up the channel boxes.” Amy PS When my brother Todd died any happy moment or when something really good happened, I just longed to tell him. I would be so sad that he wasn’t around. How I ever made it through thos days is a blurr to me. Mostly things I can’t even remember. Sometimes my mother and I would sit at the kitchen table and just cry. We couldn’t even say anything. You have a much larger family than I do and for me to get over that time in my life it was my mother and my husband who helped me through it all. I bet your sister helps you along with your husband and kids. That, the kids are a blessing for you too, I have no children and always new Todd would have like 20 boys. Separate issue through. I’m sure your family is all their for support. I hope this helps. Sometimes I just ramble. Amy
Why do women lie to one another about how they look? I love Jennifer, but she doesn’t look “great”. Its not even an issue of her not looking like society’s idea of unattainable beauty – she looks unhealthy and she knows it. They dress her in moo-moos for goodness sakes. She is pushing obesity, and she needs to get it under control before she starts to develop health problems.
Love your hair! Your little clip made me laugh and it seems that this week is a stressful week for a lot of people.
Let’s hope it goes by fast!
Jennifer – You no more need to lose weight than GWB needs another asshole (since he is an effin’ asshole). You are a beautiful woman as you are! Please, enjoy it! And enjoy your premiere! Whether the show is well received or not, it is an adventure and you deserve it!
I do not know if it is a true diet tea but it is less calories than reg tea jennifer.
Without the sugar & milk
I am allergic to tea so i have to add sugar & milk to drink it since I have HBP and Coffee cand caffine mess with
Well…about weight.
maybe hiring a coach?
you may need a coach to help you get on track?
Maybe going to a gym is what you really need?
maybe interaction with someone/
Our son was a plumpy..all his life after getting dissed by the last lady who liked his personality but wanted to be friends he has lost over 100 lbs!
now he is so thin I hardly know him..
He cut out
but he eats lots of plain but grilled chicken
no pasta and stuff
I do not look at myself in the mirror anymore and i shower in low light so yes I have weight and FUGLY ME issues…
hang in there1 jennifer you are young yet.
A word of adivice ok?
Do not let the weight weigh ou down and above all else!
Get a grip on it before the age of 49 cuz 50 you go to bed one night and wake up fat as hell…
thanks for all the advice!
i am certainly “working on it”…
appreciate the people telling me that i need to lose weight… i didn’t know that! (kidding!!!!!)
to bhonest: i know, i know! but they didn’t dress me in moo moos. i dress myself and not in moo moos. whatever.
isnt there something to say other than i need to diet? hasn’t that already been determined and discussed?
Good reviews in People mag and! I am so proud to have been a listener before you two became really famous.
Watching Jennifer blow a bubble was quite erotic…
I love your radio show. You are both hilarious. I was listening to your show one day and someone called in about how disrespectful it was to use the “N” word. This person was very offended, not that either of you had used this word, but just the issue of anyone using this word and I agree. I don’t understand how you can agree with this person when I have heard Alexis use God’s name as some ordinary slang word, thrown around like a piece of trash. How disrespectful does it get! I love the radio show, and I know she doesn’t care, but I hate it when God’s name is so misused.
Jen, you look so much younger than your years. Gotta be that Clarisonic lol! I’m soooo looking forward to seeing the first show. Congrats on the great reviews. Best of luck!
Pheeew!! Glad you got it. Yes my initial comment was to Obama..UGH!!
F them ok
I went from a size 5 to a 14-16
Do i like it?no but i am working on losing too…
Screw them all Jennifer! I love you girls and have been listening since day 1. I am so excited for your show tomorrow – got the DVR all set – and for Martha’s show too. Good luck to you both – you are my afternoons!
You’re both so cute; I can’t believe people would say such rude/a-hole things to somebody! Canadians would never do that!!
Hypocrite. You can spend hours at a time picking on people for any number of things (Palin’s CHILDREN, etc.), but once someone turns that attention towards you, you whine about it.
Don’t worry about us, we are chosen by our beloved parents to testify for Momma. Jesus is looking out for us, be not afraid, Shutup.
You are lovely, honest, funny, smart, warm, smart… and soon to be a TV star
People suck! Do not listen to the negative comments. You are amazing, funny, and kind. Nurture and love yourself because you are deserving.
You look so fresh and pretty without any makeup on in your closet. Very cute video! I can’t wait to see the show tomorrow night. Don’t be nervous… will be awesome. Cheers!
i wanted to so badley comment today ,but was on the road without a phone.raced home to quickly write in about the rude comments that you had received recently,. this last one was about weight, , I just hope you both continue to rise above those comments and those people who pen them. Please use your platform to show these people how they could be better people if they could shut their bitter mouths for a second to think first before they unnecessary inflict pain onto another human being with feelings. Its so very grade schoolish,(not that you were even really bothered by the comments) but its likely these women that make comments like this have young girls in school continuing the same ugly cycle today. Its so very sad to see the hurt that our young girls and boys have to endure because there are not enough adults out there to teach the simple art of kindness. You two gals continue doing exactly what you have been doing by putting yourselves out there and bringing us some light hearted laughs along with thoughts to ponder with your humor and intellegence and compassion. just maybe it will wear off of some others who so badly need it!
Just looked at Martha’s blog (9/15) with pictures of the party last week. We can’t all be tall and thin like Alexis, but Jenny, picture #6 of you is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!
I am amazed at how many hurtful comments are left here for you. I listen to your show often and don’t agree with your political views, but I would NEVER think to be so unkind. If I didn’t want to listen, I would change the station. If I didn’t want to look at you, I wouldn’t come to this website. And we wonder why there are wars in the world? Come on people, think just a little bit before you “speak”. Yes, you are certainly entitled to your opinions, but why do you have to be so unkind? I just don’t understand and it makes me sad. I do believe in karma and I don’t even wish anything bad for those who find it necessary to post the mean-spirited comments. Where does the need to be unkind come from? If you can’t help yourself from thinking such things, at least help yourself from posting them. Jennifer, you have been through enough pain this past year. Remember, “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” — they love WHO you are and don’t care about the unimportant things.
been there done that kids food is not adult food kids want to grow up be treated like adults feed kids adult food adult food grilled salmon get a bar-b que you have a bar b que ??cook out a lot salads fresh fruit no chips maybe some hummus bagel chips maybe those hard flat things more advice later oh yogurt plain yogurt no sugar gloppy fruit already in i t yogurt bad– Plain yogurt good– really– you be surprised how good carbonated water no sugar selzter water for bubbles bubbles
Check out Martha’s blog, she has some really pretty pictures of you. Picture six is really beautiful. Good luck with the new show.
Luv you all….you make my nights so fun (rebroadcast). Looking forward to tonights premier, DVR is set. Don’t listen to the insecure comments…that’s just petty childish behavior. Keep up the banter.
Just looked at Martha’s bliog from the party – you looked gorgeous.Can’t wait to see the show!!
I lost my dad this summer, so, believe me, I feel your pain.
I hope that you are making your way through it all; I know it’s so hard.
my niece got married this weekend; a beautiful ceremony but I missed my dad SO MUCH. The happy stuff doesn’t erase the pain of loss, does it?
I know that it gets better with time, so I hold on to that.
Anyway, I understand what you are feeling, and I’m sending you healing thoughts. Stay strong, girl.
Best, Annie
Alexis and Jennifer – just saw you 2 on Martha, both looked fantastic. You guys compliment each other so well. Loved when Martha said you probably wouldn’t win the cooking contest, kept rewinding that part, made me laugh so much. Can’t wait to see the show tonight!!!!!! Congrats. Jeff
Just saw you on Martha this morning. You looked great by the way. I am so pissed that our cable here carries a different Fine Living channel than in the states, and will not be carrying your new show. I was so looking forward to watching you two tonight. Hoepfully it will be available in another format later. Good luck with the show tonight.
I’m glad he kicked the bucket…
he was horrible and the worst father ever in the whole world.
molesting MF er he was….
plus beatings almost everyday..
HELL is too good for that Bastard!!!
Jennifer, if you do a search on for “Whatever Martha” over 18,000 hits come up!
Gotta feel great about that!
Can’t wait to see the show!
Watched you two on the Martha Show. You are both so hysterical!!! I love how you very passively “F” with Martha.
One thing I noticed is that Martha may be in some type of competition with Alexis. The comment she made about “still being able to frost a cake better than Alexis” or something of that nature. I felt bad for Alexis. She is so beautiful and so talented. Jennifer, I love the color of your hair – Alexis also, you both are really beautiful and funny. Can’t wait to see whatever Martha tonight!!!!
I just caught more clips of the Whatever Martha! over at Serious Eats.
I have the dvr set and am looking forward to more!
Congratulations, Jennifer and Alexis
u look mad skinny!
you have GREAT hair!
Jen–you look great. The moron at the beginning who told you to lose some weight needs to remember that beauty comes from inside. You can lose weight and they can lose/gain/fall in front of a truck, you will always be gorgeous, they will always be an ass. (that cannot be fixed. ever!) Honestly the last full length photo I saw of you (long blue dress) I thought you should have chosen something shorter to show off your great legs! Hang in there. More of us love you then hate you.
Whatever Martha is GREAT!! Congratulations!!!!
I watched both shows tonight and have to say, I’m was very entertained! Loved it. Great job!!! My boyfriend sat in on some, and he even laughed out loud. I’ll be watching again! Thanks guys.
I was hesitant about the show since I LOVE the radio show so much but it wasn’t bad…really:-) Actually, I watched two shows and by the end of the second one was getting used to seeing you both instead of just listening. I actually think I’m going to like it…Good job!
your show isn’t on the Canadian Fine Living 🙁
Any other way a Canadian girl can catch it?
i think you are an attractive woman and a pleasure to watch and listen to. your husband is a very lucky man and your mother was and is proud of you.please be confidant. you can’t control what others think, say, or do. but you can control your reactions, and you do that just by being yourself.
I am a devoted fan of both Martha Stewart as well as “Whatever with Alexis and Jennifer” on Sirius. This show combined the best of both worlds. Honestly, I have loved Martha for well over a decade now, I have every volume of her Magazines as well as a first edition of every book she has published. I worship the ground she walks on, but i have enough of a sense of humor to laugh with Alexis and Jennifer on the new show. This show has Martha’s blessing. It was HER idea. In fact, Martha has said a few times that she knows a few of her fans will dislike this show. Her response if “well, they don’t have to watch”. I am glad Ms. Stewart has taken a chance and went forward with developing this show.
My personal aside to a few disgruntled fans is don’t confuse your appreciation and respect for Martha with a need to stand up for her to Alexis. She welcomes this, she has a great sense of humor about herself. Let Alexis and Jennifer off the hook, pull the stick(s) out of your @$$(es) and just have fun.
We watched the show…what a freakin’ riot!!! We truly laughed out loud! Thank you!
Just when you think it couldn’t get any better, here comes effing Peanut Butter the clown and Frederic Fekkai… what a riot. We had a real fun hour watching the show and hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time. You girls looked amazing and beautiful.
You guys were great last night! I watched both shows and cracked up. I can’t believe that Alexis dropped the “F”bomb….that bleep barely covered it up! And Martha’s outfits painting the porch???? That stylist must have been smokin some great stuff!!!
I’m looking forward to seeing more of you guys on FLN!
No reason to worry, the show was great! You both looked amazing! Congrats
Jennifer, I thought you were a HOOT on TV! Don’t let the bastards get you down, because you’re funny and beautiful.
Watched the shows last night and LOVED them. Very entertaining to watch you two instead of just hearing you on the radio. I am so glad FLN has taken the chance with this show and allow you to talk about anything, it looks like. Great Show! Hope you have a lot of viewers.
I am soooooo bummed…my cable doesn’t have Fine Living!
Can’t watch the show. Is Fine Living going to include Whatever Martha in with the shows that can be seen on their website?
Watched the show and really enjoyed it. But I now find it ironic that you’re so against posting nasty comments here on your blog when you can be nasty on the show (the whole naked women in locker rooms thing – who gives a fuck? It’s a LOCKER ROOM and they’re not there to turn you on. Plus, even with clothes on you could be considered a little rough on the eyes, so just fuck it and let people look like whatever they look like and quit letting it bother you so damn much).
I never listen to your radio show, so I didn’t realize you can be catty, Jennifer, but if you ARE that way then at least own it like Alexis does and don’t sweat it when people direct their cattyness toward you.
But like I said – very entertaining TV show! You two seem like a lot of fun.
I watched the show with my husband and we both laughed. Some of those clips were hilarious! The Peanut Butter dude was just too much. I thought that the chat about the booty call and locker rooms were in keeping with the radio show, but a bit out of place in the context of the show. Great job ladies and very entertaining!!
I watched the show last night and I LOVED it. You guys are fantastic, I can’t wait until the next episode.
Where can i watch Whatever, Marha! online, it does not seem to up on the
Can’t wait to see it!
ok how scary is Peanut. does martha recall taping the original segment. those things out of his ears were bizzare.
I loved the show last night. I laughed through the whole thing! The ones that didn’t like it probably never likes any kind of humor. AGain…it was GREAT. you didn’t say anything that we all don’t think sitting in our living rooms.
Jennifer write a blog about your kids etc, you dont seem mother-ish to me at all, do you even pay them attention?
I really, really, REALLY enjoyed the epilogue of the show in which you and Alexis discuss risque topics (e.g., Booty Calls). I wish there could be a whole show dedicated to that…
That dude, Peanut, scared the shit out of me!
Why is your new show Whatever, Martha! on a pay per view station? I alrady pay for satelite, so I’m not going to pay additional for another show. What about the E! channel?
Loved,loved,loved the premiere last night. I laughed so hard at some of the things I am sure were thought to be so cool “back then.” Peanut Butter was a freak but Martha in her shorts and the tucked-in sweat shirt sent me reeling with laughter but how brave. I think that was the first time I ever remember seeing MS’ legs. Great shows can’t wait for tonights episode.
LOVED THE SHOW! It is truly hilarious. My 15 year old son had to leave the room for part of it. No worries, gave us good stuff to talk about later in a light-hearted way. Hope you celebrated, you deserve it.
Ditto Nikki’s comments from the 15th.
to everybodysacritic,
i dont write about my kids very often because i love them like crazy and i try to protect them and respect their privacy. but i am not perfect and sometimes do discuss my kids! although i may not seem very “mother-ish” to you, rest assured i take being a mother very seriously! my life is spent between family and work and little else.
thanks for the concern…
OMG!!! Saw the show last night…f’ing hilarious! The Peanut Butter face painting segment…I was literally crying…so f’ing funny! Can’t wait for the next show!
Loved the show, very funny, can’t wait for tonight. The only thing I didn’t like were your clothes, too matronly, doesn’t suit your beauty and youth. I will be telling everyone to watch!
what’s next- jennifer trashing all the artist and shows her father represents- two grown woman acting like assholes-
spoiled rotten aholes
Great new show idea..Jennifer and Alexis talking about artists and televion shows! Too bad they are too busy with their successful radio show, new television show and REAL lives to consider it. You should look into getting one of those!
Cheryl, It’s the end of the world! Two women with a sense of humor having a good time entertaining those who choose to watch Whatever, Martha! Relax already. Do you think that Jennifer’s father doesn’t know what the show is about? It even has Martha Stewart’s blessing.
I have to admit I was skeptical about the Whatever Martha show. But…I thought it was funny as shit. I LOVE the smart ass wit that you both have!
Love the show. Show us your Hello Kitty collection- so much more fun than TWINE!
Would a pencil skirt look good with a digital brownshirt?
Will you be on HULU??
Loved the show!! Alexis and Jennifer are very funny together and I was laughing almost the whole episode. Can’t wait for more!