my brother brian (@briankoppelman he’s so great!) was on the radio show yesterday (will re-air that show sometime this weekend). and i asked him about my short lived habit of roaring (like a lion) while on the school bus as a child. i had been thinking about this because during last weekend’s girls’ trip to the canyon ranch spa, my sister shared this bit of jenny trivia with our friends.
and maybe this was a bigger deal than i had remembered it to be.
i remember roaring. i don’t recall why i did it. but i remember that i did.
my brother says i roared because i was angry. he says that when i was confronted on the school bus by a kid that made me uneasy, was mean to me or didn’t do what i wanted him/her to do, i responded with a roar.
i responded with a visceral, guttural, lion-like roar.
which is odd because i was an extremely verbal child-short and round like a butterball turkey -but extremely verbal.
my brother says that this roaring caused him to question my sanity.
but as a grownup, i believe it could be a useful tool.
and maybe i need to bring “the roar” back.
because im still not great at expressing myself when i am angry.
here is a quick example of what my roaring may have been like (did this at the ranch!)
and my most recent tales from the treadmill where i obliterate the song “warrior” by scandal.
do you remember any strange things you did as a kid?
I used to gallop around public areas (streets, malls, stores) holding the reins of the imaginary horse I was riding!!! WEIRDO!!!!
Love the roar! It seems like a reasonable thing to have done. Maybe you thought it would intimidate the other kid? My weird kid thing: I never wanted to eat my breakfast (toast), so I would hide it in strange places. Under the stove, under the fridge, in the basement. Months later my mom would find it and fume! Throwing it out was obvious (it could be found), feeding the dog was noisy, but hiding it made perfect sense to me. Weird!
My wife’s workout partner bought her a supertight bra (that I believe was once used by Chinese women to bind feet) because she found her bouncing bosom distracting. I was annoyed with said friend. Appropo of nothing.
Was there volume in this video?
Keep up the great work celeb.
there is volume!! you should be able to hear the singing… i can!
All I heard was the sound of a sultry jazz guitar.
U must be watching wrong one. Or teasing. This one was loud!!! Ha.
My attempts at humor are not working. If I explain it, all the fun goes away but since this is a family blog, I’ll try to do this in a way that makes the point without spelling it out.
Have you ever seen a movie with Ron Jeremy without the sultry jazz guitar playing?
Is youbar one of your own sponsors or just in a random ad-feed box? I friggin’ love youbar.
Ads are random. Google. Lol re humor.
My daughter grits her teeth and growls when she is upset. Is that weird?