Just Jenny Recap (Weight Wednesday):
Kerry Washington was in the studio
Jenny and Kerry talked about Washington’s show “Scandal”
Talked about infidelity in marriage, specifically about women characters in the show.
“Shero” what Kerry thinks about her character (She-Hero)
Washington has worked with Chris Rock/ Wayne Brothers, loves comedy.
“Scandal” comes out June 12th (DVD) (Giveaway)
Audition for Scandal was a tough project-
Kerry stands up for her beliefs with characters and what she will and will not do on screen.
How do you handle nerves about the parts you want? Kerry- “Everything happens for a reason, you have to have that mindset.”
Jenny asked about personal life- Washington doesn’t talk about it.
Sex scenes get awkward on set… cameras are so close.
Kerry talked about how she keeps off her weight to stay healthy… loves Pilates, but she changes workouts based on what’s going on in her life.
Washington talked about food she is allergic to- seafood, nuts. Stays away from gluten.
Tim Quinn @timquinnbeauty – Celebrity Makeup artist from Giorgio Armani
Tim took questions from listeners, and gave advice
Clarasonic Brush was recommended.
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