i am so moved by this election.
so relieved that barack obama is the president elect.
i believe he will help all of us.
it is a good day.
feels like another fresh start.
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Oooooh boogadee boo! It’s the end of the world! The distinguished authors also wrote those gripping thrillers: Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth and The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon.
All this blogging SUCKS. You are all a bunch of angry and stupid people. Some of you are angry to be Americans and some of you are homophobic idiots. Jennifer &Alexis should have more control over all these morons. I hate this site and I hate you all.
I think all of you should get out of this country because none of you are happy here. pathetic. either love obama or leave.
I whole-heartedly agree with Jennifer – I believe Barack Obama will breathe new life into our government and get us back on track.
I am also saddened by the passing of Prop 8 in California. I myself am married to a man, however I believe that glbt individuals all deserve the same rights in the eyes of the law. I do not understand the people that were for Prop 8 – how does it affect your life if two women or two men are married? As my father put it – “Who cares? Gay people should be able to be married and miserable like the rest of us!”
Oh, and Kathleen: I agree with you. Michelle Obama has such a great sense of style, however that red and black dress just did not do her justice.
As President-Elect Obama said, “Yes we can!”
Margaret…you sound like a sore loser. Get over it. People like you is why this country can’t come together as one. People afraid of change or not taking other’s people’s views into consideration and only doing what’s good for themselves got us into this big mess.
It is important to us Democrats because we care about all the people, not just ourselves. I see this as a distinct difference between the reps and dems…the reps only seem to care about their own situations (esp. money) while the dems are more altruistic and care for poor people alike and social programs so don’t mind paying taxes to see these programs helping people.
Daniella—get over it. people shot it down go for civil union… what about the people that think they are gay then change there mind. a lot of people experiment doesn’t mean they are gay. just because the prop. didn’t pass doesn’t mean people are homophobes!!! they just think they shouldn’t be married—
Blacks voting yes to Prop 8 is directly related to their religous beliefs, and their regilous beliefs are a big reason for the high HIV and Aids rate in the Black communities. I’m Black and voted for Barack, I always vote Democratic as do most Blacks, but Barack was special. His winnig was meaningful to the world, and you have no idea how meaningful it was to Blacks unless you are Black. Black homophobia is literally killing the Black community and creating a large group of Down Low men.
If you feel the below comment so strongly
“I certainly wouldn’t mind having less if it went to those in need”
than you and others like you should definitely go without and give to those in need. My family came from Europe with $60 in their pocket, they lived with 5 other families when we finally hit the USA in a tiny apartment, finally saved up and bought our first house, we ate potatoes most times toward the end of the week because my Mother was so adamant about saving money for the house, my parents finally bought their own business, worked into wee hours into the night, I would take the school bus to the family business, do my homework and get to work. Now I am an adult and am able to enjoy the fruits of my and my family’s labors. Why should I HAVE TO give to those in need? I strugged, sacrificed and I succeeded. We ALL have the right to PURSUE happiness and that comes with responsibility!
he will have a tough time
he is coming into a very screwed up setting as opposed to GWB who
fractured the economy and left the PE lots of SHIT to unshit….
or a Valium
Why is it that we use stupidity as the reason people vote for who they vote for? There are grossly uninformed voters on either side. People will take miss-steps on talking points and blow them out of proportion in favor of their candidate. I am a democrat. I look at the world through the lens of someone who identifies with the democratic party. I am not stupid. And I do not say that someone who looks at the world through the lens of someone who identifies with the republican party is stupid. I think people need to take a step back, think before they lump people into groups, and make an effort to understand what they are talking about.
I voted for Barack Obama. I do not think he is the next messiah. I do not think he will make drastic changes in the political culture. I do think he will make an effort to change the way things have been going for the last 8 years. He cannot stay in office for more than 4 years if he works only with the Democrats on ultra-liberal legislation. It’s not smart. The problem he may face is telling members of his own party what he can’t do for them. And he will have to tell them and, for those who think he can’t stand up to party leaders, he will. He has to in order to get anything done. I find it hard to believe that he wouldn’t. Call me stupid if you want. I wouldn’t value that opinion anyway.
We get exactly what we deserve.
I’m with you, Jennifer. I am thrille and relieved that Obama is in! Like you said; it’s a fresh start.
like howard stern and robin said this morning, blacks have been successful for a very long time. If you feel racial barriers are stopping your success then you need to check yourself. I’m black and have never felt like I could not get a job, education etc because of my color, lets get one thing straight, Obama is biracial and I voted for him, but If he wore his pants down below his ass and didn’t speak properly he wouldn’t be president. He and john mccain both are equal just more people like bo and more black people turned out to vote. The Jews, the irish, the italians and many others especially the American Indians have faced the same racial barriers. Do we ever hear the American Indians crying about barriers? Get over it sisters and brothers and make your own destiny. BO can’t turn your life around
to Blech! and any other nonBarack supporter said…
It is very unfortunate that you will have to lay off some people. Maybe if you took a pay cut or with BO heathcare plan it will free up some money to get call back the people you had to lay off. In addition BO has mentioned how he will help the American Small Business, as long as you do not send jobs over seas. BO has to dig us out of a HUGE hole Bush has us in. Our country is a joke to the world. And I am ashamed when I travel overseas to have to say I am from the states. Today I am now PROUD to say I am from the states. Lets talk in 4 years and see how uch better we will be.
Our employees make more than the owners (in salary anyway) honestly our business has struggled for the last few years (been around over 25 years) we offer and pay for part (used to pay for all) employee healthcare, offer profit sharing, 401K matching, etc… I am not some religious whacko republican. I am a pro business/social left leaning republican. I voted for gay marriage even though many democrats did not. I am just not impressed with Obama. HOpefully he will proove me wrong, but he won’t be good for business. This is based on his plans and policies. Unless they change you will see a lot of small business go away. That is very sad since small business is the cornerstone of capitalism.
Our economy is ALREADY screwed, you idiot.
I spoke with a friend today and her daughter came home from high school and reported that for the first time ever yesterday almost all the kids stood up during the pledge. I certainly understand how they feel – finally proud of their country after eight terrible years. I do possibly understand how all you McCain supporters feel. Four years ago I felt that this couldn’t be my country but now I feel so proud.
Not so fresh when he is surrounding himself with not so knew people. This doesn’t make sense to me. He is unqualified to be president, wait and see.
GO BO! I thought we had come so far…. but after reading this I am truly sickened by the rancorous people in this country. We are in deep sh#*t folks. Look around you. Being a benevolent society does not equal nor come close to socialism. Could you deny a five year old medical treatment because her mommy screwed up and made poor choices? Socialism is a huge bailout package by the feds after banks were frolicking without regulations. I don’t believe Jennifer wanted ‘that kind’ of help from Obama- just hope for a better country for us ALL. Get informed people!
Just because Jennifer and Alexis are trust fund babies and will be effected by Barack Obamas tax differently than most people, they are Democrates because they care about those that make less or have less than they do. You people that ask why it matters to them. they are caring individuals. that is why. you idiots.
Reading through this and the past blog comments, it saddens me that people need to resort to name calling of those whose political views differ from their own. I thought you were supposed to live in democratic country. Yet someone does not agree with you, and the first thing done is to start name calling? Isn’t that what is done in the playground with 5 year olds? It is truly sad.
Can’t stand bush can’t stand obama… what do you think will really change… nothing until the people in this country stand up and get rid of the lobbyist
Since its clear that the vast majority of you have never been to college nor taken a college-level political economics course, here’s a simplified definition of socialism:
Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It should. Its not only what the Obama campaign espoused unabashedly, its also what most of you posters seem to be promoting. I hope you all get what you wish for – particularly Jennifer and Alexis. May the government take all of their mommy and daddy’s money when they die, forcing both of those trust fund babies to actually work for a living.
glad to see there are others that believe that Obama is NOT a savior, a hero OR the anti-christ! he is a man that is flawed and can only do the best he can as long as his ego and backgrounds don’t rear it’s ugly heads. Same as Bush. As for those who think that Republicans don’t help out those less fortunate: Who the hell has been employing everyone else? “God helps those who help themselves.”
Why drag god in to this? He,she,it; if there even IS such a highmucketymuck in the sky has certasinly left us to our own devices, no?
“God helps those who help themselves.” -is not anywhere in the bible.
You are kidding.Guess it’s great when you are rich, have great tax deductions and just let the middle class clean up the mess. Especially a small business. Feels like a fresh start to me, he will help all of us on his terms. By the way Jennifer the economy is in this situation because of both parties….Enjoy your new president
“Jennifer and Alexis are caring individuals …who care about people who have less than they do” Trust fund babies you surely are joking aren’t you? Like you really believe that? Hilarious. I’m not an American, I didn’t get to vote so I’m not for the democrats or the republicans but I think you should be aware that the charitable foundations in your country are contributed to far more by conservative minded people than liberals. The liberals mouth all the platitudes but just don’t put their money where their mouth is.
Very interesting J & A the type of people who leap to your defence in this blog. Love it!
just me, he is OUR new President. And Rex, do you have some sort of actual statistics and references to your claim of who gives what? I’m not being antagonistic, but very curious where and how you came by these stats.
“They are Democrates (sic) because they care about those that make less or have less than they do.” Do you really believe that Alexis cares about anyone but herself? She openly admits to HATING people. She is a miserable, loathsome, bitter misanthrope. Her political affiliations have nothing to do with compassion and everything to do with being misinformed, brainwashed, and necessarily coping the only pose acceptable among her social crowd. The same goes for Jennifer. Only a self-hating Jew could support the democratic party.
Hey the republicans are doing really well keeping Americans employed. If you havent heard jobless ranks hit 10 million, most in 25 years. Also the disproportion of pay between the highest paid employee and lowest employee are are also at the greatest lever ever. So whose the greedy ones.
Please provide data to back up your claim, “I think you should be aware that the charitable foundations in your country are contributed to far more by conservative minded people than liberals.” I do not think your claim is acturate. The trickle down effect is not working.
exactly just me,,the messed up economy started with bill clinton,,,and was carried out by george bush,,,,now we’ll see if barack obama can keep his promise and clean it up. again i say…shame on you for not being proud americans
I thought of you the other night when David Letterman said that five years ago his son was born in the Bunny Koppelman suite of the hospital.
CHANGE….that is all we will have in our pockets within the next few years. I will give BO one thing, he got up there and told us that he was going to ruin this country (i.e. take away the Bush tax cuts, make nice with our enemies-terrorist are even happier about the OB win than our Demos, destroy the coal mining industry, “redistribute wealth”, etc.) and all the “people” said, “Yeaaaaa!” All you that are worried about our economy, when and if we leave Iraq, Iran will fill the void, and their nuclear capabilities are not far behind. What we don’t understand about these people is that, from birth, they wake, breathe, eat & drink, sleep and dream about our (anyone who does not fall in line with their radical thinking) destruction. We will not be able to have a meeting with them and change their thinking! Businesses all over the country are already planning layoffs and downsizing based on the higher taxes BO has promised. When the economy tanks even move than it is and the government isn’t collecting enough taxes (because the Demos never get it), they will just raise our taxes even MORE!! But we know who will be to blame, the previous administration. Oops! the previous admin was a Demo majority. And NO, I don’t think Bush does not have to take credit for a lot of our present problems. Going along with Pelosy and Barney in supporting the bailout at the top of the bad decision list and his always attempting to play nice with those on the other side of the isle. As far as redistribution of wealth. OB and Biden need to put “their money” where their mouth is. What did these millionaires give? I believe it was something like a whopping 3% of their income! Whooopy!! And if their “charIty” of choice was anything like the Clinton’s, they “donation” went primarily into the “family trust”. My families income would be considered middle class and we gave about seven time what they gave. I don’t say this to boast, but to say I don’t need those hippocrites telling me that I’m the “selfish” one. I could go on and on, like mentioning he was the only one who voted against aiding a baby that actually survived a botched partial birth abortion. How sick, and evil and transparently heartless is that! But, I will end here, knowing that the majority has spoken and chooses to hear no evil, see no evil – CHANGE – it sounds good – HOPE – it feels good…I HOPE you BO voters are right (that would be a CHANGE), I REALLY, REALLY do!
I am a conservative McCain supporter and even though Obama won, I wish him the best and that he will do something good for our country. I will respect and pray for our president even though I don’t agree with him on numerous issues. He still will be the president-we have got to make the best of it!
What kind of shampoo do you use. I didn’t like Cindy McCain’s dress
all this hate hurts my brain.
It was Bill Clinton that signed the legislation to allow the expansion of the unregulated derivative market. However the architects of the bill were Alan Greenspan and Phil Gramm. Dear old Phil was McCains economic advisor. I am sure glad McCain lost just for this reason that Phil was advising him and could have continued to exploit the financial markets.
Is it me or are the majority of people ignorant? Trust fund babies??? Cut me a break, any financial savvy individual can establish a trust fund. Ever hear of a living trust?? Anyone that is elderly and want’s to avoid probate can set up a living trust. How about those that have children??? They too can establish a trust fund for the kids and one does not have to be rich to do so. Secondly, people please spell check, i.e. Democrates, knew instead of new, etc. You do not have to be rich to take advantage of tax shelters either. Tax free municipal funds, charitable donations, Roth IRAs, etc.. Ignorance is bliss I guess. Isn’t it time to put the partisan insults aside and come together to forge a solution to the crisis at hand, or is it easier to bitch and complain and let the problems fester??? Oy friggen Vey!!!
Jennifer are you a raving idiot? Shut tfu about the Obama girls and what color their bedroom should be. How old are you? 14? You’re scary if you think kids should have whatever makes them ‘happy’.
Hey Pablo, stick it up your ass your creepy old malcontent you never did understand color. Hatefully yours, Henri
Welcome to the Socialist Republic of the United States.
A new day dawning. It’s electric. He has so much to do (and undo!) but the country, most of it, is behind him.
Our President elect has a host of issues to deal with, specifically:
Basically, Russia’s Medvedev has thrown down the gauntlet regarding nuclear missles challenging the new administration. We will see a lot of this activity in the near future. Russia is giving no consessions to the US. Hopefully he will be able to stand tough on such issues. Hope is good, however action is better. The insane Republican! :o)
You said it!
What in your life do you really need the President’s help with, Jennifer? Come on!
It is NOT the job of the President to pay your bills or to make you happy.
Our President is responsible for ONE THING – to protect our country from harm. John McCain was better equipped to do that; however, America rejected an American hero and elected a ZERO.
Good luck to you, Alexis and all of us… The only thing left now is HOPE!
1,507 days left.
I’ll survive this but will our Great nation?
Have you ever seen so many happy people!!!!!
I am moved by this election also, moved to tears. How exactly does a President help us as individuals? We own a small business that employees 30 people, we will most likely have to lay off a majority of those people under his tax plan. Our customers are big business who will be hit hard and will not spend local money for technology. We will be screwed, our economy will be screwed. Easy for a trust fund baby to support this man.
How unfortunate that Bunny couldn’t have been here to see this momentous occasion
Reason for us all to celebrate. What a victory!
We should believe that FINALLY, once again, it will be wonderful to be an American and live in this wonderful country. We need to bring our troops home and begin healing. We need to join together and prove how Obama is truly our saving grace.
yes! the audacity of hope personified
I so agree with you Jennifer.
I just told my boss that this is the first day in a long time that I woke up feeling proud to be an American.
I did vote for Barack, but I was never “jumping up and down” about him as a candidate. Last night it really sunk in what this meant
I know that sounds so cliche but it really is true. It is time for this country to start working together as a whole for good!
I agree 1,000 percent! YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t stop smiling or crying. What a great feeling this is. After 8 years of hell we finally have hope that the next 4 years will be amazing.
It is very unfortunate that you will have to lay off some people. Maybe if you took a pay cut or with BO heathcare plan it will free up some money to get call back the people you had to lay off. In addition BO has mentioned how he will help the American Small Business, as long as you do not send jobs over seas. BO has to dig us out of a HUGE hole Bush has us in. Our country is a joke to the world. And I am ashamed when I travel overseas to have to say I am from the states. Today I am now PROUD to say I am from the states. Lets talk in 4 years and see how uch better we will be.
The President’s “only” responsibility is to protect us from harm, huh? What we really need protection from is people who need to go back to government class for a refresher course…oh…and those who live their lives ruled by fear rather than hope.
Love you Ladies and yes Jennifer this is a GREAT DAY!!!
and to No fan of BO – don’t worry we will be sending Sarah back to Alaska and she can keep an eye on Russia for us and keep us safe.
moving, inspiring
i shed tears
of happiness and joy
i am not even American
Whooo Hoooo!! Suck it, religious right.
Yes, we miss Bunny and know how happy she would have been. Mazel Tov.
I feel sorry for someone who is not proud to live in America anytime. If you are not proud to be an American,, or live in America then what are you proud of??? Let’s all sit back and watch how BO will turn this country around,,,and observe his “CHANGE” and now we are all aware that his wife is finally proud to be an American — shame on you Paula in LA
You’re ashamed to say your from the States? You’re as bad as BO’s wife. Then get the hell out.
Aren’t there other, more appropriate blogs for you McCain supporters to whine on? I for one thought McCain gave a good speech last night, and BO gave a “WONDERFUL” I LOVE THIS COUNTRY -GOD BLESS AMERICA speech last night. If you don’t support him and our country, go somewhere else!
Don’t be afraid. The sky is not falling. Most humans have an amazing ability and capacity to adapt. To all of you who think that the big bad government will only NOW start taking your hard earned money away; they have been doing so all along. And for that insult you get to live in the U.S.A. We can handle it. Most of us, seeing as we have enough disposable income to pay for the pleasure of Sirius/XM, will survive and thrive. If your business is going to fail and put people out of work because of a new administration, perhaps your business plan is flawed.
We all should start praying real hard that Obama makes the right decisions.He has a monumental task ahead of him,why anyone would want that job is beyond me but I wish Him the best.The fighting back and forth has got to stop,its time to start working together to solve these problems.Remember He is NOT the messiah just a man who hopefully will make the tough decisions and not worry about how popular He is…
I agree with Big Pete – BO is definitely not the next mesiah as so many democrats seem to think. But I hope he does a good job and that is all that matters. To those who think he’ll cure all of our ills – think again and don’t be so naive and foolish. He’s only a man, and an inexperienced one at that. IQ and charisma are only part of the equation. So Jenny, I’m glad you’re hopeful; but be realistic and don’t wait for miracles. I’m married to a man who is a retired Marine aviator, someone who has seen plenty of how the world views us – and it’s not pretty and it won’t go away just because we’re “nice”. I hope BO is up to the challenge.
How easy for some to sit on their butts and say that the President Elect will fail. Our duty as Americans doesn’t end with the act of voting. Yes WE can, not Yes HE can. I registered voters yesterday and was stunned by the number of first time voters. It was moving to see so many excited about voting. It is my hope that their excitement will carry them forward into action. Stop the petty sniping. Be a part of the solution.
Yes WE Can.
Jennifer, what kind of toothpaste do you use to get your teeth so white? Also, what kind of shampoo to get your hair so pretty. PLEASE let us know!
I love this quote…don’t know if you’ve already read it, but it’s worth repeating:
“Rosa sat,
so Martin could walk,
so Barack could run,
so our children could fly.”
I have not been “proud” at times to be an American so suck it all of you that tell those of us that actually have the guts to utter this phrase. It is hard to be proud when we live in a place where a complete boob is elected not 1x but 2xs and the rest of the world can see what a fool he is-but our own citizens can’t.
I am sure there are many in this country that couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Obama because of his skin color, is that something to be proud of? Americans are not perfect people- just many think they are because they base their lives on money and how much materialistic shit they have vs others in the world. Perhaps more people that live here should not take it for granted, I know I don’t.
Just because you slap on a magnetic yellow ribbon made in China on the back of your gas guzzler doesn’t make you a better American or a prouder one.
I am glad Obama got elected, I feel bad he has to clean up the mess that has been left for him. This country is in the shitter and I do look forward to feeling proud and happy to live in America again. Today I felt more optimistic than I have in a long time.
my sentiments exactly, AmyinMaine!!
And if you have to lay off a majority of 30 employees, you’re doing something wrong.
I was so filled with hope, pride, and inspiration until I got to work and all the right-wing conservative racist assholes called me and 63 million other Americans “dumb-asses” for voting Obama. I’ve spent the day in hell dealing with their bullshit comments. I can’t wait to be reassured that hope is still alive when I listen to your show tonight.
Now that the republicans are out of the way the democratics have no one to blame but themselves now, do they?
I am so with you, Alexis and Jennifer. Whoot!
The 10 Cannots
By William J. H. Boetcker
(wrongfully attributed to Abraham Lincoln)
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.
I was thrilled that Barack was elected. My BF is in the Air Force and I waited home last year while he served, when Barack won I was relieved. Never before have so many nations cheered for our choice. As someone who is so proud of our Armed Forces everyday, it was nice to be proud of the country they were defending, for the first time in 8 years!
I am so very proud of all the people who waited on lines to vote. How wonderful that is, no matter who they were voting for the strong convictions they had kept them in line for hours. That is such a change for this country. Maybe we’ve turned a corner and people in this country actually care.
Now if we could only turn that caring around and actually care for each other.
For the record, I too voted for Sen Obama. And I am proud to say so. I am looking forward to a president who cares about Americans in general. Not just rich Americans.
Jennifer – You are an idiot!
Hurricane: When I got to work I was greeted by the Obama supporters saying “told ya so”, “in your face”-and various others saying obscene things about McCain and Palin, who I voted for. So you see, rudeness and immaturity isn’t reserved for Republicans. It works both ways, always has, always will.
My canidate lost but I will not pout. Instead I will put my energy in praying for the health and safety of Barack because if anything happens to him and we end up Joe Biden as President we are all in deep s**t!! He’s a bigger liar than Bill Clinton.
Laura Aranda, The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for what? Trust your better instincts, the Republicans are certainly not “out of the way.” And even if they were, the mess they have left behind will not be swept away for many years to come.
Sherri Shepard is full of shit, she’s the only person I know that’s dumber than Sarah Palin, that’s of course if you don’t count me.
Can we talk about Prop 8 in CALIFORNIA! It is so depressing that the Prop 2 regarding an end to animal cruelty PASSED but equality for gay marriage was defeated. This is so sad for California. Apparently it has been said by the associated press that Prop 8 passed but opponents of prop 8 are holding out for uncounted ballot before conceding! Holy SHIT! I am strongly hoping THEY DON’T CONCEDE! I hope they STAY STRONG to achieve victory over those Yes on 8 Hate MOTHER FUCKERS! PLEASE PLEASE let those polls reveal a WIN…. If not, it WILL NOT be OVER!
Damn those bitches,
I agree — it was electric today and every single person I saw was so happy! And Obama WILL help all of us. It also shows the rest of the world that the U.S. is progressive, finally! We are all never going to agree on who should be President but this really feels like a new beginning.
Kathy: I’m so sorry that the Obama supporters rubbed it in your face. I’m just bitter because I was one who did not even bring up the election since I did not want to be that way, then when my boss called me a “dumb ass” for my vote. I am sorry if I offended you, but I was speaking of the people I work with, not all republicans in general.
i am sick that you “educated” people really think obama can do any thing good for this country. he is completely and totally supported by black supremacist, worse than that his wife is one! americans will all regret this decision, mark my words.
p.s. i am a democrat and am sickend at my party!
Congratulations to President-elect Obama, he gave a nice speech and Senator McCain gave a very classy speech as well. Hope is a wonderful thing but people the government cannot solve all of your problems, you must help yourselves. Jennifer, you are very entertaining on the Whatever tv show but for pete’s sakes put on some shoes! It seems so disrespectful, being comfortable is one thing but sheesh!
I didn’t like Michelle’s dress
my children are flying with or without BO
To Margaret, who warns that we will be a Socialist gov’t: Guess you have been watching Fox news’ usual BLITZ of LIES AND FEAR. Your hysteria is unwarranted. First of all, Please tell us what would be wrong with our country finally taking care of its citizens’ BASIC needs after the wealthiest in this country have had their 7- year party of luxury living while the rest of us have struggled just to put food on our table, care for our kids,and maintain our sanity while watching our growing debt? Do you think that the top 10% who own >71% of our nation’s resources earned that money directly or perhaps, profited on the backs of the middle and working class of our nation? In the US, as far back as 2001, even after 8 years of Democratic rule, the bottom 40% owned < 1% of our nation's weatlth. LESS THAN ONE PERCENT!!! I Don't think that you need to worry about equal distribution of resources in the good old US of A. Latest studies have shown that poverty grew substantially in the past 6 years so we can only imagine how much worse it is today. My own family used to be middle class until the Repub. sent everything up the food chain to those who needed it least of all, while at the same time creating a life of struggle for everyone else. I certainly wouldn't mind having less if it went to those in need, but unfortunately, it doesn't work that way and especially not under a Republican administration. Ever heard of Reagan's "trickle down" economics? Trickle down misery is more like it. Bush took it to a whole new level. Who cares if a few of those wealthy individuals second and third homes have to be sacrificed when millions of Americans have lost their homes entirely through no fault of their own. No one has yet come to there aid. I'll bet you have yor home and pretty nice healthcare coverage as well. In addition, a socialist gov't might be preferable to the Fascist gov't we have been living under: where industry literally writes our country's legislation and uses their dubious "influence" to see that Congress passes it. None of it has been in our citizens' best interest. Our air, water, and food are dangerous to our health and what is Bush doing this very week? Why, he is putting in far more de-regulation that will insure that our shipping containers are not inspected, our air is dirtier and everything else that is already shit environmentally, will be far worse. He is acting in haste because he learned from his un-doing of all of the pro-environmental legislation Bill Clinton put through at the last minute, that 60 days advance policy will be much harder to legally undue. God knows, we can't have private industry having to clean up their own toxins before dumping them into our atmosphere and streams. And Finally: The Federal gov't would NOT be buying up banking (socialism) if not for the non-regulation of Bush and the fact that he literally shut down the appropriate oversight agency that was intensely trying to make states follow the laws that would have prevented all of this.Funny thing how Eliot Spitzer wrote a front page editorial about all of this only days before he was forced to resign. If anyone created a socialist gov't, your party did. Face it, the greedy, self-serving, disingenuous, psuedo-religious, often criminally-minded Republican party destroyed our economy, our safety, our privacy, our peace of mind, our international reputation, our quality of life, and just about destroyed our country itself. They don't have the basic decency to be apologetic about it or at the very least, fade away while the other party tries to repair the catastrophic damage they have caused. You could be part of the recovery effort, but you would rather repeat the tragically ignorant misinformation you pick up on Fixed News everyday and undermine the good that might come from new leadership.God bless Barack Obama. He will have a monumental mountain to climb and it will be an arduous journey. Thank you Jennifer and Alexis for sticking your necks out and taking heat for what is right. Let's all rejoice that a new day is at hand!!!
It feels GREAT to be an American! We did it!
I cried when Obama was finally declared the winner. He is an inspiring speaker and I pray that he becomes the leader that I deeply feel he can be. I also was met at work with McCain supporters who were angry and disgusted with those people who voted for Obama. I was very hurt and discouraged. I truly hoped that today we would all come together as Americans and put our political divisions behind us, at least until the next elections. Anyway, it has bothered me all day and I have finally decided to kill them with kindness, so I’m baking brownies to take into work tomorrow in hopes of uniting us. I believe it’s important to be the change you wish to see in others, so I’m choosing to not continue the divisiveness. I’ll never change their minds and they won’t change mind, but we can at least all agree on brownies. 🙂 God Bless America!!!!!!
Exactly – I live in a fairly rural upstate NY community and was shocked at the veiled biggotry i have encountered during this election. Today, one of the people I work with said “I like Obama, but not his background” I asked him what he meant, and he said “Well, he’s a Muslim”…WTF…I tried to reason with him, but to no avail – what do you do with this kind of ignorance?
I’m extremely unhappy that BO was elected. I hope that he can come away from the FAR left and get back to the center a little bit. If not, this country is really screwed. If he does the things he said he’d do economically in his campaign, all the analysts seem to agree that he will drive our economy even further into into a recession. The jury is out!
To KareninMI- are there any more appropriate blogs for you Obama supporters to GLOAT on? 🙂
I agree 100% with you, stephannie, well said. A person that sees the truth! People like you are worth more than gold in this country right now.
One could only hope-you see, the Democrats, for the next 4 years, will be using Bush as an excuse for everything that Obama fails to accomplish.
Notice how the people above -” to Blech! and any other nonBarack supporters” are already using Bush as an excuse to explain Obama’s now extended time for this “Change” to take place.
I’m sick of people suggesting I may not have voted for BO because of his skin color. Do you have ANY freaking idea how many people voted for him only because of his skin color? And they don’t have any shame in saying so! That’s racist to me but for some reason it’s not only tolerated but looked at as a badge of honor. I can’t believe anyone would vote based on skin color…EITHER WAY! Sick, sick, sick.
jen, in all honesty and I love you to death, but I don’t see how Obama being President is going to change your life one bit. You don’t need money, you don’t use social programs and you aren’t worried about paying taxes. But I do admire your passion.
Read The Late Great Planet Earth.
When Obama gave his speech and mentioned John McCain, there was cheering and applause…classy, and when McCain mentioned Obama..there was booing…I think that says it all…sore losers….winners with class!
Could not agree more with Daniella. Sure, some people are happy, but it should be a very sad day for California. Who knew that the majority of people that voted would be so homophobic and awful? – never expected it. What a shame to read that over 80% of black voters that voted, said YES to Prop 8. They ought to be ashamed of themselves – along with everyone else that voted for this hateful proposition. OK….if the sanctity of marriage is so important, how about changing it so that there are no divorces? While we are at it, maybe we should look to the Bible and implement some of the penalties that are there for committing adultery, being a woman, etc. I am DISGUSTED!!!!!!
Perhaps Jennifer is thinking and hoping that everyone will have a brighter future. Wouldn’t YOU like it if someone reached out a hand to help you if you needed help? It’s not all about money and social programs. And Stacy, I think Jennifer’s toes are just perfect. The whole season has been taped already, it’s not like they can go back and add shoes…sheesh.
I HATE LABS!!!!! But love obama! But I love lab owners who voted for obama!!!!!
Please provide the data to back up your claim, “I think you should be aware that the charitable foundations in your country are contributed to far more by conservative minded people than liberals.” I do not think your claim is acturate. The trickle down effect is not working.
to Lisa, the land of the free>>>either love Obama or leave? Get a clue woman.