we talked on the show today about the appropriate description of our radio show…
i liked what one listener recommended:
our show is about "everything in everyday life."
and then alexis and i added: "with a smattering of porn." (lol).
does this description work?!
fb: jennifer koppelman hutt
twitter: jenniferhutt
I like it! And you can include or eliminate the porn part depending on who asked. Agree that you don’t want to say “women’s issues” – that just sounds dreary (and like you only discuss periods or quilting).
…AND a smattering of poop!!
Just had to let you know, I too always check the toilet seat before using and skid marks on the seat is NEVER a good sign!! 🙂
Good description, Jennifer! I await patiently with what pearls of wisdom Ms Elso will impart on us blog readers 😉 Do your thing, Ms. Elso!!
if u only knew what the show really is…..can we be honest here????
Yeah, that’s exactly what it is. Feels like a bunch of friends just talking about things that are read or heard and everyone throwing their experience with it or just their two cents worth.
I think the show’s name, WHATEVER is already perfectly descriptive. With a smattering of porn.
yes! i love it! i love your show and the two of you. you two make me laugh out loud!
I’d rock that bumper sticker!
It’s why I love it!
I think it just might.
haha love it!
when i talk to people about your show….I always just say …. what THE GIRLS are talking about today……so your show is always refered to as THE GIRLS. …and everyday life would not be the same without you two.
Love It!!
It works, but you need to add this
Everything in everyday life, with a lot of humor and a smattering of porn.
We chat about topics that Martha Stewart would talk about if she were drunk and in a naughty chat room!
“We talk modern culture, sex, health/body, and the human condition.” If you’re in a hurry: “Pop, porn, poop, and pain.”
Turning the mundane into “think out loud” funny.
Ms Elso: you NEVER disappoint! Regardless of what you call it, Jennifer, it’s the best radio on radio. HANDS DOWN. I listen on my commute home and no matter what kind of day I’ve had, you always make the ride quicker and vastly enjoyable! Thanks to you and Alexis for what you do.
My first introduction to WEM was on Tv. Then I got satelite and now listen. The show are so different, but both good in their own ways. The TV show seems less tense. Sometimes the radio seems tense, but then again its live so it would be. I say the appropriate description would be: Funny shit…………unscripted funny shit
LOVE IT!! Very fitting!
Is Mr. Also Ms. Elso’s schizophrenic other half?
“with a smattering of irreverence”
The only talk show I listen to is “Whatever”. Love the show because I feel like you all are being real. You don’t “sugarcoat” what you are talking about. I actually don’t even agree with you politically and during the campaign you all bugged me….but I listened. I believe your honest with your views (even though some are CRAZY, LOL)! Your like real girlfriends to me except your rich:)
Anyway, whatever you are just add a little porn to the mix and that describes your show:)
YES! Perfect description!
I think the description is perfect, but I feel like sometimes it is too much of the same thing… I am a huge fan of the show and have been since the beginning but lately I sometimes find myself a little out of patience with some of the subject discussions and turn to another channel. I think the show needs a little freshening up, just a small change in the format. I have a feeling I am not the only fan that feels this way. But please understand that the chemistry between you both is excellent!
I couldn’t bring myself to call yesterday about poop on the toilet seats because I wasn’t sure you’d find it funny, but I wonder why no one else noticed the common denominator in both toilet episodes was…you! Hmmmmm…. LOL
I love it. Also, Ms Elso has a great line as well.
I want it on a t-shirt!!!
PERFECT description!!
Yes, I love it!
I don’t give a crap about many current topics until you guys take ’em on. I love your spontaneous reactions to the world we live in. No hidden agenda, no script and little restraint. Don’t mess with a perfect formula.
No, I believe Ms Elmo is my schizophrenic other half. Mr. Also is our twin brother, and I’m sure our Scandinavian alter ego, Ms Oslo, will make an appearance at some point.
I’m not schizophrenic and I don’t know Ms Elso, but I AM a Whatever fan! Best show on radio. Also (!)I am a fan of Ms Elso and her prolific prose. Period.
your show is what you said it was when yuns first started Jenny..
just a couple pals sittin round doin girl talk with listeners
..kinda evesdropping and adding their opinions into the mix ..
Need more porn talk!
I’d say it’s less porn than it is debauchery. A smattering of debauchery – that sounds great!
it is about everything in life AND the best part is just like any conversation the topic can go from subject to subject in a second.
I like it.