having a lovely sunday. (which is code for i feel so sick from overindulging last night at dinner that i can barely move today.)
last night i video taped putting on my makeup- was testing out a logitech hd webcam. it does some strange auto focus stuff that i can’t turn off, but other than that, the picture is pretty clear. maybe too clear.
happy to answer any and all makeup questions (or any questions!) here…
You could make it more interesting for us fellas….
Maybe Eric would like a demo on how to insert a tampon instead. Did anyone see Curb Your Enthusiasm last nigth? Poor Larry,
I would like to ask you to take a look at a new sun eyewear company https://aframes.tumblr.com/ . A portion of every pair os sunglasses sold will help 3 children who have vitamin A deficiancy. They are working closely with the Helen Keller Society and I think they deserve a lot of recognition.
Love to listen to ‘Whatever’ on my way home from work. You guys are great. Thanks
You are so funny I just love you. Thank you for being you
thank you!!!
aww debbie!!! thank you very much.
In the closet again 🙂
i do love my closet. i was in there late last night too. i have to stop myself from late night video blogging haha.
Did your hair get lighter or is it just the lighting? I love a more vibrant red on you!
I’m a blush whore – I have like 40 of them, but once I apply them, they almost all look the same. I just love how pretty they look in the pan and I can’t stop purchasing. My favorite brands are NARS and Cargo.
my hair was faded but i dont have great lighting in my closet for shooting! … i actually had it colored just this am and it is BRIGHT now!!! ill post something in next couple of days im sure… nars has that blush orgasm i used to wear a lot…but something about the cream blush works better for me…probably becaues my skin is so dry… mac also has cream blushes that are great!
Hi dear! I love the sparkly black eye shadow, very purity! 😀 Nope, the video quality is great!
Thanks for sharing this with us! Love to see what brands /kinds of products work best. Keep sharing your favorite products!!
You are too funny with the “saliva Q-Tips”. What woman doesn’t do that?? I still do th cigarette lighter to heat up my Cover Girl (dare I say) eye liner too!
I finally found your new site and think you did a wonderful job.
So glad you continued your blog! 🙂
so pretty! i love your look these days!
First of all, why do you apply makeup to your face so ROUGHLY?? Be gentle to your skin…
Secondly, I am really SHOCKED that you put the QTip in your mouth before using it in your eye area – – No I have never seen that before, and am completely GROSSED OUT that you can have such unsanitary habits! Your mouth harbors over 700 different microorganisms, including Streptococcus Mutans, and your methods are a great way to give yourself an eye infection!! This is NOT the tip to share with others, you should not encourage these potentially harmful habits.
Thanks! I love your makeup tips. I need so much help being a girl. I concentrate on be a mom and everything else falls through the cracks.
just saw the video we talked about last week. Q-tips in the mouth…of course! i”ve always made up by a bedroom window, no running faucet there.