my kids are home!!! and i am thrilled.
just thrilled. and need a nap already. (kidding).
both had an unbelievably fun time at camp (lots of inappropriate tales to tell!)
both came off their camp bus HAPPY!
both have grown,
and both look older than they did at the start of the summer.
we are a lice free household so far. and hopefully bedbug free too.
happy kids and critter free…can a mom ask for much more?! (no!)
it is no secret that i’ve got oodles of anxiety, tons of insecurities, plenty of not so happy thoughts that i silently beg to get out of my head and a whole host of issues i’m constantly trying to work through.
so my appreciation for my family and the people in my life who put up with me never waivers.
because of them i am ok.
and because of them, ultimately all is good and manageable.
enough of the reflecting (bleh!)!
here is today’s tales from the treadmill (yep…there’s some singing)
ps: don’t forget to leave tales from the treadmill questions/requests/comments here.
Your not old enough to have kids that went to camp!
I will never believe it….
you’re just so kind. OLD! lol.
Jennifer for all yr anxieties the fact that u let yr kids go to camp for 7 weeks shows u r extremely strong. We don’t have summer camps here in Australia so that thought is foreign to me only familiar by way of movies and yr update each yr. I think it wld b amazing fun…but the though scares me wld love to know how it all worked. Enjoy them being home xo
I so agree with you, Stefania!! I would have been petrified to have sent my kids to camp when they were young. Luckily for me, they never wanted to go!
Jenny – You are very strong, indeed!!!
I’m worried all summer. haha.
Thanks for talking about your ups and downs….and how you feel like everything is a struggle, but everyone has to keep on going. I have the same ups and downs and the people around me say it’s not healthy. Duh! Like I don’t know that, but I can’t suddenly become someone not affected by life’s ups and downs. It’s who I am! Thanks for making me feel a little more “normal” today!!
you are SO normal!! xo
i absolutely love this treadmill blog!!!!
Listening to you and robert verdi and reminiscing about the clothes I used to be obsessed with and wishing I could still find 44 or even frosted brownie as a replacement. I feel like I am sitting in a room with friends from 7th grade or summer camp.what memories! Btw..u look so amazing it is insane!
Thank you!!!
Love this video and all you do and say. So wonderful. Bright shiny spirit shines so brightly. You inspire.
And you ramit have always been and are a great girl!! xo. (thank you)
Hi Jenny
Who was more excited u or Keith to see the kids??? Be honest LOL!!!
like we don’t know that answer LOL
Better yet who did kids run to first. LOL
no running. we were right there…lol.
Please don’t pick on Fezzy anymore, and do encourage him to stand up for himself. Especially when Ron is stirring the pot. I thought you were nice and funny until you jumped on the blueberry bandwagon. Please let it go. Thanks. Josh in Denver
i have let it go! love fez. xo