i need to reclaim the "feel good" relaxed sunday…which has been replaced by the "monday is around the bend soon starts the week too much to do not enough time here comes the grind of everyday life again" anxious sunday.
do you like sundays?!
fb: jennifer koppelman hutt
twitter: jenniferhutt
I hate Sunday nite. I get anxious & can never sleep well.
I feel the same way! On Saturday night I start to get anxious about Monday morning. So sad.
I think since I started working full-time again that I feel that panicky, omg it’s monday tomorrow’ when I used to feel that Sunday was relax, spend it with family, watch movies, etc and ease into the next week…i want to find that feeling again…
Sunday is tough because you have young kids and there is soooo much involved with them, getting them ready for school, lunches, homework, yada, yada, yada… someday this will change and there will be other issues.
Enjoy them and these days while you can.
I am the mother who emailed you back in July about my 19 year old daughter who decided to leave home and move in with her boyfriend right before she was supposed to head off to college. She is safe and healthy as far as I know, but our relationship has gone from bad to worse. No detaills, Jennifer, but love your kids while you can. We are/were the most loving family I can think of, no problems, no abuse, happy together. My heart is still broken and will be forever until I can hug my daughter again. I would love a Sunday if my girl was home or at least would see me. I know you understand loss. This sucks. thanks for listening.xxoo
as she asks me questions about scar on her body and are they cigarette burns
Even if I am not working on a Monday, I still get that anxious feeling on a Sunday. Ever since I was in, at least, middle school, I’ve always disliked Sundays.
When I hear theme music from certain shows I used to watch on Sunday nights growing up, I get a wave of anxiousness (is that a word?) through my body because it takes me back to how much I dreaded going back to school the next morning.
Since I lost my job a month ago I love Sundays and everyday, always look for the silver lining!
always always always depressing.. something NYC or LA even around 3 or 4pm the light changes. it gets quiet and an undercurrent of sadness sets it, and im not a depressive.. but its just something about the day.. youre not alone. the best part of sunday is before 11 or 12pm.
No I don’t like Sundays. They are depressing and not at all as enjoyable as Saturdays. Saturday has such a different feeling than Sunday.
I’ve been working part time for the last few years and I do think I don’t dread Sundays as much as previous.
I spent today reading the Doctor’s Daughter – a good book.
Hosting a big party next Saturday – so now the stress of cleaning/cooking starts. And next Sunday I’ll be tired and washing tablecloths, napkins etc wondering where the week went.
Sundays are terrible…I blame Jesus
I am exactly the same way. I looked at the clock at 3 pm today and freaked out because the weekend was almost over and I know I have a hectic week. My husband and son take naps while I run around trying to get everything done to start another week–it’s crazy!
yes!!! my children come home for Sunday dinner and it’s wonderful!! i love it!
I feel the same way—-the clock seems to be speeding through the weekends and there is never any time to relax—only dread/anticipation of the week! What’s up with that?
I know on Sundays around 3pm I began to get very depressed. My kids were your children’s ages, I was very anxious and depressed about the working mom stuff. It got out of hand to the detriment of my health and one of my sons well being. Jennifer, if you feel that way, get out of the job, as much as I’d miss you.
My husband and I have decided, now that we have a young daughter, to take back Sundays as “family day.” They used to include numerous errands, crummy to-do lists, catching up on work from the previous week, paying bills, stressing about Monday morning, etc. Now it’s church, brunch, reading the paper while our child plays with her toys, walks to the park, some checking off to-do’s that can be done while she naps, then a nice dinner, more play/walks/games then reading after her bed time. There are always exceptions that get thrown in to stir up the plan and I know this idealic plan for Sundays may not last forever, but for now it’s a little slice of heaven..
increase meds. works every time.
Sundays for me are for sleeping in, reading in bed in the morning, brunch, planning a lovely late lunch/ early dinner, maybe shopping the markets for something to cook and being lazy and enjoying myself. I can’t rush or see too many people ( sometimes more than 1 other person) on a Sunday. I like to be selfish and have it all to myself with NO plans at all and see what the day brings. Typically I have an early night so I feel rested for the week ahead.
I once knew a girl at work who said she wanted to slit her wrists on Sunday nights.
I was raised Christian, and we were told that Sunday was a day of rest. Now I’ve drifted away from my faith but am trying to incorporate some of the valuable lessons that I was raised with in the religious context. Keeping Sunday as a day that is slightly different, even if it means working in the garden or going to yoga class, really helps the rest of the week progress better and keep my head clear. It’s worth an effort.
NO…by Sunday afternoon I am getting anxious about Monday. By Sunday 6 p.m. I am dreading Monday morning and the start of a new week, by bed time Sunday night, I can’t sleep as I am so dreading the morning!
I work real hard at keeping Sunday a family and friends day. I also get that Sunday night anxiety, but it’s better when I’ve had a relaxing day.
I hate Sundays too because it means the next day I have to leave my 6 month old and go back to a full week of work. It’s depressing.
Hate Sundays…. I call it the Sunday night blues….every Sunday around 7pm I get very depressed and withdrawn that the week is starting again… its terrible.
I used to feel the monday’s coming dread start to creep up on me on Sunday afternoons, but I haven’t felt it for quite some time. I think it has to do with my level of satisfaction at work & the people I work with now.
I do get a little panicky on Sundays, though when I feel that others may be ‘stealing’ the last moments of my free time…
When I was a working gal, Sunday evenings were my least favorite time of the week because Monday was around the corner. I haven’t worked, by choice, for 9 years, and I still can’t get rid of that old feeling.
Spread out vacation days to taking off Mondays or Fridays, scattered through the year. Sundays won’t seem as daunting.
Nope. It goes back to childhood, when the sound of the Clock of Doom (the ticking stopwatch on 60 Minutes every Sunday night) represented the official end of the weekend and brought on a low-grade sense of dread. I still hate that sound.
Sunday is my MOST FAVORITE day of the week – I love it – I just HATE MONDAYS but I don’t let that ruin MY SUNDAY at all!
Mondays suck ass!! Having to work is a waste of one’s life!
Much better posting, dear, than the toilet cleaning magazine picture. It really was juvenile,but, much better with the “Sunday Dread” provoking.
YES! 60 Minutes!! TOOO Funny!!
Ms. Elso hit the nail on the head once again
I like Sundays. i get a lot done on Saturdays and spend Sunday afternoons usually relaxing. I also go out for dinner many Sunday evenings. I don’t have kids so this probably helps. I like to be home by 8 and winding down for the Monday grind. Mondays on the other hand…I am not a fan of.
If you like Sunday’s you don’t work. Even with that Sunday’s are iffy feeling. It’s all about what you get to do on Monday.
I HATE Sunday and I’m not too fond of Saturday either. The world “changes” on weekends. People aren’t so nice, unless you go into a shop where they’re PAID to be nice to you. I love the hustle and bustle of the weekday. The hurriedness — the whirlwind of activity. I LOVE the look of “the week” — people pay attention to their appearance, or, do people just “dress up” because they’re paid to look nice — for their job? I don’t know. All I know is, I HATE Sunday! I hate how people pore over the Sunday paper, the unmade beds, the clutter of the weekend. Once upon time, I loved Sunday! When people took great pains to dress up for church — suits, ties, dresses, hats and gloves. Weekends are too casual, and I hate casual. 🙁 Ummm, maybe I don’t mean I HATE casual — I hate the way “details” are ignored on weekends. Sunday is a sad day.
Jen: Have hated Sundays since childhood — church, homework — awful memories. Still can’t enjoy the day. Love Friday nights.
so nice to know i’m not alone with my anxiousness on sunday. usually, i am ok up to the point when i finish the sunday newspaper. then the anxiousness comes – it is hard not to let it ruin the rest of the day.
My Sunday was B O R I n G
everyday grind of life hmm some people thrive on routine.
why can’t the children pack their lunch the night before, why can’t a sandwich be frozen. As I recall everyday in high school if would bring carrot sticks, an orange and a frozen tuna sandwich — by the time lunchtime rolled around the sandwich was thawed chilled and by that time I was ravenous. the thought of a tuna fish sandwich appealed to me and well it was simple and nutritious and well it could be prepared on Saturday or Friday night and who would know– less to do on a sunday Sunday afternoons are for visiting the museum a lecture on a college campus nearby. or attending a play there are plenty of community theaters college drama dept productions Sunday at some point during the month should be for CULTURE
I hate Sundays too……Friday is the best day of the week!!
What do you, Jennifer, have to dread about Mondays? You sleep in, watch The View sometime midmorning, and then you do whaterver you want to do until you have to go to work sometime in the afternoon. I doubt your job is that demanding once you do get there. You should try having a real job with real problems sometime.
Why don’t you just live in the moment, someday you will look back at your life and realize how much time you wasted on needless shit …Start living and stop worrying until you have too.
Seize your Sundays! Do not allow the anticipation of miserable Mondays to tarnish the beauty of Sunday. If Monday requires some preparation, maybe it can be fit in among the Saturday tasks, leaving Sunday as the day of rest it was intended to be. Let’s commit to it! We deserve one day for r&r!!!!
Get rid of the word “hate” in the vocab…and be grateful for every day that you wake up and are able to do the things you really want and need to do. Whatever happened to just being happy to be alive!?!
I understand that dreaded feeling so well. I don’t hate Sundays, but I can never shake the anxiety of the week to come. It sux!
P.S….meds don’t help!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ENJOY YOUR LIFE NOW JENNIFER….You will be looking back and realize how much time you wasted on worry TAKE A PILL AND RELAX Or just hug your husband kids or Paul wouldn’r rhar just Freak you OUT Have a great weekend
“In the end, it was the Sunday afternoons he couldn’t cope with, and that terrible listlessness that starts to set in about 2:55, when you know you’ve taken all the baths that you can usefully take that day, that however hard you stare at any given paragraph in the newspaper you will never actually read it, or use the revolutionary new pruning technique it describes, and that as you stare at the clock the hands will move relentlessly on to four o’clock, and you will enter the long dark teatime of the soul.” –Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Sunday is my only day off so I tend to look forward to it. I don’t like going out on a Sunday or Saturday though because everyone is in overdrive “Got to cram it in on my day off” mode which makes everyone pushy and rude. LOVE 60 Minutes w/ a Martini!
How do we do it? I just had this feeling last week. RECLAIM the Sunday as a day off not a day of dread…. HOW hmm.. discuss
Totally agree. “Wah! The week is about to start, which means I have to work for a couple of hours during the day at a job my dad got me! I’d rather just be neurotic and complain about the way people reply to my emails or the food served at galas! Daddy, do I REALLY need to have a job? I’ve got the trust fund after all. Sure, my other siblings are talented, but I’m just to busy with all my anxiety to actually accomplish anything.”
If one didn’t understand the word hate, love wouldn’t be recognized. Hate is just another passionate word. I LOVE the word hate! Hate should NEVER be directed at living things — even broccoli had a life.
I HATE Sunday!
i hate sundays. I spend most of the day doing homework, listening to lectures, writing papers, researching, and studying. Almost a college grad, so looking forward to not having to do any of those anymore. Which reminds me, I need to study
OMG – you just described my entire Sunday, EVERY Sunday. If I have to do something, I just crumble at the thought of losing my precious Sunday. The anxiety is crazy and the irony is, I rarely do anything important on those days… just hang around and dread Monday. Glad to know it’s not just in my head.
HATE Sunday nights….LOVE Sunday morning….on Saturday I am trying to get it all done…..Farmers Market…a movie….clean the closet? Crunch time! But Sunday am….it’s watching CBS Morning show….reading the paper…coffee…things are ok until around late afternoon and early evening…..the knot starts to form in the tummy….thinking of the commute Monday am…emails waiting from a boss who comes in at 5am…..five or six days off before you can roll over on the pillow and know you don’t have to get up….yep, Sunday’s suck….after 5pm!!! It’s like the week-end is recess….but Monday morning it’s back to class!!! Like it or not…
I love every day that I’m alive, stop pissing and moaning.
okay LISA and @LISA….what’s your problem? I have found that when someone protests that much….it usually means ….jealousy!……loud and clear. If you want to put someone down…..try going to ……..NEGATIVE BLOGGER.COM.
Boo hoo…I’m sure you mother left you enough that you don’t have to work, give me an f-ing break!
i hate sundays too
That one commenter should not be so free to joke about Jesus…why is this disrespect so acceptable? Show some consideration and maturity and keep your hatred to yourself!
Live and let live!
Everyone (sane) gets the Sunday blues, I personally could never sleep on Sunday nites so had to take the usual Ambien. Without it I couldn’t sleep at all. Then I retired and don’t even think about what day of the week it is.
I agree with Gaylene. I too, love Sunday mornings. I get up, make a cup of strong Irish breakfast tea and curl up in bed with my cat, the Sunday newspaper and NPR on the radio. It’s the most peaceful time of my week. But, usually around 3 or 4 in the afternoon my mind starts thinking about the next day and the anxiety sets in.