i loved his interview (and endorsement) on meet the press today.
did you?
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Yes, Colin Powell needed to redeem himself after his support of the Iraq War.
Absolutely! He said it perfectly.
What a fine president Gen. Powell would have made. I’m very happy with his endorsement of Obama!!!
Don’t care; he’s just another member of the elite trying to tell me how to vote. I reject socialism in all its forms, and I will not vote for a candidate that plans to “spread the wealth around”. I can think for myself and am not swayed by nor depend on the opinions of others, and that includes those incessantly promoted by a biased media (of which your are unabashedly a part of, even if only insignificantly so).
Oh yeah…and especially about the STINGING comments on Palin NOT READY TO BE A VICE PRESIDENT LET ALONE PRESIDENT! And now that Palin went on SNL – well I wonder if the Repugs wish they could take that back as well!
Thanks Jennifer for posting this because I missed it this morning. This was a wonderful interview. Unfortunately there are ignorant people who are “afraid” of Obama ??? and people who would vote Republican no matter who is running. That is wrong. Obama is the man who is most qualified to be our next President & Colin Powell speaks the truth. LISTEN PEOPLE!!!!
He was fabulous. Hi, Ariel from Fl. I am a fan, dear.
Nah, I actually thought it showed Colin’s true colors… it’s all about Colin. He jumped on the Obama band wagon so late because by now it’s clear that Obama will be the next President. If McCain were ahead in the polls, of course, Colin would be endorsing him. I truly believe he didn’t base his endorsement on who he felt would be better for the country or for the world at large but rather which endorsement would get him the most personal power, stature and goodies post-election. Shame on him!
I thought it was a great interview! I just have to comment on a statement given by “sowhat”, for someone who thinks for themselves you really can rattle off a bunch GOP nonsense talking points. Way to go! Keep thinking for yourself.
absolutely not
I only wish I could be so eloquent when describing why I support Obama. Whether or not you agree wih General Powell, his reasons for endorsing Obama and not endorsing McCain make perfect sense. Yay Biased Media!!!
No, I didn’t love it. How did you like the way he called kept calling Senator Mc Cain, “Mr.McCain”, but would call Obama, Senator each time. How disrepectful.
I would have voted for Colin Powell had he been running for president! Now I have to question his judgement as well.
Nah, he sold the Iraq war to the United Nations. I think he believes he could get a cabinet post from Obama. I believe Powell could really help spread the wealth around. He’s a flip flopper. He needs to become a man of principle. I don’t agree with Obama but I do believe he will stick to his beliefs even if he bankrupts the country.
A biased media? Have you ever watched FOX, sowhat?
BMA, what “talking points”? That Obama looks forward to “spreading the wealth around”? That’s a direct quote from the man himself, not the RNC. Despite the best efforts of his carefully-controled campaign and the media to mask his true intent, he lets slip his true colors every now and again, as he did in Ohio last week. He intends to institute a new socialism in America, and I will not support it.
I agree with sowhat said. My husband didn’t have a inside toliet untill he was in the nineth grade. He worked his way thru college and got a PHD in enineering. He made cheesecakes in his basement and sold them to restaurants so he could go to college. His wife was dieing of breast cancer and he had two small boys. She passed away and I met him 4 years later and we married and I adopted his boys. He never over-extended his financial situation. He now is very comfortable and you people want him to spread all his money around to people who put theirselves so financial rock bottom. Talk about socialisum!!!! BO makes me sick to my stomach.
Jennifer the interview was great and I am glad he explained why he was voting for Obama.
As for SOWHAT – What do you think the government has been doing for the last 8 years, taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Now that the tables are turned you cant handle it…and PS if I made $250,000.00 or more a year I would be happy to pay half of that in taxes…(I would still make way more then what I am making now) For the biased media, I agree with CECELIA, FOX news is the worst…I was just watching a segment and the Democrat that was aloud on could hardly speak with all the interruptions and attacks from the Republican host, very rude if you ask me!
NoBAMA – He did call Obama MR Obama, Don’t put words into his mouth. how picky can you get!
Cecelia, Fox News is only one outlet in an entire industry (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc., etc.) that is overwhelmingly biased towards a socialist agenda. That’s not an opinion, it is the consistent conclusion of a number of non-partisan media studies. The following is an excellent study produced by UCLA (not exactly a bastion of right-wing thought):
The study is particularly cogent to your post, as it proves that your cited exception – Fox – was just that — the lone exception to the overwhelming rule that the media leans left.
I have always been a conservative, having at times voted against my own personal beliefs….NO MORE. This was a deciding factor…voted absentee today. Go Obama
You talk about redistribution of wealth under Obama when my wealth is already redistributed to the wealthy and the millionaires that were able to bonus themselves while other less fortunate people, hardworking people are losing money right and left. That is the real redistribution of wealth which happened before Obama even stepped foot in the White House. It is the Bush era that brought us to this disastrous domestic and foreign policies and everyone has to pay for them now. Cheers to you, republicans….hope you are enjoying the fruits of your efforts.
the word is ALLOWED not aloud.
He got used and burned by the Bush Administration. So did Condeleza Rice, but she didn’t have the dignity to quit. Powell was lied to. When he found out, He left and pulled support for Bush. Yes, he should have known better, but many of them should have. I respect him.
I think it’s an important endorsement.
Tedde – Julie said… trust me you would not be happy to pay taxes on $250,000. Instead of complaining go further your education in a field that pays you $250,000 a year or more. Why do we people WHO go to college study hard get a good job have to bail you people out. Everyone in this great country has the opportunity to become what ever they want. So go improve your life and spread your money around.
….have you not noticed that your wealth has been “redistributed” to defend us against terrorists and WMD’s in a war against a country where neither OSAMA nor WMD’s could be found???? Federal and state taxation is, by definition, redistribution of wealth. It’s only when the “redistribution” takes place under a Dem administration that you label it “socialism” (thanks to your hero – Rush).
Yes, I loved Colin Powell’s interview. It was so refreshing to hear someone talk intelligently and rationally about evaluating the two main candidates and explaining why he chose Obama as the candidate he’ll vote for. Maybe this will encourage some borderline republicans to seriously consider who will be best for the country and no just vote along party lines.
Ttaxation in any form under any administration is socialism. Read Marx’s Communist Manifesto. He lists ten things required for a socialist state. One of the first is a graduated income tax.
As to the current financial crisis and who’s responsible for it, the collapse of the mortgage market was a result of government interference via Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae. Carter (who created Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) and later Clinton (who pushed legislation that lowered the standards required to secure home loans) set the stage for the financial meltdown we’re experiencing. Please people, don’t just listen to what the TV tells you; do some research on your own. You might be surprised.
Oh, one more thing. My favorite part of the interview, a moment which actually brought tears to my eyes is when Powell said….. “I’m also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said such things as, “Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.” Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he’s a Christian. He’s always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer’s no, that’s not America.” …..Then he told the story about seeing a picture of a mother at her son’s headstone. A Muslim American who fought and died for this country. I was touched that Powell mentioned this and how we, as Americans, should stop polarizing ourselves in that way.
Yes, Colin Powell was wonderful. I have mailed my ballot already: OBAMA.
WOW! I guess you have a demographic that is very upset with “socialism.” Thank you for speaking your mind. Thank you for being a strong women who knows that this election is so important. Thank you! We can not allow for another step backwards…. our grandparents and our children can not afford it! Please think before you vote.
Obama 08!
What’s with these right wingers and their spelling skills?
Stick it. Don’t give a shit.
Socialism will be a gift to this country after a president who was born a fool followed by eight years of cronyism, nepotism, and three branches of government led by republicans whose constituents continually vote against their own best interests.
Ugh. I’m so sick of politics. Go vote for your champion(s) and blog about ANYTHING except this exhausted topic.
More pee entries? Please?
So, Jennifer – how’re you going to like paying those extra “rich people” taxes when Obama gets in?
This was much better than the blog about pee.
Colin Powell is a disgrace to his party and to the Military—I think we all know why he endorsed OB—no surprise!!!
Arlene…..I agree. Why should those with 250,000+ income be penalized for success?
interesting how some americans choose to understand some terms, like democracy
“is government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.” (from usinfo.state.gov) how the heck can you say that your elections are free when all citizens cannot vote? just being a citizen should be enough to be able to vote, no registering, or whatever you need to do. it is a hypocracy to claim that america is spreading democracy in, say, iraq. what you guys are doing over there is to make sure that you can spread the wealth of iraqi people (read oil). try imagining what could have been done concerning climate change and research there of with the money spend on the iraq war, think of the lives saved. the rest of the world wants you americans to wake up and shape up and do what is right not just for all of your citizens, rich and poor alike, and the rest of world since you’ve chosen to take that up as well. by the way, we are not holding our breath on that.
Colin Powell is a extremely bright leader and made a difficult and honest decision that I am very happy about.
Mccain says that tax breaks to the below 250k taxpayers is welfare. So why aren’t the tax breaks given to the over 250k taxpayers welfare?
Mccain wants to “Cut The Corporate Tax Rate From 35 To 25 Percent”
We just tried to bail them out of the mess they made, and now Mccain wants to lower their taxes. That’s insane!
Colin Powell is a very respectable man and a very good speaker. His mild mannered personality doesn’t sway me though. You can’t tell me we haven’t heard violence from the Obama people. That, and misinterpretations of statements. I did hear what Mr. Powell said about a statement Michele Bachman (MN) made about Barack Obama and it is very inacurate. You can’t tell me Obama’s people are not feeding off the statements of McCain supporters by distorting them and spitting them out to the press.
Go Obama! Look how the REPUBLICANS have handled the country for the past 8 years. Yeah, our country is doing real great.
Anyone that votes for McSame is sadly disillusioned. People need to wake up and vote for the person that will make this country better. Not just because “I am a Republican.” Open your eyes people. The Republican candidates stink. an old man that makes childish faces and a woman that has got her first passport last year and gives “shout outs” at a vp debate.
Our country is in dire straits and I don’t feel the Republican candidates could handle another 9-11 situation. It happened on Bush’s watch and look at how well he handled it.
After reading your posts, maybe you should have joined your husband in a few extra years of schooling so that you could have learned how to spell and brush up on your grammar.
“In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.” – H. L. Mencken
Totally makes sense to me! I loved Sarah Palin on SNL….but never as VP or as President.
Are you kidding me. I can’t even respond to these people anymore about “BO” and his distribution of money to the people who have no drive, etc and we have to bail them OUT!!! If he wins you will all figure it out very fast.
How is taking over and majority investment in major financial institutions and private companies by the government under a REPUBLICAN administration not considered Socialism? I don’t effing get it, we’ve all just witnessed 8 years of the REPUBLICAN administration compromising our civil liberties, bankrupting our country and the future of our children, re-distributing our wealth (not that I have any) to the super-rich and Mid East and all along creating policies that have allowed for the current financial meltdown (leading to government take over) but still REPUBLICANS don’t see this a Socialism. How is it not? Fine, don’t support Obama, but take your head out of your ass, open your effing eyes, and look in an effing mirror. You’re looking at a Socialist.
Sorry I offended you spellchecker in my typing error’s. Actually I teach and the next time I write on this Blog I’ll spellcheck it for you. It’s what you call being angry and typeing tooooo fast. Nice to be perfect!!!!!!!
If redistributing the wealth means universal health care, strong schools and well funded emergency services like military, police and fire fighters then I say spread the wealth!
Why are we so afraid of paying our fair share of what it costs to run the country?
Arlene – You are the rudest person on this blog…Just because someone makes less then $250,000.00 doesn’t make them uneducated. In fact because of Bush and the republicans 95% of working Americans make LESS then $250,000.00. and the key word is WORKING! And Obama is not going to give people making under $250,000.00 money, he is just lowering the amount of taxes they have to pay. To make it a little easier on the people that work their ass off to make ends meet. If you had to ever struggle you would understand. Anyone can get a degree, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to get the job that pays well.
Arlene you sound like you gotcha one of dem walmat edumacations – iza hopein you got sum indoor plumin now and maybe one of dem thar cement ponds.
Great interview on Sunday. The story Gen Powell told about the Muslim soldier was very upsetting.
Also – this idea about “redistribution” of wealth is a Republican talking point. The increased taxes on the higher income levels will not be sent to lower level income Americans in a form of a check, but it will be used to improve our infrastructure and suport innovations, including moving away from importing foreign oil. Maybe the next time you safely drive over a bridge on the way home from work you can re-think your idea about the “redistribution” of wealth.
PA Girl, those are all nobel causes, but my question is, why must taxes be raised to achieve them? Most of us already pay 35% of our income in taxes, and some pay more than 50%. Is it wise to give MORE money to what is clearly an incompetent government? And before you claim that the wars are responsible for the gap between our needs and wants, know that the single biggest expenditure of the federal government is social security (there’s a misnomer), followed by medicaid and medicare. Together, they represent well over 60% of federal spending. Do you think we’re getting our money’s worth? No? Then why should we pay more?
I find it interesting that I made three rational, logical, fact-based rebuttals to some of the tremendously misinformed opinions here, and rather than attempt to address them, people chose to pick-on the spelling of Arlene. Have any of you heard the term “ad homonym”? Its a type of logical fallacy. You should all look it up, as you’re all committing it in your ironically vitriolic attacks against Arlene.
PA Girl –
I live in Minnesota, and I had been on the bridge that fell in Minnesota MANY times, and I thank God every day that I was not the one on the bridge when it fell and pray for the people that were. We have had a year of inconvenience, but it has been well worth the fact that the bridge is NOW the safest in this country. Sad that it took a collapse to make the government realize bridges CAN fall down.
It isn’t about being rude. Like I said in my other blog. I watched my husband work his way thru school four nights a week for years, support our family and never once complained or ask for any financial support from anyone. Trust me we know what it is to live pay check to pay check. His goal was to do everything he could to get us a more comfortable life. Whoever wins this election only comes down to one person (God). Through our family’s faith we will accept it and pray for the best. When some of you people get so nasty its time to close this converstation its at a dead end.
Jennifer – Here is a link to the photo that Powell mentioned on Sunday.
Tedde – I am glad to hear that you are okay. Those who died that day and their famillies should always be remembered.
Sowhat – Maybe we should have privitized Social Security? I’m sure that would have worked out well. And, I am going to talk about spending $1 Billion Dollars a day in an illegal war. I have no problem supporting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, but I do have a problem handing my tax dollars over to Blackwater, and supporting worthless Defense Department contracts when our servicemembers are served rancid food, electrocueted in their showers, and are treated like less than dirt when they return home injured and suffering. I want my money spent on those issues, along with infrastructure updates, and not immoral wars. If we were going to spend money on a war, it should have been Afghanistan, where we dropped the ball, lawlessness rules, and the Taliban is almost back to pre-war strength.
It was so great to hear Colin Powell endorse Obama. I am going to vote tomorrow I live in Florida so I am hoping nothing crazy happens here.
Like ACORN hijacking the election process??? I am soo proud to be a Republican and feel McCain/Palin will win this election. America will never accept Socialism–never…..
FU Arlene and all the rest of you smug, self righteous republican freaks!
PA Girl, that was a lovely tirade, but none of it ever addressed what I said, which is this: with all the money the government takes from us, why does it need more? Given the fact that our services (not Armed Services, the general services) are so poor DESPITE a multi-trillion dollar budget, why do you believe the answer is MORE government spending? Does it not already spend enough?
BO wouldn’t qualify to be his own bodyguard, work for the FBI, Secret Service or the Military and yet he qualifies to be our President??? Don’t think so!!! God spare us from this disaster..
Lara said…
IF He was not a US citizen, he would not have gotten past the Primaries. LARA stop Lying, this is why the Republican NEED to be put in their place. OBAMA is an AMERICAN!!!
Get your facts straight. Obama is a US citizen. If you want to agrue that point, John McCain is not a US citizen either. He was born in Panama, since his father was stationed there he was given US citizenship.
I am such a middle of the road kind of person, and am sick of having to dig through the what is publicized to find out the truth about McCain and Obama. He isn’t that great…I am an Illinoisian and yes, we made it through him doing nothing for our state. But, we can’t have an idle person leading our country.
BTW, there are 4 former Sec. of State endorsing McCain, so who cares if 1 supports Obama. Besides, voting is so personal that I doubt people are waiting on the edge of their seat to see who all former cabinet members are endorsing.
People, the Iraq War…oy veh! Get out of the past…we ARE there (whether or not we should’ve gone). Let’s do whatever it takes to bring them home victoriously (it is possible…don’t believe everything you see on tv). Our troops deserve that.
And, oh, I am the wife of an active duty Marine who is preparing to deploye for his 5th tour there. He KNOWS what the truth is because he’s lived it. He could tell you awesome stories about so much good we have accomplished.
Thanks Ariel!
Alison, who defines “fair share”? That’s an awfully subjective, nebulous term. I don’t like the idea of other people deciding what my “fair share” is, then forcing me to pay it against my will. I personally pay in excess of 50% of my annual income through federal, State, sales, and various other taxes (gas, capital gains, etc.). Then when I die, the government will take 50% of everything I own (which they have already taxed at a 50% rate throughout my entire working life). Not only is that not “fair”, its socialism, and I won’t vote for any candidate that supports it.
THanks Jen, I didn’t see the interview. I am happy to see Colin Powell is endorsing Obama. He was right on the mark about Sarah Palin, and McCain. I find this election very interesting in the emotion that people have over their candidates. Is anyone really qualified? Is anyone really ready? The state of the world is such a mess right now, that no matter who wins this election he is going to have a hard time turning things around. As for the increase in tax for the wealthy it’s only 3%, REALLY… it’s not even passed it’s only being talked about.
Quick run into your closet look at your clothes you WEAR 20 percent of your clothes 80% of the time now this distribution is similar to the wealth distribution statistics does it bother you that the top one that’s one percent of the population holds between 40 to 50 percent of the wealth it’s called an L curve for some reason but it shoots up at the right hand side please google US income distribution statistics before you start jumping to conclusions sure the super rich donate money to museums and charities and politicians donate houses to colleges donate to scholarship drives but gee I guess those opportunities — go to a museum learn something— go to school learn something– get an education but gosh that Involves EFFORT on an individuals part — effort to better themselves when that LIGHT BULB goes on over the head then maybe that person will make something of themselves
we are in a recession two consecutive quarters of slowing growth in the economy and don’t expect that sonic to suddenly reopen it’s doors and serving milkshakes don’t expect the pepboys to reopen to change your battery
The Superintendent of Chicago schools speaks out:
The former head of the Chicago education system has spoken out against Barack Obama. The education foundation headed by Barack Obama “failed to monitor projects and funded school ‘reform’ groups that campaigned against boosting academic standards.”
Paul Vallas, who was the superintendent of the Chicago school system when Obama chaired the Chicago Annenberg Foundation, said “There was a total lack of accountability. If you went back and asked, you’d be hard-pressed to find out how the money was spent.”
sowhat-Thanks for telling me my thoughts about my country are a tirade. And, since I will be paying less taxes under a Barack Obama presidency, I will not be handing over more money to the government. I’m not going to go back and forth with you about this issue, because we will never agree. I am happy to pay taxes to educate children, assist seniors with healthcare, and support our infrastructure. I do not feel that under the current administration our taxes are spent appropriatly, but I feel they will be under an Obama administration. I feel that Obama shares the same ideas for the country that I do, and I look forward to voting for him.
Wow Christy nice blog. Regarding the US citizen question. Why don’t both of these guys have theirs put in NY TIMES to shut everyone up!!!
Colin Powell owes the country a formal apology for, at the very least, being complicit in helping Cheney and Bush sending thousands to their deaths. The country respected him wholeheartedly which is why his silence until now has been DEAFENING. How much courage did it take to publicly support Obama in the final hour when Obama is already projected to win. Our citizens have short memories, but I’m afraid Powell has ruined his own political career forever. It’s a shame because no one is more qualified to run the country than Colin Powell.
Please thank your husband for all he’s doing to keep us all safe and give us the freedom to speak our minds. We so appreciate our troops and they deserve a Commander-in-chief who supports them and will give them whatever it takes to keep them safe. God Bless your husband and all our wonderful Military…
Colin Powell made that decision only because he was offered a sweet position if OB gets in and also, he is full of revenge for what happened to him at the UN….what a traitor…glad he’s out of the Military!
Again, you didn’t address any of my points and only restated your position. I can give your logical, fact-based, and philosophical reasons for my belief, but you can’t support or offer any for your own, only ones based on “feelings”. At least you admit that your beliefs aren’t founded in rationality. If you truly believe what you profess, I assume you pay more than required come tax season, right? Of course you don’t, and if you were made to, you’d think that wasn’t “fair”. And yet you think others should be forced to do so. That’s socialism in action, and its why I won’t be voting for Obama or any other socialist.
I have often considered the innate differences between Democrats and Republicans, having close friends and family members in both parties. It seems that for the most part Democrats have a global view of most situations (it’s not all about “me”) and realize everyone needs a hand up and is entitled to contribute to earn a piece of “the big pie”.They seem to realize that they could be the next one in a very bad situation which is why they are open and willing to help others who are truly in need. I can’t figure out why caring and fairness are often labeled as socialism by Republicans. Republicans can be well-dressed, well-groomed, informed, creative, ambitious, and sucessful but they are for the most part less flexible, have a limited view of any given situation (how does it affect ME and MY loved ones)and seem to put most of their energy in worrying about their own little wagon. Empathy is often a foreign concept, which is why they don’t like those expensive social programs that might benefit the poor, hungry, the ill, homeless,etc. I mean who with any empathy could be against insurance for the uninsured. It’s been reported in known psychological studies that Republicans are more fearful in general, which might explain their aggressive foreign policies when cooperation with other countries versus might allow more resources to care for our own citizens. Maybe they fear being poor themselves so they must hoard as much for themselves as they can. I wish that we could find a middle ground and what would be wrong (ARLENE) with a flat rate income tax so that all of us are contributing our fair share?
So rather than investigate the ideology and philosophies behind the Republican platform, you define what is a “Republican” by those you know who profess to be one? What a fallacy. First, you’re confusing the sufficient for the necessary, and second, your extrapolating from a small sample size, claiming what may be true of a specific example to be representative of the whole. Rather than the result of careful consideration, your definition of what a Republican is sounds awfully like what the media would like you to believe. Coincidence? Also, please provide a link to this “study” you cite.
The acorn doesn’t fall from the tree!!!!!!
Sowhat said. I agree with you totally. Why aren’t these people not getting it!!!!!!! This last blog differences of the heart. Why is it just the Republicans? I know alot of Republicans who are voting for BO. Let’s not single them out as always the bad guys.
I don’t care about his endorsement, except to the extent that is has been expected the whole campaign and he waited, for effect. I do not support Obama and could never support someone with NO experience. None. Sarah Palin has far more experience (mayor, governor). Obama has plenty to hide and does so, but what he cannot hide is his inexperience and his ambition. His supporters are being fooled.
lawmom said…. NObama!!!!! Yep, Yep, Yep.