a couple of days ago i had one of those "i’ve lost something that matters to me where the eff did i put it?!?!?!" i looked where it usually was and it wasn’t there. gone.
not THERE?! could it be THERE? or maybe i left it THERE! and then the impossible wave of dread came over me bringing with it a small bout of nausea.
so this morning, i went on a chase to find a necklace that my mom used to wear.
this necklace is not particularly expensive (the chain is by aaron basha and the charms are helen ficalora), but the sentimental value feels irreplaceable.
my mom wore this necklace everyday with the initials of her grandchildren proudly dangling from it. (each of her granddaughters now have their initial that she wore (and their brothers’) to wear on their own chains and i have the extra charms she wore and my kids’ initals on her chain.)
and when i hold it/wear it, i can feel my mom.
so i looked in my closet and couldn’t find it. felt panicked and ran to the safety deposit box at the bank and couldn’t find it. ran back home and looked in every nook and cranny in my closet (again) and couldn’t find it.
confused and bewildered, i started the search over.
and wouldn’t you know, the necklace was right where it should have been all along. it was in the place i expected it to be where i looked the first time and somehow didn’t see it.
and all that "crap i’ve lost something" feeling for the past two days and running around was completely unnecessary.
why do our minds play these tricks on us?!?!
aim: whateverradio
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
You are not alone. The same has happened to me. I’m glad for you that you found it and you are now relieved that it was not lost. Amy
OMG! I just had one of those occurrences only mine lasted three weeks! I was utterly convinced that I had lost a ring that my husband gave me for Valentine’s Day last year and for three weeks I panicked and wondered how I was going to explain this one. I looked again the night before V-day and low and behold right underneath a bracelet of my daughter’s (which should not have been there by the way) I found it! I must have looked there 50 times and I swear it was never there! Glad its not just me. :o)
Happens to me all the time. I completely tore my bedroom apart last week looking for something totally insignificant that I later broke down and bought for $1.49!
It is so comforting to have a remembrance like your chain and charms. I wear my mom’s engagement ring on my little finger so I have her with me all the time. My favorite saying is “of everything I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.”
Hope you are having a good day.
I think we all need these kind of moments to remind us to “slow down.”
I know that feeling…for me it’s usually my favorite turquoise/silver earrings that are lost, but I always find them weeks later–in my purse–because I take them off when I got my hair cut.
Don’t you see? That is a message from your mom – your words: ” “crap i’ve lost something” feeling for the past two days and running around was completely unnecessary.”
See? That “crap I’ve lost something” feeling is unnecessary – your mom wants you to know that. You haven’t lost her – she’s still around (in a different form) but still around and she doesn’t want you unnecessarily getting yourself crazy about her being gone.
You’ll miss her – you’ll keep her memory alive – but don’t miss her message: she’s fine, she hasn’t gone anywhere and she doesn’t want you making yourself crazy for “no real reason” like you did with the necklace.
In a word … S-T-R-E-S-S!
Story of my life…just take a deep breath. You totally know it was your Mom’s way of telling you to chill and slow down, right? Mothers never really leave us.
It might not be your mind playing tricks. It could be your mom reaching out to you. I have heard stories where relatives that have passed on have moved things around. Both of the stories I heard involved jewelry. At the same time, a child said Grandma visited them. I personally have not had any experiences like that, but my Mom has.
It sounds like your mom has decided you are ready for her signs. Hold them in your heart.
Yep, we have all had this happen to us.
Thank you for the links. These are great looking and I hope to start collecting asap.
Which artist supplies the charm holder?
Honey I do it with bills all the time wife gets real mad doc says as longs as it worries you it not Alz. Just our busy lives plus we are getting to that age !!!!
I know the feeling. Did the SAME thing – necklace my mom received on her wedding day – wore on her wedding day …wore while all 3 of us kids were born – she gave it to me – I brought it home. I can not find it. Never did find it. I think my housekeeper accidentally threw it out. I’ve been sick about it.
I’m happy that you found the necklace. Everybody can relate to your frustration. I also want to tell you that I have been searching for a gold ball chain like the one in the picture for like, forever! So as shallow as it may seem — thanks. You have solved my jewelry “problem.”
Your mom is never far from you Jenn. Remember.
I try to teach my son ( 7) everything I know about my parents, it keeps them near me and teaches him about the wonderful, loving grandparents/people he never got to meet. It is one of the most important things I do.
Be well.
I think you may enjoy this, Jennifer. You may even want to contribute to the “project”.
the chain and thing that holds the charms are both aaron basha. the charms are helen ficalora.
and if you want silver, helen ficalora makes silver too.
the samething happened to me. My mother gave me an antique amethyst and ruby ring that belonged to my late father’s great aunt. it was still in the origial box from a jewyler in NY. I tore my house apart looking for it. I had the purple velvet box but no ring. Finally about a year later I was cleaning out my daughter’s bathroom upstairs and found it in a pewter cup on the counter along with a few pair of earrings and a tangled necklace. I can’t tell you how relieved I was. The worst part was keeping the secret from my Mom because I know how disappointed she would have been. I was just sick over it.
hi jen, been there, done that!!!!
Maybe it was Bunny trying to connect with you.
I completely agree with Elle. I’m glad someone else wrote that! Your mom just wants you to know that even though you feel lost without her, she is right where she’s always been….in your heart.
She will keep trying until she totally convinces you!!!!! keep an open mind….
It is a beautiful charm regardless of dollar worth. I’m glad you found it.
So glad you found your necklace. I found this saying recently and thought of you and the loss of your mom immediately.
Who do you turn to when the only person
in the world that can stop you from crying,is exactly the one making you cry?
~ Unknown ~
When you got the glass/heart I told you about the crack that appeared in my crystal when my brother died. The same brother had given me a gold Seiko watch, an old one, and it stopped so I just left it in the jewelry box for years. Not long after he passed I was going through my jewelry boxes with a friend and telling her that he used to collect watches and was always bugging me to get that one fixed… when I picked it up I froze and I guess I gasped because she said “Shut up!” before I even said a word. I just handed it to her and said “LOOK!”. Not only was it ticking, it was ON TIME!!! I cannot say if it was your mom or not. But I know my brother had something to do with that watch! Peace and aloha.
omg..I hate that..at least you didn’t blame it on someone else…I do that sometimes. I’m BAD…
So true Lisa.
This happened to me all the time after my husband passed away. I am very organized and do not lose things and I would constantly look in an area something was always kept. It would not be there. I would then go crazy looking everywhere and it would always end up a day or a few hours later in the very spot it was always supposed to be. I am not a person who is sure there are signs from our loved ones, but this convinced me as it kept happening. The fact that it was such a strong item of your mom’s seems even more significant. The other thing that happened was even stranger. I was in the car with my kids who were young at the time and they were fighting so much it was driving me crazy. I turned the radio on full blast and just at that moment, our wedding aong came on . I knew this was a mesaage from my husband letting me know he was there as that song NEVER PLAYS on the radio. I mean I had never heard it before or since as it is an obscure song. Once you are open to these signs, they will happen more and then less as you need them.
Jennifer – I’m glad you found it! My husband gave me a necklace with four Helen Ficarola charms (one initial for each child) when I was in the hospital having my fourth. He got initial charms, as well, for the two girls. So sweet. I was impressed because I saw the necklace around Marcia Cross’s necklace on the cover of People and pointed it out. He went through the effort to contact People’s stylist, locate the jeweler, etc.
it normally takes you days to update your blog, but didn’t take long to change the subject after getting blasted about the flowers! and please, it is ALL about Martha, after all, she’s the basis of all you two are right? without her you would be NOTHING and as far as Martha, she’s a fake. screw the public, just get their money.
Making fun of Mickey Rourke losing his little dog was not funny. He loved that dog and making fun of someone else’s pain is not cool.
I “lost” my engagement ring, took off work to tear apart the house and closet and rent a metal detector to scan the dog park…made my mom come to help me look, finally I had to tell the hubsand when he saw the commotion. He decided it was gone. In my mind I HEARD the sound of it hitting the bottom of the jewelry storage. Next am, brushing my teeth, There it was, in the glass on the sink.
i believe your mom was playing a trick on you…maybe
letting you know she hasn’t lost her sense of humor and
wants you to remember the fun/funny times!
hello, don’t you think that was your mom? our loved ones give us signs all the time. keep your eyes open, kiddo.
Jennifer, coffee pots, I have a Keurig and it’s amazing. You can buy reloaded cups with flavored or regular coffee in them, but they also give you the option of buying cups that you can put your own ground coffee in. We love it because we were wasting so much coffee between the two of us and brewing takes less than a minute. Delish 🙂
I had a friend who lost her father when she was a young women..she would tell me how her candlesticks were always moved or missing and then back again. She felt like it was his spirit, somehow moving the stuff to let her know that he was very near her. It became a comfort to her eventually.
Isn’t it such a feeling of relief when you find that missing item? I’m glad you found your mom’s necklace.
early onset dimenta?
Where are you???? No new posts…we like to hear from you too!!!
Are you too nervous for your ass excavation that you can’t blog…heheheh… 🙂
Have you lost your keyboard? (No I didn’t just say that!) Just kidding doll!
See my post on the flower blog re: heidi. She really IS such a hater that she comes onto this blog JUST to bitch about Martha, the W Girls and their money. QUOTE: “…Martha, after all, she’s the basis of all you two are right? without her you would be NOTHING and as far as Martha, she’s a fake. screw the public, just get their money.” She’s a FAKE? She is very real my dear and VERY successful. So you didn’t build a multi-million (billion?) dollar empire out of a humble catering business! Doesn’t mean you couldn’t if you spent your time doing something other than looking for faults in these women! And NO I am NOT an ass-kisser or a stars-in-her-eyes fan, I am just a very candid and very observant person and I have seen MANY “heidi” posts, all of them negative, all of them begrudging Martha’s success. Pitiable, really. Also, if you research J Hutt you might find that she is educated and also comes from a successful father so how could Martha be “the basis of all (the W) girls are”? Has heidi EVER said anything positive or uplifting?
You are not alone. This happens to many of us! I am glad that you found something that could never be replaced.
You know, if i had a job that was promoting a radio show I would bother to update the blog.
I usually ask for help from my guardian angel when something like this happens and it’s works.
Nice..I know if i lose something I do not give up till it is found…
yipee Jennifer Hutt…