HA! Are you that obtuse? Alexis “broke up with you” because you are an INSUFFERABLE TWIT. After years of enduring your outbursts of BAD singing, MUNDANE conversation, JUVENILLE sense of humor she could not bear to hear you talk non stop about weight loss, KNOWING that you know NOTHING about healthful eating and you are still a grotesque slovenly pig at heart, rationing out your candy and crap.
BEST NEWS OF THE MONTH was that MS Radio canned your fat ass!!!
ummmm. well. at least youre interested in what i do. glad youre thrilled about my situation. i am incredibly sad. love doing my show. and looking forward to figuring out what comes next. take care. xo.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. I smell a rat…Perhaps Alexis’ alter ego? You were kind and gracious in the interview. Your trained lawyer skills are intact, and you are quite the diplomat. Who really cares what Todd has to say?
Todd is a really sick man. He’s probably a fat man himself, who just so happens to be jealous, that HE can’t successfully ration out HIS candy. what a loser. the fact that he is even on your site says A LOT ABOUT HIM..
Todd, usually I’m not on the websites of people who I can’t stand. Why are you? You would never have said what you wrote if you were standing in front of Jenny. I, however, would call you a douchebag to your face.
Jenny, I’m going to miss your show. You always helped me unwind after a long day of work. Take care and best of luck to you!
Wow…….whomp whomp!!!! Crankypants….Todd has lots of envy and a small penis complex???????? Mr bully man-boy needs to grow the eff up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jenny, you WERE the show!!!!!!
OMG!!! You know what I don’t understand is, how people who obviously don’t like you have to post such hateful comments. If Todd truly feels that way about you, why is he even on your site??? I understand Freedom of Speech and all, but that’s just a tad ridiculous. He’s just wasting his time. There a lot of people that I don’t care for. Guess what??? I don’t bother visiting their blogs/sites. I don’t know what they’re up to.
I’m sure you’ll RAWK IT, Jenny…WHATEVER you decide :))
Wow, why would someone who is such a hater be on your site. What a loser. Find something better to do with your time. We love you Jenny. I will miss your show. Please keep us updated on Your site
Have you ever wished – for one, brief, shining moment – that you could be karma’s delivery service?
You know the truth about your life, your choices and what you can and cannot control. . .but that doesn’t help when you’re a public figure and that public puts a bullseye on your behind.
I’m a recovering people pleaser – so I keep reminding myself that it is a total waste of my time, energy and compassion to validate the opinions of those who honestly don’t care about the impact of their words or actions – or, worse yet – channel their inner sociopath for fun and giggles.
I appreciate your humor, your honesty and grace. Treat yourself as kindly as you do others (even those who don’t deserve it.) My mom always asks me, “A year from now, will this event still upset you? If not, let it go – for your sake.” In the meantime, you can always envision trampling those snarky people on your treadmill.
What a cruel man…can’t imagine what it takes to get that way. Love your show, love agreeing and disagreeing with the topics- thats what makes the world go round, and love your positivity! Good luck in all that you do!
Wow that comment by the interviewer about Alexis is really ‘disgusting’ obviously trying to bait you to say something uncomplimentary and her comment was really inappropriate given that she was a past guest and could quite possibly be a guest in the future. Seems a bit odd for a journalist to say such a thing. You handled that very well…..wow really shitty.
Hi Jenny, haven’t chatted in awhile. I think you are awesome and so smart and classy. I know it’s hard but don’t let the haters get you down, you will find your way away from that old negativity. I’m shocked you didn’t delete or block that post, that show what type of a person you are. You look so lovely, back years ago and now no matter what size you are. The a$$holes need to go back under the rock they came out from under.
Todd has it right, you are absolutely ridiculous. Tried to listen to the show a couple of times after Alexis left, it is just too stupid to be tolerable. I am sure Martha fired you because your show sucks not because Alexis dumped you. What is the deal with your head? It used to fit your body now you have this weird body shape and a head that is giant, and those teeth…don’t get me started, that are just plain AWFUL.
Don’t let one toad…I mean Todd… get you down. His reality is far from that of so many others! You are beautiful- inside and out- perfect in your (like all of us) imperfection! Things do happen with purpose and though we sometimes can’t see the thread of the “whys” until much later….have faith that you will land in a good place doing something you adoringly love…and we’ll be there with you!
You speak very well. Your anxiety is not visible in any shape or form so it’s probably time to snap out of it. You are being you, finally. What freedom. From what I can surmise, it seems that alexis liked you when she was ‘the pretty one’, but as soon as you lost weight she could no longer have that hanging over you. Then she had Jude which seemed more for Martha than for her. The stress of those 2 factors was too much change for her to handle. Then she bailed. That makes you, in fact, the ‘winner’. I say ‘winner’ in quotes because you aren’t even playing the game anymore and could care less. All that matters is your family, and you know it.
No more worries. You just cracked the code to your happiness and you don’t even realize it.
Jenny! I have to say that I really admire how you are handling this situation. You are an amazing person and a great example for others! I was recently “dumped” from a close friend of 6 years and just felt blindsided and devistated by the whole thing. There was no explanation and no opportunity to dis
Oops! I hit submit before I was done! ( Big fingers tiny iPhone !) Anyway I was saying I had no chance to discuss the situation with her. It was just over…the end! That is what hurts the most after the many things we shared…that she could just dump me like that. Time to move my ass on!!! Focus on the many positives in my life (my partner, family, friends etc). Thanks for being out there and showing us “dumpees” the way! xxoo
Jenny, you are a class act. You handled Todd (If that is his real name, probably is something Alexis cooked up) with grace maturity. I think it’s sad your radio show was cancelled, but I have no doubt you will be doing something else and will be awesome at doing it. Keep your chin up, your head held high, and let the Todd’s of the world stay where they are meant to be. Keep us posted on what is going on in your life. Enjoy all that this Holiday season has to offer. You look fabulous!
Sorry about the whole thing with Alexis. People like that just are not safe to be in relationship with – hurting people hurt people. It’s really rough though when you get emotionally involved with them but the chances of you being able to have a long-term healthy relationship with her was very very slim. They just can’t do it. You’re doing good though staying focused on the positive and what you DO have so that’s great – it’s all a great chance to learn and grow and you are obviously doing that so good for you! Just be open to the possibilities – you never know what’s going to happen!!
You looked fab Jenny! You are such a sweet heart. I find this whole thing between you and Alex really mind boggling. Be yourself and if someone doesn’t like it…oh well….whatever…. I am so like you in alot of ways – so I can relate and I have real true friends that are there for me in the good times and the bad and not for nothing doesn’t really bother them that I cry too 😉 I can not believe that you are being cancelled next month. That totally bummed me out. The show has been so much more fun to listen to since Debbie Downer left. Whaaawhaaa. I know you watch SNL so you get it…lol I really enjoy the banter with Lilly, Radio Sean and Ishack (I am sure I messed his name up – so apologize for me okay?) You guys have a great team going on and I am also enjoying some of the guests you had on. I really hope Sirius/xm picks you up on another channel so I can still listen to you. Other than Howard and the Broads coming into work in the morning I don’t know what I am going to do with my drive home when you are gone. Remember good things come to good people. I wish you nothing the best!!
Jenny – don’t listen to aholes like Todd. I don’t understand that kind of mentality. If you don’t like someone one don’t listen and don’t go on their site duh. I think you’re great and am keeping my fingers crossed that your show gets picked up – it makes my commute home enjoyable!!!!
There is one last thing to make the transformation complete. You shed the weight, now it’s time for a pro makeover. You have a new body style, why not have a new make-up/hair style? This would reveal who you have become. The reason why I say this is because, while you have lost the weight, you still have the same ‘look’. Why not compliment the weight-loss with a new do?
ps- and get a pair of vintage Jordache jeans and show off that ass with a big horse head plastered on it. You’ve got the look I want to know better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAZP9i6MvSw
I am so sorry to hear that your show has been cancelled. I enjoyed the both shows (with and without Alexis). Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. I am glad we have this outlet to keep us informed.
At times during the interview, it seems the interviewers were almost attacking you. You had to almost fight to get your point of view across – they should known better, since you were the one being interviewed.
As far as Todd’s comments…. The good thing about them (the only good thing), are the responses. It gives everyone a great opportunity to show their support and love for you.
Great interview, happy it was you solo. Sometimes I hate reading comments, that one comment was just plain mean. I know of people that post junk like that just to start a fight & laugh at the return comments, so just let it go. Again, best wishes to you and your staff. Hope to keep listening next year. As one caller on last night show suggested, I have contacted sirius/xm & Martha.
I know you are trying to be diplomatic. I know you are trying to be kind. You do not have to be unkind but you don’t have to defend Alexis. I like when you said, “I think I breathed the wrong way”. You don’t have to give the disclaimer that you are 41, married, have two kids, and a full life, people grow apart, etc. Just state the facts. Alexis seems like a very angry person who is filled with shame and it’s sad.
Hi Jenny! I just stumbled upon your website via my coveted online Martha subscription & feel compelled to post a thought or two. ‘Just Jenny’ is also my nickname! For years others have referred to me by that, simply b/c my real name is just Jenny; not Jennifer. Having said that, I’d love to have the Just Jenny domain name. If ever you decide ‘Just Jenny’ just doesn’t quite fit your grandiose, very likable, & unique persona…please remember…little ol’ me…just an easy going girl in a big city life, genuinely sweet, & always real. I would love the opportunity to someday adopt the ‘Just Jenny’ domain & take much honor in caring for what once may have been your big little bundle of pride & joy!
HA! Are you that obtuse? Alexis “broke up with you” because you are an INSUFFERABLE TWIT. After years of enduring your outbursts of BAD singing, MUNDANE conversation, JUVENILLE sense of humor she could not bear to hear you talk non stop about weight loss, KNOWING that you know NOTHING about healthful eating and you are still a grotesque slovenly pig at heart, rationing out your candy and crap.
BEST NEWS OF THE MONTH was that MS Radio canned your fat ass!!!
ummmm. well. at least youre interested in what i do. glad youre thrilled about my situation. i am incredibly sad. love doing my show. and looking forward to figuring out what comes next. take care. xo.
WOW! Todd is one angry dude.
What a fuckin douche bag. Why would someone say that?
Todd has too much time on his hands. AND apparently feels threatened by you. It also seems that he still listens to you! That’s jealousy!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. I smell a rat…Perhaps Alexis’ alter ego? You were kind and gracious in the interview. Your trained lawyer skills are intact, and you are quite the diplomat. Who really cares what Todd has to say?
If todd can’t relize how awesome Jenny is he should probably go to a doctor because I think somthing is wrong in his head!
Todd is a really sick man. He’s probably a fat man himself, who just so happens to be jealous, that HE can’t successfully ration out HIS candy. what a loser. the fact that he is even on your site says A LOT ABOUT HIM..
Todd, usually I’m not on the websites of people who I can’t stand. Why are you? You would never have said what you wrote if you were standing in front of Jenny. I, however, would call you a douchebag to your face.
Jenny, I’m going to miss your show. You always helped me unwind after a long day of work. Take care and best of luck to you!
I TOTALLY with Todd. Lexy couldn’t run away fast enough from your smothering, untalented, unfunny presence…you sucked the life out of the show…
Wow…….whomp whomp!!!! Crankypants….Todd has lots of envy and a small penis complex???????? Mr bully man-boy needs to grow the eff up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jenny, you WERE the show!!!!!!
Another great TV appearance.And My oh My…Looking good Jenny!!!
Wow Todd, you are a real dick.
OMG!!! You know what I don’t understand is, how people who obviously don’t like you have to post such hateful comments. If Todd truly feels that way about you, why is he even on your site??? I understand Freedom of Speech and all, but that’s just a tad ridiculous. He’s just wasting his time. There a lot of people that I don’t care for. Guess what??? I don’t bother visiting their blogs/sites. I don’t know what they’re up to.
I’m sure you’ll RAWK IT, Jenny…WHATEVER you decide :))
Wow. Todd is a douche.
Go talk to Ronnie B. He’ll make it all better. 🙂
Wow, why would someone who is such a hater be on your site. What a loser. Find something better to do with your time. We love you Jenny. I will miss your show. Please keep us updated on Your site
hopefully siriusxm will find a home for me! and yeah, this site is mine… so ill keep everyone aware. thanks! xo.
Wow what a meanie that person. Can’t say man as he is not!!!
Have you ever wished – for one, brief, shining moment – that you could be karma’s delivery service?
You know the truth about your life, your choices and what you can and cannot control. . .but that doesn’t help when you’re a public figure and that public puts a bullseye on your behind.
I’m a recovering people pleaser – so I keep reminding myself that it is a total waste of my time, energy and compassion to validate the opinions of those who honestly don’t care about the impact of their words or actions – or, worse yet – channel their inner sociopath for fun and giggles.
I appreciate your humor, your honesty and grace. Treat yourself as kindly as you do others (even those who don’t deserve it.) My mom always asks me, “A year from now, will this event still upset you? If not, let it go – for your sake.” In the meantime, you can always envision trampling those snarky people on your treadmill.
What a cruel man…can’t imagine what it takes to get that way. Love your show, love agreeing and disagreeing with the topics- thats what makes the world go round, and love your positivity! Good luck in all that you do!
Wow that comment by the interviewer about Alexis is really ‘disgusting’ obviously trying to bait you to say something uncomplimentary and her comment was really inappropriate given that she was a past guest and could quite possibly be a guest in the future. Seems a bit odd for a journalist to say such a thing. You handled that very well…..wow really shitty.
Hi Jenny, haven’t chatted in awhile. I think you are awesome and so smart and classy. I know it’s hard but don’t let the haters get you down, you will find your way away from that old negativity. I’m shocked you didn’t delete or block that post, that show what type of a person you are. You look so lovely, back years ago and now no matter what size you are. The a$$holes need to go back under the rock they came out from under.
Todd has it right, you are absolutely ridiculous. Tried to listen to the show a couple of times after Alexis left, it is just too stupid to be tolerable. I am sure Martha fired you because your show sucks not because Alexis dumped you. What is the deal with your head? It used to fit your body now you have this weird body shape and a head that is giant, and those teeth…don’t get me started, that are just plain AWFUL.
Get a life Todd. And an education.
Not only is Todd a hostile, cowardly bully but he can’t spell.
Too bad he is so full of hate that he can’t tell how ridiculously
immature he is.
Don’t let one toad…I mean Todd… get you down. His reality is far from that of so many others! You are beautiful- inside and out- perfect in your (like all of us) imperfection! Things do happen with purpose and though we sometimes can’t see the thread of the “whys” until much later….have faith that you will land in a good place doing something you adoringly love…and we’ll be there with you!
You speak very well. Your anxiety is not visible in any shape or form so it’s probably time to snap out of it. You are being you, finally. What freedom. From what I can surmise, it seems that alexis liked you when she was ‘the pretty one’, but as soon as you lost weight she could no longer have that hanging over you. Then she had Jude which seemed more for Martha than for her. The stress of those 2 factors was too much change for her to handle. Then she bailed. That makes you, in fact, the ‘winner’. I say ‘winner’ in quotes because you aren’t even playing the game anymore and could care less. All that matters is your family, and you know it.
No more worries. You just cracked the code to your happiness and you don’t even realize it.
Jenny! I have to say that I really admire how you are handling this situation. You are an amazing person and a great example for others! I was recently “dumped” from a close friend of 6 years and just felt blindsided and devistated by the whole thing. There was no explanation and no opportunity to dis
Oops! I hit submit before I was done! ( Big fingers tiny iPhone !) Anyway I was saying I had no chance to discuss the situation with her. It was just over…the end! That is what hurts the most after the many things we shared…that she could just dump me like that. Time to move my ass on!!! Focus on the many positives in my life (my partner, family, friends etc). Thanks for being out there and showing us “dumpees” the way! xxoo
Jenny, you are a class act. You handled Todd (If that is his real name, probably is something Alexis cooked up) with grace maturity. I think it’s sad your radio show was cancelled, but I have no doubt you will be doing something else and will be awesome at doing it. Keep your chin up, your head held high, and let the Todd’s of the world stay where they are meant to be. Keep us posted on what is going on in your life. Enjoy all that this Holiday season has to offer. You look fabulous!
Sorry about the whole thing with Alexis. People like that just are not safe to be in relationship with – hurting people hurt people. It’s really rough though when you get emotionally involved with them but the chances of you being able to have a long-term healthy relationship with her was very very slim. They just can’t do it. You’re doing good though staying focused on the positive and what you DO have so that’s great – it’s all a great chance to learn and grow and you are obviously doing that so good for you! Just be open to the possibilities – you never know what’s going to happen!!
You looked fab Jenny! You are such a sweet heart. I find this whole thing between you and Alex really mind boggling. Be yourself and if someone doesn’t like it…oh well….whatever…. I am so like you in alot of ways – so I can relate and I have real true friends that are there for me in the good times and the bad and not for nothing doesn’t really bother them that I cry too 😉 I can not believe that you are being cancelled next month. That totally bummed me out. The show has been so much more fun to listen to since Debbie Downer left. Whaaawhaaa. I know you watch SNL so you get it…lol I really enjoy the banter with Lilly, Radio Sean and Ishack (I am sure I messed his name up – so apologize for me okay?) You guys have a great team going on and I am also enjoying some of the guests you had on. I really hope Sirius/xm picks you up on another channel so I can still listen to you. Other than Howard and the Broads coming into work in the morning I don’t know what I am going to do with my drive home when you are gone. Remember good things come to good people. I wish you nothing the best!!
Jenny – don’t listen to aholes like Todd. I don’t understand that kind of mentality. If you don’t like someone one don’t listen and don’t go on their site duh. I think you’re great and am keeping my fingers crossed that your show gets picked up – it makes my commute home enjoyable!!!!
I don’t know why we are wasting so much time on Todd.He sounds like a child.And if he’s not a child then he’s just a bully.
Another great interview, Jenny!
There is one last thing to make the transformation complete. You shed the weight, now it’s time for a pro makeover. You have a new body style, why not have a new make-up/hair style? This would reveal who you have become. The reason why I say this is because, while you have lost the weight, you still have the same ‘look’. Why not compliment the weight-loss with a new do?
ps- and get a pair of vintage Jordache jeans and show off that ass with a big horse head plastered on it. You’ve got the look I want to know better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAZP9i6MvSw
I need some chocolate
I am so sorry to hear that your show has been cancelled. I enjoyed the both shows (with and without Alexis). Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. I am glad we have this outlet to keep us informed.
At times during the interview, it seems the interviewers were almost attacking you. You had to almost fight to get your point of view across – they should known better, since you were the one being interviewed.
As far as Todd’s comments…. The good thing about them (the only good thing), are the responses. It gives everyone a great opportunity to show their support and love for you.
hopefully ill end up elsewhere on siriusxm. this is a new beginning that i will embrace happily. thanks for your support! xo.
wow, Todd is a cunt
You’re still talking about that lame publicity driven feud with Alex-ass? SERIOUSLY!!!! You’re a pathetic loser!!!
At least you finally got dental veneers!
I wonder if todd ever sexted anyone?
Great interview, happy it was you solo. Sometimes I hate reading comments, that one comment was just plain mean. I know of people that post junk like that just to start a fight & laugh at the return comments, so just let it go. Again, best wishes to you and your staff. Hope to keep listening next year. As one caller on last night show suggested, I have contacted sirius/xm & Martha.
As I said before. Ignore the bullies. Commenting on them only gives them power.
I know you are trying to be diplomatic. I know you are trying to be kind. You do not have to be unkind but you don’t have to defend Alexis. I like when you said, “I think I breathed the wrong way”. You don’t have to give the disclaimer that you are 41, married, have two kids, and a full life, people grow apart, etc. Just state the facts. Alexis seems like a very angry person who is filled with shame and it’s sad.
Hi Jenny! I just stumbled upon your website via my coveted online Martha subscription & feel compelled to post a thought or two. ‘Just Jenny’ is also my nickname! For years others have referred to me by that, simply b/c my real name is just Jenny; not Jennifer. Having said that, I’d love to have the Just Jenny domain name. If ever you decide ‘Just Jenny’ just doesn’t quite fit your grandiose, very likable, & unique persona…please remember…little ol’ me…just an easy going girl in a big city life, genuinely sweet, & always real. I would love the opportunity to someday adopt the ‘Just Jenny’ domain & take much honor in caring for what once may have been your big little bundle of pride & joy!