I am starting high school tomorrow!
No, I’m not.
My son is.
And I am emotional and anxious.
I remember my ninth grade year as clear as day. I remember the
Benetton logo striped shirt I wore THREE too many times. I remember my
horrible perm. I remember walking through the hallways, seeing the
older boys I had a crush on- the ones who didn’t like me back.
I remember feeling uncertain where I fell socially.
Big shocker: I didn’t feel super cool.
I don’t think I was super cool.
Wait. Am I now super cool?!
(No need to answer!)
I think because my starting high school FEELS like yesterday, I am
feeling extra attached to my son and projecting. Just a bit.
My anxiety has to be his anxiety.
Of course I know what he is thinking and feeling!
I am his mother.
Here’s the thing, I am his mother.
I am not my son. He is not me.
My jitters, my worry about what tomorrow may bring is mine.
It is not his.
Right. Get a grip.
Jacob is this incredible kid.
No, really, I swear. He is.
He’s adorable to look at, sweet and so decent a human.
He’s crazy bright- way more diligent and disciplined in his studies than I was.
He is self aware and comfortable in his own not yet through puberty skin.
He’s that kid- the one who hands in his work FINISHED. and on time.
He’s that kid – the one who won’t compromise who he is to please anyone else.
I am still working on that part of me.
Tomorrow Jacob starts high school.
He will thrive- with the normal teenage boy bumps along the way I am sure.
He will sleep tonight, get up tomorrow and go to high school with his
head held high.
And I will be nervous.
But that has to be my problem.
I am his mother.
And he is not me.
My son started high school a few weeks ago. I was excited for him and anxious for me. 3 full weeks in, and it’s like he’s in the zone. Just relax, for him. He’ll be fine!
No need to worry! I’m going into grade ten now and grade nine was a breeze. It went by so fast and I had so much fun! I’m sure Jacob will too! Good luck Jacob and even more luck to you Jenny. And to answer your question.. I think you’re super cool 🙂
My son started college last week. Wait till that happens!!
Jenny…my daughter starts HS on Monday…this was a great piece..the line that resonates with me is that my daughter is NOT me..she is in many ways…and unfortunatly not always the “good” ways…but Bless her…where her Mom is a nervous mess about so many things ….she escaped that gene…and your piece reminds me of that for which I am greatful. 🙂
Jenny – I had one start HS and one start Middle School this year. I feel your pain and thanks for putting down some words of wisdom. I’m still doing my deep breathing!
This really resonated with me. My daughter just started high s hook today and I keep remembering my angst and how hard high school was at times. But also wonderful. And like your son, my daughter is more confident in who she is than I was. Thank you!
Hello, yeah, it’s been a while. Not much, how ’bout you?
I’m not sure why I wrote, I guess I really just wanted to talk to you. And I was thinking maybe later on we could get together for a while. It’s been such a long time. And I really do miss your calorie counting!
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hey jenny love you on dr. drew. my name is lisa Golan. im from Brooklyn not Hollywood but I suffered from a deadly didease called alcoholism for 23years. iam now 3 years sober. after battling the demon of booze for 5 years. MY BOOK SPLIT ENDS BEYOND THE HAIR. IS MY RAW BUT TRUE JOURNEY BACK TO SOBER SHOES. THEY ARE RED AND RUBY AND FAB O AND I CAN WALK A STRAIGHT LINE IN THEM HAHA. I WOULD LOVE TO SEND YOU A BOOKSTUB VIAMAIL. HOW CANI DO SO. I WOULD BEHONORRED TO HEAR YOUR FEED BACK. THANKS LISA GOLAN