Just Jenny Recap
Wednesday, June 13th, 2012
It’s Weight loss Wednesday!
. Jenny starts off the show talking about fast food. Listeners call in and talk about whether or not they eat fast food, eat it all if they get it, and if they let their kids eat it.
. Jenny shares ways to lose 5 pounds in a week such as drinking water, doing cardio for 30 or more minutes a day, staying away from white bread and pastas and sleeping 30 minutes longer than usual.
. She talks about exercising; listeners call in and share how they choose to exercise such as hiking and weight training.
. Jenny shares 3 different types of yoga and explains how yoga is supposed to burn calories. Listeners call in and share their experience with Yoga. A yoga instructor calls in and shares that yoga changed her life.
. She shares Adele’s thoughts on her weight. Adele had been quoted saying that caring about what you look like is petty. Jenny discusses her own opinions and shares that she does care about what she looks like and disagrees that it is petty to do so.
. There are two book giveaways during the show, one is “Red Light, Green Light, Eat Right”, by Joanna Dolgoff, MD and the other is a signed copy of “The Skinny Rules” by Bob Harper.
Jenny talks about the 73 year old body builder and is amazed by her!
Check her out below!
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