and today, along with being a successful devoted working mother and wife, i want (desperately?!) to be a milf.
a milf is a “mother i’d like to eff” (different from being a cougar because a cougar wants to be effed and is the predator- a milf is the prey!)
in my 20s, it seemed the opposite of normal that i was uncomfortable being sexy. every girl (who had the body to!) rocked the tight low cut shirts with short shorts or tight jeans and those who were not so able bodied would wear other sexually compelling (or is it complimentary) clothing- dresses with deep vs, short skirts, booty displaying pants, or high heels. I had a beauty priority and that’s okay.
when i dressed sexy at 22 (because i had the body to do so for about 2 months!) i felt like a fraud.
and i was so nervous, i am sure i was emitting some “do not come anywhere near me” scent.
and i was so nervous, i am sure i was emitting some “do not come anywhere near me” scent.
i was embarrassed to own my sexuality.
i was embarrassed to own my power to turn men on.
i was embarrassed to own my power to turn men on.
i was ashamed to want the attention from men for my being sexy.
and now at 42 i’m no longer embarrassed or ashamed to want the attention for being perceived as sexy.
heck, ill scream from the rooftop: “please (still) find me sexy! please please give me this kind of attention while i still have time- while i still ovulate!”
but again, i am the opposite of normal. because according to our still far too uptight society i’m SUPPOSED to be embarrassed to admit the want of male attention.
and that’s fucked up.
why are women of a certain age, especially married women with children, supposed to quiet down the want to be desirable to someone other than our spouses or significant others?
i work hard to no longer have a giant ass and my waist trainer works even harder.
i work hard to limit the amount of jiggle visible beneath my biceps.
i work hard to smell good.
i work hard to keep my breasts elevated (well i suppose the bra is working harder than i am!)
i work hard to make sure the head on my hair remains full and lovely.
i work hard to make sure there’s VERY LITTLE hair anywhere else.
i work hard to keep my hormone-ally charged skin from breaking out in conspicuous places.
and i want to be rewarded for my effort by a glance, a wink, a hoot, a howl, or a solicitation.
i won’t thwart the glance, may even egg it on, but i will say no (99.9999 % of the time).
i’d like for all women including mothers my age and younger to embrace being hot, sexy, dirty and milfy.
it is healthy. and should be deemed appropriate and normal.
sex in some capacity or another drives each of us.
just admit it, be ok with it.
and then have fun.
Wow is this a joke? I feel scared for you after reading this but I keep hoping its a joke. Narcissism is a deadly flaw .
im saying i want to be wanted. not that i am wanted. it is an aging issue for me…
I don’t see it as a joke. Proud of you, Jenny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn’t sound as if you know what real narcissism is. Look it up before you start describing Jen as someone with a “deadly flaw”. I hope that YOU were kidding. Otherwise, you just come off sounding stupid.
Happy Birthday…Enjoy your day!!!
Hi Five, sister!!!! I totally agree with you. Why not welcome the advances? I’m 32, married, have a 13 y/o and love every minute of it. I had a short period between 23-29 when I wasn’t looking so lovely. (OK, maybe not so short :)) But then I started running. WHOA momma…a whole new me!!! I say if you work hard at it, why not enjoy and welcome the attention.
In case you’re wondering….”yes” I would…..
Stop fishing for compliments, you dork. Billy Squire and “Everybody Wants You.”
I completely agree with you. I felt very awkward in my college days. Now I am much more sexy and in tune with how to dress and flirt. My husband loves it and is totally supportive of me being a MILF. We have been married almost 9 years and are completely devoted to each other. Still, my staying in shape, dressing sexy, and having confidence only makes our relationship better.
I am with Nancy. Certain things, feeling, and thoughts in life, really should be kept to yourself. It is like the advice you gave the scorned wife a few weeks ago to go out and find a sexual partner. Historically, MILF was referred to by teenage boys, not grown men, married or not. You want to be a MILF to your son’s peer group in a couple of years? Be confident in who you worked hard to become. Why wish to be a MILF? ewwwww Sceevy. I know you moderate before you post, so you don’t have to post this, as I am not in the mood for the haters that attack other readers, that you never seem to moderate.
be careful what you wish for…. the original definition of a Milf is not just a mother. A Milf is your kids friends wanting to eff you.
Your kids friend’s are very young…. Uh oh Jenny 🙂
Hi Jenny,
I’m a 25 year old, who’s in good shape blah blah blah, and I just wanted to let you know I think you’re very sexy and do good radio.
I hate auto correct. Ignore that apostrophe.
I agree completely and am impressed you have been able to put into words what I have been feeling. Maybe not all women, but some women stop feeling sexy because they get lost in life. It was a thrill when I was younger to feel wanted in that way. Although I have a husband, adoration in a sexy way from others would definitely be a boost to my ego. What I’m trying to say is I feel ya sister! BTW, sexy picture:-)
Wow. This post is extremely disappointing.
but you already ARE a MILF 😉
Love your honesty as always.
I have told my husband once or twice that I want to look good so that other men will look @ me and like what they see! I it wrong to say that to him??? Anyway thanks for putting this out there! 🙂
there are always men who want to “eff” women no matter how they look-it’s the nature of the beast. I think when women try too hard to look sexy, it’s not sexy & kind of desperate and sad:(
I have to say you have guts to speak your mind on this. In this day and age and after women have been fighting so hard for equality and respect. And the daily reminders I get on FB because I signed up with sites like But I think I have to agree Jennifer. I once was a ‘milf’ for about 2 years after I had my daughter. I worked out hard, ate well, took care of my skin, my nails, my hair….but my mind too. I walked around with a ton of confidence. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t look like a low rent whore, but I wore fitted clothes and could walk into a room feeling good. My marriage benefitted from it as well, because I FELT good, not because my husband thought I looked better then before. He’ll love me no matter what. Then I had twins three years ago, one has autism and mommy is taking a back seat right now.
Maybe this attitude of wanting to be a ‘milf’ gets a bad rap because people assume it’s all about vanity or narcissism. I personally think it’s a whole attitude change. You feel good, you feel confident and just because you are a mom and a modern woman doesn’t mean you should sacrifice focusing on these attributes. Someday soon…when I get the chance…I will get back to that. Hey, there is nothing wrong with reading the Wall Street Journal about the latest political debate or discussing the state of the economy while looking hot! YOU GO JENNIFER!!!
#1) I love a giant ass.
#2) You won’t have a problem being wanted, with a photo like that. :+)
I totally feel you Jenny! No need to go hide in the corner because we’re in our 40’s, or to feel ashamed for wanting to be noticed. I think everyone wants that, it’s just that some people are brave enough to admit it.
Id fuck you! Not only are u awesome but u r def sexy Happy birthday Jenny!
I wouldn’t kick you out of bed for eating cookies in bed……..but my wife might.
Hi Jenny, I get it. I’m 42, going to be 43 in April. Happily married to a babe (as you are), and I got my babe while I was fat. Only after happy with him did I lose weight. For the first time in my life, I am *hot*, and comfortable being so. I had a son at 30, and a 2nd son at 41 in Nov. ’10. We are pretty sure I am pregnant right now, but are a couple of days from knowing. But the vomiting and headache have me pretty sure. So, my husband thinks I’m hot.
I’m still pretty dumb to knowing if somebody is hitting on me. I’m pretty sure the door guy at guitar center flirts with me. Anyway.
Just own your age. Fuck competing. Be HOT and don’t worry if people start replying as if you are crushing the whole of female-rights progress. Bullshit.
Haha!!!! This post is fantastic and truthful. If you don’t like it Nancy and Theresa, don’t read her blog then bitches. 🙂 This is a place for her and others to be honest and be open to discussion. If you are just going to come here to say “I don’t like it,” don’t bother posting. Post an actual discussion. The main point of this isn’t “I want teenage boys to see me and say wow I want to F your mom.” The point of this post is exactly what Jenny said in the comment above. She isn’t limited to herself in what she wrote. I am 27 years old and gay in a 4 year committed relationship. A couple of months ago I was totally hit on by this cute guy. I seriously couldn’t stop talking about what a good feeling that was. I then at that moment remembered “wow I am attractive.” I never thought I wasn’t, however there are times no matter if your are Jennifer, male, female, older, younger, gay, straight etc that you want to know that you are STILL F-able by other people. You may know it, but its one thing to know and another to ACTUALLY know. Everyone is insecure at some point in their life over SOMETHING in/about their life. I, much like Jenny ain’t afraid to say I don’t feel good about myself because of X and I also ain’t afraid to say I too hope I can be a total DILF when im older. Haha.
I think without a doubt this is my favorite thing you’ve written! I completely agree and relate to it all. It’s not about begging for attention…it’s about getting to a point in your life where you own who you are and how you feel- and you’re ok with. A work in progress for me but I’m getting there! Bravo for always speaking your truth regardless of how others may react. And Happy 42nd!
Love ya!
@ 47 the milf attention is pretty exciting – I have to admit :)! keep rocking it! happy birthday!!!!
So this is not exactly related to this post, but Jennifer, I thought you might be interested…
A brief history… I loved Whatever with Alexis and Jennifer and listened as mush as possible. I was familiar with Alexis, but not you before the show. Honestly, I was a huge Alexis fan. I, myself, am very sarcastic and a self-chosen loner, and I identified with her a lot. When the show ended, I thought that I would be a loyal Alexis fan and not really follow you or any new show you might have, that I couldn’t possibly be interested in you without Alexis. Well….I WAS WRONG, I find you extremely refreshing, honest and I love your new show. I am also so impressed with how gracefully you handled the break-up of your friendship with Alexis. I though for sure you would trash Alexis once you had your own forum to do so, but you haven’t, which is very admirable. You also have deal with quite a few brutal haters on the web, and Jenny, I don’t know how you handle it so well. People are horrible.
So that’s it. I just wanted you to know that I find you really entertaining and I’m glad that you are still on the radio and also online.
Keep on keepin’ on,
Ask my wife – I never watched Whatever for the Stewarts.
As a celebrity, you’ve always had a crowd of men/women who are attracted to you. But we can’t just walk up and say, “Hey, I’d like to f you.”
It’s not exactly proper, nor decent.
You’re a MILF. You have been to a lot of people. Heck, I’d be your drooling love toy if you wanted, and my wife knows it. But again, if I were to come up in public and tell you this, you’d probably get creeped out, and I’d be in jail…
What a bizarre post. It’s obvious why Alexis left you. You need help. I’m saving this and distributing it to my psychology class. What a mess. So you lost weight so you can aspire to be a porn star with a bag on your head? OMG — and who forced you to strike the ‘Give me more Daddy’ pose?
cool. Had dr. Drew on my show today- he totally “got” my point of this point. Bummer you don’t!
Take care…
These people are relentless…wow
Can’t imagine what an aggressive and opinionated instructor you must be! Do you teach bullying, too?
You know you’ve lost the argument when you pull out the K-Mart Bully Card. Careful before you max it out.
LOL! You totally don’t get the point of the post, do you? “I’m going to distribute this to my class…” You do that dear. Try to keep the green-eyed monster at bay. No one wears it well.
uh, you ARE a milf!
I think what you’re missing is that pretty much ALL women from puberty on (you included) have to contend with UNWANTED attention from males. Even if they do want attention from particular males, to have it from all males is a nuisance.
You said that when you felt you looked great, you were uncomfortable flaunting yo fine ass. I suspect you were reacting to the fact that unless you downplayed it, your superficial appearance would become the thing that primarily if not entirely defined you, at least in your interactions with men.
I think most women by default get enough male sexual attention (if you recall, many men said they thought you were hot even when you were insecure about your weight). So any “discomfort” in flaunting their sexuality by being overtly filthy sexy milfs at all times comes from the knowledge that to do so would be trading a modicum of respect gained in one kind of interaction with men based on personality, intelligence, etc. – for another kind of interaction based on men only thinking about banging them during any encounter.
It doesn’t seem to be a great trade-off, since ultimately any woman of nearly any level of attractiveness can go to a bar or grocery store and pick up a pretty hot guy who will gladly bang her. Male attention is built into biology so there’s really no premium on it or accomplishment in attaining it, which is why many women don’t like to derive a large part of their identity from it, or attempt to maximize their potential for drawing it from strangers or other individual men whose sexual attention they haven’t already decided they’d like to have.
THIS. especially the last paragraph.
Hey Jenny
Happy Birthday! Who wouldn’t want to be hot? Good for you for posting it. I think some people have a problem admitting they want to look good. Looking good is all about feeling fantastic. I think when you reach that point you become healthier in all aspects of your life. Your personal life is better, your social life and your work life too. I guess some people just aren’t at that point yet–so of course they want to put down what you say!
I’m 26 and I think you’re hott Jenny. I’ve jerked it to the pictures of you in those sexy leggings and giant boots.
Post more.
I’m no college aged frat boy or anything, but for what it’s worth when it comes to Ms you are one I’d L to F for sure! Happy Birthday!
Nothing narcissistic about wanting to remain healthy and sexy as you get older. In a culture where youth is so obsessed upon many women are considered to be old and washed up by 30, women in their 40s need to refuse to be made invisible. And to celebrate who we are.
Reject the shame that we’re supposed to feel to want to be beautiful at any age. It’s other people’s issue anyway. There’s nothing wrong with loving who you are.
So rock on, Jenny, doll. Own it! And happy birthday.
Hi Jenny…
First I’d like to know where is Ann? Here is a wonderful blog for her to comment on. LOL
I am happy to read what you said about wanting male attention. I think it’s great.
I was a cute girl back in the day. I had a great time in high school and college and just for this comment thread lets say I was a pretty and popular girl. I never thought much about it. It was just the way it was. I married young and had kids early and still got attention from men.
I always kept myself in shape wore some makeup dressed in style and kept my hair gray free.
One day when my daughter reached her late teens and started to shine I noticed how men/boys always looked at her. She got upgrades and tables in restaurants. Heads turned. I was proud of her. ( she’s smart too) It was then that I realized that I was getting older and I was not getting the attention any more. Don’t take this as envy. It’s not. It’s when I realized that I had passed the torch.
Now I am 58 and I have to tell you I miss the attention. I didn’t appreciate it while I had it. I took it for granted. I don’t see men look at me anymore. They seem to look passed me. sniff sniff.
So Jenny, Happy Birthday. Embrace your good looks. Hang on to them for as long as you can. Be the Milf you want to be. The sexy one, the girl who likes to dance and have fun. Go kicking and screaming into “old age” (Even though It is a long way off)
I see many women my age through out this country who have given up. They just don’t care. They let themselves go.
Be proud of how you got yourself in shape and spend hours on the treadmill and love to be pretty
Good for you!!!! And one more thing. I’m sure your mom would be so proud of you.
You know what they say,you aren’t getting older, you’re getting better.
I hope you had great Birthday
you totally get what i am saying!!! and i will gladly pass the torch when it is time. i KNOW how pretty YOU are since ive seen your picture. but alas it is true that the young are the focus- especially as time goes on! so while it lasts, at 42, i want to hope for it and enjoy it. never did before. i did have a lovely birthday. on to the next thing! xo.
First of all, you are gorgeous and I would love to be as hot as you, period. Secondly I totally get what you’re saying – it’s nice when other men check you out. It doesn’t mean you’re going to sleep with them, obviously. And what’s wrong with a little validation in the sexy department anyway? NOTHING. You’ve earned the right to feel good about yourself – don’t let people who clearly have a stick wedged far up their arse, get you down. You are fab, period.
Just curious, what does your husband think of this? Do u mind if he flirts and pays compliments to other women. With man that’s the way we know we still “have it”. Most guys don’t get lewd comments from women (bc your species is more mature) so its tough to know what to do to gain the confidence u do by being called a MILF
my husband thinks i am funny. he doesn’t really flirt with other women… in front of me! haha. he’s lovely to our friends and i would hope makes women he works with feel appreciated. he doesnt worry about my behaving badly because there is no worry! im lucky he gets a kick out of my ridiculousness. ps: he’s HOT so i would guess some women look at him anyway and he feels good about it.
Have you checked his hard drive? I’d be willing to bet he flirts online(considering how crazy you’re becoming).
listen are you going to be mary w. or coco? the unkind posts are totally ok but please pick one identity. i appreciate it.
Holly shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a MILF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish you live here in north Cali !!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday sexy lady. Love the tips. Continue being you.
Ok, it got passed around today. I am not a teacher. Just a student. On Friday’s we get to analyze any article for class discussion. I wont depress with details but the final comment was that you were not exactly MILF material, but rather a MILFO: Mom I’d Like to Fart On.
Sorry. That was what was said by the guys. Most of the girls said it was too long, didn’t read. Oh well. So I guess being a MILFO is not that much lower that a MILF. That is super news!
Heavy photoshopping, diffusion lighting and flattering camera angles can’t disguise the fact that you’re just putting lipstick on a pig here.
In addition, you sound like desparate white trash. Next you’ll posing nude for some over 40 porn mag…very sad…. pathetic…like Demi Moore level pathetic…
This post is your all time LOWPOINT!!! You were a better person in your old skin. You sound so lost and insecure…
mary w. or coco (because you used the same email address/ip address for both posters) i may be unappealing to you…and yes, camera angle was deliberate to mimic how people take these kinds of pictures… it was a tongue in cheek yet honest post…
call me a pig. call me pathetic. all ok. im figuring out who i am like most people do at different times in their lives. i do not plan to pose nude ever… but hey! you never know… thanks for being interested.
You’re such a hardcore milf i would bone you everyday youre beautiful you’re in my dreams lol
Jenny- MILF status achieved!! I’m 47, but any age, you’re a MILF!!