paulie turned a picture of me from yesterday (when i was in the throes of the stomach virus ick!) into a "flat stanley" and took me all sorts of places.
here is my journey.
at work.
in the men’s room (it is just so wrong!).
at mario bosquez’s (fellow martha stewart living radio host) desk.
in the sirius’ refrigerator (ewwwww!!!)
and at the new fresh direct vending machine which as you’ve heard us discuss on the show is GROSS.
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
i love the piccys!!!!
funny! Amy
That is hysterical.
i love paulie!
Jennifer ha ha:)
hard to spell too…
for the runs get IMODEUN AD or
SOOOOO funny, thanks for the laugh!!!!
ok that made me laugh
OMG that is hilarious! get better jenny!
very silly and funny-hope you laugh alot.It helps to heal your grieving process.
That virus is going around!!!! Love Flat Stanley, my daughter did it when she was little (now 17). Alot of fun. Get well soon. 🙂
OMG you looked really sick……Hope I don’t get that and I hope you feel better:-)
That is so funny. Paulie so funny>>>>>
Thanks for a good show, even if you guys are in a bad mood makes it worth it to listening to you guys. With out one of you guys if would not been the same You are like family(may be some one disagree, but she loves you guys).
Keep up the good work show is very funny
I love these!!! So funny!
Wow…you don’t look so hot…and the one at the men’s urinal….yuck! I’ve had to do the flat stanley thing a few times!…fun!
So sorry I did not hear the show… Paulie cracks me up. Too funny… Love the pic of you in the fridge behind the juice.
Hope you are feeling better and did not shart on your way home tonight.
You! You are sooooo funny! I love those!*LOL*
That’s the best ever. Thanks, Paul!
I really needed a laugh! Good job Paulie!!
Someone has too much free time on their hands.You think?Get well soon.
I love it!! The pictures of you peering over the urinal is the best and the Fresh Direct machine…is that a picture after you ate the food in there??!!
that was great!
Jennifer I am sorry you do not feel good, I look at your “sick” photo and all I can think of is mug shot. Funny photos, love it!
So funny!!! I’d like to see flat jenny picks on a regular basis
paulie did such a good job. maybe you guys can start giving away lil’ jennifer’s for prizes for winning the thursday games???
Mario’s desk is way too neat and tidy!
I think it is great that even though you both were extremely ill and uncomfortable you still had the good humor to think this up! Priceless!
you must keep this pic …
just put it on the FEB post inside a VALENTINES Heart please/
Hope you feel better soon….
Great job Pauley. Hope your bubblie stomach is calmed down…If not you are allowed to stay home tomorrow. Drink some Makers.
Jennifer I hope you are better. I read your observations from Mrs. Biden’s remarks on the O show. well IMHO Mrs. Biden wanted to live in the 9000 square foot Vice Presidents house. Please do a google search– and perhaps there will be a Biden wedding or two held on the grounds in the near future. Do not be surprised at that possibility. The house built as a residence for the Superintendent of the naval Observatory talk about public housing Public Housing at its most PLUSH and why would a guy that works nights need a 9000 sq foot house but I am glad there was such— I’m in it for the perks — I have visited a fantastic house built for someone in charge of a fish hatchery!! you will be amazed at what happens from sea to shining sea.
that paulie is a devil…
We need MORE Flat Jen pics! Those are a riot.
I Love this!!!!!
That is so f-ing funny!!! That is something I’d do!!! LOL
OMG this is so funny.. good job Paulie and way to be brave and put an “ugly” pic in the blog!!!
I am thrilled to see something funny on your blog. Love it!!!!!
Someone called in to tell you about the rice cure and IT REALLY WORKS! I have been using –and sharing the recipe– for years. Think about it, people in Third World countries live on rice water and I think the UNICEF people and other relief workers/medics do use it for dysentery and such. Cook rice in twice as much water, cook longer than usual. You can drink the rice water alone OR eat the soupy rice. Exist on nothing else for a day and it will work. IF you can get guava leaf that will also work (Hawaiian cure.) I always wonder, though, why we want to stop the “doo-doo-run-runs” (sung in your best Motown style). Don’t we want to get whatever it IS, OUT?
This post is so freakin’ funny! xo
Blackberry wine is a home remedy for running to the loo. Now I could not find blackberry wine but a Blackberry brandy suits me fine — a shot of a blackberry brandy cordial and well it works for me.
I want a flat Jenny to take a pick with that 72 ounce steak at the Big Texan steak house
All women envy the urnial, and it looks like Jenns giving it a try.
That’s just mean! Kick a girl while she’s down.