On my show today I mentioned that Radio Sean Ryan is probably leaving to work on another show.
Although this is disappointing because I adore Radio Sean Ryan, I understand the situation.
He has mentioned on air that he is not financially solvent working my gig (frankly, neither am I!)
And he ought to keep striving for more.
He does have a lady friend for the past 8-10 years and one would hope he’ll be financially secure enough to make an honest woman out of her! (I’m kidding!)
Anyway, after I mentioned this on the air, I received some feedback from some listeners.
Here is one email and one comment:
From Terri:
Listened to your show today, only to find out that this is at least the second time you’ve been disrespected (first time being the people who would not clear out of the studio to give you enough time to get ready to do your show)—— Today, to find out that Radio Sean is not going to be with you any longer, with NO NOTICE HARDLY AT ALL? Ridiculous.
Thank you for your lovely words. I appreciate the good cheer and the understanding that I move forward through all of the changes. I am viewing this as yet another opportunity. I don’t feel disrespected, rather I feel inconvenienced! But isn’t everyone inconvenienced some of the time?
From Rose:
Sorry to hear Shawn is leaving the show but were you REALLY SURPRISED? I mean, you went on a rant about how you wouldn’t have involved him in the show if you knew, but you hardly let him talk! It won’t make a difference who your assistant is, we’ll hardly ever hear him/her over you if you keep this format.
I’ve heard him on the other show and Shawn is great. Patrick lets him talk and is very polite,… if/when he interrupts, he apologizes and gives the person a chance to speak. For Shawn, moving to the other show is the obvious better choice regardless of compensation.
I like your show but am finding it more and more difficult to listen. I support you and wish you will take this as learning point.
Please take this opportunity to make improvements and progress. Take it as constructive criticism, pull the camera back on YOURSELF. Don’t blame the “higher ups” as you put it… they did this for a reason, figure it out and fix it. If you’re overlooked then make sure you are the spotlight by IMPROVING your show, keeping and getting more listeners.
I will figure this out. Of course. Today was the day I heard Sean’s leaving was a probability. Hadn’t known before. Now I will deal with it.
In terms of Radio Sean Ryan’s role on the show (and I’m certain he’d attest to the same)- He was hired to run the board, assist in show prep and be on air when we deemed it appropriate. I’ve loved his contributions.
I’ve never had an “assistant” and I’m pretty sure Sirius Xm won’t be hiring one for me. But yes, I will be afforded another board op who I hope will involve himself with show content and me as well!
I wish Radio Sean Ryan only a prosperous and long term career in whatever field he wants! And I believe he wants the same for me.
Thank you for your feedback!
You and Paulie had a great energy together. Got to hear some of your show yesterday…Tony day. I think you are going to do very well. I don’t know how they measure listenership, but you always have people on hold to talk with you.
I would say to Sirius that you need a two hour a day show. Think the stuff you are writing on HuffPo is good! Keep turning it out and people will notice.
I LOVE your honesty in showing your neuroses, that you are a normal human being who has feelings and thoughts all over the map, too often we as women are given the idea we should hide that part of ourselves. GOOD FOR YOU JENNY HUTT!!!
How can anyone hate you? Rose is completely wrong. I do agree that you need to have two hours for your show.
Since it’s impossible to please everybody, work on pleasing yourself. Just be yourself, Jenny. If you’re going to make an effort at something, try to fully enjoy being who God made you to be. People enjoy you doing you. THAT is why you have a radio show and most other people don’t!
I love this..bc you’re telling me to do what I love which means you can tell that I love doing my show! Excellent advice. Focus on the good. Yay. Thank you!
I just wish I could listen everyday – I have a portable sirius and the power cord broke – need to get a new one – I only listen to two shows – you and radio classics when you are not on – ;o}
Hey Jenny,
I caught most of the show today, but I missed the part about Sean. What I wanted to comment on is how interesting today’s show was. It was like the old days. I miss those days. I know a lot of people have told you this already, but I can’t handle the weight talk all of the time. Weight Wednesday is fine. One day a week I can handle, but since you’ve changed formats, it’s just been about that too much. When you discuss current issues, you come off as a confident, intelligent woman with a point of view people want to hear. When you wallow in your struggles, it’s hard to listen. I’m not trying to say you can’t ever say something sucks. However, if my daughter was old enough to listen, I would have to use your self-confidence issues as a life lesson for her. Please bring back more of Jenny from Whatever.
i agree. i LOVE talking about real things. and the minutia. i will stick with weight wednesday because it does seem to make all of us happy… but will also keep adding more current issues. Re my struggles…they are REAL! and i am a normal woman- CONFIDENT and SMART and also neurotic and kookie. Show me a woman who’s not all mixed up!
awww I will miss sean! He was so funny and I enjoyed his voice and humor. You two had a funny relationship and I enjoyed hearing it.
As I said on FB. If I was in radio, if I wanted to work for anyone, it would be you.
I love that you really listen to your fans, your callers. You really try to help them.
I love that NO topic is off limits. That you talk things out and not just an opinion like “well thats stupid.” You form a TRUE and well thoughtout opinion on matters. I love that you are open to changing your mind, and seeing other sides of opinions. No matter who comes in, I am sure you will find someone that fits.
I enjoy your humor, your thoughts and your laugh. I think sometimes you forget how many of us are here, REALLY listening and REALLY in support of you. I am glad you can take what someone posted and make it constructive.
I was never a fan of Clay Aiken. I thought he was just lame and I didn’t care for his voice. I heard him on your show and he was SO different, and SO down to earth. It changed my opinion about him. So once again, I just want to thank YOU for not just making me laugh and think, but opening my mind to other ideas.
PS. I also like that you talk about your struggles. Because its not JUST women. Its also me. From worry to sleep schedule issues. Its nice to hear people are not alone in their weird thoughts and issues. I think men feel similar things, just not many of them are not as open to discuss it as often as women are.
Hey Jenny, U remember me? That guy who call screened for you for free? I can do the talking my man Sean did as long as someone teaches me the board more so than i already know. Sean teached me a decent amount but I’d be willing to learn and BS with you during the show.
Just a thought
I never heard you on Martha Stewart’s station (strictly a Howard girl myself) so I don’t know what your format was like before but I absolutely LOVE the show you do now. You have great, non-judgmental, opinions and you really seem to care about the listeners. I emailed you a question I had and you mentioned it on the radio the next day. Now that Rosie is not on, it would be great if you could do two hours a day – one is never enough. I also enjoy you on WWW. Keep up the good work!!!
Jenny, I am a longtime listener of whatever, mostly because of the time that it was on, but then because you guys were the best thing on Sirius aside from NPR (nerd alert). I don’t get to hear you as much now, but I think your show now is you as you are, and I appreciate that very much. Having women being honest about life, kids, weight, career, etc is not popular and we need it. I admit, when Sean was appearing on Patrick, I was confused, especially when Leah disappeared. But, I think for your show and where you want to go, it is frustrating but a push in the right direction. Get someone who loves being part of Team Jenny and can add value to your show to benefit the success of the whole show so that team does well. Take care!
Hey Jenny
I like the show, however I find that in pretty much every interview somehow you turn the focus on yourself. It is kind of getting old. I guess it is just your way and I have to get used to it if I want to listen to you. I have to say, I am on the fence. You seem to cut people off if you don’t agree with their opinion and you talk over them and seem to laugh at their opinions. You might as well tell them to f off! I guess you are just discovering yourself…I’m not sure. However, I thought you learned a lot from the Tony Robbins seminar you went to?
It will be interesting to see who they hire in Sean’s place. I hope it is Deirdra from the old Rosie show—she is great!
deirdre isn’t going to be working on my show BUT we talk all the time! i know deirdre over 20 years… crazy huh? i am opinionated. and yes, i did learn from tony robbins…i am always learning!
Really? Thats too bad…I think she’s fantastic (Deirdre) and under valued…You can tell her that the next time you talk to her!
We’re all evolving everyday….I’m sure whoever you get to fill Sean’s shoes will be great! Like you said before, you have to look at the positive of the situation. I try to do the same everyday….try….that is! Maybe if you just be yourself you will do fantastic…don’t ask people if they like you…of course you will always get people who don’t and really who cares…You are doing fine without everyone’s opinions…including my own…
I’ve been enjoying hearing Radio SR on Cosmo at night on my way home from work. He’s been a great addition to that show as well. Too bad he can’t work both and earn enough to live on. 🙁
I agree Radio Sean Ryan is being utilized really well on the cocktails show. Congrats RSR.
Jenny, would you consider getting a co-host? You work really well with another equal, e.g. Alexis, versus a “subordinate”, e.g., Paulie, RSR.
how could you even ask that! i love you soooo much! your the best person ever! i havnt been listening to the show cause i didnt have internet for a while, but i have it back now (thank god cause i got tired of looking at the wall lol) so i will listen again yay! me and willard (my bunny) LOVE spending sunday nights with you 🙂