yesterday alexis and i did two tv appearances and one web spot.
here are the links.
good day ny with rosanna scotto and greg kelly.
good day ny after the show web with brett larson.
msnbc with carlos watson.
fb: jennifer koppelman hutt
twitter: jenniferhutt
you guys were great! Can’t wait to see the new season!
Glad to hear the show got picked up. FLN was smart to sign you guys. Once the initial shock wore off for me of the concept (since Martha is the tops for me) I now can settle in and enjoy the ride. Keep up the great work!!
The first two links didn’t work for me. One went to nothing and the other went to a live feed. The MSNBC link did work, and while you girls were great, the questions were too random. They should’ve asked you more about your show, not Ryan O’Neil. It didn’t make much sense.
Thank you for the link of your appearances. I didn’t see the web-show, but you both looked beautiful on the two other shows and it was great to see clips for the upcoming season. I can’t wait!
Leave it to Fox News to compare Whatever Martha to late night shows/SNL/ and to top it off, your “viciousness” towards Martha….and I thought they were just fear-mongers. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised. You all handled yourselves wonderfully! Have a great day!
you guys were great – can’t wait for the new shows to start in the Fall!
I love Fox News……..cant get enough
Funny! And the new set looks amazing!
Yeah “vicious” is a bit much. Glad Jennifer made a point to clear that up. And “Whatever, Martha” isn’t anything like SNL. “Whatever” is FUNNY.
Oh and whoever edits the “Whatever, Martha” TV show – the best in the biz!
MYFOXNY.COM – Domestic Diva Martha Stewart can take a joke, so much so that she created a television show poking fun at Stewart.
Clearly it should have been “poking fun at herself”!
You both looked great!
WOW! Alexis is way HOT! It’s getting hot in here! LORD!
LOOKIN and sounding great ladies!
And yes I do not live far from where the FREAKO nut killed those women at the FITNESS CENTER…
Linda from Pitt, did you read that dude’s diary? Freak alright…and everyone knows someone just like him.
Just watched all three.I havn’t listened in a while but this made me miss you guys . I’m plugging in my boom box right now.
LOL – Ms. Elso, meet kettle. Kettle, meet Ms. Elso – she’s the resident stalker of “Whatever”.
I’m just your garden variety sycophant. But now that you mention it, there are similarities between this freak who hated women because he saw them as possessing something he wanted but couldn’t have and it made him deeply angry – and people who are provoked into seething envious rage every time they see someone else’s success, beautiful apartment, or red hair (or, in your case, someone praising their objects of envy). They become so consumed by their frustration that they feel compelled to express it on the blogs, just like the Pittsburgh psycho. This place is crawling with them! (I would like to read your diary, though.)
I don’t keep a diary, though I’d love to see the dolls you paste Jennifer and Alexis’s pictures to. Do you seat them around your dinner table so you can have a meal with your “friends”?
Watched all your links Jennifer. Kudos to you and Alexis. You looked great! The web cast was the best, which goes to show you that “formulated” talk shows are a bummer. Brett Larson was great with the both of you: He gets it! So funny when you asked him if he was gay and the coffee cup thing lol. Wished FLN would post the ‘Show’ on HULU!
Wow, Alexis seems miserable. I watch the TV show and love reading her blog when it’s about the apartment, but she just didn’t seem to want to be there (in any of those links). Could have had better interviewers so maybe that was part of it.
What an awful interview! Greg could have had so much more fun with you girls, but he seemed too obsessed with Martha!