October 18, 2012
Jenny begins the show talking a little about the recent presidental
debate and how people are attackING Candy Crowly (the moderator for
the debate) on her weight. This annoys Jenny because she does not
understand why people are so mean and cruel.
Peter Walsh, organizing guru calls in to talk to Jenny about
declutting life. The only thing Jenny is good at organizing is her
clothes, so she needed a bit of help. Peter took callers questions on
how they can manage the clutter in their lives and stay organized. He
will be in Los Angelos at O-You this weekend! If you are in the area,
check him out there. You can also find more information on Peter and
what he does at peterwalshdesign.com and follow him on Twitter
@peterwalsh !
Jenny also speaks with Tom Parker Bowles about his book Let’s Eat:
Recipes From My Kitchen Notebook. He could not leave without talking
about the royal family, but of course! You can keep up with Tom by
following him on Twitter @tomparkerbowles
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