It is painful to see the visual of how horrible I must have been feeling to let myself get to THAT place. I have no real recollection of how I got so out of control.
I have plenty of lovely pictures from growing up: some thin, some chubby, some cute…enough.
But the super fat pics from past 10 years… ugh. I am mortified by them. #truth
This is why I get on my scale every day.
Seeing the number on my scale will prevent me from “not realizing” I’m getting fat/I have gotten fat.
Taking selfies also helps me stay aware.
Some tips on how to take a great selfie can be found at Pat’s papers!
Ricki Lake had me on as a guest on her show- talking about my weight loss, treadmill use and SoulCycle!
I’m grateful to have such a lovely well wishing girls’ girl friend! Ricki Lake is all good!
Watch and enjoy the fat pictures.
If you want to buy the surf shelf I mentioned:
go to Surfshelf and you can get $5 off by entering code jenny5 in the “Gift Certificate’” field on the 3rd page of your shopping cart at surfshelf and then hit APPLY CODE next to the field. The coupon will then appear as a (-$5.00) line item in the shopping cart with the text “$5 off from Jenny Hutt” –
I tweeted about a yummy chia pudding recipe from my cardiologist dr. yaghoobzadeh – here it is!
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup so delicious almond milk plus protein (he used coconut milk)
half a tsp vanilla extract
1-2 tbs agave syrup (depending how sweet you want it)
mix all in a container and put in the refrigerator for 3 hrs (I covered the container)
Really healthy and REALLY delicious!
P. S. Next week I am cohosting Dr. Drew’s show on HLN all week. I can’t wait!
And one more picture: prom 1988
Love ur prom pic 🙂
Can’t believe how much your daughter looks like you!
She has a lot of my expression, affect and voice but looks more like my husband. But I know what you’re saying/seeing. She’s a great kid. Poo poo poo!
She is you in that “cute enough picture.” Need your,support today – gained 5 lbs and hate myself!! Just a few slip ups and boom them weight goes up so fast!
You have my support!!! My scale was awful today too. Pms ! Yuck! Going to keep food diary online this week I think.
Went to soul cycle this am.
Go workout! And breathe. 5lbs will go away within 3 weeks or less if you eat cleanly. You will do it! We will eat clean together.
Thanks. You are the best and I wish you continued success!
you wondered why no one was commenting on your prom pic? maybe because there are no words. LOL.
( nah… Circa 1988 you were stylin’ )
Hahaha!!! Well said!
Did you actually find the dress? Where is the hand painted capelet?
Capelet is pictured. Still can’t find the dress should empty my moms attic!! And basement!!!! Ahhh
you are beautiful regardless..
Jenny, what a great Prom pic!! I have a HUGE favor and question to ask. I listened this morning and you were talking about a chia smoothie. Coffee, chia protien powder, half a banana and what else did I miss? I was in the car and didn’t get a chance to write it down but it sounded so yummy and I want to try to start drinking my breakfast in the morning.
posting recipe now.
Huge Thank YOU!!!!! Was just driving in from dropping my son off at school and heard this. Ran in and signed on. I am such a dork!
I am hysterical with that prom dress, obviously our mother’s thought this style was chic! I had one very similar for a sweet sixteen and by then I had lost weight as you know… But it didn’t matter, bubble pink taffeta with a huge bow down the back. Silver sparkly stocking’s and silver shoes. Are you getting the visual? LOL I forgot big permed hair. To this day I ask my mom what was she thinking, and both our mom’s were HOT. But I have a great memory of your mom, after I lost weight (13yrs old) Bunny, Roberta and my mom were having lunch in snack bar and I went to say hi. As I walked through the door, your mom jumped up screaming, she was so excited for me; and it was genuine. Most people would say I look great and then say let’s see how long she keeps it off. I never forgot that, 28 years later. BTW-You look fabulous, and you know she is so proud of you!
My mother was proud of you dana!!!! Totally. We all were. You’re a beautiful girl. Thanks for remembering my mom like that and telling me – I love hearing stories about her- she was truly excited for you – that’s exactly right! My best to your family. Xo!
Hey Jenny, I never heard of you before seeing you on Dr. Drew (love that dude) & the Jodi Arias trial & I have to say ,I think you are absolutely gorgeous – Where have you been all my life! Lol! WOW !! I think you are absolutely stunning w/ a personality to match! – I’m going to have to switch over from listening to Howard Stern to you now! You ROCK Jenn!!
Jenny, listen to you on XM SIRIUS Love your humor, wisdom and encouragement. I was always extremely thin and at 5′ 7″ less than 90 lbs when graduating from High School. Love your Prom dress, wore same style to my Senior Prom in 1986 except it was gray and pink, oh the 80’s. Still under 100 lbs after Graduate School. Married and eventually went to 110. Than a TRAUMATIC EVENT Panic Attacks & Paxil suffering from Anxiety since Birth Lazio was great not weighing 250 lbs. Lost it. After having a Morphine Pump installed and born without half a Thyroid now at 200 with 50 surgeries on back & joints combined. It’s daunting to say the least. I’m miserable & ashamed. Restricted to pool exercise. Type 1 Diabetic any suggestions. Thank you. Trish
Hi ,Jenny looks like you are gaining fans from,D Drew,not that you didn’t have plenty before! Just a question for Trisha? I went on Paxil ,about 15years ago,and immediately gained 45ibs! And I know there are plenty of other pills that can cause weight gain! It is extremely hard to come off of ,but if I could do it you can! don’t hate or be ashamed of yourself! Do 5min a day of walking and build yourself up,one day at a time! Oh,by the way I lost the weight when I got of Paxil life is short, look at it as an adventure,one day at a time!instill struggle to keep my weight in check!just thought I would let you know that,but it’s Jenny s ,website,she is the expert ,so I am sure you will hear from her soon!
I recently went off Paxil, replaced with Ciprical, which is in the same family, so you taper off Paxil while you start Ciprical. My mood increased greatly.
Sorry that was Paxil not Lazio was great. Autocorrect is the antithesis of what a correction tool should be. Lol
Get off the drugs, especially the Paxil, no matter what. Try to taper off one drug at a time. You will have to go slowly. Add small amounts of exercise – walk 5 minutes, 6 minutes, etc and slowly work up – to regain your health. It is the ONLY way back. Adopt a VEGAN diet/lifestyle. You won’t need meds. It is the only way.
TRUTH! (I’ve been thru med school. I know the facts).
I think you look like a beautiful mermaid!! Thought you’d like to know…its a good thing!!
OMG, I graduated in 1989 and my dress was almost identical as yours. Only shorter sleeves and white and aqua instead of pink.