I hate Jodi Arias. AND I am Jodi Arias.
No I’m not really Jodi Arias. I’m not a calculating cold blooded murderer. I’m not actually a stalker (facebook stalking is NOT stalking!). I’m not, typically, a liar- oh puhlease like you’ve NEVER told a lie?!
I have pretended to like sports more than I like them for a guy. I have been a little bit nicer to friends of a guy I was into. I am a non drinker who has gotten a bit drunk to make a guy think I was “fun”.
I never converted to another religion for a guy… but faith and ideology can sometimes be fleeting when the big “I like him A LOT” feeling emerges.
What Jodi Arias did to Travis Alexander is unfathomable. And really…unforgivable.
I find myself repeatedly bewildered that someone could commit such a heinous crime and THEN behave the way she has in its aftermath.
I have NEVER, NOT EVER thought about killing someone. It is just not how I am wired. I am very jelly belly when it comes to physically hurting another.
However psychological warfare?!
I do recognize the intense emotional response to a guy who says “No!” or “No more!” or “I’m done!” or “We’re breaking up!”
I do recognize the intense emotional response to rejection.
I remember in my teens thinking about the crush who didnt like me back- how I wanted to devastate him emotionally somehow. That all of my smarts and efforts would go toward that endeavor.
Did I succeed? Nah. Something always stopped me short of being ruthless. But the feelings I had were unbelievably strong and powerful.
I wouldn’t ultimately hurt the guy who hurt me, rather I would turn the pain inward and blame myself for whatever had gone wrong. I wasn’t hot enough. I wasn’t fun enough. My tush wasn’t small enough. I wasn’t good enough.
My way of dealing with a guy breaking up with me was, sometimes, to put out even more than I had planned:
“Oh, you don’t want me anymore, then we will have sex! We will have really dirty crazy raunchy EXTRA naughty sex! You will like it! You will want it. You will want it again! ” (And he did. I’m not proud.)
And no, I would never damage his property, or his world.
But I might fantasize about it.
I recognize the DESIRE to stalk. I recognize the compulsion to try to make him change his mind.
And I would say with a boatload of confidence that MANY women recognize these things too.
I believe most women have a little Jodi Arias in them- and this may be, in part, why we are so fascinated with her crime.
I know one friend who called me 30 times, maybe 40, after a guy she liked blew her off. They had sex a couple of times. It was not a serious relationship, but her mental turmoil resulting was SERIOUS! She could not stop thinking about him. He pushed every button (pun intended) and just when she finally let go- he re- engaged her. My friend did not stalk this guy nor did she contemplate physically harming him- but her insides were all mixed up over him. It was intense.
One friend faked a pregnancy – for a LONG time- to keep a guy.
I have another friend who would wait each night for her guy to call her, after he’d been out with whomever, and they’d have late night bootie calls (this is in the 90s when it wasn’t called a bootie call). Anyway, she ended up marrying him.
Show me a girl who likes boys, a woman who likes men and I will show you someone who has felt like Jodi Arias.
We just don’t usually kill the guy when it ends. We feel horrible. The emotional pain can linger- for years sometimes- but ultimately, the healthy girls,
we detach. We recognize it is enough and we move forward.
What was your “Jodi Arias” moment?
Man, I had such a messed up “Jodi Arias” sort of relationship (on again, off again) that I had to start a whole blog about it. I was so obsessed with every aspect of the relationship that I had to physically document it so I could look back over it and analyze it for hours on end. It was a hot mess. I think the worst thing that I ever did with said relationship was slap him and then avoided him for months. He ended up pulling me back in. The only way I escaped that relationship is he got deployed and I got married (not to him).
I agree with you fully that, even though we wouldn’t actually off someone, we are fascinated with the thought of actually committing the act. I believe that’s why the show Snapped is so popular!
I have been dumped by the best of them over my dating lifetime and not once have I thought of killing them. Well that’s a lie. But I didn’t! The only thing I noticed was that I didn’t want to see these old boyfriends anymore. As an example, after I broke up with a boyfriend while living in Cincinnati, I think I saw him once or twice and then heard that he had passed away. (He had Chrone’s Disease and then I guess he was diagnosed with liver cancer and died within a week.
But I would not want to see them because it would hurt too much!
My thought was more along the lines of, “living well is the best revenge” so I sought out to get myself together, looking great, and try and meet a hot guy to take my mind off the break up. If I drove him crazy with jealousy, um, ok, not a bad perk!! Lol. I’ve never thought about hurting someone though. Or destroying personal property. That’s where she loses me. And If, God forbid, I ever “snapped” I would NOT lie about it. I’d turn myself in and plead insanity. Because I’d have to be insane to do something like that!
Confession: Years ago in my crazy early 20’s (I was a nut) , I was on a rooftop with binoculars staring through the apartment of a soon to be ex. I hated him, I really did. Yet, I couldn’t stay off that damn rooftop! I saw nothing wrong with it until a cop drove by very slowly with search lights. I realized then, that someone summoned him about me. ME!!! A nice respectable Catholic girl from a good family had turned into a the crazy chick running through bushes and scaling apartment complexes. I was like spiderman. A woman has heighted senses and can do ANYTHING when it comes to catching her man doing something wrong. What was he doing?! Eating a frickin hot pocket watching TV. That bastard! He was a cheater, just not that night. I was a Jody Arias that night. My point it, we hate them, we really do. I never wanted to kill him, just maybe maim him. I thought out how he would be maimed. My mom asked once what I was smiling at all alone at the kitchen table ( I told you, I was a nut). It was probably a mental maiming of my ex. He was a liar, and cheat, and all that fun crappy stuff women go through. But nothing he did warranted death. He didn’t do anything illegal.
I would sit at work, and listen on Sirius day after day to CNN. While everyone else was listening to tunes, I am listening to a murder trial. That’s how I roll. I couldn’t NOT listen. I would be pissed off when the phone rang and I had to answer it. Work!? Shit! Thank God Sirius has a pause button, and you can pick up right where you left off. That made me happy : )
I’ve come to the conclusion that Jody is missing that chip that says just go home, be pissed off and cry that you’ve been dumped. She crossed that bridge and went “there”. All women are nutcases when dumped. She’s beyond that. She took it to that scary place where whatever Travis did pales in comparison. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. It was so brutal and full of venom. That woman is a snake. I was going to write more, but I have get back to work before my boss realized I’m not working – Ha
You are freaking HILARIOUS !!!
Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
Thanks Tara!! : )
What was the reason he broke up with her?
Oooooooo this made my night reading your comment! I bet you’re a hoot to hang out with, so funny:)
From the ages of 23 to 29, I was out of head, federal case nuts, want to die if I can’t have him in SOMETHING (I would have sworn it was “love” then but I’m older and wiser now) with a guy I met in college. This guy was good looking in the way that I like, was smarter than I, and treated me horribly—perfect! We were very physically attracted to each other—in one of his rare compliments to me he said he could not see me without wanting to touch me—but he DID NOT want a long term relationship with me—or anyone. I had NEVER felt that way about ANYONE before—and I called him (a LOT) drove by his house, humilated myself and yes, showed up announced at his house. He gave me just enough “yesses’ (sp.?) to keep me hanging on, but looking back, I was doing more than a little (I cringe) crazy behavior. I would NEVER have physically HURT him in a MILLION YEARS. I know exactly what you’re talking about. We finally had a horrible fight via phone in which he called me the c word and it finally clicked. I realized how stupid the whole thing was and what a waste of time. It was exactly as if a switch had been flipped. I went on a blind date with my future husband a month later and we’ve been very happily married for sixteen years this month. I TOTALLY identify with what you’re saying; I’ve been fascinated by the Arias trial for all the reasons you’ve listed: I see myself in her up to the point where I absolutley don’t and she becomes alien.
Wow! Keep writing! I don’t identify with your extremes, but you paint such a vivid pictures, I can sit in your shoes! Again, keep writing!…just let me know the title! Glad I checked out Jenny! I agree with everything! Instead of anger I cried and said, “What’s wrong with me?”
Coming from a man’s point of view…
I had an interest in someone who was of help to me when I fell ill. She seemed like she cared and did help me up until I had minor surgery, at which time she claimed I was too needy and “stalkerish” (her word) after she came into a restaurant where I was already dining.
Within days, I felt it was best to end the relationship with her. Upon doing so, I found out she was contacting friends of mine telling them I was dangerous and should be feared. I have not communicated with her since I returned items she let me borrow. I actually was fearful of this woman.
However, I did some research on her after the fact, and found out she had lied to me concerning her divorce, custody and other legal matters. Without going into detail, I feel very lucky to be away from that situation… I am not saying I would fall victim as Travis did, but I truly felt she was very “off”
I had some of these experiences with a few women that I had a true interest in,but having any desire to harass or contemplate hurting her never crossed my mind.Did I feel down in the dumps and question myself etc.I certainly did.I’m single and a few months ago had a dream that was so incredible in every way.It was about a woman that I met and the dream .Well while I was sleeping that when I woke up I actually was bummed out for the entire day.
My first husband had a 21 y/o girlfriend. In the midst of the divorce, I found out about her. I was 29, 108 lbs – I thought I was old and fat.
On one occasion, I was dropping our children off at his (MY OLD) house for the weekend and I wore a BIKINI to do this. It is so embarrassing now to think I would sink so low. It doesn’t sound batshit Jodi crazy, and yet it totally does.
The difference between you, I and dare I say most women is that a.) Were NOT MALIGNANT NARCISSISTS b.) We understand that the thought may be appropriate the action NEVER is and c.) The rest of us wouldn’t be able to sleep at night…you can be sure she’s not the least bit sleep deprived.
True !!!
That is where I am different. Maybe I like to quietly suffer and blame myself for a failed relaionship, but never thought of placing my pain on someone else. After some maturing and experience, I found that the pain lessens everyday and life goes on. Sometimes I have the satisfaction that the person I once loved now thinks “damn, I made a mistake”. LOL, truly it does hurt a bit, but life goes on and not in a prison cell.
Wow, you sound like me! I keep asking myself through this trial: Wow, I never knew being abused was a defense for anything–especially mental! I just knew anyone bruising was assaulting, and you had to see that coming and get out before you got bruised! Now that was illegal! Now they ram this down our throats like there really is a basis for killing him!
In May of 1977 — on Mother’s Day — my husband of 9 yrs sat down at the dinner table and started to cry??? I was tending to my 4 yr old and my 5 week old daughter — yes 5 weeks old….when he blurted out that he was in love and he was leaving!
If I didn’t become a murderess on that day — I never will!
I am, like Jodi, a “borderline”. I’ve never thought of killing or even hurting an ex or boyfriend I was fearful of losing. I did the opposite; I’d change anything about myself that I thought would keep me from losing *him*. After September 11, 2011 (I was 20yo); I became afraid I was going to die. My boyfriend had just left me, mainly because of religious differences (& my lack thereof). I got baptised Sept. 16, 2011 after a “9-11 revival” mostly to get my boyfriend back.
I stupidly left another guy (stable, fiancé) in 2010 when I was manic. I moved a state away and (intentionally) got pregnant. I left the father while I was still pregnant and moved back to my home-town. I’d call my ex-fiancé, beg for him back, email him song lyrics (Taylor Swift – “Back to December”), and ONCE at 7.5m pregnant, I showed up to his house, pounded on his door, crying hysterically, to see him at 3am. He refused to answer then and I haven’t seen him since the day I left him in April 2010.
Since I was 17, I’ve been engaged 7 times. I have borderline personality disorder (like psycho Jodi) & legitimate PTSD (unlike Jodi) and I am terrified of being abandoned or alone. However, instead of hurting others (or even thinking about it), I leave before I can get hurt. I’ve done a few ‘crazy’ things, but UNLIKE Jodi, I’m not a sociopath and I do care about others!
As much of a whirlwind as my life has been – and sometimes still is – I now have a very understanding boyfriend of almost 2 years, who I’ve been completely faithful to and a beautiful and brilliant 21m old daughter.
Thankfully, my ‘Arias monents’ never went overboard and I now have two precious people in my life that I have the opportunity to see, love, and hold everyday. <3
WOW !!! Thank You for sharing that !!!
I think that our society has this branding effect about Mental Health, that the second someone seeks help they are branded as the person with mental issues. I think because of this a lot of people refrain from ever getting help, they don’t want to carry that label with them the rest of their life. I think you are very strong for being able to tell your story. Its important people see that its normal to have crazy thoughts from time to time, it doesn’t mean you’re actually a “crazy” person. Some people feel that because they have crazy thoughts, they must be a crazy person, so they give into those thoughts and turn them into actions. People need to realize if they feel like they have to act out those thoughts, it time to get help before they hurt someone or themselves.
You have a big thing Jodi lacked and that’s self-awareness. Stay strong and focused on the future you want, so when you do have destructive thoughts you’ll recognize them before you can act on them. 🙂
Wow! That is wonderful! Hug and hold yourself a lot also! We need that!
Thanks for sharing your story. Good for you for being so strong and working hard to improve your life. That’s something most borderlines never get to, taking responsibility for themselves and learning to manage their feelings.
I understand we are human and we say things that come from the heart. In no way do I think nor feel what Jodi did was right. I listen to allot of TRAVIS friends and one reporter asked can you forgive JODI and she said yes. Why? Forgiveness is not for the one that has forsaken you. By having hate what does it do for you every time you think of what that person did it filters poison in your system your spiritual space . The same poison that she gave someone has to be the bigger person. To be for TRAVIS is to be for what he stood for LOVE. I admire TRAVIS for turning his childhood mess into a blessing. His personal life style is between him and GOD. One thing is this although you might not have done what Jodi did all persons has done something should they be forgiven. If you hurt someone in your life would you want to be forgiven. Stop drinking the poison.
Well Said !!!
Shari – You are so correct! I get an awful feeling when I express so much negative about her! She can’t hear me! Then I say just convict her and shut her up! Then I’ll deal with my judging! I looked at the family and said: They are the ones who need to forgive. For THEIR OWN sakes! I really believe they will, when they can settle down. I also heard that guy (friend of Travis) say that and said, “He’s got it!” Thanks for reminding me so gently!
You are adorable, and incredibly honest! Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have been rejected and done the crazy dance….for a while. Luckily, a few hang ups and drive bys was the extent of it for me. The thoughts, well that’s other issue. Rejection is universally brutal! Looking back – with my older, more mature brain – I realize I wasn’t even in love with the person I thought I could’nt live without. It was merely my ego unable to accept him thinking he could live without me. That ego is a powerful thing! Jodi Arais ironically unites the once rejected and allows us take a collective sigh of relief and say “Whew…at least I didn’t do that!” It’s not hard to feel pretty damn good about yourself when you look at Jodi Arais. It’s hard to look away. It’s impossible to accept someone could be this evil and vile. We want to know why!?? So we watch and wait for answers only to become victims of her venomous soul. Please God, help me look away (soon).
First let me say, I absolutely adore you on Dr. Drew! Your insight and commentary are no BS, candid, and genuine. You rock and so does your hair!
Anyway, I can’t honestly say I “hate” Jodi Arias. I’m physically disgusted by her yes, but in order to “hate” I must have had to at least like someone at some point in time. I’ve never liked her, felt sympathy for her, or empathized with her disingenuous attempts to defend and/or justify her deplorable actions.
I definitely can’t deny that from a psychological perspective, her case both irks and fascinates the hell out of me. I’m fascinated by the habitual lies, brazen arrogance, attention whoring, and narcissism. Yet, I’m irked because no matter how much I contemplate it, my mind can not fathom a logical explanation for how someone can meticulously plot and carry out the violent demise of someone else. To share the most intimate of moments with a person, then slaughter them like an animal shortly afterward, and then proceed to go about your business, remorselessly as if nothing at all happened; completely blows the mind.
As far as a “Jodi Arias moment” goes, my mother always told me never to put in writing what you don’t want the whole world to know, so I’ll only share the following lol! Even though I’m in a healthy and happy relationship with the man of my dreams; I admittedly creep on social media profiles of boyfriends past and giggle my ass off while I pick apart their physical flaws and those of their wives or significant others…and yes, even their children (if applicable)!
Jenny I love watching you on Dr Drew! You are so genuine and honest! I support you in your comment last night about giving Jodi the death penalty. I do believe there should be justice for Travis and there will be. I despise Jodi… I can’t hate her but I hate what she did. I hope you don’t get hate mail due to your honest opinion. I am myself torn if she should get death or life…. I’m glad the decision is not mine to make!
You are awesome!
So, agent is reading this right? Hope they are booking you for auditions for other networks, too. F&F (Fox & Friends) is also hiring right now for weekends. You should apply at other networks and not box yourself in from opportunities in the city. Show your best tapes and also include printouts from website showing fan feedback. Aim high, see what happens.
Ha. I’m always aiming high jan. thanks for vote of confidence! Kind of having a rough day!
Just trying to give you constructive feedback. So many times that is all we want to hear, but no one seems be on the same page.
There are so many opportunities for ambitious people like you. I mentioned FOX because they like for their female hires to have some sort of law background. Either you are an ex-beauty queen or an ex-lawyer, or both. Meghan Kelly is an attorney and has the number one news show in daytime. As soon as Roger Ailes sees your positivity, attitude, center-left politics, law degree, and TV experience he will see what a perfect fit you are. I urge you to at least try out. They actually need weekend fill-in hosts or on-call talent, sort of like what you are doing now on Drew.
And I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Thank you!
Omg I’m so glad you wrote this because I was actually thinking I was borderline personality. I was in a 10 year relationship that was so much like an addiction. Every time I thought I’d had enough, he would just pull me back in. He would push me to the bottom just to lift me back up. It was such an emotional roller coaster. And like a previous person wrote, it took him moving out of our hometown to san diego and ultimately me moving to the other side of Texas, just in case. Still working on the healing after all this time.
Will the real Jodi Arias please stand up!?! So I go hooked on this trail from the first time I heard about Jodi and Travis’s relationship. For the exact reason Jenny stated every girl has a “Little Jodi Arias” in her, but most of us don’t let the fog roll in and go all black widow on them. I think the thing that made me so obsessed with this trial everyday is that I was desperate to hear just one piece of evidence that made her snap. WHY?? Because I was in a relationship that involved every aspect of what Jodi “says” she went through. I went through it for 14 yrs. SO a little background, I was 13 overweight but has a “pretty face” girl, he was the popular captain of every team. I fell in love at first sight but knew I had to play it cool. So friends to turn friends w/ benefits by the time we were in high school. He hid our relationship from everyone, even though everyone knew and always questioned us about. I never thought we would be more then anything then that but I didn’t care I did anything and everything for him. It might sound crazy but my endless devotion paid off. Even though he went to collage 500 miles away & we stayed together off and on. I lived there for a while & we did he long distance thing…Fast forward to the age 26 & after all the on again off again turmoil I went through I got what I had dreamed of for 13 yrs. We moved in together, his friends who would talk trash to for being w/ me in HS, now adored me, we had Sunday dinners w/ his mom. I thought all the pain and heartbreak was worth it to now have all my wishes come true. In 13 yrs he had never called me a single name, never cussed at me and never even raised his voice to me. Until the first day he hit, I thought it was a fluke it would never happen again. Until it did again and again and I was now a victim of domestic violence. I was always that person saying “why dont these women just leave”. I now had the answer. How could I leave the something I spent 13 yrs working to obtain. I wanted to tell my story because I did leave after going through that for 6 months & I did it with out stabbing him 27 times or slitting his throat. All the things Jodi went through I experienced too. The phone sex, the kinky sex, all of it and more for a much longer time. If I went through all of that and never snapped I figured Jodi had to have something happen that could explain what caused her to do this. Yet here we are at the end of the trial and not only does she have no explanation, but she has no remorse. Jodi not only took Travis’s life she, took his soul. As someone who has lived the life she has claimed to have lived, it infuriates me that she thinks she can get away with saying whatever she thinks will make her look better.
Why do you look like you’re going to a Mad Men event tonight…….inappropriate to say the least. Please, are you that desperate to get on TV attention?
living well is the best revenge. and why would I hurt someone I use to like? if I even think about it then it’s me I should question not the other person. We are all responsible for our own feelings and no one should make us feel bad about ourselves unless we give them that power. So if someone rejects you then work to better yourself, that’s the best revenge.
My Philosophy: If somebody doesn’t want you, walk away, hold your head up and start over. Get In, Get Out, Get on with your Life.
Cry a river, Build a Bridge, Get over it
I am a happy 41 year old mother of one fabulous 9 year old with a satisfying career and a great husband, but before I got to this point I had so many Jodi-style relationships it scares me. It’s really only in the past 5 or 6 years that I’ve outgrown this desire to be the goddess to some guy who had no intention of seeing me as anything but an exciting plaything. One was in my early 20s and was my boss (devastatingly, Jude Law-handsome), with a kind of boring, plain girlfriend-then-wife, who played cat and mouse with me for at least 5 or 6 years. I thought about him every waking moment and finally broke away by moving many miles from him. The next two were concurrent, an intense, high-achieving Washington DC somebody, and a Mormon guy who lied to me about being single during our turbocharged sexual shenanigans, then revealed he was in love with me in the same conversation that he revealed his wife and 4 kids back in Idaho and basically blamed me for being irresistible and expected me to be happy for him that he had seen the light and was going back to a life of virtue. I was Jodi-beautiful, too…not really exceptional but slim tall striking and pretty with that unmistakable glow of late-20s/early 30s youth and sexual allure.
So, I kind of understand Jodi, up to a point. She had terrible self esteem, settled for someone safe in a low-wage, pedestrian life (that would be Darryl Brewer of course), then her introduction to Prepaid Legal gave her a glimpse into another world (albeit a fraudulent, bloated vision of what that pyramid-scheme nonsense could offer), a world of Vegas conferences and no-one worrying about how to make a house payment. A few years ago I had quite a few friends get sucked into Prepaid Legal so I see that side of her too, how she really would have believed it was a short cut to a professional-level lifestyle for smart and articulate highschool dropouts who would otherwise have to spend several years and money they didn’t have going back to school, or be stuck in minimum wage jobs forever.
My stubborn streak of realism prevented me from becoming Jodi, and eventually put me on the path to adulthood. I realized that a good man needs a good, woman who can offer as much as he can, that being hot and crazy in bed wasn’t enough. My DC guy and Mormon guy were both way above me in status and income, and they were happy to fuck me but would not have wanted to introduce me to the ‘rents.
My husband has a similar past of checkered relationships and while it hasn’t been totally smooth sailing, we are now both soaring in our careers, making money, working hard and honestly together and it is great. But I still feel for the Jodis because it’s only age and painful experience that gave me the insights I have and it was pure luck that I met a man who was ready to grow up at the same time I was.
Of course where Jodi loses me is the murderous rage, I never felt anything like that, but the obsession and mistaking physical intimacy for real love? Well…
Jenny, you are such a neat person! I think you are so cute/pretty! I think it’s funny I get warm and fuzzies for so many of Dr. Drew’s “friends”! They are all genuine and good people! He knows how to pick ’em!
When you said you were feeling empathetic for Jodi (or her family?) and sad for the whole process, the hair stood on my back! I have gone through that stage 2 1/2 times! I thought, “Oh, no!” I get so mad at myself for getting sucked in that I cry! (I’ve always been known to empathize with underdogs! I thought, “Don’t let her get to you, Jenny!” But I won’t get that way anymore, and I really trust the jurors, the State of Arizona, Juan, and the decision! Oh, no, I just peeked over and she’s telling someone she’s never shot a gun, and “No jury will convict me!”
Stay just the way you are!
I’m sure everyone has been following the madness that is jodi arias. So how surprising is this jury announcement?
Hi Jenny, people should look in her eyes and see the EVIL that has consumed this woman! What is wrong with this jury ??
Maybe the law needs to change in respect that juries should see what we see – the real and VICIOUS jodi arias !
Love Dr Drew’s show and you are so smart and funny 🙂
I totally agree, she has no soul. Hopefully the new jury will see the interviews she did.
Yes. I’ve had a Jodi Arias moment, even being a male. I’ve driven by a girls house, and I’ve also caused a couple Jodi Arias moments with girls. (I’m not proud to admit that….really) But I had another one today, for the first time in a long time!
I sent you a harmless, flirty email and you said thank you, but that you have been married for 16 years and love your husband very much. So, being the natural smart-ass I am, I sent you a picture and asked if you had any sisters, thinking you would get a chuckle over it. But no sooner than I sent it, I thought, “Oh no! This chick is going to think I am some kind of a stalker and regret responding to me at all!”
Why did I think that? I think it’s because of psychopaths like Jodi Arias who has made the rest of the world a little more paranoid for the rest of us!
Jenny, I think we are about the same age and can agree that the world is a much different place than the one we grew up in. And that is a little sad…. BTW, “Why are you unpopular with the Chicago Police Dept.” is a quote from the movie, “Midnight Run.” (great movie) 😉
Lets define ‘Jodi Arias moment’ a little more clearly – JAM like the moment I became a psychopathic murderess and opted to brutally kill a defenseless person? Happily, have never had one of those. JAM like I did something mildly stalkerish that in hindsight didn’t do me any good anyway? Puh-leeze, I have like 30 of those – don’t we all? But you grow up and learn that NOTHING – no petty ‘revenge’, no parting cutting remark – feels better than walking away with your head held high and your pride intact. Then again, I’m not an egomaniac utterly devoid of remorse, so go figure. Total side note – she SO remembers what happened, I believe her ‘universal vague general kinda amnesia specific to only while committing felonies’ about as much as I believe that creepy little-girl hairstyle and please-don’t-find-me-f*ckable glasses weren’t completely contrived.
Here’s something you can run by Dr. Drew. Was Jodi really jealous of the other women who Travis may become interested in or marry? Or was she jealous of Travis’ popularity. You see how she craves the media attention. The reason she couldn’t let him go was not his ability to work the booty. She would never find someone else with the same far reaching magnetism and social allure which she thought she’d get as his partner.
Hmm… My Jodi Arias’ momment… after marriage…. My husband is totally different. I married not that kind of person. One day I cant’t stand him and another day everything is OK. He bring me flowers, etc. Very often I want to shot the door and run away, but I stay… I stay just for our baby. His not a good husband but his a good father… I’m young, pretty and well educated woman and sometime I want to start one more time but I’m not alone… I love my son…
Jodi is not a monster!
We know that she loved TA dearly, but we do not know whether she really murdered him or whether a struggle went out of control. Maybe even Jodi does not know this exactly.
After she realized what she had done she was trying to cover up, driven by fear and shame. There are very few persons who would not have done the same.
Jodi should get a second chance for a life in freedom, of course with all due caution.