so i got a random facebook friend request from a guy named peter- a guy named peter whom i’ve never met before. no personal message with the request…just the request. here is our interaction which was, frankly, not even necessary… i couldve just ignored the request..but i am HAPPY to interact with ANYONE who wants to talk to me…getting to know people i would never had met were it not for this job is one of the (best) perks of doing what i do. oh and i cannot have more than 5000 fb friends…when i get extremely close to that number it practically paralyzes my account.
hey, i cannot accept all fb friend requests now that i am close to 5000 fb friends…but i do have a fan page (cheesy i know)! …and typically i do respond to messages sent to me here (on my regular friend page)… thanks for the request.
I don’t even know who you are? I saw we had friends in common so I "friended" you…. WHO ARE YOU? GET OVER YOURSELF!
Lol. I have a satellite radio show…so my listeners make up most of my fb friends although the people we have in common I do actually know!!! Totally over myself just have the other page bc of work.
Have a great day! And perhaps we will meet some time.
1. why did he friend me in the first place since obviously he (now) thinks i’m a loser. and
2. who am i! (kidding)
fb: jennifer koppelman hutt
twitter: @jenniferhutt
ps : will be talking about this on our show (duh).
Jennifer, I’ve had the same thing happen to me. Although I’m obviously not as well known as you, i’ve had requests and then asked how we know each other and they’ve said oh we don’t, just saw we have a couple friends in common or something like that? I don’t know why they’d want to become friends with me when they’ve never know I existed until Facebook suggested my name. I think it’s what I call “The race to get a ton of friends on Facebook so I look popular and cool” syndrome. Can you not have more than 5000 friends on Facebook is that why you couldn’t accept him in the first place?
What an a-hole this guy is! No one has manners – especially on the internet. A-hole.
What a jerk!
That is hilarious! But he needs to recognize the stupidity of just friending someone because you both have friends in common…he can’t give you a hard time when he was the douche first! Your response was too nice Jennifer!
now you know why his name is peter.
people are just weird- i have a cousin who lives in Italy and I know a friend of his from when I was there. We are all friends on facebook… one of their FB friends friended me and when i looked him up it shows he’s married, kids whatever but that his hobbies are WOMEN! as far as i’m concerned fb is only for people i actually know and have a relationship with in REAL LIFE! even these people from high school who i barely knew then send me friend requests, WHY???
He totally knows who you are. He was just pissed when you rebuffed his “friend” request and directed him toward your fan page.
I can’t imagine having 5000 status updates of what the hell ever crop people tilled on Farmville, or what God said to them today or what mafia don they just took out.
And recently I’ve noticed this trend of people just copying and pasting crap into their status updates like those egregious forwarded emails.
This must stop! LOL
You should be proud that you handled this with such grace. As Amanda said, what a douche!
Jennifer, that is hysterical! People are idiots…
This is so funny! What amazes me the most is that he tried to “friend” you, not the other way around.
Love the show. Love the blogs.
why is his first sentence a question? what an a-hole
tell him you’re jennifer aniston in disguise or you could respond “eat me.”
Hi Jennifer…..I’m one of your facebook friends and like reading your updates
I have a question, maybe you can answer this for yourself but also other celebs too. Do you also have a “private” facebook for your close, inner circle? Just wondering, because I imagine it’s hard having everything be so public. What do the “stars” do?
Only curious.
hey jen,
i have the fb friend page (that you are on) and a fb fan page…that’s it. no additional one for my close inner circle…i couldnt manage so many pages! anyway, everything i post/do on fb is ok to be seen by all…and im not the type to put anything up anywhere with an expectation of privacy. nothing is really private even on a private page! glad you like the updates.
Some people!
Perhaps he’s one of those types that consider having lots of ‘friends’ on fb quite an ego boost. I think perhaps its a generation thing….
Anyhoo, I now consider myself to be part of the privileged 4999!
what an asshole. and i hate people who ‘friend’ people they don’t even know. they are friend whores. get a life, dude.
he couldn’t handle the rejection, so he had to insult you.
Hysterical! Thanks for the laugh…at your expense Peter!
Ur so odd.
OMG Peter is a loser!! Ditto Amanda in NC. Have a lovely weekend!!!
The guy is a moron. You handled it well. Why do people keep thinking you are so out-of-control conceited and that you have some overblown sense of fame and self-importance? It’s weird, I don’t think you come off that way at all.
To me, facebook is a lot like fishing. You throw your line out a hundred times with little expectation. There is hope, however, that one time you’ll reel in something worth keeping. Of course you can catch a lot of crap too
I as well as lots of people
have had such things happen to us..
I am usually dissed big time if I refuse a friend request and I do not even have 5,000 friends …
best to ignore people who want to argue…
one reply is ok but try to ignore the last word..
Hi Jennifer!!! That’s hilarious!!! Did he ever respond to your last message? I find this so funny!!!! This guy is telling YOU to get over YOURSELF? It sounds to me more like HE is the one that needs to get over HIMSELF!!!!
*he’s* the loser.
i think you handled that grace.
Oh my gosh — that is hilarious!
Why didn’t you just ignore the request? One click, done. Never to be heard from again. Over Facebook? Really?
not that i am defending the goofus’ actions, but….
i really wish that facebook would stop with their stupid “suggestions” (which appear in the far right column of everyone’s facebook page). i’ve had friends whom facebook has suggested “reconnect” with their own husbands and wives in this fashion. i’ve received suggestions that i tell my friends without photos that they should post one. ridiculous. totally aggravating.
can’t believe he said “who are you get over yourself”. I thought you were too nice to him..way mature, but too nice. whatta douchebag he is
Ditto, he’s a Douchebag