at the hospital visiting my mother in law. had to pee. walked into the bathroom- the ONE lounge bathroom for the visitors and the toilet is FILLED with (bright yellow) pee. so gross! (almost took a picture but decided to spare you.)
is it so hard to flush?!?! (yes, i flushed..duh)
i don’t get it.
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt (friend me!)
so agree!!! what is the downside to good manners, being considerate, polite, etc.????
Totally! I work on the 43rd floor of a pretty fancy building and we only have one bathroom for the floor and it is HORRID. I mean it is supposed to be the “ladies room” NOTHING “lady like about a duce in the toilet with no flush! SICKOS I tell ya SICKOS
just remember Yellow is mellow, brown goes down. The camp i attended in Vt. as a child had this sign taped to every bathroom stall. LOL maybe the person went to the same camp??
I work at a medical practice in the MRI department. Our bathroom/locker room is shared with the other patients on that side of the building. Once, I brought a patient in to change for their MRI and saw the previous occupant neglected to flush their POOP and pee. Talk about gross…
Pretty gross! I used to work in an office of all women I can’t begin to tell you how many times I would be in a stall and someone would leave and NOT wash their hands! Come on! At least run the water for my benefit. You know someone else is in their stall still, so at least turn on the faucet! So disgusting. All day I would be grossed out when I would touch something that anyone else touched! Then they would go into the lunch room and eat a sandwich with those unwashed hands. YUK. Most people are just not clean!
I too work in a medical facility and the patients bathroom is absolutely disgusting. Papers and garbage all over. Pee all over the seat. At times there is even poop and BLOOD on the seat. How disgusting can people be? I work in an uppity town too!!! ALL people rich and poor, are gross.
What about the pee ON the seat. I don’t understand it. That little piece of paper toilet seat does not protect against the pee on the seat!!
jen, I did not know your mother-in-law was in the hospital. I’m sorry you have to go back to a hospital again. I think you’ve had enough already tho.
White trash !!!
EWWWWWWWWWW. Thanks for sharing, but that really is tmi
I worked in a hospital for 20 years….you have no idea how many people act like pigs. I often thought…do they do this in their own homes?
You gotta call people on their bad potty habits–unless you think that they’re gonna retaliate.
I agree. Just imagine what their home bathroom is like. Makes me want to throw-up. I see it everywhere.
And how about the un-flushed feminine products? I see it all the time in our office “ladies” room. I shudder to think what the mens room looks like, considering they walk in there with folded newspapers under their arms..yucch
Just a thought: Maybe it was a kid…my 8 year old always forgets to flush. to be honest I would rather see pee then poo. ow
A friend and I once encountered a toilet so foul that we decided to name it. We knew we would be referencing the toilet for years to come, whenever we needed something disgusting to use as a contrast.
We called that toilet “Roy.”
Most pee is harmelss. It is gross though, I must agree. But no matter what, I can’t handle the poopy! That is just too much for me. Recently had an incident on an overseas flight. Someone had smeared it all over the toilet!!! Why? For what? I waited a long time for my turn in line, and when I stepped in, I backed right out and told the next guy in line that he could go in if he wanted, but that was too savage for me!
Jen…people can be so gross. Ugh… Just stupid, and thoughtless…..EVERYONE, FLUSH THE DAMN TOILETS WHEN YOU GO!!!
I despise public places and grocery carts! Thanks to this post I’m upping my hand wipes and antibiotic order.
This deliberate antisocial behavior is a manifestation of the powerlessness this person feels in this setting of the hospital as a hole I mean whole.. studies have indicated that the intentional display of their own fecal matter is to reflect poorly on management staff. Informal studies have proven that at least once or twice fear of flushing thus — causing a call to Joe the plumber– would focus attention to the embarrassing event of using an excess of toilet tissue.
Is there a Joe the Plumber in Flushing New York?
I totally agree, Yuck.
At my office we have about 100 people sharing a set of bathrooms and there’s only one toilet in the Mens room. For some reason my co-workers rarely flush the toilet, you’d be horrifed to know what can sometimes be seen inside. Someone even goes to the trouble of laying several rings of toilet paper around the seat (seat covers are available) and just leaves it sitting there, with his waste inside. Yuck.
So after months of this going on and repeated e-mails from the managment going out to the entire company I went to a novelty store and bought one of those fake video cameras. One evening I stayed late at work and after most of the staff went home I climbed up onto the sinks and attached it to the wall so that it was pointing into the stall. I then wrote a note that said “FLUSH THE GOD DAMNED TOILET. I’M WATCHING YOU. FAILURE WILL RESULT IN YOUR MESS BEING MOVED FROM THE TOILET AND LAID ON YOUR DESK.”
The fake camera is still there…I’m suprised managment didn’t take it down…and the messes stopped 🙂
thank u for flushing
Someone probably didn’t want to touch the flusher handle…that’s what your foot is for! Try walking into a men’s room….It’s enough to make you puke…and it’s not just yellow!
your posts are so pathetic are you that boring that all you can do is blog about “pee” in the toilet and complain about your mothers oncologist. Get a life. Surprised you still have a radio show.
That happens to me all the time. I work at a place where most of my co-workers are French. Let’s just say that out of the different places I’ve worked — this place is totally the WORST in regards to bathroom cleanliness. It’s rare that I walk into a stall and find the toilet flushed, and it’s rare that I hear someone leave a stall and actually wash their hands afterwards. YUCK!
On another note — I LOVE your show. It makes me laugh hysterically. The things you guys say out loud is exactly what I would say! Thanks for putting together 30 minutes of funny for me. 🙂
freedy–It’s Jennifer’s personal blog. If you don’t like it, get a life..elsewhere.
I agree with LINDA up there…
I am a different LINDA, not that Linda ,or that other one, who posts here..
dang freddy, so read another blog already.
I dont think this is a case of ‘a kid forgetting to flush” or just ‘forgetting’. I travel alot and have even thought about writing a book about public restrooms around the country! I really think there is some fetish about leaving toilets unflushed, pee on seat and elsewhere it shouldnt be, poop filled bowls (freq with no t.p.used….just gross) t.p thrown on floor etc. Seriously, why do so many people do this…and there are alot of people doing these gross things. I bet they dont at their home. I also use the hand sanitizers rather than touching some of the handwashing areas, they are just as nasty, esp if not automatic…Purell works just fine!!! so dont think all who dont wash in restroom arent washing, many do use the Purell type stuff!!!! I feel like bathing it in sometimes after leaving some of these places when you just cant wait!!!! So, people PLEASE FLUSH AND TAKE YOUR FETISH ELSEWHERE!!!
When my mom was in the hospital it was like a dorm, there were hand made signs all over, don’t do this, remember to do this, flush, wash, push, don’t, AAAAHHH.
And the help is crap, “CAN I WASH YOU NOW” some girl came in screaming…we all looked up like what the hell??? The girl just stood there with greasy hair and yellow fingers from cigs.
Good grief you guys, hospitals are a scary place. AND if you are ever in one make sure you or someone else knows, what they are doing to you at all times. There were so many screw ups this time in with my mother. Unbelievable.
People are crazy gross! I have noticed that women are far worse than men. My husband, son and my grandsons know how to flush, but, go to a women’s room in a public place and they forget their manners. For g**’s sake use your foot to flush if you have to.
with idiots like freddy voicing’s worthless, jealous, and ignorant opinion. Last time I checked, freddy does not have:
1. A blog that thousands read,
2. A show that thousands watch,
3. An opinion that anyone cares about,
I would suspect that it was someone like freddy that pissed all over the toilet seat and did not flush. Scumbag!! Yeah, I called you and those of your ilk scumbags!
Hi Jenny! :o)
A little while ago I went to the ladies room to pee and when I walked in the door it had its usual disgusting odor (I don’t know what these people eat). I don’t use the first stall because I figure if someone has to go really bad or is sick they naturally head to the first stall. Well, a just so happen to peak in to see if there are any prizes in there and when I looked, there was a big blob of POOP on the seat and in the bowl. OMG can’t anyone clean up after themselves or at least flush the toilet! Is it so much to ask. Well my stomach turned immediately, but I got out in a hurry. Now the poor housekeeping staff has to clean it up. People truly make me sick!