good times.
both of my kids had the stomach virus this weekend. my daughter got it friday afternoon and my son got it last night. i figure if i get it today, i’ll just have an even cleaner prep!
the thought of drinking the liquid that you all have made abundantly clear is NASTY makes me want to puke. and my dr. does not give anti nausea meds… PLUS i am allergic to compozine which is a frequently given anti nausea med. again, good times.
i have blue gatorade in the fridge, jello solidifying in there as well (jello is gross i know, i know!) and i have packets of electrolyte powder that alexis gave me to use. we are required (alexis and i) to have at least 2 quarts of liquid comprised of water, tea, soda, gatorade, coffee, broth, fruit juice. but NOTHING red colored. and no breakfast today so we don’t eat till tomorrow after the procedure. (mine is at 12pm and alexis’ 12:45pm)
i wonder what we should eat after?!
ok, so 2pm i will take 3 dulcolax tablets and then at 5pm i will drink the first bottle of citrate of magnesia. the instructions say to start it all later than that but when my sister did it, she started later and was up all night waiting to ummmm evacuate.
aim: whateverradio
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
sarajo says
why are you guys having colonoscopys? Aren’t you a little young? I thought it was usually over 50 y.o. when you get one. Whay are you putting yourself through this? It’d really uneccessary. You are both healthy as a horse – I hate to break it to you.
Peggy says
Did this a couple years ago. Not as horrible as others may have warned you. I worked from home the day before and it was great to keep my mind off of it. The worst part is not knowing when it will kick in. Smile. You will do great. What I remember most is that we had just moved to Winston Salem and the prep nurse asking me if I had a “home church” (HIPAA be damned in North Carolina, I guess)! Glad to be out of the bible belt and back in Maryland. Hope your kids feel better soon.
Pam says
Been there, done that, it is not fun! They can send a man to the moon, but they cannot make a prep for a colonoscopy decent to handle. Citrate of Mag. to me tasted like 7 up with hot sauce in it. Be close to a bucket or a bathroom. I started my prep at 6 p.m. I was in the bathroom until 4 a.m.
I know it is something that needs to be done, but it is torture to the body.
I wish you both the very best and will be thinking of you!
Matt V (Beat;-)) says
I don’t envy you guys at all.. The prep is the absolute worst thing ever….and I hope that in the next 10 years…before I’m due for another…they come up with a different method. Good luck with it….you’ll be up all night..and BTW..just because you think you’re done, doesn’t mean you are! You’ll know what I mean! Hope you guys both get a clean bill of health!!!
Melissa says
Good luck. I’m going to have to do this sooner or later too so I am interested in yours and Alexis’ candid comments about it. I hope it’s easier than you’re anticipating it to be.
julieAZ says
When I had one a year ago, they told me that I couldn’t have anything blue either. That didn’t leave me with good jello choices. I hate orange, lemon, and lime jellos. The stuff you have to drink is nasty but you just do it and get it over with. You’ll be fine.
joey andy says
Nursekenny says
Yeah Jennifer,
Start it sooner. It will clean you right out. Make sure you have an open bathroom. Magnisium citrate goes right though you. On a high note you will lose like 10 pounds. Good Luck!
jenny hutt says
i am having it now because my grandfather had colon cancer at 50 years old and you all know about my mom.
yes, i am doing it a little early but i feel better getting it out of the way.
marlee says
Good luck tomorrow!
I hear you about the stomach virus. We had to take our 2-year-old to the hospital Friday night because he was so dehydrated from vomiting and diarreah. Hope your kids feel better soon. Keep some Pedialyte popsicles in the freezer – that will help them stay hydrated.
Sally says
heidi says
good for you about getting the colonoscopy for all the right reasons. but alexis – “just for fun” – sometimes I just don’t get her! maybe she’s doing it for all the right reasons too but why can’t she just say so instead of being so stupid about it?
Cathy in AZ says
Seriously, the high salt content in the citrate stuff is incredible and tastes yucky. I got both bottles down by plugging my nose (you don’t “taste” things if you can’t smell so hold your nose closed with your fingers), drinking the whole little bottle at one time (get it over with) and then immediately drinking something with a strong taste – in my case diet root beer. Good luck. Thousands of people do this everyday and they are lucky to have good health care available, so buck up, swig it down and stop obsessing 🙂
Jenny says
My husband has the procedure every year – you have to have a soft diet for 24 hours after – so don’t think you can splurge!
Arlene says
Did it also at 50. It’s the prep. The actual test is NOTHING. Have to get another one this October (been 5 years). All I can say is to this day I can’t look at JELLO or any kind of fruit juice, and broth (being a vegetarian) the vegetable broth makes me want to PUKE. And as far a wanting to eat after that you DON’T want to really eat anything. Maybe a cracker. Good Luck!!!
J, Mpls says
Had my first one not too long ago. It wasn’t that much fun having to drink so much, so often, but it wasn’t too bad. And tried to stay awake the whole time during the procedure to watch, but the meds got the best of me. You two will do fine! Good luck!
amyrabuf says
Fun Times!!!Amy
Nurse Margaret says
Jennifer, you can have whatever you want to eat afterwards. My patients usually go straight to the diner to make up for their day of not eating. Have fun!! Don’t forget to ask for copies of your pictures to post here!
sarah gaynor says
You should not wait til you are over fifty to get this procedure done. Colon cancer can be very real for anyone younger than fifty. Good luck and enjoy the prep…yuck
Lynne says
I’m also allergic to Compazine. Can you take Zofran?
Rachel says
I started my tasty prep at about 4:00 and was pretty much done at 11:00 and slept through the night undisturbed. Have good reading material with you and hopefully your bathroom is near a room with a tv so you won’t miss any of the oscars. Good Luck! It’s not that bad and I am a BIG baby.
p.s. don’t have too much planned for after the procedure because you will be starving and pretty wiped out. Sorry I mean tired.
nursekenny says
If cancer runs in the family, you are advised to have it done. Giving that it runs in Jennifer’s family she needs to have it done. The normal is before you are 40. If you are at a higher risk, they will do them at younger ages. I have seen 20 year olds having it done. It’s better safe than dead.
Pam II says
You just have to do it. I had one last yr and they found a huge tumor which I had to have removed through a colonrectomy. Only had to have 6 inches of my colon (transdermal) removed. I am very fortunate. Never put off the colonoscopy-it is like the mammogram-just do it. I hate the prep though.
me says
Good Luck Jenn…When your done go treat yourself to a new bag!! Thats what i did!!!
Laura Winders says
You are no Katie Couric, that’s for sure! Your complaining has become unseemly. Everyone goes through this. Try acting like an adult and stop wishing for compazine, because the notion of filling your body with “anti-nausea” pharmaceuticals for a simple diagnostic procedure is asinine.
Do some yoga or deep breathing, for god’s sake, and relax. Drink some ginger tea for nausea. I read this blog for Alexis’s recipes, and I want to like you because you’re smart and funny, but really–enough already.
Connie G says
Hang in there, it’s nasty stuff but works fast, too bad your’s is an afternoon appt. Mine was the first one, which reminds me of my hubby’s procedure, the night before he did all his prep stuff, also had the first appt., as we were walking up to the Dr.’s office they called his cell to cancel and reschedule, the Dr. was sick, so 2 weeks later he had it done without incident, hope it goes well.
b says
i don’t understand why you/your family get stomach virus’ . . . are you sure you’re just not getting food poisoning?