Just Jenny Show Recap
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
-Jenny starts off the show talking about keeping a food log/ diary and how studies show that it does help if you do it honestly
-Jenny suggests little bursts of activity throughout the day and everyone in the studio does a one minute workout!
-Listeners call in and share their results from keeping a food diary and share which ones they use / have worked for them,
-Jenny talks about hidden calories when counting calories. She uses the example of having half and half in your coffee and how that adds calories to the count.
-Jenny gives away 2 Hungry Girl books to listeners!
-Dr. Felicia Stoler is in studio today!!
She is a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, and expert consultant in nutrition and healthful living
She is promoting her book, Living Skinny in Fat Genes, the healthy way to lose weight and feel great
-Felicia brought gluten free snacks to the studio today!
Lots of listeners call in and ask Dr. Stoler weight questions, such as how to splurge on some foods without guilt, how to work out so your skin isn’t flabby, counting calories, cheating on diets, cortisol levels, exercise and more!
-She stresses that coffee drinks and movie theater popcorn, bagels and alcohol are some of the not so good foods of choice.
-Dr.Stoler suggests resistance exercise to build up muscle, this helps increase your metabolism by increasing your muscle mass, don’t just exercise endurance!
Jenny gives away Dr. Felicia Stolers’ book to caller number 50!
Go to her websites, https://www.feliciastoler.com/ and https://www.
Follow Felicia on Twitter @feliciastoler https://twitter.com/
or go to her Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/
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