Mommy, Today, on what would’ve been you’re 74th birthday, I will spend most of the day doing what you liked to do. I will kiss my kids, eat cake and wear diamonds. I will reorganize everything around me and spend time in my bed.
The longer the time without you, the more gratitude I have for the time I spent with you.
I look in the mirror and you’re there. I talk to people and it’s your voice that comes out of my mouth.
I see you. I hear you.
Oh how I miss you.
Happy Birthday Mommy.
I love you.
Love and hugs to you, Jen. This is such a beautiful and love-filled post. Happy birthday Mrs. Koppelman!! I can hear you too. XOXO April
Hello Jenny I love your radio program. I just googled you to see the lady behind the voice. How beautiful you are inside and out. This letter to your mother instantly brought emotions to me, I do not have my mother anymore either. It is such a loss. She sounded just like my mother in the things she loved. My birthday is January 27 also. Bless you Jenny you have a huge impact on your audience.
Beautiful. My mom is my best friend. This is a perfect tribute to your mom, Jenny.
Smashing show and just had to tell you the Bunny Eyez glasses are gorgeous.
Both you and your sister should be very proud of yourselves as I know your mummy would be.
Both Nick and I love listening to all the stories and enjoy your ‘side kick’
MM (Carol Hillman)