stop judging me!!! there is nothing wrong with cake for breakfast!!! (gluten free huh? NOT!!!)
the awesome, amazing, and outstanding people at sweet surrender bakery in bakersfield california know i love love love love their cake (as does giada delaurentiis- who refers to their matterhorn cake as the best thing she’s ever eaten!). and also know that it is not all that often i allow myself to fully enjoy it.
they sent me an oreo cake (received this am!) and into my mouth it went.
so pretty!
and out of the box!
and about to be destroyed.
this is THE BEST cake i have EVER eaten. NO JOKE.
ps: if you couldn’t watch yesterday’s video on your ipad… here it is. you’ll be able to watch it now on any device!
omg, so not fair!! although we did buy 2 packages of the new birthday oreos this morning (what, they were on sale!), and since then I have seen them all over the internet! I believe I have to crack open a pack!
cake for breakfast is the best!!!!!
Looking forward to my birthday cake at the beginning of April and eating it for breakfast the following morning. One of my favorite things to do. That and pie for breakfast the day after Thanksgiving!!! With ice cream!!!
What is so wrong with eating the cake for breakfast? Most of the foods we eat for breakfast have just as many calories—(well maybe). Hey, we sometimes start our meals backwards and start dinner with desert…it just gets the sugar craving out of the way….AND it’s fun for the kids!
Why feel guilty? **by the way I love the look of that mascara, I’m going to give it a try!
Jenny, You look awful. Gaunt and washed out. You need to eat a lot of Oreo’s or get some restalyne!!!
I hope you haven’t been making yourself throw up?
You do love putting things in your mouth!
Diet ending 3-2-1….BINGE!!!
oh goodness. that comment can be taken in so many ways!!!
It was intended to be taken in many ways! You’re ORALLY FIXATED!!
Cake looks awesome but doesn’t eating it put you right back into the sugar addiction? You ,use have really felt the sugar high after weeks of gluten/dairy and sugar free. I’m sugar a sugar addict that I cannot control myself to have a small binge that I need to abstain completely.
yes! i have felt like i need to kick sugar again. so i am going to do a blueprint 3 days of juicing starting tomorrow. that’s my plan! whole foods carries them now. so why not!?!
This cake looks so amazing! But I just found out it’s $90 for shipping! Yikes 🙁
But thanks for sharing the pics with us! I’m glad you let yourself enjoy it! 🙂
I thought I would never eat them since they were a limited time edition back in march and I never known about them then. Well last night I was the lucky girl when I went to cvs and finally got my hands on one 🙂 they are sooo freakin good! I get an orgasm smelling the box when I first open it. It taste like a birthday cake and I can’t stop eating them