it dawned on me this morning that i will never be able to do a "back walkover" (which is a gymnastics move). i’ve always wanted to be able to do one…but at 39 years old i am sure it is too late. in fact the last time i tried to do a series of cartwheels (about 2 years ago!), i wound up in my bed with a terrible occular migraine (oh and then took a trip to the emergency room where they offered me anti anxiety meds because clearly i was OK)… my brain is not meant to be turned in so many directions!
how maddening to have these moments of knowing i am getting older and not a damn thing i can do about it.
do you ever feel this way?
is there something you’d like to do but believe you no longer can?
and maybe i am wrong. maybe i could still learn to do a "back walkover" if i REALLY wanted to learn. and maybe rather than thinking there is SOMETHING i cannot do, i have to focus on what i can do and what i want to do.
aim: whateverradio
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
twitter: jenniferhutt
well….yes as we get older….I started running when I turned 41…did 2 marathons and several half marathons…so it’s never too late…
Just google whatever you think you can’t do!
I’ll be 40 in May. I wish I had known at 20 and 30 how much I would miss my younger body.
Not to be morbid, but I had a car accident 5 yrs ago and there are lots of things I can no longer do, like walk half a block. It was/is depressing and maddening when things we take for granted are taken away, or just fade away with age. One thing that really stands out in my mind is that my sister bought her kids a trampoline shortly after my accident. I have never wanted to try a kids toy more. Still haven’t tried it but I do intend to one day. Anyway, things change and it sucks, but we still have our health, oh wait, no things just suck.
i used to be fairly good at gymnastics…now cartwheels and front handsprings make me a dizzy, sick mess. i’m turning 36 soon and damn if it’s not a big fat bummer.
who knows though…maybe it really can all be turned around with the right type of effort…
Oh, honey, there are so many things I wish I could do! I can’t. You can’t. Don’t worry: you CAN do so many things! You sing like a little bird!
It’s never too late! If I can learn to do a split at my age you can learn to do a back walkover, just watch your back! Amy
At 42, it is the stiff joints that gets me (i.e.getting up from the floor). It is especially hard after tussling around on the floor with my 2 and 4 year old girls (wait, daddy has to get up, give me a second). Recently joined facebook and made contact with a bunch of old high school friends. I thought, MY GOD! They look so old! It is weird, in my head I still think I’m 18, but when I look in the mirror, whoa!
Actually I do not feel your age has anything to do with your inability to do a back walkover, it is the excess weight you carry that would prevent it being done safely. Perhaps you should place emphasis in that area.
Aww, Jenn, I wish I could THINK about doing a cartwheeel. I was a very chubby kid. I never got to do ANYTHING! I was the kid that “observed” life from the corner of the room. After my gastric bypass, and after losing 230 POUNDS, I STILL can’t do anything. I can’t even eat “comfort food” so I’m usually WAILLLLING! What can I DO? I CAN get out of bed, and decide if I’m going to have a great day. I thought if I had had a NEW name to fit the NEW me, all would be well. I chose the happiest names I could think of Disney and Dior. I now THINK, I need to “legally” remove the name Dresden.I THINK thinking is what drives people nuts! Nike has it right — just DO it!
So Random…….I swear to you I had the exact same thought about two weeks ago that I will never be able to do a back walkover again……I used to be fairly good at those……Getting older is just a drag…..Too old for gymnastics…..maybe we should pickup yoga or pilates??
forget the fancy maneuvers. Just be happy that you are still walking.
Acceptance of the natural progression of life takes some getting used to. I try to do new things and disregard the things I can no longer do. There is a bit of sadness in that, but I think it is ok.
I am limited by severe arthritis and can no longer play catch with my son (which hurts me the most), play tennis, garden like I used to or hold things with any confidence of strength.
I am working on new dreams and wishes to conquer…hope my body wants to follow…LOL.
Never give up. Ever. As Eleanor Roosevelt said:: “Do something every day that scares you.” So what if you never master it — don’t let your mind convince you not to try. On the other hand, you want to work up to it so you don’t break your back the first try. If your level of fitness doesn’t facilitate such an act right now, then take smaller steps to get there: start stretching and walking TODAY to improve flexibility and loose weight, etc. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
I was amazed that through all of the giggling (because of how hard it was) that within two weeks, I felt and saw so may significant changes to my strength after doing Pilates for one hour, twice a week.
As a kid, it is easy to take for granted that you can lie on your back, lift your legs straight in the air and end up resting on your shoulders. In your late thirties, it gets a little tougher if you were out of practice. It took me only two weeks to build the strength I needed to do it without laughing and falling over, or cheating and SWINGING my legs up.
For some unknow reason I always feel like I should be able to do everything perfectly right away, golf like Tiger Woods, Sing like Barbara Streisand (he he) play chess like Bobby Fischer.. so you can imagine how frustrating some things can be. With Pilates though, the results were so quick, I felt accomplished and didn’t want to give it up.
I can’t do a walk over either, but if it were on my Super Viva list, I’d bet Pilates could help me get there. It might help you too. Try it with a girlfriend and a cool instructor. It is much funnier that way.
I listen to your show every day.
There was a terrific article in Vanity Fair last month, along these lines. The funny thing was when someone announced: “we’re not going to Japan!” — meaning, it was a relief to release anxiety and guilt when they decided to give up a dream that no longer fit, and wasn’t really in alignment with who they were becoming. Darling, you’re in a significant mourning period and mentally “cleaning house” on your former self. This is to be execpted and part of the process, and there will be even more fulfilling goals and dreams on your horizon, I promise. Hang in there.
i wish i could dance in front of other people… (i am afraid to let loose) i was always the girl sitting in the dark corner when my friends use to drag me to various clubs….. also wish i could sing…. 🙂 like u….. i think i relate to you and alexis because i feel like i’ve got a mixture of the two of your personalities in myself…. i love your blog jennifer… please never stop…. 🙂 have a great night….
Trisha, did that make you feel better? Perhaps you should place emphasis on keeping snide comments to yourself, I bet its your age that makes you so cranky!
You sister sounds like an insensitive jerk
Just do it and see what happens!
I used to aspire to the back walkover, too. I could do the two-phase type, where you first do the backbend and then kick over to finish. Lame. Finally, I did learn to do it the right way in middle school and was so proud, but the real Holy Grail was the back handspring…I finally set my mind to “just doing it” in my living room, but AFTER beginning the leap backward, chickened out due to concern for hurting my wrists, and pulled my arms in – meaning crash-landed on my head. I walked around for a couple of weeks with severe neck pain because I was too embarrassed to recount the story to parents or doctors.
Anyway, Jennifer, if you want to do it you can. There are women years older who practice Yoga and can contort themselves like any 20-year-old. Let it be a goal.
Last time i did a cartwheel I was 41, I managed it but was totally aware that would probally be my last one. And it was…to old at 57
I started tae kwon do last year. I’m 49 now. It’ll take me longer to get to black belt than it will my 9 year old son, but I’ll definitely get there.
Yes, your body does have limits now that it didn’t when you were younger, but who’s to say you could’ve done those when you were younger?
And truthfully, I’d rather have my wisdom and self assurance than to have to live through teenage angst again! 🙂
Lori, what’s wrong???? Did not see you make any negative comments when Jennifer was bashing Julia Roberts for not shaving her underarms? Good for the goose good for the gander. Plus I did not say anything that was not true and obvious to anyone who has their eyes open.
I fall down if I try walking backwards…
just walking the dog is dangerous..
talk about sad Jenny..
We had to put down our geriatric TRI ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL a few days ago…he will be creamated and ashes put in a cedar box[ did not have the heart to let the bugs eat him up]
he did not like bugs and stuff..
he loved to dig.
Good old LENNY whome we rescued from the local shelter…
was supposed to be 9 but was much older…
anyway he had only one lung working and even on meds he could not breath…
hard to let go:(
Honey, just wait until you hit 50 and are in the throes of menopause. You’ll be longing for that 39 year old body you now think is failing you. I’d love to be 39 again — best 5 years of my life!
I no longer have these days at 48, focus on what you can do and don’t look back. Count your blessings and move on! I work out a little a few days a week and feel really good, I also make my self feel better by thinking of all the people my age that don’t.
When I was in my late 40’s about 48 or 49. My husband, 2 daughters and my 2 granddaughters were walking in the park. My granddaughters were about 6 & 7 and they were trying to turn cartwheels. I had been a gymnast in my early teens and new I could turn cartwheels. Soooooooooooo I said watch me. I took off running and took the skip and began the cartwheel, about that time my daughters & husband beginning running toward me yelling STOP. This of course threw me off (smile, like that was the only problem) I promptly fell on the top of my head. I looked up to my daughter’s concerned faces and my husband’s shocked face. The first words I heard were my husband saying, “What in the hell were you thinking! Don’t you know after a ceritain age you goal should be always to keep you feet lower than your ass.” We all had quite a laugh and that was when it dawned on me that there were things that I had done in the past but I will never do again. In some things our head doesn’t age at the same pace as our body. I realized what you realized but I learned it the painful way.
Something tells me that Alexis would disagree with this. You can certainly do anything you want to, just be intelligent about it. You are 39 for heaven sakes, if you were saying this at 69, then maybe, but 39? Come on.
Don’t be scared and lazy. Period.
BTW I love your show and think you’re great!!
I recently saw this quote and thought of you when I read your post. You can master the back walkover, if you really want to. QUOTE: Take the words “genetic freak” out of your vocabulary and substitute the words “hard working, committed, and focused” and you will have removed one obstacle to doing things you never thought possible.
I think you can do it. I enjoy yoga and I have become *amazed* at what my body can do! You get a little bit stronger all the time and then one day, you’re there. The most important thing is respecting your body and not pushing it. Be gentle, but don’t give up.
Great question! I’m still trying to think if there’s anything I’d like to do but no longer can. I have arthritis in my knees and the doctor told me I can’t run anymore. I don’t think I mind that, though. 🙂
I am 35 and lately I feel so old.. I heard about becoming a CIA agent and realized the cut off age is like 37. I thought how very bizarre to realize soon I will be old enough that FOREVER I am unable to do something. Not that I am not in good enough shape or smart enough, but that my age, something I completely cannot control, would stop me.
Trish, Jen can fix her weight and probably do a kickass back walker if it becomes that important to her, however it has been my experience you really can’t fix being a bitch, thats a personality trait. Sorry for you luck!!
When I was 40 I developed severe pain in my hip due to undiagnosed scoliosis. I could hardly breathe, it hurt so much. I was always at the chiropractor, always careful and yet always in pain, or recovering from it, always limping.
When I started pilates at age 45, my chiropractor warned me not to do anything that involved arching my back.
Today, at 53, after 9 years of pilates, I am happily doing full back bends like I did when I was 12. The human body (combined with an active, hopeful mind) is capable of wonderful things. You can definitely do a walkover at your age. Just work up to it, be careful, breathe deeply, and let go of your anxiety. Do not let age get in your way. Age is only a number. Don’t let yourself be a victim of “age.” It’s not sexy or appealing and you only hurt yourself. Live every day–this is all we have!
Get over it. Why do you expect your body at a different age to act as if it were younger? Acceptance is hard at my 51 years but I am trying a big dose of patience, you know it’s a virtue.
Nothings wrong Trish, I could care less about Julia Roberts underarms, you would pick on Jennifer for saying Julia Roberts has a bush in her pit????Post your perfect pic for all of us to see and pick apart…goosey gander!
jen, believe me – if you want to do it – you will. I am 52 and can still do cartwheels, the splits and walk-overs. however, if your body is not in the same shape it was when you could do them before, then you need to cut yourself some slack until you are at your same body weight/flexibility. And “Merrie” is right – do yoga, it is absolutely amazing what you can do if you breathe and let your body go at the speed it needs to go. 🙂 🙂
First of all, of course weight has something to do with it and I am sure jennifer is aware of that, however it doesn’t need to be pointed out so harshly. Some people carry their problems on the outside and are nice people inside, some people (won’t name names) are nice on the outside but have really mean spirits.
yea, think you feel old now, wait til you are in your fifties. I used to love to ride roller coasters – the old school kind – not anymore, especially when they just go in loops / circles. Besides, how gross, sweat and germs on all the harness/ lock down safety equipment.
oh, and I forgot to mention. My cousin, who is 75, she ice skates, teaches skating, bowls, does tap dance programs with a group of other 70 + women. Hooray!
I hate to agree with Angela, but….. after tragically breaking my neck four and a half years ago at age 34, the list of things I cannot do is unimaginably long.
However, I can clearly remember the last cartwheel I did, on the night of my accident. Perfect…..but for the I-am-WAAAAY-too-old-to-be-doing-this-shit feeling.
We need to be thankful we have Pres. Obama and his stance and progress on stem cell research.
Go Jen, do that walkover! You know you can.
I really miss the “just do it moments” like in the park w/grandchild (5) started running w/her, I (55) paid for that idea. No warming up and running in uggs. I had to lay low for month, thru the hip out!
Trying to figure out “Why can I run both Disney Parks in 1 day and not feel a thing..maybe we need that “Happiness”
bad breath is better than no breath … you still have breath so anything is still possible…baby steps will get you to any outcome!
never say never
u CAN do
u put
ur mind to
u just need
to believe
If you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t.
I know you can do it! You can do anything you want!!!! You’re never to old! 🙂 GO FOR IT!
I feel your pain Jennifer. Ever since 33 things have been changing (I’ll be 40 next month). Sadly, I did not realize the smokin’ body I had when I was younger. My mother was constantly covering me up when I was a teen. Mother was always heavy & somehow her self image became part of my psychy. I exercise & eat right, yet my clothes don’t fit anymore. I blame the drycleaners. :o)
Ditto, Lori! The “other” Trisha is kicking the poor girl when she’s down. Shouldn’t we be supporting each other in times like these?
i used to be quite the gymnast on the monkey bars at school. i could do genie drops and spin around in circles just hanging on by the crook of my knee, and i could do a backwards mount. i’m surprised i never cracked my head on the pavement. but imagining my 39 year old self attempting that shit now… just NOT HAPPENING.
Jennifer, Have you tried Curves? When I 1st saw how the program works I thought it was for little old ladies. I had always worked out @ a traditional gym. I was wrong! It makes for a great support system too. I love how Curves Smart allows us to track our progress on computer w/every visit. I’ve learned so much about what I thought I already knew. Ditto to those re: pilates & yoga. I enjoy both. All 3 are invigorating ways to jumpstart your day w/out killing yourself.
Did you see what happened on Dancing with the Stars??
So Lori, it is alright for Jennifer to mention that Julia Roberts does not shave her pits as if it is a vile act, and you to reply that it must be photo cropped insinuating no one would not shave their arms…in essence agreeing that it is a vile act in your eyes…yet you feel it is wrong of me to mention Jennifer’s weight? Hypocrite
Maybe I took your post differently because most people seem to be focusing on the physical/gymnastics aspect, but it hit home with me re: getting older and going through a mini mid-life crisis realizing that there are certain things that you will just never do once you hit a certain age. I went through that as I turned 35….I’m never going to join the FBI, I’m never going to backpack through Europe with my college friends and stay in youth hostels, etc. Not that I had ever even necessarily truly wanted to join the FBI, the point was that it was now too late. Anyway, can totally relate to the feeling and can say that it passed (although, I still have pangs of wanting to backpack through Europe!!)
1) Jennifer posts frequently about her dieting and exercise efforts. 2) Jennifer is known to be intelligent to anyone who is not an idiot. ERGO 1) Jennifer has obviously considered that age might not be the only factor in prohibiting achieving a back walkover at this time. ERGO 2) Pointing out that weight could also be a factor is gratuitous, mean-spirited, and perverse.
age is only a number. you can do anything you set your mind to.
Trish, Thank you for stating your last comment. I felt that if Jennifer can be rude to Julia Roberts, she needs to know she’s not perfect too. Bad taste Jennifer.
regarding julia robert’s pits… i don’t understand why such a beautiful girl would decide to leave her armpits unshaven. she’s lovely looking and thin and just needs a razor or lazer treatment. regarding the back walkover, when i was thin (at various ages) i still couldn’t do one. do i lack the strength now and is my weight a factor? sure, but it wasn’t the point of my post… and i do exercise and keep working on getting my fitness level up and my weight down. call me fat if you want to, i am well aware of my need to lose weight which is why i am taking every effort to do that.
Jen — I have those moments all the time. They get worse as you get older. Here is the thing I try to tell women your age that want to lose weight and get in shape. I finally “got it.” Exercise and eat healthy. I lost a lot of weight from age 49-50 (I’m 50 now). About 64 pounds. The skin is not as forgiving now as it was when I was in my 20’s to early 40’s. If you want to lose weight and get in shape, TRUST ME, do it now or you will be telling yourself you will never be at a healthy, fit weight and also have nice skin…on your face or elswhere.
jen, I don’t think anyone meant to hurt your feelings. I think some of us who post our thoughts here are black/white and some are more gray. But now I’m confused – if you couldn’t do one before, why do you want to start trying to do one now?
jennifer, I am so sorry for you, continue to feel sad, these pictures really made it real for me, you know how out of touch one can feel, like you said, denial, but like others have said, she was so beautiful and looked so much the same, young and happy in the one picture, and despite the reality of the other picture yes the spirit, that strong vibrant beautiful spirit shining, but now must accept the reality. Keep going with your craft, and in all ways you can honor her with who you are, also beautiful and shining in your strong spirit.
i was thinking about things…went to my daughter’s friend’s gymnastics meet. realized it was something i never did and probably won’t ever do.
that’s all…and my feelings are not hurt. i am ok. just wanted to explain further (comment i posted above).
in essence…suck it ! who gives a rats ass about Julia Roberts pits, Jennifer has stated time and time again that she is working on her weight and her overall health. Do you think that saying her not being able to do a back flip or walk over or whatever is due to her weight??? Honestly, do you think that helps anyone?? Enough of the weight comments, big mother fucking deal if someone has a few pounds to lose, does it make you feel better to let them know? Weight is the new racism…no???
Holy crap. I obsess about this. I can do a back bend fine (from the ground pushing up). But I WANT to do a back walkover like I used to. It is HILARIOUS that I am not the only one thinking this thought!
I’ll be 40 at the end of the year. This week I realized that even tho I wear contacts, I need to get “readers” because I’m having trouble reading the print in books because it seems to small. That makes me feel REALLY OLD.
Sounds like Trish touched a nerve. And you grew up in a gutter somewhere with that mouth you have on you! Shame on you showing yourself like that to all the readers. Makes you appear a fool. Shame, shame, shame.
When you make fun of someone ( hairy pits, weight issue, etc..) it hurts on either side. The point is not to do it in the first place because it only does harm. Be a better example in the world.
Totally agree with you
PS I think your “new” ring is so damn pretty, good job
Trust me, people who need to lose weight know it, they don’t need anymore reminders. People who insult others do it to make themselves feel better, how sad. Jennifer keep up the good work!
Hey Lori, don’t be such a prude, shame is so yesterday! Weight related comments are simply prejudiced and meant to hurt. A mouth on me, YES!!!
Jen- re: hairy armpits – must see commercial:
You are both morons. ‘What’s good for the goose is good for the gander’ is a quip meaning that men and women should be treated equally. AND…the saying is “I COULDN’T care less”, as in “I don’t care about this…. If you say “I could care less”, then you are saying that you do care about it. Do you get it, you retards?
AND PS – Alexis: Stop saying ‘hysterical’ when you really mean ‘hilarious’. Jesus H. I would have expected more from your boarding school education. And Jennifer…just stop being so hysterical – it’s unbecoming.
You’re HYSTERICAL!!! but oh, so real.
I am 58. I sometimes find myself thinking in terms of “someday, when I’m young again…” or “someday, when I’m tall.”
Re:”random”- Focus on your last paragraph..BRILLIANT!
You retard: MLA style dictates: In the United States, periods and commas inside quotation marks, regardless of logic. Other end-marks—questions marks, exclamation marks, semicolons, and colons—go where logic would dictate.
Lighten up and get the stick out of your ass! Are you so full of yourself to take this so seriously? You are just hysterical! Thanks for explaining the quip…are you serious?? Troll elsewhere…
So my 9 year old daughter asked if I have ever done the splits??? I said of course Mom was a cheerleader. I could do both ways. So at soon to be 48 I was trying to show her. What was I thinking?? Of course I am not as limber in those places anymore. I stopped just in time before injury!!!!
Yes, I will NEVER be able to do the spilts. I hate that.
Joy (and Janet)
Yes Jenn – there is a BIG something I’d like to do but believe I no longer can – and these last few weeks have been a CONSTANT reminder of it –
My best friend just gave birth to the prettiest little girl named Piper and while I am beyond thrilled, I am also so totally depressed that at 42 (43 in June) I probably won’t be able to ever have children.
In fact I never was a big fan of having my own kids, until I met my love, Rob, 4 years ago and we realized we were going to be together forever and would like to have “at least one”.
We’ve done the fertilization route – not tried IVF – it’s SO expensive in Canada and I’m fearful of being in debt – especially if the 1st time doesn’t work.
So that’s MY “something I cannot do”
I know what Alexis is going through – it’s frustrating!
if i were to try a back walkover at my age (almost 35-yeesh!), i would cheat and do a backbend with my whatnot close to a wall as to use my foot to kick off said wall and complete the walkover. kinda walking up the wall… 😀