Just Jenny Recap 7/ 27/2012
It’s Frisky Friday!!
Jenny starts off Frisky Friday talking about pregnant sex and how gross she thinks it is even though she did it when she was pregnant.
She discusses and article that claims that a blow job will help with morning sickness. Jenny stresses that swallowing is not a big deal. She thinks the article is nothing but hoo ha.
She talks about how some women get really horny during pregnancy, some don’t. Jenny felt gross during pregnancy.
She asks listeners their thoughts on pregnant sex. Most of the listeners that call in share how horny they were during pregnancy. Someone tweeted Jenny and said
“what about anal sex during pregnancy?”
Jenny has no interest in putting things in her butthole.
She talks about an article about a study that says that sexy movies are making teens have sex quicker. Jennys reaction? Tell your kids, “No glove no love”
Kristen Chase is our guest on the show today!!!!!!!
! Kristen is best-known as the author of the blog Motherhood Uncensored, which gained popularity as one of the few internet voices speaking frankly and humorously about the challenges of motherhood. She’s appeared on numerous top blogger lists, including the Babble Top 50 (2009 and 2010) and the Parents Magazine top 10 Power Moms online and her essays have appeared in several anthologies, including Sleep is for the Weak, Kirtsy Takes a Bow, and the political anthology Mothers of Intention.
Follow Kristen Chase on Tiwtter @thatkristen
They talk about feeling hot as a mother before and after
They both agree that it’s never too late to be a sexy slut!
Jenny asks Kristen what triggered her to write her book, The Mominatrix’s Guide to Sex: A No-Surrender Advice Book for Naughty Moms
She was writing about how she wanted more sex and lots of people responded
She launched a sex column for parents, mamanatrix, which is meant to get moms and dads to have sex again
Jenny and Kristen talk about getting a wax and how it makes them feel sexy and how its good alone time.
They encourage listeners to do something outside of the box to feel hot. Start by making yourself feel hotter.
Listeners call in and share if they feel hot or not and/or tricks they use to feel hot by themselves/ with their husbands/after having a baby,
Another plus? Sex burns 30 calories without even moving!
Caller number 69, Lisa from Indiana won our weekly Ellora’s Cave giveaway basket. She also stayed on the line and chatted with Jenny about when she was pregnant and how her husband loved her pregnancy curves and made her feel extra sexy.
Kristen and Jenny talk about sex toys and listeners call in to comment.
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